Chapter 33: Vongola
Tsuna sat down on a bed in his temporary room.
He was sitting Indian style, meditati--
"You really remind me of that irritating martial artist."
The brunet opened his eyes and saw Viper at the doorway, using a crutch under his right arm.
Magenta-purple eyes were seen briefly before the purplenet tugged his hood down lower; it was comforting to the illusionist to have his cloak back on.
Mammon limped into the room and sat on the edge of the bed next to Tsuna; his back faced the brunet as he leaned his crutch against the bed.
"......Mu...I'm just gonna say this.....but thank you."
Tsuna blinked in mild surprise before smiling.
"There's no need for thanks. I just did it 'cuz you're family."
Viper didn't turn around, but he rose an eyebrow beneath his hood.
"......'Family', you say?"
Tsuna laughed sheepishly, scratching his cheek.
"Ah~this might be too early......but can the Varia join Von--?"
Viper had a dark, indigo aura glowing around his entire body; he started to float a bit off of the bed.
"J o i n t h o s e b * * * * * d s ? A r e y o u o u t o f y o u r
f * * * i n g m i n d ? "
Tsuna was unaffected, understanding Mammon's reaction.
"I didn't mean join Iemitsu's side. I want you to join my side."
Like a switch, Viper stopped floating and landed on the bed with a soft thump.
"......Then.....what do you mean by Vongola?"
Mammon then felt the change of aura around Tsuna; the illusionist turned around to look at the brunet and gasped softly.
On the brunet's forehead was a Sky flame.
A pure Sky flame.
Tsuna's eyes glowed as they gazed at Viper.
There was a small smile on his lips.
"We haven't had a proper introduction with each, my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi, the true Vongola Decimo. It's nice to meet you."
The brunet stretched a hand to Viper.
The purplenet stared at the hand.
Viper woke up in a hospital bed in a small infirmary room.
The purplenet sat up quickly and grunted slightly in pain.
He reached a hand up to his head and found bandages wrapped around it.
Viper recalled himself defending an elderly man with orange flames when there was a sniper and....a bomb?
He sighed.
'I wonder if that old guy's alright.....'
Click, creak....
Viper darted his gaze over to the infirmary door; he tensed up, preparing for an attack or anything.
But he didn't expect........a raven-haired toddler to come stumbling in.
Viper stared with slightly wide eyes at the giggling child in the room.
'What the....?'
The small boy quickly closed the door and continued to giggle; Viper could hear shouting outside.
Viper then heard a female voice--it was most likely a maid.
"Squalo-sama! No swearing around Young Master Xanxus!"
"'s not like he's around here......."
The ravenet in Viper's room stifled his laughter; it was then that the illusionist decided to make his presence known.
The child jumped and whipped his head around to look at Viper with wide, crimson eyes.
"Wah! Who awe you, mishter?" (Who are you, mister?)
Viper wasn't sure how to respond, but before he could, the boy answered his own question.
"Oooooh! Youw da guy who shaved Pops!" (You're the guy who saved Pops!)
Viper blanched slightly.
The boy smiled and climbed onto the bed Viper was on.
"My name'sh Xanxush! I'm da leadew of da Vawia!" (My name's Xanxus! I'm the leader of the Varia!)
He extended a small hand out to Viper, grinning brightly.
"It'sh nish to meet you!" (It's nice to meet you!)
Viper blinked at the hand before accepting it, shaking it lightly.
"...Viper. It's nice to meet you too."
Xanxus made a pouty face.
"By the way....awe you a guy ow a giwl? Youw haiw is long." (By the way....are you a guy or a girl? Your hair is long.)
Viper felt a tick mark on his head.
"I'm a gu--"
"I'm jusht gonna call you Mama cuz you look like a giwl! Bwahahaha!"
"N--what the he**'s that supposed to even mean?"
Xanxus made puppy eyes at Viper.
The illusionist deadpanned the boy.
Xanxus grinned.
"Nice to meet you, Mammon!"
Viper sighed exasperatedly.
'That nickname will stick with me forever.....but I suppose it will be a good alias...'
Viper joined the Varia that day.
::(Flashback End)::
Viper let nostalgia flicker over his face as he took Tsuna's hand in a small shake.
The illusionist's lips quirked up slightly in a small smile.
"Nice to meet you too, Tsunayoshi."
Tsuna glanced at one of his Mist Guardians, Mukuro.
The indigonet's gaze was distant, staring off into something unseen.
And then Mukuro blinked his eyes and his posture straightened; his dazed expression darkened as he glared at the floor, smirking.
"Kufufufu.....what do you know? That little worm's even controlling the Estraneo, making his own experiments........"
Mukuro clenched his gloved hands into fists; Tsuna looked at him with worry while mentally cursing Iemitsu out.
The illusionist waved the brunet down.
"I have the layout of the Vongola Mansion. Can I have a piece of paper and a pen or pencil?"
Tsuna quickly gave the requested objects.
Mukuro was quick to sketch out what he saw from one of the possessed Vongola guards he found wandering too close to the Varia Mansion.
Tsuna studied the paper.
'....Three stories high.....and then there's an entire underground lab four levels low....'
The brunet twist his mouth in a frown of disgust.
'....To have a lab so large....'
Tsuna started to walk away from Mukuro, calling over his shoulder to the indigonet.
"Please gather the Guardians to the entrance. We are moving now."
Mukuro saw the flicker of all of the flames in Tsuna's eyes; he smirked slightly.
"Kufufufu, Understood, Tsunayoshi-kun." 'So it begins...'
"Why aren't we going, Tsu-nii?"
Xanxus tugged at the said brunet's pants.
Tsuna sweatdropped and looked down at the nine year-old.
'It might take a while for me to get used to him calling me that.' "I want you to stay safe with Dino-san."
Xanxus huffed, tugging harder at Tsuna's pants.
"But the Bronco-trash is boring! He's not as cool as you and the other new guys!"
Tsuna sweatdropped once more.
'The sides of Xanxus I never got to see...'
The brunet sighed softly and crouched in front of Xanxus.
"Xanxus-kun.....I need to take care of a bad ma--"
"It's the b*****d Iemitsu, right?"
Tsuna stared at Xanxus.
The ravenet glared at the ground and let go of Tsuna's pants.
"...Tsu-nii.....can you do me a favor?"
The brunet noted that Xanxus's scars were starting to spread.
Xanxus looked up at Tsuna; his crimson eyes glowed slightly.
"Don't kill him, but kick his a** for me."
Tsuna studied Xanxus.
".....You don't want me to kill him.....why?"
Xanxus' glare lifted; he looked at the ground and shuffled his feet.
A few seconds of silence ticked by...before Xanxus spoke.
".....Pops taught me something...that I will never forget--I promised not to forget."
Tsuna crouched in front of Xanxus, cocking his head slightly.
Xanxus looked up at the brunet in the eye.
"'If death were the answer to everything, then all of us would be dead where we stood'."
Tsuna blinked in mild surprise at the words, but he understood.
"Killing isn't always needed, huh?"
Xanxus nodded his head, causing Tsuna to chuckle.
"I see, I see....well, I'll beat him up for you, and I won't kill him."
Xanxus nodded his approval; Tsuna ruffled raven locks before standing up.
"I'll see you later, Xanxus-kun. Since you're a leader, you'll take care of everyone for me, right?"
The young Varia Boss nodded.
"I will!"
Tsuna waved over his shoulder before stepping outside of the Varia Mansion, shutting the doors behind him.
The brunet lifted his gaze from the ground and saw his family members standing before him--some were sitting.
Reborn tipped his fedora up with his index finger.
Tsuna rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck, shutting his eyes.
He felt his flames burning underneath his skin.
He opened his eyes and gazed at his family evenly; he smirked.
"Saa~Mina, it's time to whoop some a**es."
A breeze blew by; the sky above thrummed with energy along with all of its elements.
The group disappeared in a cloud of indigo mist.
Tsuna sat in one of the trees near the Vongola Mansion.
He tapped his earpiece.
"Cielo, here. After studying our enemy's movements, I have decided our own actions."
The brunet paused briefly.
"I would like Nebbia and take care of the lab. Save the victims and destroy the area once you're done. Sole, go with them--I expect that there will be injured people down there."
"Hai, Boss."
"Kufufufu, understood."
"I'm EXTREMELY on it!"
Tsuna drifted his gaze to the guards down below.
"....Everyone else......"
His eyes were cold as he smirked darkly.
"....Let us make a good first impression..."
Tsuna leaned against the tree behind him, humming softly.
"So.....Nuvola, you're up with me."
"Ugh, this job sucks!"
One of the guards at the gate lit up a cigarette and to a deep breath from the cancer stick.
His partner laughed loudly, taking a swig of beer from his bottle as he hiccupped drunkenly.
"Better than, nothin'! We're lucky to be in this famiglia--we got all the power in the world!"
Tap, tap, tap...
The guards perked up at the sound of footsteps, yet they saw nothing as they glanced around the area.
"Disgusting herbivores..."
The guards saw a flash of purple and orange before the world went black.
Kyoya clicked his tongue as he flicked his tonfa to the side, looking at the bruised--but alive and unconscious--bodies of the gate guards; Tsuna cracked his knuckles and shook his hand out.
The ravenet glared at the mansion before him.
"Permission to continue my attack, Cielo?"
Tsuna tugged at his sleeve cuff; his eyes glowed.
"Permission granted, Nuvola."
Kyoya grunted, cocking one of his tonfas back.
Purple, Cloud flames burst to life along the skylark's weapon.
The entire gate went flying through the air and crashing into the Vongola Mansion doors.
<<(Vongola Office)>>
Basil gritted his teeth as a bullet pierced his right thigh.
A man in the shadows twirled a pistol on his index finger, grinning madly at the injured dirty-blonde on the ground.
"You little, sh**y traitor."
Basil smiled wryly.
"I was never on your sid--"
The dirty-blonde clutched his left shoulder, but he kept a cocky smirk up.
Just then, the sound of Kyoya breaking down the gate was heard.
Basil perked up in surprise.
'An attack already? Is Sawada-dono that powerful? Dino-dono returned earlier than expected...'
The blonde with the gun tsked and threw his weapon to the side.
He walked up to his desk and sat down, dialing a phone number.
The man in the shadows smirked.
"Gather the rest of the Guardians. It seems you'll get to have something amusing to fight against."
"....Hehehehe, understood."
<<(Back with the Bada**es)>>
The skylark watched as men in black suits came charging out of the mansion.
They all started to fire once they spotted Kyoya.
There was a flash of green before Lambo stood there; he quickly crouched down and slammed his hands onto the ground.
A green barrier formed, shielding the three from the bullets.
Lambo yawned as he spoke over the noise of the shooting.
"Yare, yare, Kyoya-nii, Tsuna-nii--I want to have some fun too."
The teen snapped his fingers while keeping the barrier up.
The men stopped shooting when they heard a loud rumbling noise.
Lambo gave a thumbs-down at the group of men; his open eye glowed an electric-green.
"Bombs away."
The sky flashed up ahead and lightning fell from the heavens.
The men didn't know what happened as they were struck by the bolts of electricity; they became unconscious by the sudden shock, but they weren't dead.
Flames flickered, eating the grass surrounding the area; an effect of the lightning that had hit the ground.
Lambo dropped his shield once the group was knocked out; Kyoya ruffled the teen's hair.
The ravenet teen sweatdropped.
"What the he**, Kyoya-nii? Am I a dog?"
The skylark shrugged his shoulders slightly as Tsuna simply chuckled.
Thud, thud, thud, thud!
Suddenly, more men appeared.
They leveled their guns at the three, but Tsuna, Kyoya and Lambo remained nonchalant.
Purple beams rushed out of the trees.
The guards turned their attention to them, but they were hit instantly by the beams.
The leaves in the tree burned away, revealing Hayato, who had his Flame Arrow at the ready; he had a cigarette stuck between his lips.
The silveret sighed as he hopped out of the tree.
"Don't drop your guard now..."
Lambo huffed, lacing his fingers behind his head.
"Wasn't planning on it, Hayato-nii."
A still conscious mafia soldier leveled his gun at Lambo, the weakest looking of the group.
But before the bullet made contact, there was a flash of silver.
Takeshi deflected the bullet to the side.
The soldier gaped in shock before fainting out of exhaustion.
The Rain then turned to look at Lambo, bonking the teen lightly on his head.
"Maa, be careful."
Lambo pouted, rubbing his head.
"I was being careful. I knew you were going to deflect that bullet."
Takeshi grinned.
"Okay, okay! But still--keep your guard up!"
Tsuna smiled briefly at his group before turning to the mansion, tapping his earpiece.
There was a short conversation before the brunet turned to face his family members.
"...Alright, Nebbia, Brume and Sole have slipped through."
He turned to look at the trees.
"Reborn. Keep anyone from escaping the area, alright?"
The said ravenet hopped out of the trees and leaned against the bark, cracking his neck slightly.
"Got it, Your Majesty. But I get to tor--tutor Iemitsu on correct parenting after all this."
Tsuna twitched before sighing, shaking his head with amusement--and hidden happiness from the thought of his father-figure standing up for him.
He then glanced at his family, and they understood the message.
Tsuna walked in front of the group and reached into his pocket, pulling out black, leather gloves.
There was one point in the original world that Tsuna's mittens were destroyed, and Leon had to make new gloves for the brunet.
Tsuna clenched his fingers into fists; a Sky flame burst to life on his forehead.
The group entered the mansion, where the lights were dimmed, causing Tsuna's eyes to stand out in the darkness.
Tsuna flicked two fingers to the right and glanced at Lambo and Kyoya.
The Lightning and Cloud Guardians nodded in response and quickly ran in that direction.
Tsuna then went left with his Rain and Storm.
<<(With Mukuro, Chrome & Ryohei)>>
The three were currently going down an elevator which would lead to the underground lab.
Chrome glanced over at Mukuro with slight worry; the indigonet had one hand in his coat pocket.
"....Mukuro-nii-sama.....are you.....?"
The indigonet snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Chrome, giving a small smile.
"I'm fine....I'm just....thinking..."
Ryohei frowned, taking a roll of tape out of his pocket; he started to wrap his fingers and hands.
"It's EXTREMELY not like you to think so deeply before battle though."
Mukuro shrugged slightly, materializing his trident.
"Well......I was wondering...where Ken and Chikusa were."
Chrome perked up at those names before looking at the ground dejectedly.
"Oh...." 'Ken-kun and Chikusa-kun might be dead by now....because Mukuro-nii-sama was the one that saved them in our original world in the science lab.........'
Mukuro heard the sadness in the purplenette's voice and ruffled Chrome's hair slightly.
"There is no need for dejection, my dear sister. It was only a thought. We might find them in this world, alive and well."
Chrome nodded; her eyes lit up with hope as she materialized her trident.
Suddenly, the elevator jolted and the lights in the small box flickered out, leaving the three in complete darkness.
Mukuro smirked; his red eye glowed and cut through the darkness.
"Oya, oya? How unfortunate....looks like we weren't sneaky enough."
Chrome reached for her eyepatch and took it off, stuffing it into her pocket.
She opened her eye revealing a similar, red iris.
Ryohei stepped in front of the two and pried the doors of the elevator open.
They could hear the soft whisper of wind as Ryohei pulled the doors apart completely.
Click, click, click.
Ryohei blinked in slight surprise to see a bunch of suit-wearing men aiming their guns at them; the silveret--despite the imminent danger--grinned and called over his shoulder.
"We EXTREMELY made it to our destination!"
One of the soldiers glared at Ryohei and signaled his comrades.
Mukuro sighed and stepped forward, spinning his trident, deflecting the bullets with ease.
Chrome narrowed her gaze slightly and raised her hand up.
A small Mist flame-barrier formed and expanded, shielding only Mukuro, Ryohei and herself.
Once the men firing found that it was useless, they stopped shooting and started to charge at the group of three down the narrow hallway.
Mukuro sighed, stabbing his trident into the ground as his red eye flickered to the kanji number one.
"How foolish."
Columns of flames filled the hallways and blasted the men back.
Chrome dropped the barrier.
Mukuro lead the way as the three silently walked through the halls.
The indigonet paused at a large screen on one side of the hall.
He tapped it and it started to display schedules and cell numbers of the test subjects.
Chrome gave a soft gasp at the number of test subjects while Ryohei frowned.
Mukuro simply noted how many they needed to save, resisting the urge to scowl in disgust.
"Since we are on the fourth floor, we'll just work our way up."
The indigonet's coat fluttered behind him as he led the way once more.
<<(Another Part of the Lab)>>
"Sir! There are three intruders on the lowest floor!"
A rounded man with a lab coat glanced to the side to look at the soldier; he sneered.
"Don't be so frantic. They're just a bunch of nuisances."
The scientist then looked at the cameras posted on the different floors; he scratched at the scars on his face.
He found Mukuro, Ryohei and Chrome in one of them.
"Hm....they don't look too strong, but I'll just send five of our strongest test subjects to slaughter them for some amusement, hehehehehe!"
His eyes were bloodshot and wild as he continued to scratch at his scars.
"Such naughty 'children'~!"
<<(With Kyoya & Lambo)>>
"How long are we going to run?" Lambo drawled. "It's been so long..."
Kyoya glanced back briefly before responding.
"....Hn." (It's only been four minutes.)
Lambo huffed, but he didn't complain further, knowing the limit of the skylark's patience.
The two ran down many twists and turns.
They checked empty rooms just in case for enemies.
There was a group of men with guns at the ready.
Lambo sighed as he raised his hands in front of him, setting a barrier up, deflecting the bullets.
Kyoya simply dodged slightly before knocking the group out with a few quick swings of his tonfas.
Once they were all knocked out cold, Kyoya huffed and stored his tonfas away.
"Weak herbivores...."
Lambo dropped his shield and jogged over to Kyoya.
The two then perked up when they sensed Storm and Rain flames in a distant room.
The Cloud and Lightning glanced at each other before running in that one direction.
The two went around a few turns before finally arriving at their destination.
Kyoya then slowed to a walk, causing Lambo to also slow down.
The skylark pushed a pair of mahogany doors open and stepped into a large throne room.
The two Guardians darted their gazes around until--
"Usheshesheshe~! Well~what do we have here?"
<<(With Tsuna, Hayato & Takeshi)>>
The three walked down the halls.
Tsuna's dying will flame continued to glow brightly on his forehead as he moved his gaze around the ornate halls.
There was hardly any light--just a few candles.
Outside, the clouds covering the sky started to rain.
Takeshi laughed softly.
"Hahaha, my kind of weather...."
Hayato rolled his eyes and Tsuna smiled knowingly.
Tsuna turned the corner of one of the halls and froze, gasping softly; Hayato and Takeshi turned the corner also, looking at the brunet with worry.
"Tsuna-sama? What's--.........oh..."
When Hayato followed Tsuna's gaze, he himself was also shocked by the sight that greeted him; Takeshi's smile fell, and his lips formed a grim line.
Another hall.
With portraits lining each side.
Portraits of the previous Vongola bosses....
.....But their faces were all....
...burned up...painted over...scratched out...
Tsuna slowly started to walk down the hall.
He paused at the newest one.
It had Vongola Nono there......his painting was ruined.
Tsuna stared up at the painting and placed a hand on one of the burns.
"....Hey, Grandpa...."
The brunet smiled slightly with sadness; Hayato and Takeshi hovered in the back, giving their Decimo some space.
"....Looks like I won't really get to meet you in this world. I would've loved to though."
Tsuna glanced away from the portrait briefly.
"....I don't have long to talk to you...I guess I can--later on......but I guess I can tell you for now that Xanxus-kun is doing well. I'll see you later."
The brunet dropped his hand to his side and turned away from the portrait.
Hayato and Takeshi looked at him with worry.
The brunet walked down the hall until he stopped before a larger painting.
'.....Vongola Primo.....may your blood, 'Penalty', flow through me and deliver justice to Iemitsu.'
Tsuna them looked back at his Storm and Rain.
"Let's g--"
The hall of portraits was broken into.
Giant, meaty men came barging through; Tsuna recognized them immediately.
'The Death Stalk Unit.'
A woman with an afro giggled as she flew in.
"Konbanwa, gentlemen~! Boss-chan sent me to kill you lot--especially the brunet!"
She waved her whip around.
"I am the Cloud Guardian, Hepburn Iris~! And my Boss-chan is--"
A DSU member was sent flying; Iris gaped in surprise at a certain brunet.
Tsuna's flame grew brighter and he cracked his knuckles; his bangs shadowed his eyes.
".....I apologize...." He doesn't sound very sorry. "But I'm not in the best of moods right now."
Iris could only blink before orange filled her vision.
Tsuna sighed as he dropped his HDW mode; he felt that there would be no more enemies approaching for a while.
Iris was unconscious, and her DSU members were also knocked out.
Hayato and Takeshi jogged up to the brunet, checking for any injuries before sighing with relief.
Takeshi laughed brightly.
"Hahaha! Looks like you could handle her all on your own!"
Tsuna sighed, looking off to the side.
"Honestly, I saw red when she destroyed some of the portraits. But it was wrong of me to lose my temper so easily."
Hayato ruffled Tsuna's hair, smiling softly.
"It's alright, Tsuna-sama--she had what's coming for her."
Takeshi poked at Iris' arm with his scabbard.
" she's the Cloud Guardian? I wonder who the others are..."
Tsuna felt his Hyper Intuition tingle.
"....They're all certainly people that we know...."
<<(With Mukuro, Ryohei & Chrome)>>
"Everyone wait."
Chrome paused in her work with helping a little boy out of his cell; she looked over at Mukuro, who had called for a halt in their work.
The said indigonet narrowed his gaze as he looked down the hall of multiple cells.
Ryohei continued to use his Sun flames on an injured girl, but he glanced over at Mukuro.
"Mukuro? Is there something EXTREMELY wrong?"
"Someone's people....."
The indigonet narrowed his eyes in suspicion as mist--not his own--started to fill the hall.
"...I sense that there's a large room up ahead."
Mukuro glanced over at Chrome.
"Imouto, can you take care of the children here? I am taking Ryohei with me to take care of these newcomers."
Chrome nodded; the children silently shuffled over to her, sitting down.
Mukuro glanced over at Ryohei; the silveret then followed the indigonet down the hall.
Mukuro pushed a metal door open and found a large room before him; he twitched slightly when the smell of blood reached his nose in the dimly-lit room.
The two Guardians entered the room.
The door snapped shut behind them.
Lights started to flicker on and Mukuro AND ryohei scowled in disgust at the sight of blood staining the room.
"Ahahaha! Welcome, welcome! Hmm...only two of the intruders? Well now that won't be fun..."
Mukuro darted his gaze around and found a camera in the corner of the room.
"Oh well! I'll just kill the other one when I'm done with you two! Come on out test subjects!"
The indigonet narrowed his gaze as five people stepped out of the shadows of the room.
Mukuro frowned thoughtfully.
'...Light footsteps? infuriating.'
But the indigonet froze when he caught sight of their opponents.
Ryohei lowered his fists in shock.
The five were all certainly children--a few were teens.
Very familiar children.
Mukuro murmured softly.
Ryohei was even quieter than usual.
<<(With Kyoya & Lambo)>>
Kyoya's eye twitched slightly in annoyance as he looked up at the source of the new voice.
Sitting on a throne, a familiar blonde man laughed; his bangs covered his eyes and a crown hung in his hair.
"Ushesheshe, a bunch of mice scurrying about? How amusing! Right, Olgert?"
A darkly-tanned, buff man nodded his head, adjusting the tie of his butler uniform
"Indeed, Rasiel-sama."
Lambo glanced at Kyoya and scooted away from the ravenet, noticing the dark aura surrounding the skylark.
The teen cautiously called out to the Cloud.
"I'm taking care of the bat-herbivore. You take care of the other one."
Lambo sweatdropped.
"You got it." 'Yep. He's pissed. The enemy should really learn to not piss off a Cloud--more specifically Kyoya-nii.'
Rasiel grinned widely.
"Ushesheshe! You take care of me? I am a true King. I am also the Vongola Storm Guardian of the Decimo Iemitsu!"
Lambo made a heaving noise; his lazy expression was gone.
"Bluuuurgh! That sounds so gross! That a**hole as the Decimo? I knew that already, but it sounds so weird to hear it! Plus, no one can replace Hayato-nii--unless he approves of that person though....."
Olgert glared at the teen.
"You dare insult Rasiel-sama!? I'll annihilate you!"
The large man pulled out his box weapons; he stood on his Rain pelican, flying a little higher in the large room they were in.
Rain elephants stomped loudly on the ground.
Lambo yawned and pulled out a box weapon himself; he tugged an A-Class Lightning ring onto his finger and used it to open the box.
A black motorcycle helmet popped out of the the tiny box and rested in Lambo's hands.
The teen huffed.
"Hey, Gyuudon, let's revert back to ring form for now, hm?"
There was a glow of green and a ring with a green gemstone rested it Lambo's palm; the teen slipped it on and lit it, reaching into his pocket for another--a more ornate looking--box weapon.
A green light from the ring went into the box; Lambo opened it once the light calmed down.
A large bull burst out from the box, snorting as it stomped on the ground.
Lambo yawned as he looked up at Olgret.
"I don't want to go all out--'cuz I know you won't be able to handle it. I seriously don't want to risk killing you when Gyuudon's in helmet form. His box weapon form is still powerful but less risky."
The teen gave a small, lazy smirk, taunting the buff man.
"Be happy that Ore-sama's going easy on you."
Olgert's face purpled with rage.
"How dare you insult the King! I'll crush you!"
Lambo chuckled softly before glancing over at Kyoya.
'Dang, it's so easy to rile these guys u--'
Kyoya slipped on his Cloud Vongola Version X bracelet; Lambo sweatdropped.
"....Yare, yare,'re not actually planning on killing that princess-guy, right? You're not reverting Roll to his box weapon form?"
Kyoya gave a look that said:
*I'm not holding back for this little piece of sh**. He dares to think so lowly of our family.*
Lambo threw his hands up in the air.
"Fine then. Just don't kill the snotty princess. Tsuna-nii won't be very happy if you did."
Kyoya merely nodded in response before turning a dark glare at Rasiel; Lambo rolled his shoulders as he gave a lazy look at Olgert.
"Roll. Cambio Forma." (Combination Form.)
"Gyuudon. Cambio Forma. Modo Attaco." (Combination Form. Attack Mode.)
There was a flash of purple and green.
When the lights died down, the Guardians were in different forms.
Kyoya was now in a black, trench coat; a pattern of wings decorated the inside.
The ravenet twirled his tonfas as he glared at Rasiel.
Lambo carried a silver shield that had a large, green gem on the front, showing the Vongola symbol; the teen yawned into his hand.
Rasiel snickered.
"Wow! You changed your clothes! Scary~!"
Kyoya's eyes became a stormy-gray.
Before Rasiel could laugh again, Kyoya was suddenly in front of the blonde; the ravenet had one tonfa cocked back.
"Die, herbivore."
Olgert widened his eyes in surprise, fearing for Rasiel's safety.
A silver shield made contact with Olgert's face; Lambo grinned lazily as he caught his weapon as it came back down.
"Head shot."
Olgert was unconscious; his box animals disappeared.
Lambo looked over at Kyoya and sweatdropped.
Rasiel was a bloody pulp and Kyoya twirled his tonfas with a satisfied look on his face.
Lambo snickered.
'Never mess with our Cloud Guardian.'
<<(With Tsuna & Co.)>>
The brunet started to pick up the pace of his walk.
'We're almost there at the office....just a few more turns--'
Tsuna halted as a Rain flame-whip hit the air a few inches from his face.
"Hehehehehehe! You've come to meet your end, intruders!"
The brunet blanched.
'....That irritates me...'
Tsuna looked around the corner and found a dark-pink-haired man with glasses; he sneered.
"I am Xinia Glo! The most powerful Rain Guardian in Vongola history!"
Tsuna couldn't quite hold back a snort; Glo ground his teeth and narrowed his eyes at the brunet.
"What's so funny?"
The brunet patted Takeshi's shoulder, smiling despite how pissed he was earlier.
"I disagree with you completely. There were plenty of Rain Guardians stronger than you in Vongola history--and I say that my own is stronger than you too."
Glo sneered.
"Ha! I bet you're bluffing! No one can defeat the handsome me!"
Tsuna sighed exasperatedly and looked over at Takeshi, sending a message to the ravenet.
The swordsman grinned before pulling his Vongola Version X Rain necklace out of his suit to dangle it around his neck.
"Jirou, Kojirou! Cambio Forma."
There was a bark and a chirp before a blue light surrounded Takeshi.
Glo squinted his eyes in confusion.
The light dispersed.
Takeshi's suit was gone and he was currently wearing a white yukata top and dark-blue hakama pants.
Two swords were strapped to his hips; the shape of the dog was on one hilt and there were feathers on the other.
Glo blinked in shock.
"...Wh...What form is that!?"
Takeshi laughed and pulled Kojirou, the one with the feathers, out of his sheath.
"Maa, I'll make this quick and painless."
Takeshi glared at Glo; his killing intent filled the hall.
Glo started to sweat, fumbling for his box weapons.
"H-Hehehe...y-you....kill me? Ha, y-you're out of your d*** m-mi--!"
Takeshi was suddenly behind Glo, pressing his blade against the side of the once-arrogant man's neck.
The ravenet looked up at Tsuna; the serious glint was still in his eyes.
"Should I cut his head off, Boss?"
Tsuna nodded and Glo panicked.
"Gyaaaaah! Wait, wait! I can make you Decimo! Don't--!"
Takeshi brought his arm back and swung.
Takeshi looked at the body on the floor and chuckled; the ravenet waved over at Tsuna, laughing heartily.
"Bwahahahaha! Hey, Tsuna! Glo fainted like you said!"
(O.D.D.- Did you guys think that Takeshi-san actually killed Glo-san? ( ^ω^ ))
Hayato poked Glo with his foot; Tsuna gave a sigh.
"He may act all powerful, but he's just a coward. Anyways, let's tie him up for now."
<<(With Mukuro, Chrome & Ryohei)>>
Mukuro gripped his trident tightly and glowered darkly at the distant looks of the teens and children before him; he noted the collars around their necks.
'Controlling them with collars......I might kill someone today.'
The indigonet looked over at Ryohei, sending a message through his eyes.
*Just get rid of the collars and knock them out.*
Ryohei nodded, looking over at their opponents.
All five were wearing a hospital gown and pants.
Blood stained their clothes, and Ryohei was unsure if it was their own or someone else's.
I-pin was the first to move; her two braids swished through the wind behind her.
(O.D.D.- I-pin-san and Fuuta-san are Lambo-san's age. Fran-san, Chikusa-san and Ken-san are eight. ~_~; )
Ryohei blinked in slight surprise when she suddenly appeared in front of him; he crossed his arms to block a punc--
The silveret was pushed back by a sudden, mini explosion.
Ryohei blinked in shock at I-pin's smoking hand, healing his small burns with his Sun flames.
'What just EXTREMELY happened?'
I-pin attacked again with another punch; Ryohei observed it this time as he blocked once more.
A small circle appeared on the back of the girl's hand; the boxer blinked in recognition.
'That looks like those circles on I-pin's forehead before she EXTREMELY explodes!'
When I-pin's fist made a soft bump to Ryohei's crossed arms, the circle lit up and an explosion was made.
Ryohei skidded back, but he was unaffected by the explosion he gazed with worry at I-pin's hand, which was becoming a bit bloody.
'I'll EXTREMELY remove the colla--!'
Ryohei--everyone--started to float.
The silveret glanced down and saw that Fuuta had an even more glazed over look.
'Now he's making this EXTREMELY hard.'
Ryohei then pulled out his Vongola Version X Sun bangle.
"Kangaryuu! Box weapon form please!"
The bangle glowed before turning into a ring with a yellow gemstone; Ryohei brought out an ornate, yellow box.
Sun flames from the ring entered the box.
Ryohei quickly slipped the ring onto one of his fingers and opened the box with Sun flames.
A large kangaroo came out; he had two cannons attached to his back and blue boxing gloves on his hands.
Ryohei grinned and waved over at Kangaryuu.
"My EXTREME gloves and boots, please!"
The kangaroo went into his pouch and brought out said objects, throwing them towards Ryohei.
The silveret caught the objects and quickly slipped them on.
Ryohei channelled his Sun flames to his boots, giving him the ability to fly in the zero-gravity room.
On the other hand, Mukuro was facing off against Fran, Chikusa and Ken.
Ken had his Wolf Channel on as he charged at Mukuro.
Chikusa pulled out two yo-yos.
Fran started to create monsters and beasts with his own Mist flames to try and distract Mukuro.
The Mist Guardian himself stepped to the side to avoid Ken.
Mukuro twirled his trident to deflect Chikusa's poisonous needles.
The indigonet then slammed the blunt side of his trident onto the ground to disperse Fran's illusions.
Mukuro smirked as he suddenly disappeared from their sights.
Ken sniffed the air.
He perked up when he found Mukuro's scent, but he was too late to attack as Mukuro suddenly reappeared behind the blonde child and cut the collar off.
Ken slumped to the ground; Mukuro checked his pulse and sighed with relief when he found one.
'Only unconcious. Good.'
A frustrated scream suddenly filled the room.
Mukuro twitched; he bowed his head before a dark smirk made its way to his lips.
"'How dare you'? Kufufufu.....speak for yourself, you worm lower than dirt."
In an instant, Mukuro cut off Fran's and Chikusa's collars.
At the same time, Ryohei broke I-pin's and Fuuta's collars.
All five children were now unconscious and safe.
There was another scream of frustration; on the side, a door slid open.
A rounded man with scars on his face came storming out.
He started to grin madly as he scratched the scars on his face--much to Mukuro's and Ryohei's disgust.
"My Takaoka Akira, Lightning Guardian of the Decimo Iemitsu."
Ryohei and Mukuro perked up at the name of the rounded man.
The boxer's expression darkened.
"Did you say 'Takaoka'?"
Takaoka sneered.
"Yes. What of it?"
Mukuro laughed eerily.
"Kufufufufu..........'A crazy man with scars on his face', 'he always scratches at them', and 'his name was 'Takaoka''....that's you?"
Takaoka glowered but he responded through gritted teeth as he scratched his scars.
"Yes. What. Of. It?"
Mukuro's Vongola Version X Mist earring glowed.
Kangaryuu went into his bangle form, which Ryohei quickly strapped to his arm.
"Mukurowl/Kangaryuu. Cambio Forma."
There was a flash of indigo and yellow.
When the light died down, the two Guardians different appearances.
The bangle on Ryohei's arm looked like a wheel; it was already fully charged.
Ryohei's body was now adorned with boxing gloves, gauntlets, shin-guards and foot-guards.
Mukuro twirled his khakkhara before tapping it on the floor.
The staff had a ring of knife like decorations--much like his earring.
A lotus flower bud lay in the middle of the ring.
The Mist and Sun glared at Takaoka, who was finally starting to sense the danger he was in.
Ryohei spoke first, slamming his fists together.
"From what the students told us and what Takeshi and Hayato're the guy who injured my Otouto on the island trip......"
Mukuro smirked darkly.
"Which means.....punishment is in order."
The two let their flames surround them in a deadly aura.
" G o t o h e * * , b * * * * * d . "
Takaoka screamed.
(O.D.D.- Geeeeetttt dunked on, Takaoka-san! ( *`ω'))
<<(With Kyoya & Lambo)>>
The two Guardians--they were out of their Cambio Formas--checked for any more enemies.
Kyoya suddenly stopped walking; Lambo peeked over the ravenet's shoulder.
In the large hall, there was a man with dark brown hair; he had bright, green eyes.
He smiled, waving at the two.
"Hey there! I'm Hirakawa, the Mist Guardian."
Lambo frowned mentally.
'....'Hirakawa'.....never heard of that nam--'
"Drop that illusion, checker-omnivore. I know who you truly are."
Lambo looked at Kyoya with surprise before looking back at the stranger before them.
'Hirakawa' chuckled.
"Sharp as ever, Kyoya-kun."
Indigo mist filled the hall and covered 'Hirakawa' for a few seconds.
When the mist dispersed, Lambo blinked in surprise.
Standing before them was a white-haired man in a green kimono; wine-red eyes twinkled with mirth behind circular glasses.
"Not my name, but it's nice to see you too, Lambo-kun. How is this world faring to you?"
Kyoya crossed his arms, tilting his head.
"Kawahira....what are you doing here?"
The white-haired man magically pulled out a bowl of noodles and started to slurp.
"The same reason you guys are here. I was looking for ways to get Iemitsu off his high horse without disturbing the balance of this world. Luckily, you guys came to it."
(O.D.D.- Since Kawahira-san takes care of the Tri-Ni-Sette, he can also look into parallel worlds, so he already knows what situation Tsuna-san and the others are in. (^v^))
Kawahira continued to smile.
"I wanted to look after my nephew too!"
Lambo sweatdropped.
"You know Reborn doesn't like how you call Tsuna-nii your nephew."
Kawahira chuckled.
"I know, but Tsuna-kun started it! He called me Uncle Kawahira! Ah~the happiest day of my life!"
Lambo sweatdropped once more.
'No kidding. You were squealing like a little fangirl, and you nearly hugged Tsuna to death the day you joined the family.'
Kawahira smiled brightly, snapping his fingers, causing his bowl of noodles to disappear.
"Anyways, there are two, lovely, young ladies that have been worried about you lot. They should be arriving now."
Two figures in black cloaks turned a corner behind Kawahira and stopped next to the white-haired man.
One of the newcomers gasped softly and launched herself at Lambo.
"Hahi! It's Lambo-kun~!"
Lambo caught the woman in surprise, managing to stand his ground.
The woman pulled her hood back and smiled brightly; her short, dark-brown locks bounced slightly.
"Lambo-kun! I was so worried about you! Sadly, I died in the original world, but it's okay! Xanxus-san is taking care of things. Everyone isn't too sad because Dino-san is keeping their spirits up, but they still miss you guys. From what I understand, I also died here and so my soul got transferred here after I died in the original world. Oh my! Everything is so sad here! And the moon is almost gone! Why is this world ruled by an evil Iemitsu? It's really sad and strange. And--!"
The other cloaked figure placed a hand on Haru's shoulder.
"You can tell Lambo-kun everything later on, okay, Haru-chan?"
Ginger hair was revealed as a second hood was removed.
Lambo blinked in surprise.
The three chatted for a bit while Kyoya walked up to Kawahira.
" you know where the other Arcobalenos are?"
Kawahira's expression darkened.
"...The good news is that they're all alive.....bad news...they're being used as human batteries for a special weapon of Iemitsu's."
Kyoya narrowed his gaze and gritted his teeth.
Kawahira smiled bitterly.
"As I said before: the good news is that they're still alive. And I was able to pinpoint their location."
Kyoya's gaze lightened up slightly.
"Let's go then."
Kawahira chuckled softly.
"Not one to wait and form a plan....but of course, you don't need a plan to destroy an enemy, fufufu."
The white-haired man then waved over at the others.
"Shall get moving now?"
<<(With Tsuna & Co.)>>
"Hyahahahaha! Die, intruders!"
Tsuna sighed as a man with pink hair attacked them with a translucent-looking, yellow octopus-monster ; the brunet stepped back slightly and dodged with ease.
The new enemy puffed his chest up and grinned arrogantly.
"My name is Cappuccino! The Sun Guardian of the Vongola Decimo, Ie--!"
Hayato suddenly appeared in front of the pink-haired man and stuffed a dynamite stick into the Sun-user's mouth.
The silveret glared at the other.
"I swear...if one of you guys say that b*****d's name with Decimo one more time, I will kill that person."
Cappuccino blinked in shock and quickly spat the dynamite out of his mouth, jumping back to put some distance between him and the silveret.
The Sun-user sneered.
"Hahaha! I bet you're bluffing!"
Hayato sighed and glanced back to look at Tsuna for permission.
Tsuna gave a thumbs-up, smiling brightly.
"Go for it."
Hayato placed a hand on his Vongola Version X Storm belt as he narrowed his gaze at Cappuccino.
"Uri. Cambio Forma."
There was flash of red.
Cappuccino blinked in confusion before shaking his head, spitting poisonous needles at the glow of light before anything could happen.
The red light disappeared before reappearing behind the Sun-user.
"I'll end this now."
Cappuccino turned in time to see two dynamite sticks in front of his face.
Cappuccino was sent flying from the explosion--unconscious; Tsuna and Takeshi sidestepped as the body flew past them.
Takeshi laughed cheerfully at the human-shaped hole in the wall behind them.
"Haha! That was a bit too much, Hayato."
The silveret had two sets of dynamite strapped across his chest; Hayato fiddled with a few between his fingers as he took his cigarette--lighter for his dynamites--out of his mouth.
"I felt irritated. He deserved it."
Tsuna sighed before continuing to walk down the hall; Hayato released his form, and his suit was back in place.
The Rain and Storm followed their Sky; Tsuna chuckled softly.
"Maa, it's alright, Hayato-kun. Everyone's pretty 'irritated' today."
"This is it."
Tsuna narrowed his gaze at the door before him.
The brunet smiled sheepishly at his friends.
"Can I.....go in on my own? Please?"
Tsuna could tell that Hayato and Takeshi were struggling.
Hayato sighed softly before looking Tsuna in the eye.
"We'll let you go. But when we know you're in trouble, we'll enter the battle immediately."
Tsuna gave a grateful smile at the two as they left the brunet, dashing down the hall to find the others.
Once the Rain and Storm was gone, Tsuna released a killing intent that he was holding back in order to not scare his Guardians.
Tsuna's eyes became cold and a Sky flame appeared on the brunet's forehead.
He placed his left hand on the oak-wood door in front of him, feeling some familiarity with it.
The brunet then lit his right hand up with Sky flames, clenching it into a fist as he cocked it back.
The doors were sent flying into the room; the brunet stepped through.
The office was completely dark; the only source of light was from the hallway.
Tsuna walked in further; his orange eyes pierced through the darkness.
He heard a soft groan on his right and immediately turned to see.....Basil; the brunet quickly jogged over to the dirty-blonde and crouched down.
Sea-blue eyes cracked open before widening in surprise.
"Y-You must be Sawada-dono! You--!"
Tsuna gave a gentle smile, sitting Basil up and leaning him against a nearby wall; the brunet started to heal the dirty-blonde's wounds with his Sun flames.
"Save your strength, Ba--"
"You...d-don't understand!"
Basil clutched Tsuna's shoulder.
"Y-You're in danger--!"
"You should learn to shut your mouth, you sh**y brat!"
Tsuna's face darkened when he heard the new, but familiar, voice.
The brunet stood up after healing the worst of Basil's injuries.
Tsuna turned around and used his sharp eyes to cut through the darkness to see a certain blonde by the desk.
The newcomer's blonde hair looked like it could use a wash, and the suit looked a bit dirty.
The man grinned with false cheer.
"Look at how much you've grown, Tuna-Fis--!"
"Don't call me that, Iemitsu."
The blonde, Iemitsu, dropped his grin and glared at Tsuna.
"You dare defy me?"
Tsuna was silent; Iemitsu sneered.
"Well....someone needs a lesson then."
Basil struggled to his feet.
"S-Stop, Iemitsu!"
Tsuna narrowed his gaze at Iemitsu as the blonde brought out a button.
"Die, you son of a b***h!"
Iemitsu pressed the button and a white light filled the room.
Tsuna squinted his eyes slightly at the new lighting and found himself standing on a platform.
He glanced around quickly and found multiple--strangely shaped--guns aimed at him.
Iemitsu grinned darkly.
"These guns contain the power of the Arcobaleno combined! They produce a condensed beam of Dying Will flames that can incinerate an entire army in a blink of an eye! MAY YOU BURN IN HE**!"
Tsuna looked at the guns and saw them charging up with a strange, white light; the brunet shut his eyes and took a soft breath, which came out in a small cloud.
The beams were fired at Tsuna.
"...Zero-Point Breakthrough. Custom Mode."
Tsuna's hand formed a diamond and he sucked all of the flames in before they could even graze him.
Iemitsu's smug face turned to one of shock; Basil blinked in surprise.
The guns slowly seemed to run out of ammo and stopped firing its' beams.
The flame on Tsuna's forehead disappeared briefly.
The brunet opened his eyes; a mirage of colors flashed through them.
The flame on Tsuna's forehead reappeared and glowed brighter and expanded.
Tsuna then sent a glare at Iemitsu, who was starting to tremble with fear.
"Stop using other things to do your dirty work, Iemitsu."
The brunet jumped down from the slightly-elevated platform and landed in front of the blonde, who stumbled backwards and fell onto his bottom.
Tsuna looked down at Iemitsu and sighed softly; his gaze softened slightly.
"I pity you, Iemitsu. Despite everything, you will not know love in this world."
Iemitsu stopped shaking, his head was bowed.
He started to chuckle before it turned into full blown, crazed laughter.
Tsuna jerked in slight surprise as Iemitsu brought out some sort of device.
Iemitsu used it and a flash of light blinded Tsuna for a few seconds.
The brunet lept back incase of an attack.
When the light died down....Tsuna felt...weak.
The brunet noticed that the Dying Will flame on his forehead was gone and he couldn't sense his Hyper Intuition that always nagged at the back of his head; Tsuna narrowed his gaze at Iemitsu.
"What did you do?"
Iemitsu smirked.
"I sealed your d*** flames away! If I couldn't kill you with the special weapon, then I just needed to seal your flames away....." Iemitsu stood up. "...While I kill you with my own hands!"
An impure Sky flame burst to life on Iemitsu's forehead.
Tsuna narrowed his gaze.
Iemitsu suddenly appeared in front of the brunet and cocked a fist back.
Despite having having no flames or Hyper Intuition, Tsuna dodged to the side as Iemitsu smashed a hole in the wall behind him.
The brunet furrowed his brow in frustration as Iemitsu easily caught up with him; the blonde's smirk widened as he brought a fist up.
Iemitsu added flames to his speed and drove a fist into Tsuna's stomach before he could dodge.
The brunet coughed up blood as he went smashing through a window, which Tsuna idly remembered was behind the office desk.
It was raining harshly outside and Tsuna flipped and skidded back on the mud; the brunet held his stomach and spat some more blood off to the side.
Iemitsu flew in, landing a few meters away as he smirked at Tsuna; thunder rumbled above them.
"Look at you~! Before you were all high and mighty! But now you're a piece of cr** that's about to die! I heard you were called a Dame at school. Do you know how humiliating that sounds when your own son can't do anything by themself!?"
Tsuna felt the rain droplets slide down his face as he looked at the muddy ground beneath him; Iemitsu continued to speak.
"You thought you could defeat me on your own!? Ha! And now you're about to die, you piece of sh**! Your flames won't return to you in a few hours--and you'll be long gone by then!"
Tsuna's expression was hidden as he gazed silently at the ground.
"...You're right....about one thing...."
The brunet chuckled softly.
Tsuna wobbled to his feet and turned away from Iemitsu, looking at the trees surrounding the area.
"....Cannot do a single thing on my own."
He thought of Reborn and how he was there to always give him tips and the push in the right direction.
"I am weak without the help of another."
He thought of the Cavallone, Shimon and Millefiore Famiglias that helped him in battles.
"My resolve is not strong enough when I don't have someone by my side. And I would have no 'pride' to protect when I have no one."
He thought of his family.
The brunet smiled softly as he turned his head around slightly to look at Iemitsu; his smile turned cheeky as he shrugged his shoulders playfully.
"I'm just a Dame who has been blessed with a life to spend with a family that's an infinite amount of times better than you."
Iemitsu roared in anger and charged at Tsuna; the brunet still had his back facing the blonde.
Tsuna's head snapped back, and he fell onto the ground; his eyes were shut.
Iemitsu skidded to a halt and looked at the unmoving body in surprise, confusion and glee.
He darted his gaze to look up at the shooter; he widened his eyes in surprise.
Reborn was standing there, holding a smoking Leon-gun; the ravenet's fedora shadowed his unreadable gaze.
"R-Reborn!? You're supposed to be dea--no......that's not important."
Iemitsu smirked as his eyes lit up with sickening glee.
"Are you here to join my side? Is that why you kill this piece of sh** here?"
Reborn was silent...before his stoic expression blanched.
"First of all: what kind of idiot would join you after you attempted to kill them? And second of all:....."
Reborn smirked as he tipped his fedora up with his Leon-gun.
".....Who said Dame-Tsuna was dead?"
Iemitsu widened his eyes with shock when he sensed something behind him.
The blonde spun around in time to get elbowed in the face; Iemitsu was sent flying through the air and smashing into a puddle of mud.
Iemitsu spat some blood and mud out of his mouth as he looked at his attacker with surprise.
Tsuna stood there; his pure Sky flame was burning as brightly as before--like his flames were not sealed at all.
On his arms were red gauntlets; there was a chain connected to a similar red leg band, adding more to the new form.
"Natsu. Cambio Forma. Vongola Version X."
Iemitsu scrambled to his feet in surprise.
Reborn smirked.
"The Hyper Dying Will Bullet...forces one's flames to come to the surface, which would also destroy the seal you placed on Tsuna's flames."
Tsuna glanced at Reborn and rubbed his forehead, where his flames flickered brightly.
"It's been awhile since you've done that."
Reborn chuckled softly.
"Less talking and more kicking that b*****d's a**."
Tsuna gave a mock salute.
"Yes sir!"
The brunet quickly flew up into the air and went into a familiar stance; Tsuna looked coldly at Iemitsu.
"' P e n a l t y ' . That is the blood of Primo. I am Sawada Tsunayoshi, Vongola Decimo of the Vongola Famiglia, and I hereby punish you for all of the crimes that you have committed."
Tsuna sent soft, Sky flames behind him and started to charge his left hand.
Iemitsu could only watch in paralyzed fear as Tsuna finished charging up his attack.
Tsuna shut his eyes briefly before opening them.
"X-Burner: Air."
Xanxus sat on the wall of the Varia Mansion Entrance.
The sun broke through the clouds, causing the grass to sparkle because of the earlier rain.
The ravenet perked up when he heard rustling; he studied the trees surrounding the area.
And then Tsuna came out, followed by the rest of the group and a few new faces--the test subjects followed them; Xanxus brightened up and called over his shoulder.
"Tsu-nii's back!"
The Varia gates opened, letting everyone in.
Xanxus jumped off of the wall and studied Tsuna and the Guardians.
" guys don't have a single scratch on you. Did you guys beat up the trashes!?"
Tsuna chuckled and ruffled Xanxus' hair.
"Yes. Yes we did."
Tsuna felt an entire weight lifted off of his shoulders.
The brunet winked at Xanxus.
"I kicked his butt for you, and I didn't kill him."
Xanxus nodded his approval.
"Good job."
Tsuna couldn't help but laugh.
The Xanxus of the original world would always struggle to say those words.
<<(The I.S.S.)>>
Nagisa and Karma looked at the results of Koro-Sensei with surprise.
They looked at the American scientist before them.
"Are these results true?"
The men nodded.
The two teens glanced at each other.
"This'll be interesting to tell the others."
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