Chapter 5: Just Another Day
Tsuna flipped his fedora around in his hands, walking down the hallways of the mini school; he finished conversing with Karasuma.
The brunet then placed it back onto his head and sighed.
He stepped into the classroom where Koro-Sensei just finished his lesson.
He sweatdropped when he saw two of the students--Sugino and Kaede--being restrained by some of Koro-Sensei's tentacles; the two were trying to stab their teacher with Anti-Sensei knives while the octopus helped them answer a few questions.
Tsuna knocked on the doorframe to get their attention.
Koro-Sensei smiled brightly and darted away from the two students once he released them.
"Haha, Tsuna-kun~! It's nice to see you!"
In a yellow blur, he was standing right beside Tsuna, who was looking at the other with amusement.
"You do this every day?"
Tsuna chuckled; Koro-Sensei waved a tentacle in the air.
"I'll be going now. Please take care of my students~!"
The brunet smiled as he watched the octopus leave.
Tsuna then felt eyes on him; his sunset-orange eyes met with sky-blue ones.
Nagisa jumped slightly before blushing, embarrassed that he was caught in staring.
Tsuna merely smiled and walked up to the front of the classroom while Nagisa wrote something down onto his notepad.
Sawada-Sensei Fact #1: His eyes can keep up with Koro-Sensei's speed.
The class was in slight awe at the food--fried rice, omelets, shoyu chicken--that Tsuna made in mere seconds.
The brunet helped those who had trouble with ease, and everyone slowly let down their walls around the brunet.
All of the students were able to make fried rice that was enough to make a 5 star chef envy for; everyone was also amazed by their own cooking skills.
Nagisa saw all of this and wrote them down.
Sawada-Sensei Fact #2: He has a very calm aura and has a lot of patience. He is not very easy to anger.
Sawada-Sensei Fact #3: He can explain things very thoroughly, helping others to understand what they learn almost immediately.
Suddenly, Nagisa felt a tug at one of his piggy tails; he winced and glanced up.
The bluenet shrunk slightly at the sight of Ryoma there; the taller boy smirked.
"Ha, making some dumb notes again? They're so useless--they don't do sh**t--!"
Swish, smack!
Everyone stared with wide eyes as Ryoma's head whipped back; he crumple to the ground, clutching his forehead.
The students gazed with shock at the piece of chalk that rolled innocently along the ground.
Everyone slowly turned their gazes to Tsuna, who had an arm extended out in Ryoma's direction--the adult apparently threw the object at the teen.
Tsuna tugged his fedora down.
"I do not appreciate bullying in my class, Terasaka-kun."
Everyone was slightly awed and shocked by the wisp of killing intent that rolled off of Tsuna's body.
Sunset-orange eyes glowed slightly as they stared Ryoma down.
The teen gulped and stood up.
"H-Hai, Sawada-Sensei."
In an instant, the dark aura lifted, and Tsuna smiled brightly; Ryoma grit his teeth.
The brunet waved a spatula in the air.
"Let's get on with class, neh? Karasuma-san will be teaching you next."
Nagisa snapped out of his awed stupor and quickly wrote something in his notepad.
Sawada-Sensei Fact #4: He is very unpredictable.
"Oi, what's wrong with you lot?"
Irina walked through the field where Karasuma was helping them with their assassination skills.
Currently, everyone had messed up greatly when attacking Karasuma as practice; some even tripped on their own feet before attacking the ravenet!
Karma smiled at the approaching blonde.
"Hm~well...we saw something interesting today~!"
Irina raised an eyebrow as Karasuma put a temporary break in his lesson; he was also curious of his students' peculiar actions.
Karma chuckled and jabbed a thumb at Ryoma.
"Ask the leader of the idiot trio--he had a full experience."
Everyone turned to look at the delinquent, who was glaring at the redhead.
Slowly, the teen spat his words out.
"Dame-Tsuna....threw a piece of chalk at my forehead."
Karasuma and Irina blinked in surprise.
There was a silence before the World Languages teacher started to laugh.
"Bwahahaha! Is that why you have a red spot on your forehead!? It's still there!"
Ryoma blushed and covered the red spot, glaring at the woman.
"Shut up, Bitch-Sensei!"
(O.D.D.- I hope you guys don't mind that I'll be writing that word uncensored...(−_−;))
That snapped her up; she had multiple tick marks on her head.
"What was that, brat!?"
While the two were bickering, Karasuma was processing the new information; his onyx eyes were slightly wide.
The said teen whipped his towards the ravenet.
"How far away was he?"
The boy grumbled and waved his hand in the air.
"I dunno, he was like all the way on the other side of the classroom and three rows ahead of me..."
Karasuma blinked in surprise.
'...For a 'Dame'...he has sharp eyes and perfect control to aim a piece of chalk at a small target from across the room? Am I hearing this correctly?'
"Ano, Karasuma-Sensei."
His onyx drifted upwards and saw Nagisa standing there.
"Hai, Shiota?"
The bluenet fiddled with his Anti-Sensei knife and looked up at him.
"Is....Sawada-Sensei an assassin?"
This caused Karasuma to blink with surprise; the others were also listening in on the conversation.
Nagisa's eyes were filled with a calculating look as he went through his notes.
"I kinda observed him....and he's....'not the average person'."
Karasuma wholeheartedly agreed mentally.
<<(With Tsuna)>>
The brunet walked back to his apartment, gazing at the orange sky.
Tsuna blinked in surprise and rounded the corner; he widened his eyes at the sight that greeted him.
'His' stuff--this world's Tsuna--was being thrown into a garbage truck.
Sunset-orange eyes narrowed as he was there in an instant.
"What....are. You. Doing?"
His voice was eerily calm as he stood in front of the landlord and the garbage workers.
The landlord merely sneered at the brunet, his greasy hair was combed over his head to hide his baldness.
"I'm kicking you out, Dame-Tsuna."
The brunet remained stoic and glanced briefly at the workers.
The landlord huffed, crossing his arms and lifting his fat chin arrogantly.
"You haven't paid your rent! I expect you to pay it every day, brat!"
The workers snickered as they threw a couch into the garbage truck; Tsuna didn't even blink as he heard the sound of wood snapping when it was crushed by the machine.
The workers held boxes of 'his' things and simply threw it in with the couch; Tsuna stood there, watching.
The landlord smirked when the last of 'his' things were thrown into the garbage truck.
The fat man smirked before pulling a wooden frame out of his 'fancy' suit; he walked up to Tsuna before smashing it against the brunet's face.
....Glass shards cut deep into Tsuna's face. The frame broke and clattered to the ground with the wooden splinters.
The landlord laughed obnoxiously at Tsuna's bleeding face; the brunet simply kept his head bowed and looked at the broken frame on the ground. His fedora landed on the ground.
The garbage truck workers also laughed before driving away.
The landlord stepped onto the broken frame, sneering haughtily before turning on his heel, leaving the brunet alone.
A breeze blew by as blood rolled down from his forehead, cheeks, and chin.
He didn't pay attention to it as he crouched down, picking the photo that was covered in glass shards up; he didn't even flinch as his fingers got cut slightly.
Tsuna sighed exasperatedly--as if he was bleeding right then.
"Well. I managed to keep one of 'your' possessions. Sorry I couldn't save 'your' other things..."
It was a picture...of his parallel self...with his mother, Nana.
'He' looked no older than ten in the picture as 'he' held hands with Nana, smiling brightly at the camera along with the brunette woman.
Tsuna winced as he felt the mini glass shards that were still inside his cheeks; he sighed once more.
"Ah~it'll be a pain to take out..."
The brunet pocketed the photo, picked his fedora up, and walked away from the area; he wasn't welcomed there anymore.
"I wonder where I should sleep...."
Tsuna sighed and placed his fedora onto his head; the street lights began to flicker on.
"The stars are really beautiful tonight..."
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