Chapter 3
Arabella POV:
As we all walked to my home my mind was racing, what would my mother say? She's hated mages since I can remember so I'm really scared about what she's going to say. Lupus looks up at me with his crimson eyes and something flashes over them, almost like comfort. I stroke his soft grey fur and continue to walk, I can hear the other whispering behind me so when were ten minutes away from my home I decide to ask them some questions.
"Before we get to my home I want to ask some questions." I say taking a seat down on a fallen tree.
"What do you want to know Arabella." Caspian asks me.
"One, what type of magic do you all use." I say as they all take seats on the grass.
"Well we all have a basic knowledge of combat magic but we each specialise in a element magic. Like I use Solar Magic which is based from the sun." Caspian says holding his hand out.
He mutters some words and a golden ball of sunlight appears in his hand.
"I use Nature Magic." Zora says. "Thats why I can speak to animals, and I also help plants to grow."
"I use Fire Magic." Ronan says grinning.
"I use Animation Magic, I used to make toys move for the kids in the town orphanage." Melody says pulling a small doll from her bag, with a wave of her hand it begins to dance around.
"I use Conjuror Magic, I can cause things to appear from my mind." Cormac says.
"Interesting, so are there more different types of magic?" I ask looking at them all.
"Yeah, lots of people have element magic based off the four base elements. But lets just say that we're a little different, we branch off from the base elements and Melody and Cormac don't even use magic from the elements." Caspian explains.
"So, just a question. If I am the chosen one what type of magic should I be able to use?"
"If you're the chosen one then you should be able to use all types of magic, there are some we don't even know about because we're only taught about the base magic. You should be able to use all of these spells because you'd have been born with the knowledge of all these spells." Zora explains. "Have you ever had anything else like this? To prove your the chosen one."
"Well when I was little I would write things down, no one knew what I was writing so they thought that I was just pretending to write. But I could understand it, I knew what I was writing. I kept the pages and I would read them often, I'll run inside and grab them." I say standing up. "Lupus you stay here ok."
He nods in understanding so I stand up and run home, I open the door slowly and then walk in. My mother comes out of her bedroom with her sewing box and smiles at me, she takes one look at my bare feet and dirty dress and she sighs.
"Really Arabella, your sixteen! Why is your dress so dirty and where are your shoes." She demands.
"I left my shoes in the woods and I fell so it made my dress dirty, I'm with my friends right now so I'll clean my dress once I'm done. I just wanted to fetch something to show them." I say and then walk into my room quietly, I notice the curtains have been drawn and my sister is fast asleep and breathing steadily.
I walk to my bed and then reach underneath it pulling out a wooden box, inside I keep all things that are precious to me. I pull out a small leather book and then tiptoe out making sure to close the box back up and push it under my bead before I leave, I then run out of the house ignoring the voice of my mother. Running along the forest floor I reach the others while panting slightly, I hold out the book and smile slightly.
"I used to call this my scribble book, because thats what the words reminded me of." I say passing the book to Caspian who passes it to Melody.
She opens the book and begins to look at the first page, these are slightly brown with years of me reading it.
"This is Ancient Aefidorian, its a language that we no longer read or even use." She says pointing to the words. "Can you tell me what this says Arabella."
"Cant you read it? It looks like normal english to me." I say slightly confused.
"Its a lost language which was said to be magic its self, it took some years to learn the language. So can you tell me what it says?" She asks pointing to the first sentence.
"It says 'This is the beginnings of Magic' I never understood what that means." I say as Lupus pads over to me licking my hand. "Hey boy."
"The beginnings of magic...why does that sound familiar?" Ronan says placing a hand on his chin.
"Its written in the magic books we use for studying, its from the First Queen of Aefidore. That was the first thing she said when she became queen, 'This is the beginnings of Magic, as old as the land its self.' It was in her decree when she had her coronation." Caspian says. "Thats pretty cool Arabella."
"I wrote some things in there recently too, I understand those too." I say and I begin to explain the things written in my book.
We sit there for I don't know how long going through all the different things in the book, as we talk Caspian looks up and notices the sun is setting. I stand up and then sigh, I guess if I'm going to tell my mother about going to see the king I need to do it now.
"Will you come with me? You'll stay outside while I speak with my mother, and keep Lupus outside. She'll freak out if he comes in." I say and they all nod in understanding.
I place one hand on the door and then I feel another hand on my shoulder, turning around I notice its my father. We both walk into the house and my mother greets us with smiles, I take a deep gulp and then look at them both as they chat about the day.
"Mother, Father I need to speak to you about something." I say.
"Sounds serious, lets sit down at the kitchen table." My father says looking at me with worried eyes.
We sit down at the table and my father pours me a glass of water, picking it up in my hands I take a small sip. I sit there for about ten minutes silently sipping small sips of water, and then I speak.
"Well, um I'm going to be going away for a while." I say finally.
"What do you mean you'll be going away for a while?" My mother asks shocked.
"I'm going to journey to the capital with some Mages to see the king...." I say looking down.
"With Mages!" My mother yells standing up.
"Now darling please calm down, let Arabella explain." My father says trying to calm down my mother.
"No I will not calm down! I've worked so hard all these years to keep you away from those horrible Mages, and now your going to the capital with them!" She yells at me.
"I am a Mage!" I yell staring at my mother dead in the face.
"What..." My father whispers in disbelief.
"I just found out today, it happened all of a sudden." I say pressing my hands together.
Tears fill my mothers eyes and she walks over to me, suddenly I'm face down on the floor and I have a sharp stinging in my cheek. I sit dazed for a couple of minutes and then I realise, my mother has struck me. My hand comes to my cheek and I feel for any damage, nothing it just really hurts. My father comes to my side and wraps an arm around my shoulders as I look up at my mother, the tears are now falling down her cheeks and her hands are over her mouth.
"Just as I thought, I knew you wouldn't accept me." I mutter.
"You don't even know why I hate Mages so much, are you in control of your magic?" She asks me.
"I found out today that I have these powers, I'm hoping that while I travel with the mages and my wolf Lupus that I'll be able to become more capable in using my magic." I say not daring to look my mother in the eye.
She walks over to me and lifts my face so I'm looking into her clover green eyes, she touches my cheek and then sighs.
"Do you have to leave? And whats all this about a wolf?" She asks.
I stand up and then walk to the door, opening it I smile as I see Lupus padding his way over to me.
"Come in boy, my mother wants to meet you." I say as he walks inside.
Lupus walks in and sniffs around the room taking in his surroundings, my father has his arms wrapped tightly around my mother and they are both holding their breaths.
"How did you...." My father asks as I scratch Lupus.
"He followed me and I have to say he scared me when I first saw him, but then I was able to gain his trust and now he's like a big puppy. He's going to help protect me while we journey to the capital to see the king, the Mages who are taking me claim that I'm the chosen one who will rule this country for 100 years. So I'm going with them to prove that I'm not the chosen one, I'm just an ordinary mage. Well I hope I am anyway." I say and look at them both. "Please give me your blessing, I want to make you proud of me."
My mother runs over and pulls me into a tight embrace, running her hands through my long blonde hair. My father comes over and holds us both, then I remember there is one person missing.
"Dont tell Amber I've gone to the capital, just say that I've gone on a journey that will take a long time. I don't want her to worry about me, also give her this." I say and hand my mother the amber bracelet. "I bought it today as a present for her, I guess I should pack a small bag of things to take with me."
I walk to the door and nod to the others who breathe a sigh of relief, I then walk silently to my room and pack a small bag of essentials. Fresh clothes, some of my precious things from my box and then finally a picture of me and my sister. I drew it when we were very young and its the most precious thing I own, holding it close to my chest I place everything inside my bag. I then walk over to my sister's bed and plant a soft kiss onto her forehead.
"I'll be back soon...I promise you Amber." I whisper and then leave the room closing the door behind me.
I look at my parents and they smile at me, my mother presses a bag filled with food into my hands and my father gives me some of the house funds.
"Father I can't take your money, it wouldn't be right." I say trying to give the money back.
"Its a ten day walk to the Capital from here Bella." He says using my nickname which my mother hates. "Please, it will give us peace of mind to know you have enough funds to support yourselves for the journey."
With one last hug Lupus and I leave the house and set off with everyone else, our small group of teenagers heading off on a journey that will change our destiny's forever. All I can hope is that as I leave my family and everything I love behind, everything will work out in the end and I will be able to find out if I really am this chosen one.
"Why don't we walk to the next town and help you practice some of your magic." Caspian asks me. "It will do you good to be able to use your magic incase we get into trouble, also I don't think its wise to keep the Golden Crystal in your pocket so why don't we make it into a pendant that you can keep around your neck?"
"How would we do that? If the Crystal is so special we can't leave it with someone so they can make it into a pendant." I say pulling the crystal from my pocket.
"Cormac is there something you can make?" He asks looking at his brother.
"Sure, let me give it a go." He says holding his hand out for the crystal.
"Careful, remember what happened when I tried to pick up the crystal." Ronan says giving me a slight glare.
"Wait try this." Zora says and we stop walking.
She holds her hand on the ground and a small vine begins to grow, it grows higher and higher until it picks the crystal from my hand. It stays a golden colour and Zora then nods at Cormac who mutters some words and the crystal is then picked up and encased in a beautifully crafted pendant. It holds the heart shaped crystal with some vines made from a slightly paler gold and its attached to a silver chain, which is long enough so it can hide down the front of my dress.
"Its beautiful, thank you Cormac." I say and he blushes slightly.
"You'll be able to do that soon, if you are the chosen one anyway." He says beginning to walk.
"Um the next town is that way." Caspian says pointing to the opposite way that Cormac was walking.
"I knew that!" He yells and then turns around to walk in the opposite direction.
We all burst out laughing and then look at a map that Melody had pulled out, the next town from Lastfalls is Oakenstand so thats where we're going to walk to. It will take about two hours and its already getting dark, so we pick up the pace and head off.
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