March 1692
Salem, Massachusetts
The boy ran up the dirt path to his house, tears slipping down his cheeks and making small wet spots on his homespun clothes. In his hand he carried a large wooden hoop, and around his neck was a mud-splattered wooden cross on a leather string. He ran around the side of the house to the back, where a bearded man was chopping wood. When he saw the state of his son, he dropped the axe and quickly walked over to him. "What happened, Patton?"
Patton sniffled and rubbed his eyes with his grimy hands, leaving two streaks of dirt on his face. "T-the other children-Caleb and Abraham-said that you're a witch and-and that both of us are going to hell because we worship the devil instead of God! And then when I said 'tis a lie and God said that a false witness shall be punished, and a liar shall be caught, they threw the cross Mama gave me into the mud and said their fathers said 'tis true so it must be true!" With this confession, he burst into a fresh round of tears. His father sighed softly and embraced him gently, not having to kneel down since his son was 12 years old and a good height for his age.
"Patton, do you remember what your mother said to you about people who cause destruction?" The boy slowly nodded.
"She-she said that any person who maketh their brother's life tumultuous are a test sent from God, and that if we pass the tests we shall be able to go to heaven with a clean conscience." The man smiled softly at him.
"Good. Now remember that even though both of us are blessed enough to be able to do these spells, we shall never use them with ill intent and we shall never tell anyone. I doubt that people in this town would be as accepting as the ones in the future."
"What do you mean in the future, Father?"
"Well, last night I was blessed with another vision. In it I saw all kinds of people of all different colors and faith, they were marching together in a vast parade. Some may call it unholy, but the aura radiating off all of them was one of love and acceptance and determination. We were there as well. Now, I know not of how we got there, I just know that someday we will be besides them, marching and shouting." Patton's eyes grew wide with the thought.
"Father, t-that sounds amazing."
"I know it does. I'll tell you more about it over dinner. Now run along and do your chores, the sheep won't feed themselves."
"Alright!" The boy gave his father one last hug before running off.
Present Day
Boston, Massachusetts
Virgil's POV
I woke up suddenly, rather weirded out from the dream I just had. First of all, there were actual witches in Salem? Second of all, why the hell was my father there, or someone who had his name? I don't think the name Patton even existed in colonial America. I decided to go back to sleep and call Remy tomorrow-or later today, seeing as my clock read 2:30 a.m. Or maybe I should go to Dad's attic first, see what I could find. Nothing like an old family mystery that was probably a dream. I eventually decided on the latter and snuggled back under the covers, falling asleep within minutes.
Hello everyone! I'm glad that you decided to check out this story, I hope you enjoy it. Sorry for the short chapter, the rest of the chapters will usually be about twice as long. There will be some cursing in it, and maybe some violence, and definitely some angst. I'll try to update as much as I can.
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