Chapter 3 Ivy
'Poison Ivy was running down the corridor at top speed, her vines scraping the ground below her as she ran toward the exit where Catwoman was waiting. Sprinting away from her poison plant-bomb, she was almost at the exit when-'
"Ivy put your comic down we're at school," Valkyrie orders. She grabs my comic and puts in my DC bookmark that has the Gotham Sirens on it, then snaps it shut and hands it back to me.
"Hey! I was almost done with that page, and remember what mom said about snatching people's books out of their hands!" I point out, winning the quarrel. Val is a Sophomore and just because she's a year older and named after a superhero, she thinks she's my guardian angel of everything, even though she's less mature than me at times.
"Whatever, look I have to get upstairs for class, just don't die before the end of the day." Valkyrie turns a swift left and sprints up the blue and white staircase. I roll my eyes. I wasn't going to die. Not 5 seconds before she turned around I hear a voice behind me. Curse you, God, always turning fate against me.
"Was that your guard-dog? Well, now I guess you're all alone. What should we do with her boys?" I turn around and it was none other than Korvyn Kola and his posse.
"What about putting her in a locker?" Jack Zugreby suggests. This was going to be a long first day. Without warning, I'm being hoisted off my feet and dragged towards the turquoise blue lockers. "Let go of me you insolent mortal!" I yell, clearly not loud enough to do anything besides be a nuisance to teachers inside their classrooms. Jack Z. quickly throws me in, and suddenly, I'm face-to-face with dark metal and a couple peeking slats that allow me not to suffocate. I quickly start to panic as I begin to feel claustrophobic. 'Okay, what would Poison Ivy do? Actually, she'd probably just cry, she's a ditz when it comes to anything but plants. Okay, what would a smart, calm, sensible person like myself do? Oh, who am I kidding, Val's close by'. I whip out my phone and text Valkyrie.
I: Some popular douche-bags did the thing
V: How many people already did the thing?!
I: Pffft. That's not important. I need help.
V: Where are you I'll come get you
I: Across from room B186
V: I see your eyes, hold on
"Thanks, Val. Now I have to get to class, and so should you!" And with that, I take off in the direction of my first class. I arrive and took a seat just a couple of seconds before the bell rang. I take those seconds to look around, nothing much to see. Then just as the bell rings, guess who all walks in? Korvyn Kola and his locker-shoving posse. How pleasant today was gonna be.
Hey guys! I know this story wasn't really related to Brooks story whatsoever, but I have plans for Ivy and everyone that involves this needing to happen, also it gives you some insight into Ivy and Valkyrie. Hop you enjoyed! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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