Chapter 15: Brooklyn
I awoke that morning with a pip in my step. I twirled around my room with music on high, Malorie taking a shower, still sang along to the music. I did my makeup and hair without a single mental breakdown today! I put on a white crop-top and a semi-short black skirt that came down to my mid-thigh, which I complemented with a pair of red felt mid/ankle boots. Today was great! Nothing could go wrong... well, something could always go wrong, but in the 1 hour, 17 minutes, and 56.2 seconds I had been awake, nothing had gone wrong, and I thought that was all I needed. We both finished our routines early that morning and everything was going great. We drove to school and danced to:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The school bell rang and before I knew it I was sitting in science in front of Reagan Wilson, grinning from ear to ear.
"Why are you so happy today?" He asked.
"Because you're alive, and I'm alive, and no I like has died today." I giggle. Mr. Slovan once again just gives us an awkward questionnaire sheet that Reagan and I both actually put some effort into today. I bring up some old jokes from our 5th grade past that made both of us die laughing. We ask each other the questions in silly voices and try our best to keep quiet and ignore the befuddled glances of our peers. We get to the last question and everything slows down.
"What do you want in the ideal partner?" I inquire.
"Well, when I was five, I went to a different school, and I also had some really awkward word mix-ups where I couldn't formulate words right. I usually kept it under wraps, but one time the teacher asked me a question in class, I felt so confident that I had the answer I forget about my issue. So the teacher asks, 'What is the name of a good insulator.' and my hand shoots up, and before I know it, I answer, quite loudly, 'WUBBA'. I meant to say Rubber. The entire class died laughing, except for one girl, who shushed everyone and every day at recess helped teach me how to put words together like normal. After a while we drifted apart, but I never stopped loving the girl who helped me when I needed it most, despite her being insecure about everything." Reagan answered slowly. I was almost crying, when I slowly put two and two together.
"That school... That day. I'm the girl who helped you out." I respond, I would've gotten mad at the last part, but honestly he wasn't wrong. I never wanted to make people upset or make someone feel bad. It was my worst quirk, alongside being a runny-nosed bookworm. I reached over the desk and hugged him. It took him a second to respond, but after a second, he put an arm around me too. The bell rang and I turned around to get up and leave, and as I left, I noticed Mr. Slovan absolutely melting behind his desk. Love this teacher. The other periods passed by in a blur. Lark and I decided we would go to the library on Saturday. A few popular girls wanted me to sit at their table in 4th period, I politely declined. Lunch came before I knew it and I met up with Reagan in the hall and he gave me his hoodie. He snaked his hand around my waist and pulled me close, and I wrapped my arm around his waist. He was warm, even in a hoodie, I could feel his warmth like a cozy Christmas jacket, and I never wanted to leave. I clicked on my heels into the lunch room alongside my 'boyfriend'. I saw a few phones come out and snap a picture, meanwhile we had just arrived at the table. He pulled out my chair and I sat down, he sat beside.
"Look in the hoodie pocket." Reagan prompted. I reached into the pocket and pull out a heart-shaped chocolate box. I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek just as his friends were starting to sit down. I started grabbing food from my lunch box and took out my metal water bottle, a sandwich, and a small bag of baby carrots. I started munching but before I could finish a bite I was stalled from my dear food with questions.
"So, how'd you two meet?" Urban asked. We both exchanged a startled glance, but I quickly formulated a plan.
"We were both going to the bathroom at the same time, and I almost tripped and busted my head open... But he caught me!" I added quickly, Reagan and I laughed it off, and gradually everyone else joined in.
"Sorry, it's just not like our little Potato Munchkin to be romantic." Urban said, ruffling Reagan's hair.
"Guys..." Reagan hinted at them to stop.
"Aww, Potato Munchkin? Please elaborate." I plead. Reagan rolls his eyes and puts his face in his hands.
"We used to always joke that he'd never get a girlfriend because he could never do anything bad." Marshall explained.
"I think the one time you cussed you stopped and texted your mom to say sorry." Jaden recalled. Reagan had given up and face planted on the table, now groaning.
"Really?" I said smiling. I put an arm over Reagan and half-hugged him. "I think that's terrific, because I know that nothing bad will happen that I don't approve of." I add. Reagan sat up and smiled, I smiled back and he gave me a hug. All his friends made gagging noises, and we all laughed.
"So, you know Reagan is an athlete right?" Marshall asked. "Most girls like an athlete, and that's usually what they're after when all is said and done. Very shallow girls most of them."
"I can imagine. But I don't particularly give a flying frick if someone's athletic or not. Just someone who can treat me right." I concluded.
"Oh... Even in bed?" Jaden asked, making a dirty joke. Reagan just looked at the floor while everyone else died laughing.
"Actually I classify as asexual on the LGBT+ scale." I clarified. Everything stopped.
"So you're a plant?" Tristan inquired, speaking up. Why does everyone think being Ace means your a plant?
"No I am not a plant." I verbally eye roll. " Being Ace, depending on where you fall on the scale, means that your sexual attraction varies in different instances. Such as Demisexual means you only have a sexual attraction after a bond has been formed. Pansexual means that you like anyone, even genderfluid people, but that doesn't mean necessarily that you're Bisexual." I explained. Their faces contort as if they understood, but didn't comprehend.
"So... What do you classify as?" Urban asked slowly, somewhat grasping the concept.
"Apothisexual. I'm just generally disgusted with the thought of eventually having sex. I suggest reading up about being Ace on Pinterest, they have many good points." I conclude. Reagan was grinning a sly grin at his friends as if to say 'Oh yes, she's smart too!'.
"Well shouldn't both you and your spouse decide if you're apothisexual?" Marshall asked. "What if he's not and you are?"
"This was supposed to be a private conversation for later." I whispered in Reagan's ear. "Look, while I do believe in a equal relationship, I will not compromise please me partner if I am not comfortable with it." I finished.
"I think we should go." Reagan prompted, pulling my hand. I didn't have time to argue before I was swept away, and just barely had time to grab my lunchbag.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Look, my friends are very uh... Hardcore manliness guys, meaning-"
"They don't approve of me being Ace..." I finished his sentence.
"Yeah..." Reagan muttered, clearly not happy with the situation.
"Well... Friends before fake girlfriends. I'll figure out some way to evade Paris, but you shouldn't give up your life-long friends for one fake girlfriend. Maybe if we were actually dating, but other than that, you deserve better." I sighed.
"Well now... If that's what you need." He began, leaving me in the dark. Suddenly he got down on one knee and asked me: "Brooklyn Fruitcake, will you be my real girlfriend?" Reagan asked, smiling a grin a mile wide.
"Yes, absolutely yes. But uh... How do I do that? I've never had a real boyfriend, only one fake one." I joked.
"You are just the greatest. Or should I say, you're aces." He joked back.
"But seriously how do you real relationship?" I inquired.
"Uh, want me to come over to your house after school?" Reagan suggested.
"Sounds good, but you should know that Malorie will be there too, her mom's working late this week and she's staying with me, and my mom probably won't be home for another few days so do t get any ideas while you're there mister." I informed him.
"Great, I need to meet your best friend first, then move up to the parents." Reagan prompted.
"Sure." I laughed off. Why was he so charming? I haven't even talked to him since fifth grade and I'm already falling harder than I ever imagined. In any case, I'm with him now, and whenever I see his face I get this warm fuzzy feeling all over, like nothing could go wrong when I was by his side. I pray to whoever was above that it stays that way. The bell rings and we go our separate ways-
"Oh wait one more thing?" Reagan says rushing back, "Do you and Malorie have some sort of secret hideout behind the school?" He gets up close and asks, most likely knowing that it's probably a secret for a reason.
"Maybe," I say with a hinting grin. His face lights up, telling me that he understands my message. "Meet me at our totally not real hideout after school and I'll drive you to my house." I whisper in his ear.
"You smell nice." Reagan whispers back.
"I'm just kidding, will do." He says, and finally we part our separate ways for real."
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