Chapter 18: Malissa
"Hey Malissa, can you order me a margarita the next time that Brazilian Babe comes around. I want an excuse to look at him again." Makenzie requested.
"Sure girl, have to admit, my husband may be a hottie but no man can measure up to that eye candy's abs." I gush and fan myself in gesture. "So how's your son? Isn't he like, captain of the football team now?" I ask, trying to make conversation.
"Lark? Oh yes, he's a great sport. Not very bright, but who needs smarts when you've got looks? I mean he's got a new girl every month, clearly he's got something going for him." Mac smiled and took a sip of her strawberry margarita. I reach for my phone to check it and it's burning up. I wince and put it under my back to keep it cool. "Oh I saw a hack on Pinterest for that, you should try it sometime. How's that daughter of yours? Britney was it?"
"Brooklyn. She's... Fine. Still hideous as always. This is the first year she's worn makeup, poor thing. She's got brains I suppose, but how are you gonna find a rich husband with those? 'Hey handsome, wanna learn quantum physics?'. She's so anti-social it's embarrassing."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean she should know that as a Grey, she has a reputation to uphold on our behalf. Beautiful, rich, the definition of pristine. And she is none of that. I mean the girl had nerds for friends. And I didn't threaten to take her phone, I threatened her library card. Her library card! I mean what Grey isn't practically attached to their phone at the hip." I rant. "She just isn't one of us. And her father agrees. She doesn't even have a thigh gap." I whispered the last bit.
"Sounds like she's just made for a different path." Mac huffed and waved over the hunk of Brazilian muscle man. "So why did you suggest a day off on our kids first day of school? Lark was pissed at me for a week before he even cooled down enough to say bye."
"Well first off, you can't go to Brazil without your best friend. Second, I didn't want to be around Brook on her first day. Highschool is difficult enough, I don't think she wants her mom around for her first day. Third, if I'm there she's less likely to bring a boy home." I smirk.
"Ohhh, smart!" Mac quips.
"But not too smart of you'll scare him off!" We recite at the same time. Been our motto since highschool. Hopefully my baby sees that someday, her smarts will only get her so far...
Sorry for the super short chapter, the next chapter has an important storyline detail that would get lost if I had a long chapter. Love y'all!
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