Chapter 36: Farewells
(O.D.D.- The end is near.... (T—T) And I added some sad music.
Nagisa stared at the barrier on the top of the mountain with shock and fear, clutching his phone tightly to his chest.
"What...? What is that....?" 'Koro-Sensei's up there! Along with Tsuna-Sensei and his friends too!'
The bluenet glanced down at his phone and saw that he had a new message; he opened it.
Nagisa looked at the sender with slight surprise.
'It's Karasuma-Sensei?'
All of you are to await on standby at your homes. Until you receive permission, your [job] is to not discuss this with the others.
Nagisa furrowed his eyebrow at the short message.
'But why--?'
Ping, ping!
Nagisa saw that he got a News alert; he opened it and a video started to play.
"Breaking news dear citizens! Do not be alarmed by the strange barrier on the top of the mountain, for it is actually for our safety. Within that barrier is a beast that has terrorized poor, innocent and defenseless children!"
Nagisa gaped as the video continued, showing the newsman who was giving the report.
"Our Government had to allow this beast to take these terrorized children as hostages as they secretly made a weapon to kill this fearsome monster. And now, as you can see, it is ready and it will wipe this monster off of the face of this world! It will take seven days for it to charge and slay this beast!"
Nagisa clenched his phone tightly as he continued to stare at the screen with shock.
'....We were too naive......while we thought we could save Koro-Sensei....the Government did this while we were in the dark, doing our assassinations....'
The bluenet's thoughts were cut off as the newsman made another loud outburst.
"But that's not all--oh no! There is someone else who has been tormenting these poor children! And he's a human--the one who has created this monstrous beast!"
Nagisa frowned in confusion.
'What is he talking ab--?'
An image of a very familiar brunet teacher appeared; the newsman waved his arms around dramatically as he continued his report.
"This man here is the one behind all of this evil! He's the one who created the monster that terrorized the students. He also abused those poor youths himself--both physically and verbally!"
Nagisa stared at his phone with shock.
'.....What. The. He**?'
"But do not fear! Our Government has also taken care of this threat. Currently, this horrible man has been captured and restrained!"
Nagisa widened his eyes with worry, murmuring softly to himself.
"No, no, no, no, no...!" 'Tsuna-Sensei!'
"And with even greater news! This cruel man, Sawada Tsunayoshi, shall also be killed a few days earlier than the monster!"
Nagisa felt his entire body go numb, but he was able to keep his phone from falling from his grasp; he felt sick.
', no, no, no, NO! This can't be happening! I--!'
Nagisa exited out of the broadcast, sick of hearing the newsman drone on about Tsuna's approaching de--no! Tsuna won't die!
As the bluenet started to run towards the mountain, he met up with his classmates; they all shared the same expressions and feelings.
"Let us through!"
"We get into....that barrier! To Koro-Sensei!"
But the soldier guarding the mountain pushed the students back until--
"Hey! Don't be rough with the students!"
The soldiers backed off slightly and the students were able to see Karasuma approaching them.
The ravenet's mouth was set in a grim line as he stopped before them; one of the students pointed at the mountain.
"What the he** is that thing up there!? What's going on!?"
Karasuma shut his eyes briefly, sighing through his nose.
"...Even I wasn't informed about this earlier. The reason was probably the fear of information getting leaked to the target if I knew even the slightest idea of what was to come."
The students gritted their teeth or bit their lips.
"Karasuma-Sensei...please....let us throu--!"
"I can't do that. I'm sorry."
The students clenched their hands while Nagisa looked at Karasuma.
"Karasuma-Sensei! What about Tsuna-Sensei?"
The ravenet froze up at the name; Nagisa saw how the Agent balled his hands into fists before relaxing.
"He's......he's in captivity."
Hiroto growled lowly.
"We know that already! What we want to know is why the f*** is he getting blamed for all of this sh**!?"
Karasuma gritted his teeth and looked off to the side.
"....I cannot sa--HEY!"
The students suddenly rushed past the soldiers and Karasuma towards the mountain up ahead; Ryoma snarled back at the Agent.
"Well fine then! We'll listen to your bullcr** later! Just stay out of our way now!"
The students were gone before the soldiers or Karasuma could react.
Everyone stood in a circle by the empty buildings near the mountain; they stopped running after finding that they were far enough from the soldiers.
"What should we do?"
The students furrowed their brows or looked off to the side.
"Even Karasuma-Sensei can't do anything now. But we can't blame him for that...."
The students all pulled their phones out and found Ritsu there, wearing an equally grim expression.
"...If it helps....I was able to find out how many guards there are circling the mountain that we have to get through."
Megu smiled gently at the electronic student.
"Ah, arigatou gozaimasu, Ritsu-chan. Can you please show us?"
A few images showed up and the class looked a bit devastated.
'So many--! No. We can't think about that now.'
The class looked over at Nagisa, who was chewing his lip anxiously.
"What about Tsuna-Sensei?"
They all shared a look and frowned.
"Why aren't Tsuna-Sensei's friends protecting him?"
"Maybe...they're trapped in the barrier too some how?"
"Yeah! There's no way they would let Tsuna-Sensei get caught like tha--!"
Everyone looked at Karma, who was frowning grimly.
"What do you mean, Karma?"
The redhead ran a hand through his locks.
"Think about it. Whenever Tsuna-Sensei gets injured, you can see regret on his friends' faces. It would be obvious that they don't want him injured so....that left me with the conclusion that Tsuna-Sensei ordered them to not help him--including this moment now, where he's captured by those Government people."
Karma looked at all of them.
"Don't you guys get it? Tsuna-Sensei wants this to happen to him."
Hinami frowned, her eyes shimmered with unshed, frustrated tears.
"But why!? Tsuna-Sensei doesn't just want to d-die for some phony reason the stupid Government made up!"
"Maybe.....he does...."
Everyone whipped their heads around to look at Nagisa.
"What!? Are you f***ing serious!?"
"There's no wa--!"
Everyone flinched and widened their eyes at Nagisa's sudden outburst.
The bluenet panted slightly before looking at the ground; his eyes were downcast.
"....Tonight....recently....I was talking to Tsuna-Sensei...."
The students listened as Nagisa continued.
"I--.....maybe....I should've just stayed a little longer. I had a it was going to be the last time I would actually speak with him."
Nagisa took a deep breath.
"Following my instincts....I just told promise to be careful."
The bluenet chewed his lower lip.
"I should've been more adamant on it because....Tsuna-Sensei's expression....when he promised me....." Nagisa frowned at the memory. "He smiled.....while closing his hide his emotions...."
The bluenet shook his head.
"I should've known by then....that Tsuna-Sensei was going to do this...."
Hinami frowned.
"But that still doesn't answer the question! Why would he do this...?"
"Maybe...." Everyone turned to look at Megu. "....He's....trying to protect us and his friends? If Tsuna-Sensei simply ran away, then this entire town and the Government.....they'll go berserk and be restless for who knows how long....they'll be thinking that Tsuna-Sensei is plotting to kill them all."
Megu's expression was grim.
"I hate to say it, but....with Tsuna-Sensei dead......there would be less....chaos--"
"WELL F*** THAT SH**!"
Everyone looked over at Ryoma, who had his arms crossed; there were multiple tick marks on his head.
"If he seriously thinks that will make everyone happy, then I'll break him out and punch his d*** pretty-boy face till he understands that NO--NO ONE WILL BE F***ING HAPPY! EXCEPT THOSE F***TARDS OF A GOVERNMENT, WHO SHOULD REALLY BE GETTING THEIR A**ES HANDED TO THEM!"
The students stared at the delinquent with a stunned silence.
They all glanced at each other.
Slowly......Karma chuckled, stuffing his hands into his pockets; he relaxed his posture slightly.
"Pffft--as if you could even land a single hit on Tsuna-Sensei."
Ryoma flushed slightly in embarrassment and barked back at Karma.
"Oh shut up! You know what I mean!"
Karma smiled waving one of his hands nonchalantly.
"Yeah, yeah."
Yuuma grinned over at Ryoma.
"Thanks, Terasaka! Your words gave us some hope now."
Ryoma flushed harder; he huffed and looked to the side.
Yuuma then turned to look at the rest of the group.
"Alright guys! Let's do this! Operation: Save Koro-Sensei and Tsuna-Sensei!"
The students responded with enthusiasm.
Suddenly, two black cars came into the scene, surrounding the group.
Before they could even react, they were pulled into the car, blindfolded and bound.
The cars shut their doors and left the scene with not a soul in sight.
Thump, thump, thump!
The students were thrown into a large room.
Ryoma rubbed his head as he snarled at the recently shut and locked door.
Kaede looked at herself glumly; she and the others were now wearing plain t-shirts and pants.
"They took all of our things...."
Kotaro pushed his glasses up, frowning slightly.
"My bomb set was also taken away."
Ryoma kicked the door.
"D*** it! Let us out!"
Megu looked over at the delinquent, shouting over his banging.
"Terasaka, enough! Save your strength. We need a plan to get out of here--not brute strength alone."
Ryoma glared at the brunette, but he stopped his assault on the door, grinding his teeth when he also found that the door didn't have a single dent on it.
Nagisa surveyed the room.
No windows. Only one door. A large TV on the side, including a long couch. There were also a few cameras hidden here and there.
It wasn't exactly a prison cell, but it was certainly a room to keep them contained.
Nagisa knocked his knuckles on one of the walls; he listened closely.
'...Hm...the walls aren't we can't just break it down.....'
The bluenet gritted his teeth.
'This is bad.......we can't do anything now.....'
Just then, the door opened; everyone snapped to attention.
The students widened their eyes at the sight of the newcomer.
The ravenet glared back at the soldiers by the door, telling to shut the--d***n--door already, before looking back at the students with a softened gaze.
The ravenet shut his eyes and sighed through his nose; Hinano shuffled forward.
"Karasuma-Sensei! Please tell them to let us go! We need to see Koro-Sensei and save Tsuna-Sensei!"
Karasuma opened his eyes and looked blankly at the group.
"I cannot do that. Right now--I hate to say this--you're all on your own."
The students gaped slightly.
"Are you serious?"
"You can't--!"
Karasuma gave a stern look to all of them.
"You and I know that I'm not in the position to give orders to someone higher than me. I apologize once more--I cannot help you."
Nagisa balled one of his hands into a fist before relaxing; he looked up at the ravenet.
"Karasuma-Sensei.....who was that man with the glasses?"
Karasuma looked over at the bluenet and sighed softly.
"That Houjou Craig. He's an agent--like myself--but he is....on a much higher level than me."
The ravenet sighed.
"You could say....he's at least three times my strength."
The class gaped.
"No way....."
Karasuma shook his head.
"Anyways...right now. I can't help you. You're on your own."
The door opened, revealing one of the soldiers.
"Five minutes are up. Please leave the cell, Karasuma-san."
The ravenet grunted, gave one more apologetic look to the teens, before leaving the cell.
The door closed with a click.
Ryoma growled.
"F***! We only have seven days left! What the he** are we supposed to do!?"
The rest didn't respond.
Yuuma sighed and looked at them all.
"Let's get some rest for now, guys. Maybe....we can clear our minds and think up a plan that way."
Once again, there was no response, but they all chose a spot to rest and slowly fell asleep.
<<(In A Dream)>>
Tweet, tweet, tweet....
Nagisa snapped his eyes open, widening them.
The bluenet sat up immediately and looked at his surroundings.
Nagisa stood up and heard a few groans beside him.
He found his fellow students there.
They all slowly woke up; Kaede looked around confusedly.
"Are we.....having the same dream? Weird....."
The students stood up and helped the others to their feet.
They all looked at each other with confusion.
"What's going on?"
"Is this a dream....or did we really break out...?"
Nagisa glanced around.
He peace.
The bluenet glanced to the side and found a river.
His Hitman Instincts acted up.
Follow the river.
Nagisa looked back at the group.
"Neh, Mina-san." They turned to look at him. "I think....we should follow that river over there."
The class raised eyebrows at the bluenet; Karma smiled and shrugged, looking at his fellow classmates.
"Maa, we got nothing else to do here--we don't even know where 'here' is."
The class nodded and followed the river, looking around the area with slight awe.
It was beautiful in a sense.
There were a few sakura trees in full bloom, shedding flower petals; it almost looked like pink snow.
The other trees were a fresh green; sunlight filtered through the leaves.
The river water reflected the light and blue sky above.
The class sweatdropped and shared one thought.
'.....Holy sh**...did we die and go to heaven?'
The trees finally ended; the students came upon a large clearing, where a large lake was present.
Everyone jumped slightly and turned to look at Yukiko, who had a hand covering her mouth.
They all followed her gaze and froze.
A brunet man in a crisp, black suit was there; his back faced them as he sat near the edge of the lake.
He was humming softly, watching the water slosh up on the white sand.
Nagisa took one step forward and stopped; he called out shakily.
The humming stopped.
The brunet turned his head; sunset-orange eyes softened.
That was all the confirmation they needed.
The students started to run towards the brunet; some of them teared up.
The brunet grunted as he was hugged by a few students; a small smile made its way to his lips.
Kaede wiped a few tears away from her golden eyes; she kneeled beside the brunet.
"'re an idiot!"
Tsuna made a sheepish smile, patting the grass beside him.
"Maa, Mina-san....just sit down for now....please...."
The students complied; a gentle breeze blew by.
Nagisa broke the brief silence.
"Tsuna-Sensei....where are we...?"
The brunet looked up at the sky above them.
"...A dream. My dream, to be exact."
"....Why...are we here....?"
Tsuna gave a sad smile to Nagisa and the rest of the students.
"You're here because.....I'm saying goodbye."
The students widened their eyes.
They all instantly stood up; Ryoma snarled at the brunet, who got on his feet at a more relaxed pace.
"You can't be f***ing serious! You brought us here to give up like that!? In front of our f***ing faces!? What the he** are you thinking!?"
Tsuna didn't respond; he smiled gently at Ryoma.
The brunet sighed softly and turned to look at the lake.
".........I'm going soon. I can sense that the guards are approaching my cell."
Kaede punched Tsuna's arm.
"Don't just say that! Break out of your cell! Fight back! Escape! DO SOMETHING!"
The green-haired girl, gripped the brunet's sleeve; she held back a sob.
She knew.....
In the very back of her mind.....
Tsuna. Wouldn't. Change. His. Mind.
Tsuna pulled the girl into a small hug, shutting his eyes briefly.
" a beautiful and wonderful actress when you grow up. Don't be held back by the past anymore and look to the future."
The brunet let Kaede go and saw Itona there; the white-haired teen's lower lip was trembling, and his eyes shimmered with unshed tears.
Tsuna smiled and ruffled Itona's hair.
"Hopefully you'll be able to strengthen your terms with your father now, and can make a greater business with your two smart brains."
Itona managed a shaky chuckle and nodded his head slightly.
Tsuna looked over Itona's head at the rest of the Terasaka Gang.
"Takuya-kun, I know you'll make a fine noodle recipe once you take over your father's restaurant. Taisei-kun, I hope you can use your motor cycle expertise to also take good care of your father's shop. Kirara-chan, have fun at the libraries--and I hope you'll be able to own one yourself. And Ryoma-kun, I hope you'll achieve your dream as a good politician in the future."
The Gang merely nodded; some tears threatened to roll down their cheeks.
Tsuna dropped his hand from Itona's head and walked over to Rinka and Ryuunosuke.
The usually stoic snipers immediately hugged Tsuna, squeezing their arms tightly around him; the brunet gently pat their heads.
"Ryuunosuke-kun, both have bright futures ahead of each other, but don't keep your feelings in--you can rely on others, ya know."
Rinka chewed her lower lip and nodded; a tear slipped down Ryuunosuke's cheek.
They softly responded.
The two teens hesitantly released the brunet as he then moved on to the rest of the girls.
Tsuna smiled as he looked at each of them.
"Sumire-chan, I'm sure you'll make a lovely housewife--like you wish to be."
The chubby girl sniffled and nodded her head.
"Yukiko-chan, you have a very generous and caring heart--I know you'll use it to help the weak and helpless."
The gentle girl smiled softly as tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Touka-chan, I hope you'll get a good job in the business sector."
The brunette rubbed at her magenta eyes.
"Hinano-chan, continue with your love for nature, and teach others of your findings."
The ginger nodded her head vigorously.
"Rio-chan, see the world and go to the universities you've always wanted to go to--use that brilliant brain of yours to get in."
The blonde gave a weak smirk and wiped the corner of her eyes with her thumb.
"Megu-chan, you have great leader-like qualities--you'll certainly be one worth following too. Use those qualities for good."
The brunette nodded, covering her mouth with her hand to stifle a sob.
"Yuzuki-chan, I'm positive you'll make an excellent detective with that smart mind of yours. Capture all of the bad guys out there, 'kay?"
The young detective smiled shakily and nodded.
"Hinata-chan, I hope you'll be successful in making it to a university gymnastics club. Show them to become a strong-willed person like you."
The gymnast smiled and nodded her head; her eyes were puffy.
Tsuna then gave a sheepish smile.
"Sadly, Ristu-chan can't be here....but....I would tell her to continue being the bright little ball of sunshine she is."
Tsuna then turned his gaze to Manami and Kotaro.
"Manami-chan, Kotaro-kun, become brilliant scientists and save the lives of the diseased and helpless. I'm sure with both of your skills that you'll save many."
The two nodded with teary eyes.
Tsuna then looked at the other boys.
"Sugino, become a pro baseball player--I'm sure you'll achieve your dreams."
The bluenet scrubbed his eyes with his arm.
"Sousuke-kun, you are very talented with art. I'm sure you'll excel in that subject in the future."
The silveret nodded, his cheeks were wet with tears, but he managed to stop crying.
" are also one with leader-like qualities. And you are also quite versatile with food--does goldfish ring a bell? Maybe you might become a brilliant cook."
The Ikemen laughed slightly at the joke and nodded his head.
"Kouki-kun, Taiga-kun, both of you are great in movie-making. You two could make amazing films."
The ginger and the pervert nodded their heads, managing a small smile to the brunet.
"Masayoshi-kun....maybe you might take on your father's job and bring justice to criminals out there--just a thought, really."
The ravenet gave a wry, teary smile and nodded.
"Hiroto-kun, you have a very bright personality. Whatever you want to be, make sure its something you can stick with."
The blonde gave a weak thumbs-up and wiped the corner of his eye.
Tsuna then turned to Karma; the redhead was smiling grimly.
" of the few teachers that I respected."
The redhead let out a soft sigh.
Tsuna ruffled Karma's head, smiling gently.
"Mm. Well then, Karma-kun, learn to trust and respect more people. Surely, you'll become an important the Government....."
Karma smiled dryly.
"Hmph. I'll make sure I'll kick the senile geezers out."
Tsuna gave a soft chuckle.
"Maa, maa. A little mercy would be nice."
Tsuna dropped his hand from Karma's head.
Finally....he turned his head to Nagisa.
The bluenet was shaking minutely.
Nagisa clenched his hands into fists; his bangs shadowed his eyes.
"Y....Y-You can't--!"
The brunet placed his hand behind Nagisa's head.
"Nagisa-kun......become a magnificent teacher. Teach your students to be strong, yet merciful. Teach them....what you have a student yourself."
He gently bumped foreheads with the teen; Tsuna smiled gently as he stared into teary, sky-blue eyes.
"Take care now. Get your classmates out of here, and find a way to Koro-Sensei."
Tsuna smiled as he let go.
He looked at each student; Tsuna grinned.
"I'm rooting for you guys. Give 'em he**."
Despite the heavy feeling in their hearts, and the tears stinging the corners of their eyes, Class E, the Class of Class of the Excellent, the Encouraging, the Empowering, the Effortless, the Exhilarating and the Exceptional--they responded with enthusiasm.
Tsuna chuckled.
And the dream slowly faded to black.
"Ja ne, Mina." (See ya' later, Everyone.)
<<(In the Real World)>>
Tsuna opened his sunset-orange eyes.
He looked at the walls of his white cell.
There was nothing was just a blank room with no furniture at all.
Tsuna was currently leaning against one of those walls, sitting Indian-style.
The brunet yawned and cracked his neck, wincing when he felt his dislocated arm throb.
Tsuna sighed as he also glanced down at his sprained ankle, setting his arm back into place with a slight flinch.
The door to his cell opened; Tsuna looked over at the soldiers that entered. The brunet chuckled mentally how the men were hiding that they were scared of him.
"S...Sawada Tsunayoshi! Right now, you are to be executed--within this room!"
They lined up in front of the brunet, rifles leveled.
"Any last words!?"
Tsuna gazed quietly, studying each face....before looking at the apparent leader of the small squad; the brunet familiar the face was.
".......Can I choose my executioner?"
The men looked stunned at that; they glanced at each other while the captain, who had tattoos on his cheek, narrowed his gaze at the brunet.
"....And who might that be?"
Tsuna smiled calmly.
Karasuma walked briskly through the halls.
He ignored almost everything around him.
"Sawada Tsunayoshi requests you to be his executioner, Karasuma."
After a few twists and turns.....Karasuma finally stopped before the door with soldiers guarding it.
The captain nodded his head in recognition.
"Karasuma-san....thank you for coming....."
The ravenet didn't respond and stared at the door instead.
The captain noticed the look and motioned his men to leave, which they did.
"Karasuma-san.....if you could hear me out....."
The Government Agent turned a slightly confused look to the other; the captain smiled grimly.
"....Before all of this sh**.....I had met young Tsunayoshi....before he became a teacher and when I...was a simple police officer."
(O.D.D.- Captain-san here is talking about meeting this world's Tsuna-san before the other Tsuna-san took his place. (T ^ T))
Karasuma turned to look at the captain, interest piqued; the other ravenet continued.
"Tsunayoshi was a very kind boy. I've seen him do many things to help the weak despite being scared of almost everything."
The captain paused.
"But there were also times...where he was almost a different person, yet he was still the kind boy I knew through the years."
A man in a police uniform dashed towards the loud noise, which was followed by a scream.
The ravenet came upon a dark alley where a couple of thugs were trying to rob a woman.
The police man approached quickly, cocking a fist back and punching one of the men in the jaw.
The thugs turned their attention to the newcomer, sneering.
"Hoh~? A police man to the rescue? How cute~!"
The ravenet didn't respond and narrowed his gaze as he stood defensively in front of the terrorized woman.
The gang cackled.
"Hehehe! It's five against one! How pitiful!"
The policeman cursed in his mind as they were slowly surrounded.
'Should've called for backu--!'
Suddenly, a flying trashcan knocked one of the gang members down.
Everyone turned their attention to the thrower.
"....D-D-Don't m-m-move!"
The policeman blinked in slight surprise at the sight of the brunet man that was standing at the entrance to the alley.
Chocolate-brown eyes flickered at the faces of each gang member nervously.
The leader of the group sneered.
"Well, well....if it isn't Dame-Tsuna--the talk of the town~!"
The brunet flinched slightly.
Tsuna stepped forward, legs shaking minutely.
The gang leader, Mochida, cackled.
"And you're playing the hero here? I'll kill you for that."
The rest of the gang laughed along with Mochida.
The policeman studied the brunet.
The shaking had stopped.
".......What would you know....."
The laughing ceased as the brunet continued to speak; the stutter was gone.....
The brunet's eyes were shadowed; the sun was setting behind him, filling the sky with an orange hue.
Mochida scowled at Tsuna.
"What? Too scared to speak no--!?"
"What....would you know...."
Tsuna lifted his head and the wind blew from behind him.
"....About killing?"
The policeman thought of it as a trick of the light....
....But Tsuna's eyes.....
.....Were orange.....
Mochida felt a shiver go up his spine at the gaze.
"H-Ha! A-A lot more than you!"
Tsuna stared at Mochida unblinkingly before lowering his head once more.
Mochida sneered, thinking that the brunet was scared now.
"Surround him!"
The group did as they were told--the policeman tensed up; he was about to move to help, but a soft chuckle was heard, halting his movements.
It came from Tsuna.
"....For one to know how to kill...."
The wind blew harder, shifting Tsuna's bangs out of the way.
The brunet smiled wryly.
".....They must experience death itself."
Mochida blanched in confusion.
Tsuna was suddenly standing in front of Mochida; orange orbs darkened to a burning amber.
"D o y o u k n o w w h a t d e a t h f e e l s l i k e ?"
Mochida stumbled backwards and fell onto his bottom.
He frantically waved at his 'friends' to attack the brunet.
Tsuna glanced over his shoulder; the policeman watched with slight worry as one of the thugs lashed out first at the brunet's head.
The brunet ducked and kicked the man's feet out from under him at the same time slamming his elbow at the falling delinquent, successfully knocking him out.
The policeman watched Tsuna's movements--there were signs that the brunet still needed to improve his fighting skills.
That thought was confirmed when the brunet was knocked in the cheek, but Tsuna held firm, simply skidding back slightly before regaining his footing.
The brunet's eyes glinted.
Suddenly, he was standing behind the remaining, three lackeys.
The men collapsed to the ground, groaning in their unconscious state.
Just then, Mochida swung his kendo sword down on Tsuna's head.
There was the sound of solid contact as Tsuna's head also hit the ground harshly.
Mochida laughed nervously and sneered triumphantly.
"H-Haha! Not so tough..."
Tsuna slammed his fist onto the ground as he slowly stood up, creating a couple of cracks on the ground; Mochida trailed off fearfully.
One of the brunet's eyes were closed to prevent some blood from trickling in; he staggered slightly when he finally stood on two feet.
Mochida yelped and quickly lashed at Tsuna with his kendo sword.
But this time, the brunet was ready and he caught the weapon in his palm with a resounding smack; Tsuna easily yanked the kendo sword out of Mochida's stunned grasp.
Tsuna stared blankly at the other.
"......Go home, Mochida-san."
The delinquent jumped, startled.
"Your family's worried for you. They don't need you to rob people to get money for them. Go. Home."
Mochida was stunned.
"How do you--?"
The ravenet swallowed as he stared at those sharp eyes; he erased his question from his mind and started to wake his friends up.
"Oi, we're leaving!"
"B-Boss!? B-But--!?"
"We're. Leaving."
The lackeys hurried along and ran away.
Mochida followed at a more slower pace, but he paused.
The delinquent then broke into a run.
They were gone.
The policeman whipped his head over at Tsuna, who had knocked over a trashcan while staggering.
The brunet lifted his head to reveal warm, chocolate-brown eyes.
"W-Wah~th-th-that was r-really s-s-scary!"
The policeman blinked in surprise while Tsuna turned his attention to the woman behind the ravenet.
"M-Miss, are y-you alright?"
The woman burst into tears as she panicked and checked Tsuna's injuries frantically.
The policeman stepped back and watched how Tsuna tried to calm her down.
'.....This boy......'
He could feel the warm and caring aura from the brunet.
'.....How is he.....'Dame'-Tsuna?'
(O.D.D.- I remind you that this is the Assassination Classroom's Tsuna before the KHR Tsuna came into the world. (T ^ T))
::(Flashback End)::
The ex-policeman sighed, looking over at the door sadly.
"I.....cannot believe.......a single world spewed from the Government's mouth about that"
The captain, gritted his teeth.
"I know that neither you or I can help Tsunayoshi now.......but please......"
He bowed at the ravenet.
"Make his death painless."
Karasuma's mouth felt dry to hear such words.
His mind went blank for a few seconds.
But slowly.....Karasuma regained thought and opened his mouth.
".....What's....your name?"
The captain lifted his head and saluted Karasuma.
"Captain of the Cobra Squad, Lancia, at your service, Karasuma-san."
Karasuma, smiled wryly at the other.
"......You're dismissed, Lancia.....and I'll do what you've requested....."
Lancia nodded and left, never looking back.
Karasuma was finally alone in the corridor once the other ravenet turned a corner and disappeared from sight.
The Agent turned to look at the door.
He stared at the handle, emotions flashing through his eyes as he reached for it.
He grabbed it....and turned the doorknob.
<<(Within the Room)>>
Karasuma stepped into the room; the door shut behind him almost automatically.
Tsuna lifted his head and smiled at Karasuma.
It had only took three quick strides before the ravenet was across the room and in front of the brunet.
"Heya, Karasu--"
The ravenet hoisted the brunet up from his feet from the front of his dress shirt and slammed him against the wall.
Obsidian eyes darkened dangerously.
"Do you have any much pain you're causing the students for just accepting all of this calmly!? You suddenly just go running into the hands of the ones who are trying to kill you without any resistance! What the f*** are you thinking, Sawada!"
Tsuna stared at Karasuma with slight surprise.
The brunet was silent, not minding the fact that his feet were not touching the ground.
Tsuna looked at something past Karasuma...before bringing his gaze towards the ravenet.
"......Right now. The cameras aren't working in this room."
Karasuma jolted in surprise as the brunet continued.
"There was something I needed to tell you....before you kill me...."
The Agent slowly lowered Tsuna back to his feet, dropping his hand to his side; Karasuma narrowed his gaze with confusion.
"......What is it?"
Tsuna smiled.
Karasuma's hand shook slightly as he stared at the unmoving body in front of him.
The ravenet quickly but his pistol back into its holster.
Karasuma glanced at the blood once before turning away.
The ravenet glared at a camera in the corner of the room; he spoke icily.
"He's dead."
"Thank you, Agent Karasuma. You may leave while the Clean-up Team moves in."
Karasuma didn't respond; he crouched down in front of the body...and sat it up properly.
Red stained the white dress shirt of the brunet--like a blooming rose on the left side of his chest.
His head rested against the wall, and sunset-orange eyes were if asleep.
A small smile was still present on cold lips.
Karasuma sat there for a few seconds, studying the peaceful expression, before sighing; he ignored the sound of footsteps as the door opened, allowing the Clean-up Team in.
<<(In the Class E Cell Room)>>
Nagisa woke up first, followed by his fellow classmates.
All of their eyes were either puffy or wet.
The bluenet sat up and rubbed at his eyes.
After the meeting with Tsuna, the rest of their dreams was simple darkness.
Karma stretched on the couch he was lying on; he briefly covered his eyes with one hand as he leaned back.
"Well.......that was sh**y....."
The redhead's mouth was set in a grim line as he turned the TV on; he dropped his hand to his lap.
However.....once it was on.......the News was playing....
"Breaking News, dear citizens~! And don't worry now, I have some very good news to give!"
Nagisa's eyes were shadowed by his bangs as he stood up from his resting spot; he walked over to the couch beside Karma.
The newsman continued.
"Just recently, at precisely 3:00 AM, the criminal, Sawada Tsunayoshi was executed!"
Class E stiffened at the words.
It sounded so foreign to their ears.....
"He's dead now, so there's no need to worry too much! Hahahaha! And now, the monster will die is six da--!"
Class E stared at the TV with shock--and some relief.
However.....Karma, nor Ryoma, was the one to destroy the TV out of anger.
The students stared at Nagisa, who had thrown the TV remote that was next to Karma's hand at the screen, with wide eyes.
Bloodlust rolled off of the bluenet as he glared at the broken screen with sharp, sky-blue eyes.
He slowly calmed down; he bowed his head and shadowed his eyes.
After a few seconds of silence ticked by the bluenet spoke.
" rooting for us....."
The bluenet lifted his head.
A flash of indigo and yellow flitted through his eyes before fading back to a sky-blue.
Nagisa managed to smile a bit at the Class.
"Let's do our best for him....neh?"
Class E nodded, determination clear on their faces.
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