The nonna finished her prayer and stood up. Though only one person passed out, the others took off their seat belts and got to the ground.
"Maggie, you were right. I should've listened to you." Clarissa was mortified, her blond hair frizzy and disheveled. Maggie saw one of the passengers thank the man wearing a trench coat. "Let's get outta here." Clarissa says, while Maggie looked at his face for three seconds then walked off.
"That man looks a lot like the magician I tried to tell you about."
"Who?" Clarissa hadn't heard her, she was too worried about what had just happened.
"I am talking about Magnus Maleficus, the magician that used to be popular back in 1st grade." Maggie told her.
"Oh yeah, the magician that you used to yammer on about. You used to be obsessed with magic, until he was accused of fraud and his show got cancelled." Clarissa replied.
Maggie remembered how she would use Clarissa as her lovely assistant to pretend that she was magician. Her vanishing trick was a dud, just like her card trick and coin trick. Her goal to become a magician was nothing more than a pipe dream.
The girls went to one of the toy stands where you have to knock down the all of the pins to win a prize. As lame as it was, Maggie went for it. She asked Clarissa to participate, but she declined. Maggie paid $2 to play, and to their surprise she won a big stuffed toy. This sparked Clarissa's competitive streak, so she tried to do the same thing, only this time she lost $2.
"This game is rigged anyway!" Clarissa huffed and walked out. Clarissa's losing streak was starting to get the best of her after she played toss the ring, whack-a-mole and fishbowl. Maggie had won two or three prizes. Then she wanted to test her strength with the high striker.
"Hold these for me." Maggie requested while the blonde held the toys. At this point Clarissa could care less. Maggie paid $3 to give it a try, she struck the hammer down the lever and the puck rose high enough to reach 600, but it wasn't high enough to reach the bell.
"Are you kidding me?!" Clarissa was apalled. Maggie heard Clarissa's complaint. "Out of all the carnival games you won, you couldn't hit the lever hard enough to win!" Some of them were waiting in line looked at her as if she was the crazy one.
"Is okay, it's just a game." Maggie tried to calm her down but Clarissa didn't want to hear it.
"Take your toys! Let me show you how it's done." Clarissa paid $3 and snatched the hammer and hit the lever hard enough for the puck to ring the bell with the lights flashing the word WINNER!! She won a large plush toy.
"You won!" Maggie congratulated her. "Big whoop! A ten-year-old could do it." That comment bruised the ego of a lot of grown men, some of them had a muscular body.
"At least your streak of bad luck ended."
"It better be or my name isn't Clarissa Della Rocca." Maggie checked the hour on her phone and saw that it was past ten.
"¡Dio mio! ¡Mia nonna mi ucciderà! I'll see you at school." Maggie put her phone and her prizes in her handbag before running to her nonna's house.
"¡Ciao, Maggie!" Clarissa hollered before texting her brother to pick her up.
By the time Maggie returned to her nonna's house, she was absolutely livid to the point that she yanked her granddaughter's ear while muttering in her native tongue how worried she was, and how ungrateful the young girl was behaving. "Ma nonna..." she was interrupted by a slap to the face. "¡Ma niente! Ti avevo detto di tornare prima delle 10 e mi hai disobbedito. ¡Sei radicata, signorina!" She got grounded and got on the bed to cry.
Clarissa was on the front row with her brother driving her home. "Mom is worried sick about you," Her brother says, "After she saw the video that went viral an hour ago. She made me come get you."
"What are you talking about?" Clarissa received a notification on her phone and saw the video. How the ride propelled them into the air and how they landed. "No. No. Nononononono. Dad can't find out about this, he's gonna kill me." She said just as she received a call from their father.
"You need to answer that." He adviced her. "No way, man! Is bad enough that I'm gonna get grounded. I'm not in the mood to put up with this!" Clarissa turned off her phone.
"Your loss..." He turned left to drive to the neighborhood. After they got out of the garage and walked to the living room. Their parents were waiting for them. Clarissa saw her mother walk up to give her a hug while her father was glaring at them before Clarissa embraced her mother. She knows that this is just a façade for her to let her guard down. "Sei radicata, ragazza."
The nonna couldn't handle anymore of her shenanigans and she looked at a picture frame of her son and daughter-in-law. "Oh ragazzo mio, ¿cosa hai fatto?"
The man that rescued them started getting popular on the internet. The memes were terrible, one of the memes made fun of the passenger that passed out from the trauma. The comments that he read on the forum were quite brutal, one man commented with the hashtag #HeroesWithoutCapes. Another gave a positive comment about how he managed to save 30 people in a matter of seconds with a hashtag #HeroInATrenchCoat.
"Can you believe this!? We almost died and they're talking about the man in a trench coat." Clarissa talked to Maggie during their lunch break.
"At least their focused on him instead of us. I wouldn't want a reporter interrogating us about the incident." Maggie added before she kept taking notes.
"If a reporter came to me I would say exactly how it happened. You had a premonition and I ignored your warning. I manipulated you to join the ride with me. That way, none of the reporters would interview you, as simple as that." After she said that, some of their classmates asked her about the incident.
Talk about bad luck.
After class, they received messages and comments on social media. Most of them being comments of support, and there is at least a hypocrite posting a comment about how much they know or care about them.
The magician saw the video of him using one of his devices to help cushion the fall of the people that survived The Drop. He didn't even realize how quickly he obtained fame, even though he was wearing a trench coat. The video would help him come back to the spotlight, however, this would also cause a backlash if he used this as a publicity stunt for his show. If he executed this perfectly, his audience would come back to watch his performance like old times. Macarius called his manager, "Annunciatio, I have an idea..."
The radio station was hosted by Acrisio Reboletti, owner of the Reboluzione segment of 109 AM radio. He interviewed Macarius's manager, Gino Berretti.
"Welcome to the Reboluzione! I have Gino Berretti here to give his last announcement before retiring. Do you have anything to share with our listeners, Gino?" Acrisio announced.
"Grazie, Acrisio, for inviting me. I came here to give a shout out to an old friend of mine. After he faded from the spotlight years ago, he's making a comeback with a new act to attract a wider audience." Gino responded.
"And you know how difficult that is nowadays, without social media, you're basically nonexistant in today's world." Acrisio hinted.
"Which is exactly why he is bringing a fresh performance in a new platform. To reach a new generation that is tech savvy and has a keen eye for quality entertainment. Magnus Maleficus is going to make a live performance at Circo Massimo, this Friday night at 6 PM." Gino announced.
"You heard it here, folks! You can order your tickets online or at Centro Biglietteria." Acrisio announced.
"You can invite tutti la famiglia: sua nonna, suo nonno, la mamma, il papa, un amico, i bambini, i tuoi fratelli e sorelle. The more the merrier!" Gino Beretti.
"¡Eccellente!" Acrisio shouted.
"Perfetto." Macarius gave a smirk of satisfaction.
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