Chapter 11: Brooklyn
The rest of the day wore on pretty quick, new teachers introducing themselves as nicer versions of what they actually were, all the students not paying attention because they already knew this. I had a class with Jack and Randy which was plenty interesting. Not because of the things they said to me, but they had a pick-up line war against each other and some of them were actually pretty good. I was kinda glad that no one had talked to me for the rest of the day, it gave me time to process what had happened at lunch. How does one go about having a boyfriend? If this is a pretend relationship, am I free to still look at other guys? Should I still be having crushes on Lark and Dylan? There were so many unanswered questions that I didn't know how to respond to. Reagan seems like he knows what he's talking about though. The bell rang for the last period of the day, which I was super stoked for, even if my mom and dad didn't know. I don't like telling them what kind of stuff I like because they always try to force me to take it a step farther than what I had originally wanted, then have a way of making me feel bad for it. So I played off taking choir as, 'Oh, it's just a filler class.', when really this was probably going to be one of my favorite periods of the day. I walked into class which was just on the opposite side of the hallway, so naturally I was the first one there. I chose a desk that was closest to the side window so if something got boring I could look out and forget all my problems. I sat my backpack in my lap and pulled out my phone, occasionally glancing up at the door to see who had entered. So far no one had but me, maybe I got lucky with one of those small classes that only had like 5 people. Nope. I looked up again and I saw people pour in. Most of them I didn't know, but a couple I did. Reagan Wilson, Lark Hansen, Dylan Haribo, and lastly, Paris Isaacs. Reagan sat beside me to my right first, then Lark in the desk in front of me, and then innocent little Dylan, horizontal to me. Great, I was surrounded. I watched Paris take a seat on the opposite side of the room and avoid eye contact with me. Maybe Reagan and I had actually pulled this off. The teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Petunia.
"Okay class, my name is Mrs. Petunia, and for the whole week of class we'll be coming up to the front and singing a song that really means something to you. I'll give you 5 minutes to think of one, and then I'll start calling on you at random. I don't care if you can't sing or this is just a passover class for you, but I still expect you to try your very best. Good luck!" She said with a smile. I started scrolling through my phone looking for a song, I looked through my phone for almost 3 minutes before I found one I really liked. A few people went up that I didn't know. I stopped paying attention after one girl got up and sang You Don't Know You're Beautiful-One Direction. I wouldn't have payed attention, but then she called someone I knew.
"Lark Haren, please come up to the front." He froze for a minute before going up to the front. I watched him intently, this was either going to be shocking, or entertaining. He glanced back at me for split second prior to looking away. He started to play the song when I realized I heard this before.
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He started to sing, and I honestly expected it to be pretty bad. Usually jocks at this school can't sing, let alone do anything that involves the fine arts. But that now makes two jocks that sound like angels. He finished the song and the entire room started clapping, including me. Reagan went next, I recognized the song immediately.
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He looked at me from time to time on the romantic lines, with a smile... Does he really... no, he couldn't possibly truly like a potato like me, or could he? He's hot, and sweet, and well-mannered, and, and... a great person. I looked at him on the last line and smiled back, and that was probably one of the most loving smiles I've smiled in a while. Dylan went next,:
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5. He looked at me once, but that was it, and I wasn't the only one he looked at, so he probably isn't going to be the easiest option for a real boyfriend right now. But who needs one of those when I have a fake boyfriend that I can practice with? He finished pretty quick, up next was someone I didn't want to hear much of though. Paris. He sauntered up and started playing his song, ugh.
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I just kept rolling my eyes both mentally and physically. I looked around and realized that since we had a smaller class than most, we could probably get everyone done once a day, for the whole week. I looked around again and to my dismay, realized that I was the last to go. I slowly stood up, and as I was about to walk up I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turn around to see Reagan smiling.
"You got this Brook." He said. I nodded and turned back around with renewed confidence. I pulled up my song and it began to play.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
I sang the intro at an average pitch, but as the chorus came, I sang with power that I had never sung with before. I looked at Reagan and smiled. The song was soon over and everyone's jaws were dropped. I got a standing ovation from everyone in the room, including the teacher. I slowly walked back to my seat, head down, hiding a smile. When I sat down, Reagan started to congratulate me, I stopped him short by giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. When I pulled away his eyes were wide.
"I'm sorry, should I have not done that or-"
"No, it's fine, just wasn't expecting it." Reagan assured. The bell rang to signal that class was over. I stood up and Reagan followed behind me. When we walked into the hall, Reagan grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd into the room we had recently met in, apparently it was an old A/V classroom that hadn't been refurbished yet, so it was soundproof, but still accessible.
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you... how long do you plan to keep this whole thing up, because if it's long term, I'll probably need to teach you a few things." Reagan explained.
"I don't know, but if you wanna use me as chick-bait to other girls that's fine, just say the word." I responded.
"What? People do that? That's just rude, but yeah, if you don't have a boyfriend excuse already, or just need someone to come to with your problems, I'll be wherever you need me to be okay?"
"Okie dokie, also if people are going to believe that we're dating you'll probably need my number." I said. We exchanged numbers and then exited. The hallway was empty so there was no need to hold hands. I went out the back door and he kept on going to the front. When I went out the door I saw Malorie grinning at me from ear to ear. She then proceeded to squeal and fangirl about how lil' ole me got a popular guy as her boyfriend. We walked to our spot and took out the car, then drove back home. Malorie's mom was at Mal's aunt's house for the next four days so Malorie was staying at our house for those days and nights. Mal had already stashed her bags in my trunk. We pulled into my driveway and went inside. Never had I ever realized just how long it look to take off your full face of makeup until today...
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