(O.D.D.- You guys asked nicely, so here we go. Class E visits Tsuna at the mansion. I'm sorry if it doesn't reach your expectations. I also added the Assassination Classroom soundtrack! ( ^ω^ ))
Said bluenet turned his head to see Hinano waving him over.
Nagisa smiled widely when he saw the rest of his classmates behind her; he jogged towards them while dragging his suitcase behind himself.
"Hey guys!"
Everyone had some baggage by their feet or had them slung on their backs.
Kaede shyly walked over to Nagisa; the bluenet merely smiled warmly and laced his fingers with hers.
Nagisa caught Rio wiggling her eyebrows him; the bluenet huffed, making one cheek puff out into a half-pout.
Karma smiled lazily as he inclined his head at Nagisa.
"Yo, where's Momma-Shiota and Papa-Shiota?"
Nagisa scratched his cheek.
"Ah, she's paying the taxi driver for driving us out here. Dad's helping with other luggage."
Just then, they heard a speaker on the intercom.
"Plane for Venice, Italy...Venice, Italy will be departing soon. Those with first-class must arrive before all other passengers board. You have an hour to make your way to Gate 12. Gate 12."
Sugino grinned widely.
"That's us~!"
Nagisa glanced behind himself with slight worry.
"Um...I'm gonna wait a bit until the rest of my family arrives; you guys go on ahead."
The rest of the class glanced at each other before looking at Nagisa, grinning or smiling.
"You better catch up!"
Nagisa smiled as he let go of Kaede's hand as she reluctantly joined the rest of Class E.
"Will do!"
"M-Madam, please explain why there is a pocket knife hidden in your sleeve."
Nagisa sweatdropped as his mother got searched for weapons for the the third time in the security check.
Hiromi sighed at the security man and responded.
"Sir, it is merely a versatile tool I use for things that don't involve killing." 'Only for torturing and injuring those that hurt my little Nagisa.'
Nagisa was touched and frightened at the same time by the unsaid words.
Nagisa's father chuckled and sweated.
"That's your mother..."
Nagisa responded with some amusement.
"And that's your wife."
His dad laughed.
Nagisa finally rejoined the group.
The bluenet didn't miss the recognition that flashed through the eyes of the ticket attendant when she saw the 'first-class' on it.
She smiled and nodded her head politely at Nagisa as she checked his ticket; she whispered softly to him.
"Please do enjoy your stay at the Vongola HQ."
Nagisa blinked dumbly for a brief second as he looked at her, but the young lady went back to checking his classmates' tickets, acting as if nothing happened.
(O.D.D.- Vongola Agents are everywhere~! ~(=v=~))
"Please fasten your seatbelts, for we will be lifting off shortly."
Nagisa sighed as he relaxed on a couch.
First-class. Was. The. Best.
Sugino went about the floor they were on; his eyes sparkled.
"This place is huge! I never thought planes could hold this much space. There's like three giant flat-screen TVs in here!"
Hiromi called out to all of the young adults sternly.
"Sit down all of you! The plane's about to set off!"
Some of them jumped and quickly scrambled for a seat.
Rio whispered at Nagisa as she settled herself by his side.
"Your mom is one scary woman, Nagisa."
The bluenet laughed sheepishly is response.
The flight was long, but Class E filled up the time by watching a few movies or playing games with each other.
Rio mentioned that they were passing over one of the universities she was studying at in India.
Nagisa studied the land below; both green, brown and blue mixing together.
'We're so high u--'
The bluenet paused when he saw something dart past his window.
Nagisa shifted on his knees on the couch and leaned closer to the window; Karma noticed and raised one red eyebrow.
"I thought I saw something, and it looked way to big to be a bird."
Nagisa squinted his eyes when saw something land on the wing of the plane below his windo--
What....in the world--!?
Nagisa's jaw dropped slightly at who--not what--he saw was there.
Yellow tentacled gripped onto the edges of the metal wing, yet the figure remained in a human form; raven locks whipped around in the wind.
The ravenet outside on the wing of the plane waved and grinned widely; he rummaged through his black trench coat and brought a white board out along with a dry-eraser marker.
He quickly scribbled something down before flipping it around to show Nagisa, tapping the board with his pen excitedly.
The bluenet gaped and quickly mouthed a few words back.
*KORO-SENSEI!? What the he** are you doing!?*
Koro-Sensei laughed, but it was muted due to the walls of the plane separating them.
The ex-octopus used his sleeve to wipe away what he wrote before writing something else in big letters so Nagisa could see.
The bluenet couldn't help but smile at that.
Karma, who was still watching Nagisa's odd behavior, sauntered over and looked out of the window over the bluenet's shoulder.
"Holy sh**..." He murmured. "Is that who I think it is?"
Nagisa chuckled.
Koro-Sensei's face lit up with more joy; he sprouted another tentacle to wave at Karma as he wrote something down.
Karma gave a childish pout at Koro-Sensei in response.
*That's no fun.*
Koro-Sensei chuckles before giving a slightly sad smile; he quickly wrote down a few more words.
Koro-Sensei unlatched himself from the wing and darted away.
Karma smirked.
"Despite his human form, he's the same as always."
Nagisa smiled and nodded in agreement.
"--landing in Venice, Italy. Please put on your seat belts."
Nagisa woke up when the plane started to shake slightly; he wiped some droll off of his chin--much to his embarrassment.
Everyone took a seat as they prepared for the slightly bumpy landing.
The ones who were the most skilled in learning Italian led the way for the group, which meant Nagisa, Rio and Hinata led the way.
While they claimed their things at the baggage center, Nagisa spotted someone in the crowd; Sugino also noticed and grinned widely.
The said swordsman was grinning and waving back.
He was wearing his usual black suit, tie and a blue undershirt.
"Hey, kiddo!"
Sugino was about to run over and greet him with a hug, but Nagisa suddenly grabbed him by the back of his shirt and hauled him back.
Sugino spluttered slightly after choking on the collar of his shirt.
"Nagisa!? What the he*--!?"
"That's not Takeshi-san."
Sugino paused in his glare and blinked dumbly at Nagisa.
Nagisa was quite thankful that the first-class had their own baggage claim; the area became civilian-free.
The bluenet had also convinced his mother earlier to explore some of the foods that were being served around the airport with his father.
This left Class E alone with....'Takeshi'?
Takeshi looked at Nagisa with surprise.
"Eh~?! What do you mean, kiddo?"
Nagisa narrowed his gaze at the ravenet.
"Tsuna-Sensei's note...specifically said that Hayato-san would greet us here. Not you, Takeshi-san." 'Even Koro-Sensei said so...'
The rest of Class E tensed.
Takeshi pouted childishly.
"Well, there's been a change of plans! Hayato had some things to do back at HQ, so let's just get going guys."
Nagisa lowered his stance slightly; the bluenet reached into his pocket.
"Even if it were a change of plans..." His eyes were shadowed slightly, giving his glare a more ominous look. "...Takeshi-san's eyes are hazel--not brown."
Takeshi stared.
His smile slowly disappeared.
Suddenly, a morbid grin formed on his lips; everyone got into ready stances.
'Takeshi' chuckled.
"Geez~I thought I my disguise was perfect, but you brats are pretty sharp!"
Nagisa noticed a familiar shade of indigo surrounding the ravenet.
'Mist flames....I knew it...'
'Takeshi' was slowly turning into a stranger as he drew his sword out--sh**, the sword was real and not an illusion!
'Takeshi' dashed towards Nagisa, sword raised.
"I'll just have to rush my job and kill you lot here and now."
Nagisa brought out a pocket knife--his mother provided him with many once they departed the plane--and got into a fighting stance.
But before the random hitman could attack--
"Not on Vongola territory, b*****d."
The man was kicked in the gut and sent flying to the other side of the large, room.
Nagisa blinked in surprise before looking at the kicker; his face lit up with joy.
The said silveret scowled at the unconscious hitman before turning a ghost of a smile at the bluenet.
"Hey, Shiota. Looks like you've finally cut your hair."
Nagisa smiled sheepishly and rubbed the nape of his neck.
Hayato sighed as he looked at the rest of the group.
"Your plane arrived earlier than expected. Sorry you had to deal with that a**hole for a few seconds."
The silveret jerked his head, motioning them to follow him.
"Let's get going."
Hinano looked at the silveret with worry.
"But what about that hitman g--.....huh?"
When the ginger turned to look at the hitman who had been kicked to the side....he was no longer there.
Megu looked a bit panicked.
"Where did he go? He could be roaming the area and killing peop-!"
Hayato sighed, cutting her off.
"Don't worry, Jager took care of him."
Kotaro pushed his glasses up and peered curiously at Hayato.
"Who's 'Jager'?"
Hayato let realization dawn on him.
"Oh...you guys haven't met him yet. I guess you will soon but not right now."
Ryoma then noticed something; he widened his eyes.
Hayato studied the area and nodded in realization once more.
(O.D.D.- The answer to everything that disappears. ~(<_<~))
Hayato glanced over his right shoulder to look at Nagisa.
"What is it?"
Nagisa scratched his cheek sheepishly.
"I need to find my parents; they're exploring the airport right now as we speak."
Hayato blinked before sighing.
"Actually...your parents are going on a private honeymoon."
Nagisa gaped slightly.
The silveret stuffed his right hand into his pocket, loosening his tie slightly with his left.
"Tsuna-sama thought it would be best to keep your parents away from the mansion, where the action is the most intense. Don't worry about your parents traveling the area. I know it's infested with mafioso, but we'll have reliable bodyguards watching them 24/7 in the shadows. And I heard your mother knows how to defend herself."
Nagisa laughed nervously at the last part.
Class E entered a limo along with Hayato.
The silveret signaled the driver to start moving.
Soon enough, scenery blurred past the windows as the driver took off.
The group was soon driven to the entrance of a forest; the driver soon pulled the limo to a halt.
Hayato stepped out and opened the doors; he gave a tip to the driver.
"Thanks, Charles."
"No problem, Gokudera-sama."
(O.D.D.- Don't laugh at me, but I actually research butler names. (≧∇≦))
Hayato watched the limo drive off before looking at the younger adults.
"Alright, we're gonna have to walk for a bit--hope you guys don't mind..."
Hiroto grinned, stretching slightly.
"Not at all! We all robabaly want to do some parkouring out there."
Hayato blinked before slowly smirking.
"Is that so...?"
The silveret walk towards the forest before pausing, glancing over his shoulder to look at them.
"You guys better keep up then."
Class E grinned.
Hayato finally stopped running and stood in a clearing within the forest.
The class also took a break, chatting with each other for a bit.
"Bwahahahaha, I saw you fall on your a** for a second a while back, Terasaka!"
"Looks like you're out of shape, hm~?"
"Take your f***ing words and shove it up your a**, Akabane!"
Hayato glanced at his right hand, looking at the silver ring that glinted there.
The class jumped when they saw a flash of red come from Hayato.
Everyone blinked in surprise when they found a leopard kitten relaxing across one of Hayato's shoulders.
"Holy sh**! The cat's on fire!"
Hayato huffed softly, smiling amusedly.
"Not exactly--but pay attention now. We're going to enter the Vongola HQ."
Class E watched as the feline yawned before hoping off of Hayato's shoulder.
Uri stretched on the ground before meowing loudly.
She suddenly grew; Uri was a full-grown leopard in a flash of red.
She growled lowly.
The class was surprised to see the sky suddenly darken with clouds; Hayato called out over the thundering above.
"If you want to have a safe HQ, you need special entrances."
It started to rain harshly; Class E could hardly see.
They could still hear Hayato's voice though.
"Move towards my voice!"
They did as they were told and then....
The rain suddenly stopped.
They opened their eyes and wiped away any rain that dribbled near them.
Nagisa then found a towel shoved in front of his face.
"Haha, looks like you got drenched!"
The bluenet blinked his eyes and looked up at the person who handed him the towel.
He hugged the other tightly.
"Bwah! I'm soaked now!"
The brunet laughed brightly before returning the hug.
"Maa, Nagisa-kun! Now I gotta change my clothes too!"
The rest of the class perked up and immediately tackled the brunet.
Tsuna floundered and laughed.
"Aaargh, you guys! I'm really soaked now."
"We missed you Tsuna-Sensei! Even if it was a few days!"
Tsuna blushed slightly, touched by their words.
"Awww~arigatou, Mina-san."
Class E was given new clothes after they dried themselves up.
Before drying off though, the ex-students found that they seemed to be in a more secluded and unknown area in the forest in a part of Venice.
A large mansion was present within a circle of trees; it would've been spotted a few kilometers away.
The class was awed by how big it was; Tsuna chuckled at their expressions.
"Well? I'll give you a tour if you guys manage to get those mouths closed."
Their eyes glittered with excitement.
But before they entered...they heard something.
Itona looked around the area blankly.
"What's that noise?"
Megu winced.
"It sounds kinda high-pitched..."
Manami inclined her head, frowning thoughtfully.
"Is that.....squealing...?"
Yuuma looked around confusedly.
"It's getting louder too."
Class E was soon attacked by a great big hug, which was made by a very exuberant ravenet that was sprouting tentacles from his arms to gather them all towards him.
Koro-Sensei continued to squeal happily as he hugged them all.
"It's so lovely to see you all again~!"
Karma grunted as he was nearly strangled in the tight grip; he smiled amusedly though at his teacher's antics.
"Nice to see you too, Koro-Sensei--but don't kill us. You're practically squeezing the life out of us."
Koro-Sensei merely laughed before letting go.
"Sorry, sorry!"
The tentacles disappeared as Koro-Sensei scratched his raven locks sheepishly.
Tsuna chuckled on the side.
"I suppose a tour is in ord--"
The brunet suddenly ducked down to dodge a tonfa that came flying through the air at his head; he continued to smile.
"--er. And Kyoya, please keep your fights with Adel in an area that's more devoid of life?"
Kyoya darted into the scene, grabbed his tonfa from the ground, nodded once to Tsuna, before darting away once more in a flash of purple; his trench coat from his Cambio Forma fluttered in the wind.
Tsuna shook his head with exasperated amusement.
"Kyoya-kun's at least keeping the damage to a minimum. And I'd like to think that Kyoya-kun destroyed things more often because that was his way of whining about not having anyone to spar with. Anyways, let's get going! I'll show you guys to your rooms."
Tsuna led the way, opening the doors of the mansion.
"Do be careful when walking around. Bel's been setting up some knife traps around the area. And some people will pop up literally put of thin air--you'll get used to it hopefully."
Tsuna led them up a flight of stairs before pausing at the last step up.
The brunet bent down and--the class observed--disabled.....a wire...?
Class E also could've sworn they heard a soft 'ushishishishi' drift through the air.
Anyways, Tsuna led them to the West side of the mansion first, saying that the girls would stay in this area.
He said that the bathrooms were inside and that there were closets and wardrobes to put their clothes in there temporarily. He also mentioned that Jager already put their things inside of their rooms.
Class E got took look at a few portraits of previous Vongola bosses with awe.
Karma mentioned that one of them was holding a fork compared to all the other bosses that had actual weapons.
Tsuna merely laughed before muttering an apology to the ghost of Vongola Quarto; the brunet then said that the fork killed more than an army.
Tsuna grimaced.
"Vongola was too intent on killing back then to show power. Right now, we're more of a peaceful organization."
The students were still quite awed by how deadly a single fork could be.
Tsuna led them to the East side of the mansion--where the boys would stay.
"--and your stuff should also be inside."
Tsuna grinned and turned to look back at the students.
"Now that you guys have a few bearings of where you're going to stay, I'll let you meet the inhabitants of this mansion."
The brunet smiled sheepishly at them.
"You've all already met my Guardians and Reborn. But who would you want to meet first? The most dangerous? The nicest? The most irritating? Take your pick..."
The students sweatdropped at their choices.
Karma smiled amusedly.
"The most dangerous~!"
His fellow ex-classmates gawked at him.
Eventually the entire class agreed to meet the most dangerous people first.
Tsuna ordered them to stay behind him as he led them outside of the mansion.
Class E watched with awe as blurs of purple and an icy blue filled the air.
Tsuna called out.
"Kyoya-kun, Adel-chan! Take a break for a moment!"
The blurs came to a halt.
The said Cloud and Glacier Guardians appeared in front of Tsuna.
The brunet motioned to both of them.
"You already know Kyoya-kun, so this young lady is Suzuki Adelheid."
Adel blinked her ruby-red eyes and studied the ex-students' faces.
"I want no troublemakers..." She growled. "Got it?"
Class E nodded their heads quickly, sweatdropping.
'The female version of Hibari-san...'
Tsuna smiled before waving at the two fighters.
"Okay, you two can carry on fighting."
Without a hint of hesitance, Kyoya and Adel went back to being blurs.
Tsuna then led them towards the back of the mansion, where they started to hear shouting, banging and swearing.
Wen the brunet turned around the corner, he called out sharply.
"All of you settle down! I'm talking to you especially, Squ-Squ..."
The shouting ceased immediately; the class sweatdropped for the nth time that day.
Tsuna then turned back to smile brightly at them.
"Alrighty, come on over."
Class E cautiously went around the corner to see a handful of people.
A teen gazed at the class sharply with crimson eyes.
"Who are these trash?"
Tsuna quirked a fond smile at him in return.
"These are the students that I told about you when you were younger, Xanxus-kun. They will be visiting for a few days, and i would like them to meet everyone here."
The teen, Xanxus, raised an eyebrow at the Class E students before making his usual scowl at the group.
"I'm Vongola Xanxus, leader of the Varia, which are these idiots here with me."
The rest of the Varia group was slowly introduced; Class E also pieced together that 'Squ-Squ' was Superbi Squalo, who seemed to stay the farthest away from Tsuna for some reason....
Immediately, said teen blushed harshly at the nickname; his head whipped around, arms crossed in front of his chest.
The class watched with amusement as a redhead teen girl wrapped her arms around Xanxus' neck, nuzzling her face against the ravenet's.
Xanxus soon had enough with the snuggling, bringing one arm up to detach her from his neck, hissing softly.
"Mami! How many times have i told you not to call me that!?"
The girl giggled.
"Hm~1,371 times and counting~!"
Tsuna chuckled, causing Xanxus to blush even more.
"Shut up Tsu-nii."
Despite detaching Mami from his neck, the Varia leader settled with holding the redhead's hand in his own.
Tsuna grinned widely and turned to Class E, waving them over.
"Alrighty, let's move on; we should leave Xanxus with his girlfriend."
They all heard spluttering as they walked away from the area.
Tsuna led them to a garden in the area; he called over his shoulder at them.
"Who we'll be meeting next isn't too dangerous, but he's definitely mischievous. His group is also similarly childis--"
There was a white blur heading towards the said brunet.
Tsuna's eyebrow twitched ever so slightly as he sidestepped the 'attack'.
Feathers fluttered in the air, and Class E gawked at the white-haired teen with wings sprouting from his back.
The teen pouted.
"Tsu-chaaaaan~! Why you no hug meeeee!?"
Tsuna raised an eyebrow.
"So I don't have my grave say 'death by suffocation by a crazy marshmallow addict'."
The teen's pout morphed into a wide, fox-like smile; he crossed his legs as he drifted in the air above the ex-students of Class E.
"Hm~so these are your ex-students~? Well, I'm Gesso Byakuran, leader of the Gesso Famiglia. It's nice to meet you all."
Class E made their own greetings and Byakuran smiled the entire time.
Finally, Hinano voiced most of her ex-classmates' thoughts.
"Eto, Gesso-san...."
Byakuran turned to look at her as she continued to speak.
"How...do you have wings...?"
Byakuran grinned widely.
"Well~I am a magical being that can only survive on marshmallows and the power of friendship. Tsu-chan is actually my fathe--"
Tsuna was looking at the teen with exasperated amusement.
"Don't make me strangle you for spreading lies."
Byakuran guffawed and simply flew up higher into the sky.
"Understood~! And as for my wings, little lady, they reeeaaally are magical~! Bye, bye~!"
Byakuran flew away to who knows where....probably somewhere he could scheme with Bluebell in making pranks.
Tsuna shook his head.
"I'm sure you'll meet his Guardians later on. Let's see if the nice people are here."
Tsuna stuffed his hands in his pockets as he lead them around.
They found a few tables and chairs set out on the grass.
Sitting on one of the chairs was a ravenette in a white gown; she cradled a young child in her arms.
Her bright, blue eyes lifted to look at Tsuna; she smiled brightly.
The child in her eyes perked up and wiggled in the woman's grasp.
The brunet chuckled.
"Luce-san, I think you should let Aria-chan go for now."
The woman giggled in return.
"Heehee! Alright...off she goes...!"
Aria was finally released and ran up to Tsuna, who lifted her up into the air once she was within arm's reach.
"Heya, Aria-chan!"
The girl giggled and squealed as she was spun around in a circle.
Tsuna then turned to face Class E.
"Aria-chan, meet Class E. Class E, meet Aria-chan."
The girl smiled, a few baby teeth missing, causing her to have a slight lisp.
Some the girls 'aw'ed at her, and the others said their own greetings.
Luce walked up to them and bowed.
She bowed and greeted them; Class E felt the familiar, warm aura that Tsuna always produced from her.
Fon appeared in the scene, carrying a tray of tea cups as he chatted casually with Lal and Colonello.
The three paused at the sight of Tsuna along with a group of unfamiliar faces.
Colonello tilted his head questioningly.
"Kora! Who are these guys, kora?"
Tsuna waved at the threee as they came closer.
"Colonello, Lal, Fon-san. These people are the group of Class E students I told you about before."
They let realization come across their faces; Colonello grinned widely at Class E.
"Nice to finally meet you guys, kora! I'm Colonello."
Lal huffed and nodded a greeting.
"I hope you guys'll behave. Lal's my name, and don't make me repeat myself."
"Hai, Madam/Sure/Of course."
Fon smiled softly at them.
"Greetings. I'm Fon."
While the ex-srudents got to ask a few questions with each other, a young, blonde boy walked over to where Tsuna, Luce and Aria were.
Aria perked up and smiled brightly, getting out of Tsuna's grasp and landing on the ground.
The slightly taller and older boy caught Aria in a hug, blushing and smiling lightly.
"Hiya, Ari."
Tsuna leaned over to whisper at Luce.
"Are you going to let Gamma-kun marry Aria-chan in the future?"
Luce responded, a seriousness within her voice.
"Most definitely."
Tsuna stifled a bark of laughter.
They eventually met all of the ex-Arcobaleno and a certain ravenet that looked exactly like a certain spartan.
Tsuna gestured to the 'clone' of his tutor, who was smiling brightly.
"Mina-san, I would like you guys to meet Bermuda-san."
Sugino was sweating.
"Eto...Tsuna-Sensei, is this some sort of prank you planned with Reborn-Sensei? Because a smiling Reborn-Sensei is really terrifying."
Before the brunet could respon--
Bang, bang!
Class E was shot at by paintballs of all colors; they quickly dodged on instinct.
They were all paint-free.
Class E looked up it the trees to find the shooter.
Reborn smirked as he lowered his paintball rifle.
The ex-students gaped and looked at Reborn before looking at Bermuda and then back at the hitman once more.
Reborn jumped down and landed beside Bermuda; the hitman nodded a greeting at the group.
"Welcome to the Vongola mansion my new victi--guests."
Class E sweated.
'He slipped up on purpose....'
Nagisa was brave enough to voice one of his questions.
"Re-Reborn-Sensei...why do you look like Bermuda-san...?"
Bermuda blinked his silver-green eyes and smiled once again, answering for the hitman.
"Well...I am actually Reborn-kun's great grandfather." He chuckled at Class E's shocked expressions. "I know, I'm older than I look."
The ex-students stared between the two once more.
'They could pass off as twins...'
They eventually met everyone; Class E couldn't help but think that Enma had the same personality as Tsuna.
Night slowly fell and the brunet called everyone in for dinner.
Class E got to experience an average Vongola dinner.....
Which went something like this:
"No guns at the table Xanxus-kun."
"Like you can tell me what to d--"
"Ushishi~or what, Sharkie~?"
"Bel-Sempai, you're being a piece of sh** again."
"Haha! This is getting pretty exciting!"
"Sword-freak, you just want to start throwing food at someone."
"Bwahaha! Tsuna-nii would be maaa~d!"
"OOOH! It would be like that EXTREME night we had meatloaf! The mashed potatoes got EXTREMELY everywhere!"
"Kufufufu, Skylark-kun was quite displeased that day."
"Hn." (Shut the f*** up, Pineapple.)
"I should liquify everyone that's present here."
"Now, Adel-chan~let's not get too hasty."
"Get your hand off of my shoulder Julie."
"Neh, neh, Rauji, you got candy?"
"Lambo-kun, I think it would be best to wait after dinner."
"Heehee! They're as rowdy as always."
"Ha! A fight's gonna break out any second now, Luce, kora!"
"I better not have to pay for expenses for destroyed tables or chairs...."
"I have a probability that it will most likely happen, Mammon."
"You and scientific shenanigans, Verde."
"Now, now...shouldn't we help calm them down? Some nice meditation might do the trick."
"Fon, that's a very stupid suggestion."
"Reborn? Don't you have a say in thi--oh gosh. Why are you smiling?"
"For goodness sake, I'm Bermuda. Reborn-kun is--......where did he go.....?"
"Byakuran, please eat marshmallows for dessert and not dinner."
"But Tsu-chaaaaaan!"
"Let Byakuran-sama do whatever he wants, idjit!"
"Boo~don't be so rude, Zak-chan~boo~!"
"Ha-ho, Tsunayoshi-san, please take no offense to this, but it would be better to let Byakuran-sama get what he wants."
"See, even Torikabuto agrees, ha-ho~"
Class E was amused by how much chaos was happening in one room.
Suddenly, a small plate of pie hit the Vongola Decimo right in the face.
The room went silent.
The pie slid off the brunet's face.
Tsuna grabbed a napkin and calmly wiped his face down.
He spoke, voice slightly muffled from the napkin.
"Reborn, I was wondering where you went."
Said hitman was at the door of the dinning room, smirking widely.
Tsuna continued to speak; his voice didn't betraying a single emotion.
"And then you threw some of our dessert right into my face."
Tsuna placed the napkin on the table.
He finally showed his expression.
He was grinning...
"Well tonight was fun."
Tsuna dried his hair with a towel; he was checking up on the boys in the guest rooms.
Sugino laughed brightly.
"That food fight with Reborn-Sensei was a whole new level!"
Tsuna rolled his eyes slightly.
"That food fight was just Reborn's way of entertainment. And he deserved that jello to the face."
The brunet sighed, glancing at the boys in the room, smiling softly.
"That's all for tonight. I'll see you all in the morning. The next few days will probably be filled with getting to know each other."
Hiroto rolled on his bed, looking at Tsuna in an upside-down fashion; the blonde raised a curious eyebrow.
"Will they even be willing to talk to us?"
Tsuna walked to the doors, placing a hand on the frame; he smiled back at them.
"Of course. Despite some of them being indifferent or irritated, they always love some new company."
Tsuna smiled and gave a two-fingered salute at them before closing the doors behind himself.
"Night Tsuna-Sensei!"
//(Two Days Later)//
Class E got the hang of things around the Vongola mansion; they met pretty much everyone there.
And now--
Class E jolted; they turned their attention away from the teens--the ex-test subjects--they were playing with.
Nagisa quickly stood up.
"What was th--?"
Karma yawned on the side, drowning out the voice.
"Noisy one isn't he?"
Megu frowned and looked over at the others.
"Should we be concerned?"
They shrugged.
Class E raised their eyebrows; they listened closely to what happened next.
"Kyoya-kun, Kyoya, Kyo, stop. You--he's seriously turning blue right now."
"Hn." (Does it look like I care?)
"Sigh...Hayato-kun, you disabled the bombs?"
"Hai. Your demonic psychic powers saved the day again."
"They're not demonic or psychic! Takeshi-kun, you took care of his men, right?"
"Haha! Yep! Along with Ryohei, Mukuro, Chrome and Lambo of course."
Class E walked to the front of the mansion and saw a fat man--unconscious with mouth gaped open in shock--and a bunch of tied up men on the side.
Tsuna was frowning disapprovingly at Mukuro at the moment.
"Rokudo Brume Mukuro, I will kick your a** if that's what it takes to stop terrorizing those men with nightmares."
The only response was a 'kufufufu', but the illusionist apparently stopped.
Tsuna then turned around to look at Class E as if expecting them to appear, which he most likely did; he smiled sheepishly.
"Ah, hey guys."
Karma smiled amusedly.
"I can guess that ya' do this everyday...hm~?"
Tsuna laughed, rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Now that would be exaggerating it...."
"Oooh! Tell us the story, pleeeeease?!"
Hinano gave Koro-Sensei a puppy-eyed look.
The ex-octopus grinned.
"Haha, no need for that look! I was going to tell you all eventually!"
Class E was settled around him, along with some of the teens living in the mansion.
Koro-Sensei grinned widely as he looked at their excited faces.
"I'll tell you...of my first joint mission...with Reborn-kun and Bermuda-kun!"
"You're serious."
Reborn raised an eyebrow at Tsuna.
"You want me, my great grandpa and a once-octopus to go on a mission together to destroy an enemy famiglia?"
The brunet nodded, a weary smile on his lips.
"Yep. They...have pushed me to use brute force. They also attacked some of our men."
Reborn shrugged slightly.
"Hm. Okie-dokie then. I'll go round them up and get our a**es in gear. See you in a few hours."
Tsuna chuckled.
"Stay safe."
"Tako. Takooo~" (Octopus. Octopus~)
Koro-Sensei jumped at the sound of Reborn's monotone voice calling out to him; he set the book he had been reading down.
The hitman leaned against the doorframe of the library.
Reborn nodded his head.
"We have a mission today."
Koro-Sensei blinked in surprise and got out of the cushioned chair he was sitting in.
"Really? What shall we be doing?"
Reborn smirked.
He responded.
With one single word.
The two eventually found Bermuda, who was floating around using his Night flames.
The situation was explained to the Vindice leader.
Bermuda then opened up a portal, explaining that they would be placed right in front of the enemy's hideout.
Reborn prepared his black pistol and had Leon change into a green one.
"Hey, Koro. Normal bullets are useless against you, right?"
Koro-Sensei turned to face the hitman and nodded.
"Hai. If there were normal bullets shot at me, my body will melt them once they are inside me; they are practically useless despite me in my human form now."
Koro-Sensei inclined his head at Reborn, a nervous smile on his lips.
"Why do you ask?"
Reborn stared blankly at Koro-Sensei before turning away to look somewhere else.
Bermuda was closest to Reborn and caught the smirk on the hitman's lips; he sent a pitying look over at Koro-Sensei, who started to sweat at that look.
Bermuda sighed softly.
"I'm sure you'll get back home in one piece."
A guard in front of the enemy hideout jumped.
He looked around the area.
"Who's there!?"
Rattle, rattle.
The guard froze.
He slowly looked up.
Bermuda stood on the top of the gate, a bandage mask covering the bottom half of his face; his chains clattered against the metal gate.
The guard gulped dryly.
Silver-green glinted ominously.
"Justice is in order."
Before the guard could run, his face was met with a fist, knocking him out instantly; he flopped onto his back harshly.
Reborn stood above the unconscious body, cracking his knuckles on one hand; he then reached back into his suit to pull his black pistol out again.
The hitman tipped his fedora up and looked at the mansion they were about to attack.
"Hm...one guard? They must be pretty cocky or they're really that strong.......most likely the former."
Reborn walked up to the gate before kicking it down; it slammed into the ground, kicking up clouds of dirt.
"Rusty hinges. Anyways..."
The hitman darted towards the mansion.
"Let's go."
Koro-Sensei flew down from the sky and ran with Reborn and Bermuda.
Bermuda swung a chain in front of himself and sliced through the wooden doors with ease.
The three paused at the entrance once they stepped over the doorframe.
Click, click, click.
Multiple guns were cocked.
All of them were aimed at the trio.
Koro-Sensei was prepared to dart over to all of them and confiscate the guns, but Reborn had other plans.
The hitman clapped a hand over Koro-Sensei's shoulder and positioned him to stand in front of the spartan and the Vindice boss; he smirked.
"I'm so not sorry for this."
Reborn spun Koro-Sensei around so he could face the enemy.
Koro-Sensei was stunned.
The enemy's men leveled their guns.
Koro-Sensei widened his eyes comically.
Bullets hit Koro-Sensei, but he was unharmed, judging by the way he was simply talking to Reborn over his shoulder.
"Is this really necessary?! Why am I being used as a shield!?"
"Hey, shoosh. They're about to run out of ammo."
Bermuda sweatdroped on the side.
"Oh dear..."
Finally, the guns stopped firing; the enemy gaped at the completely unharmed Koro-Sensei.
Reborn smirked.
"See? Out of bullets."
The hitman jumped onto Koro-Sensei's shoulders as a foothold to hop up to the balcony, where some of the shooters were.
He landed, stood up and aimed both of his guns to the side of his body as men charged at him with knives.
Bullets shot out and ricocheted all over the place; Reborn made sure to avoid vitals to ensure no deaths.
Bermuda darted forwards and disappeared into a black portal.
Multiple portals opened up behind a handful of men.
Chains shot out, wrapped around the men's ankles, and dragged them into the inky-black portals--like one of your cliché horror movies.
Koro-Sensei huffed childishly once before making multiple clones of himself.
He and his clones held the men in headlocks, cutting off their air circulation, slowly knocking them out.
The area was slowly cleared.
"P-Please don't kill me!"
Reborn raised an eyebrow at the man before him, gun pointed at his enemy's forehead; Koro-Sensei was sprouting tentacles, keeping guard at the entrances and exits of the office-like room.
Bermuda floated in the air with the help pf his Night flames; he watched the ongoings of the situation with a calm smile.
Reborn looked at the enemy's boss with boredom.
"Wasn't going to." The boss relaxed. "But the Vindice boss here would like to throw you in jail for eternity for committing human trafficking and slavery."
The enemy boss froze before trembling.
"No! Please, I'll pay you more than what the Vongola Decimo b*****d is paying you!"
Koro-Sensei and Bermuda froze.
They saw Reborn twitch.
And the man made the mostake of continuing to speak.
"--I'll give you anything you want! Wealth? Fame? Power? I can assist you in killing the Vongola Decimo too! I can eve--!"
The boss yelped and howled his pain when his knee got shot.
The cowardly man froze and shakily looked up.
Reborn's eyes were burning gold with Sun flames.
"Shut your d*** mouth already."
The hitman shot a bullet that cut the boss' cheek.
"You crossed the line at mentioning to kill my son. Bermuda."
The Vindice boss looked at Reborn.
The hitman gave a blunt question.
"Can I shoot this b*****d's balls--if he has any--off before you take him to jail?"
The boss shrieked while Bermuda responded.
"Go on ahead."
Reborn took aim the boss screeched.
The man went unconscious.
But Reborn had merely shot the floor between the boss' legs.
Reborn huffed and his eyes faded back to onyx; he looked to the side and saw Bermuda looking at him with amusement.
Bermuda chuckled.
"Oh~nothing. I just thought you'd really do it."
"Oh, so you want me to--"
Koro-Sensei waved his arms around frantically.
"Goodness gracious! Let's just throw him in jail already!"
"As promised. We're back after a few hours."
Reborn filed his report and set it in front of Tsuna.
The brunet smiled brightly.
"Heh, thanks Reborn. I have espresso for you, a latte for Bermuda-san and some Earl Grey tea for Koro-Sensei in the kitchen below. Good work you to you three."
Reborn reached over and ruffled Tsuna's locks before exiting the room.
::(Flashback End)::
Rio squinted her eyes at Koro-Sensei.
"That was laaame, Koro-Sensei."
The ex-octopus blinked in surprise.
Rinka frowned slightly.
"It didn't sound like you did much, compared to Reborn-Sensei and Bermuda-san."
Koro-Sensei cried comically, curling up on his side.
"My dear students are bullying meeeee, nyoohoohoo..."
Class E sweatdropped.
Class E engaged themselves in a water gun and balloon fight with the Vongola Famiglia.
All of the Rain and Ocean flame users were the cheaters of the game.
Meaning Bluebell, Takeshi and Kaoru won the game with ease.
After that, they settled down to have some shaved ice and gelato.
Night fell.
This night, Tsuna had everyone camp out.
They all watched the stars as the clouds moved out of the way and spotted the full moon.
It was just another warm, peaceful day.
//(Last Day)//
"Do ya' have to leave?"
The teens were sad.
Class E smiled back and gave their hugs and goodbyes.
Class E saw Tsuna approaching them with a bag in hand; the brunet smiled brightly.
"I figure buys tickets to Italy will be a hassle, so I had Verde make something for you guys."
The ex-students watched as a palm-sized device was placed in each of their hands.
Tsuna smiled.
"These devices produce Night flame portals. You can type in your destination and you will be able to go there."
Class E looked at Tsuna with amazement as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.
"Come back any time, alright?"
The ex-students smiled and group-hugged the brunet.
Tsuna finished the last of his paperwork and sighed.
The brunet perked up and saw a few portals open up.
He smiled amusedly at the sight of Nagisa, Karma, Kaede and Sugino stepping out.
Tsuna grinned.
"What would guys like to do today?"
~~(How Tsuna Met Byakuran)~~
Tsuna took a sip of coffee in the cafe he decided to spend some free time i--
The brunet choked on his coffee as arms wrapped around his neck.
Tsuna whirled around and pried whoever was on his back off.
He held the slightly shorter person at arm's length.
Tsuna slowly widened his eyes.
The teen laughed.
"Missed ya' Tsu-chan!"
Byakura then pouted.
"Home come you never went looking for me!? I even called you!"
Tsuna paused.
Tsuna was in his office, sleeping with his head on his desk.
Bzzzt, bzzt!
The brunet jerked his head up and held his arms in front of his face; one of his papers got stuck to his forehead.
"I'm up Reborn. I wasn't sleeping!"
Tsuna lowered his arms and sighed when he realized that the hitman wasn't there.
The brunet plucked the paper from his forehead and set it on the side.
He looked at his phone and frowned slightly.
'An unknown number...?'
He unlocked it and accepted the call.
Tsuna stared at his phone.
He hung up on the caller.
The brunet sighed and tossed his phone back onto his desk, putting the call to the back of his mind already.
::(Flashback End)::
Tsuna raised an eyebrow at Byakuran as the memory came back to him.
"So that was you..."
Lavender eyes rolled.
"I thought it was obvious!"
Tsuna deadpanned Byakuran before promptly dropping him; the teen landed on his bottom.
"Ouch! So mean Tsu-chaaan~!"
Tsuna smiled exasperatedly, paying a waitress for the coffee and the mess he made.
"Let's get you and your Guardians to Vongola HQ you little rascal. And,"
The brunet ruffled Byakuran's head; he smiled warmly down at the Mare ring-user.
"I missed you too, Byakuran-kun."
The white-haired teen grinned.
(O.D.D.- I'm trying my best to update the other stories. Please be patient!
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