Chapter 2
It was all purple, blue, silver crystals around her. She touched one then drew back with a gasp. It was cold as a darkened heart. She touched another then drew back again. It was hot as coals. "Hello..." A distorted, soft voice called her.
"W-who?" She mumbled, stuttering as she was caught in surprise. She looked around but saw no one there. Weird. She thought as she walked around the crystallised floor again. She stopped back just in time whilst exploring the magical place. Her foot touched empty air and she immediately fell back on her back. She winced in pain while standing up, realising the dark void below the surface. Then she knew that the place was just filled with different universes, cutouts in the galaxy as if entrances to worlds.
"Where even a-" She choked on her words, gasping for breath. The searing pain landed on her chest again, right in the middle. She held and clutched her chest tight, now kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath and both in pain. Darkness edged on her vision, threatening to take her over. "No! Don't... don't... don't...leave..." The words echoed. Dark dots danced in her vision, and the only thing she remembered was a tiny, and specially beautiful crystal land on her wrist.
"Mill? Mill! Wake up!" Someone shook her hard on her shoulder and she opened her eyes quickly, seeing an old man bending over her.
"Miss Millicent Aldertwill (lmao bad name ;-;), would you like to repeat what I said?" The man propped up his thick, silver glasses, holding a thick book in hand, a frown across his face. "U-um sorry Professor Darkwood, I didn't hear you-" "Well I should think so Miss Aldertwill! Pay more attention and don't fall asleep in my classes!" He snapped, then went back to teach again.
Millicent quickly took out a piece of parchment and a quill, and whispered to Ophelia, who was sitting beside her. "Whoops." Then began to write down notes that were written on the board. "That was a close one." Ophelia whispered back to her, tucking a loose strand of her long amber hair behind her ear. "Mhm." Millicent replied, writing down her notes rapidly. "Luckily you got a power, you don't have to write!" She pretended to sulk, but a smile played on her lips.
Twenty agonising minutes passed, and boring History class was finally over. "Bye Phelia, see you at lunch break." Millicent ran ahead to her next class, art. It was her favourite subject as it was the only class that required no magic, no skills, just creativity. Unsurprisingly, the art she submitted last school year got in the exhibition. Her teacher (Professor Panila) praised her, "Well done Millicent!" And managed to answer Professor Marhun in potions. The rest of the classes passed smoothly and finally, it was lunch.
"Ugh, I hate this salad! It tastes so bland." Saffron mumbled-complained, still chewing on a lettuce leaf. "Do you wanna swap?" Ophelia asked, offering her sandwich. "No thanks!" Saffron replied, making a face as she picked through her salad. Sarah took a bite out of her strawberry yogurt, smirking at her sister. Millicent just twirled her spaghetti around with her fork while muttering at some parchments. "Why so serious Mill?" Saffron teased. "I got a freaking quiz later and I forgot to study!" Millicent groaned, mumbling again at the messy handwriting. The bell rung soon after and the girls parted. "See you after school at our dorms!" The twins chorused and went away, bumping each other with their elbows as they went. Ophelia just waved and ran away to her classes. Millicent went to hers too, and almost was late and had a close call with an angry Professor Blont.
The quiz, surprisingly, was quite easy, and Millicent passed it without question. She also managed to answer Professor Blont an excellent answer when he asked, "Millicent Aldertwill, what is the spell used for starting a fire?" (which the answer was inflamious) and the day passed very smoothly. Or so she thought.
As Millicent was on her way back to dorms, a great force pushed her to the ground, scattering all her notes, parchment and quill on the ground. "Look, it's the freak walking around the halls. Been through a magical summer break? Oops, I forgot, you don't even have a power!" Harsh laughter echoed through the empty hallway. Millicent rolled her eyes. Of course it would be typical Lilith to ruin her perfect day. It wasn't even ruined. "Why don't you go and study some more so you can be that perfect little witch that the school wants, instead of an ugly moron?" She retorted, picking up her things.
"Not so fast Aldertwill." Athena, Lilith's friend practically snarled at the blue-haired girl. Millicent just rolled her eyes again and began to walk away, conveniently shouting and tossing the words behind her shoulder, "Don't bother following me. Each dorm is covered by an invisible layer of magic so other people can't access it." She walked calmly towards her room when she heard the "insults": "Freak!" "Nerd!" "No one wants you here, Aldertwill!" She quickly went inside the room and shut the door, trying to hide the small spark of hurt that was blooming inside her heart. She shut the door with a bang and raced into her room, starting to do her homework.
About an hour passed, and she finally finished writing her two essays. She quickly whipped out her magic mirror, which her parents had designed, and waited for her parents. Shortly after, two faces appeared and waved at her with a smile on their faces. Millicent smiled as well. "Sweetheart, how was school?" Her mother asked. "It was... great!" She replied. "Well, I have to go now. I forgot to call you earlier. It's dinnertime. I'll try to call earlier tomorrow, bye!" "Bye! Have a great night!" The two faces vanished. The aching in her heart started once more, she pressed her fluffy jacket against her face and smelt the familiar scent of clean cotton, the smell of home. she held back bittersweet tears. She already missed home on her first day.
She got her dinner-- a heaping plate of stew and a few fruit slices for desert and ate quietly and quickly, ignoring the hateful stares from the next table. Her friends were not around (probably studying or doing homework in their own dorm rooms) so she just headed to her room quickly. As she fell asleep, the familiar words haunted her again.
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