The newly crowned king took his place on the throne and gazed out at the people who'd worked hard to get to his coronation, although the king was old in years he was still young enough to be able to assume the throne. The king had snow white hair and icy blue eyes, but one thing that stood out about this king was the crest that hung around his neck. It was a silver crest which had a tree carved deep into the metal and this tree had different colour fruits made from gems from all the different towns in the kingdom, each symbolised a lost art. Blue for the ice and water magics, red for the fire magic, green for the nature magic, gold for the purest magic. This magic was the essence of life itself, many townsfolk said that this magic was the breath of mother nature its self. The gem was heart shaped and sat in the middle of the tree, right on the trunk. The king wore this crest with pride and smiled at his people.
"My people." He says in a old wise voice. "I am proud to be able to call my self your king, and I will do my best to rule as my father and brother did before me."
The crowds of people erupted into cheers and applauded their new ruler, King Eldrick. He waved happily to his people and then went inside the castle to speak with his council, after speaking the king had made his first decree. The people waited in anticipation because it was tradition for whoever assumed the throne to make a decree on the day of their coronation, the grand doors of the king's balcony opened and he stepped out holding a roll of parchment in his hand.
"And thus I make my first decree, I know that some people who were born with magic pulsing through their bodies are not in control of the magic they were born with. So because of the trouble that some mages through no fault of their own have caused, I make it a decree to have all children who are known to have magic be brought to a school held in every town where they can learn to use their magic correctly. The children will begin learning to use their magic at the age of five, and will graduate once they are in full control of their magic." The king says reading off the parchment in his hands.
The whole kingdom was shook by the news of this new decree, some people looked at others who they knew had magic. Some thought it was a good idea, others thought it would cause trouble. While the crowd took in the news of the new decree a dark ball of black magic shot at the king, guards ran like galloping horses to the source of the spell while the king was checked over by the healers. He was amazingly unharmed but the stone that sat in the centre of his crest, the gem that symbolised life itself was gone.
"We must find the gem at all costs!" The king yelled and disappeared into his palace.
-16 years later-
"Arabella, time to do your chores please!" A woman with soft blonde hair called to her daughter.
"Ok mother!" The girl yelled back.
Her name was Arabella and she lived with her mother, father and younger sister. She lived in the small town of Lastfalls which was surrounded by large lakes and forests, although there were many people in the town everyone knew everyone. Arabella picked up a large wooden bucket and walked to the well in the centre of town to collect her family's water, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she walked. Arabella had golden blonde hair and azure blue eyes which shone when she laughed or smiled, which was most of the time. Wearing a simple pale pink dress with a brown belt she walked barefoot to the town which was bustling with people.
"Its so warm today." Arabella said aloud while walking to the well.
She seized hold of the rope and began to pull it up struggling under the weight of the water, after about five minutes of struggling she managed to heave the bucket up and fill her water bucket with its contents. Then with another huff she picked up the bucket and struggled to carry it back to her small two bedroom house, even though she did this everyday it never got any easier. Deciding to take a detour home she walked along the river, as she was walking something caught her eye. Placing the bucket onto the grassy bank she knelt down and looked into the water, something was shining in the morning sunlight. Stepping into the water not minding that the hem of her dress was getting soaking wet she reached down and picked up the strange object, it was a muddy stone but there was something inside it shining. Washing the stone and drying it with her dress she gasped at what it was.
It was a golden heart shaped crystal.
And this is where our adventure truly begins.
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