Chapter 27: The Love of a Teacher
The students stared at Reborn.
The ravenet was merely cleaning his black pistol, leaning against the wall near the door of the classroom; Leon was curled up on his fedora, watching the class with bright, yellow eyes.
Koro-Sensei was standing next to Reborn, sweatdropping.
"....Ano.....Reborn-kun....not to be rude, but why are you here?"
A bullet made a small hole in the wall behind the students; with their sharp eyes, the students saw something very small fall to the ground.
The teens looked at the small object......or bug.
It was a fly.
Without wings.
The students gaped in realization.
'Did...Reborn-san just....shoot its wings off?!'
Reborn was nonchalant about it as he put the safety back onto his pistol, placing it in a holster inside of his suit.
The ravenet tipped his fedora up to look at Koro-Sensei, smirking when he saw that he freaked the octopus out.
"I'm filling in for Dame-Tsuna."
Reborn stopped leaning against the wall and sauntered to the front of the class.
"I bet you've heard before, but I am Reborn, the World's Greatest Hitman. Piss me off, and you get a oneway trip to he**."
The class shivered.
'Scary! We want Tsuna-Sensei back!'
Tsuna blinked his eyes open and yawned.
His Hyper Intuition gave a fuzzy feel at the back of his head, telling him that something dangerous--but non life-threatening--was happening.
Tsuna furrowed his eyebrows.
'What could it be? I hope the Guardians aren't fighting.....'
The brunet dragged a hand over his face, sighing.
He looked at the bandages around his arms.
"Iemitsu's paying a fine bounty for your head."
Tsuna clenched and unclenched his hands.
The brunet sighed softly, sitting up.
He saw how his entire body shook with the effort of just doing that simple motion; Tsuna chuckled wearily.
"Heh...really outdone myself this time...."
A plush baseball hit the brunet's forehead; it made a squeaking noise upon contact.
" know it's alright to ask for some help--it's not a burden to us."
Tsuna grabbed the squeaky baseball and looked up at the pitcher.
The ravenet huffed and walked up to the brunet's bed.
"....Ya''ll take a while before all of us Guardians let you have your privacy to go to your own places by yourself. Yeah, your orders are absolute and all, but seeing you get like know we won't let you out of our sights for a few months."
Tsuna gave a guilty look to Takeshi.
"Ah....sorry about all of that..."
The ravenet huffed once more before ruffling Tsuna's hair lightly.
"Did you want to see your students? Reborn's teaching them."
The brunet gaped slightly.
Takeshi laughed, sweatdropping at Tsuna's outburst.
"Well...I'm sure they're....alive at least."
Tsuna shook his head slowly.
"Geez...let's go see them then. I hope I don't find carcases littering the school ground."
Takeshi chuckled and supported Tsuna from the bed to a wheelchair.
"..........Oh sh**, it's worse than I could've ever imagined."
Tsuna saw that the Class E students were....'dead'.
Hiroto on the side lifted his head from his desk.
" while you still can. Your devil for a dad's evil!"
Tsuna face-palmed, noting the many bullet holes littering the classroom.
"Reborn.........what the he**."
The ravenet was sitting on the desk up at the front; he was smirking with a bit of pride.
"They have some pretty above-average dodging skills. They would become excellent hitmen in the future. You look better by the way--although I would make you rest a bit more."
Takeshi wheeled Tsuna over to Reborn; the swordsman smiled brightly, not minding the 'dead' bodies.
"Maa, I'll leave him to you, Reborn-san!"
Once the happy-go-lucky ravenet left, Tsuna gave an exasperated look to his father-figure.
"'re just back and you're already causing this much trouble?"
"That was a rhetorical question."
Reborn chuckled softly and pulled his fedora off of his head and placing it onto Tsuna's head.
"Heh....anyways, I heard from your Guardians that you're gonna be 'grounded' for a few months. How hilarious."
Tsuna tipped the fedora at his eyes and puffed his cheeks out slightly like an indignant child.
"Urusai, Papà." (Dad.)
"Not in a million years, stupido figlio." (Stupid son.)
Meanwhile, the students were looking between the two with slight amusement.
"Tsuna-Sensei's father, huh? I guess he is a bit kind--only when it comes to Tsuna-Sensei though."
"Reborn-sa--Sensei's personality is really evil though....are they really related?"
"Maybe we haven't seen Tsuna-Sensei's evil side yet...."
The students shivered at the last comment.
Exams were coming up; Reborn.....helped tremendously in his own ways...
(O.D.D.- Let's just say that Reborn-san was kind enough to not set off any grenades--although the students got shot at when they got something wrong.(−_−;))
(Reborn- They lived. I don't see any problem there. (–_–))
(O.D.D.-............(<_< ; ))
Some students were lucky to get Tsuna.
Koro-Sensei also helped while avoiding a few Anti-Sensei knife jabs.
Irina was....being herself, tutoring in her seducing ways.
Karasuma was a bit more stern, but he taught normally like Tsuna.
The exam days were closing in.
"Ah....I can't believe we survived..."
The unlucky students who went with Reborn sagged tiredly to the ground.
"It was he**....."
"A school version of he**..."
"Despite his spartan ways, though, we memorized everything we couldn't before....."
The students smiled a bit at that before sweatdropping.
"...Imagine....Tsuna-Sensei dealt with Reborn-Sensei throughout his entire life...."
(O.D.D.- By the way, the students think that Reborn-san is Tsuna-san's actual blood-related father--not Iemitsu-san. ♪('ε` ))
//(The Next Day After the Exams)//
Tsuna was at home in bed, looking at his parallel-self's phone.
His Hyper Intuition had told him to look at it.
The brunet blinked in surprise when he found a name that was familiar.
'...Asano Gakuho-san?'
Tsuna felt his Hyper Intuition buzz.
Call him.
'Why the he** would I do that?'
Call him.
'......Ah sh**. Fine, yolo.'
Tsuna called the Board Chairman.
It didn't even reach the second ring until the phone call was answered.
"Well, isn't this a surprise? Good morning, Sawada-Sensei. What might you need?"
Tsuna could sense anger; the brunet raised an eyebrow, but he answered.
"Well....I had a feeling that you might need someone to talk to you. How are you feeling?"
There was a stunned silence.
Tsuna sweated slightly when the silence dragged out.
"If,'re having problems, I wouldn't mind speaking with you. We can talk about it over a cup of coffee."
Gakuho didn't speak for a few more seconds before he made a soft sigh.
" quite sudden. I have other plans, so no. I need to have a meeting educational sytem, farewell."
The call ended abruptly.
Tsuna huffed before frowning worriedly.
"He sounds pretty angry. I wonder if it's about the exam scores that will be coming in today...."
"Alright, Mina-san! Everyone gather around!"
Koro-Sensei waved his students over.
Folders popped in front of the students' faces, and they quickly caught them.
"This time, let's not worry about individual numbers of points. Instead, we'll focus on....whether you scored in the top fifty~! Right around now, the overall scoreboard should be posted in the main building."
Koro-Sensei picked up a large piece of paper and unrolled it.
"And now, Class E, I announce to you the rankings....!"
Tsuna perked up and Reborn leaned on the wall next to to the brunet.
The students gaped at the results.
"No way...."
All of the Class E students....were in the top 50 scores.
Slowly...they grinned.
"We did it!"
A few hugged each other, some gave high-fives, or they just simply jumped up and down.
"We all got into the top fifty scores!"
"We even beat out the Five Virtuosos for the top spots....and Karma's number one!"
The said redhead huffed in relief.
Koro-Sensei chuckled.
"Nurufufu~so, Karma-kun, how does it feel to achieve first place on a high-level battlefield?"
Karma gave a lopsided smile.
" doesn't feel all that special..."
Koro-Sensei widened his grin.
"I hear your battle with the 'always perfect' Asano-kun was decided on the final question of the math test."
Karma smiled softly.
"....Yeah...I'm not too sure myself....but...I think I never could've solved it if I hadn't spent this year with everyone--that's the kind of problem it was."
Hiroto sighed tiredly.
"Man! It's been a long struggle..."
Touka grinned.
"Other than the assassination, that was my biggest goal--to try and get in the top fifty!"
Koro-Sensei chuckled.
"Incidentally, Class A was only in good condition for half the subjects. And then, in the second half, they started to get tripped up by more complicated problems."
Rio huffed, smirking slightly.
"Well, duh. You can't keep the bloodlust going for that long. Even though we're learning to be assassins, it's hard to keep that kind of resolve for an entire day. If they really wanted to get the most out of their bloodlust, they should've used it to cram the night before. Either that or gradually build the bloodlust over time."
Koro-Sensei grinned brightly.
And then the students approached the two teachers in the back of the classroom
They were nervous of Reborn, but the sucked up their courage and bowed.
"Thank you so much for helping us, Tsuna-Sensei, Reborn-Sensei!"
The brunet blushed while Reborn simply smirked.
"Heh...I'm always open for tutoring, kiddies~!"
The students shivered at Reborn's evil smile.
'It's like Karasuma-Sensei's smile, but it's more evil!'
Tsuna punched lightly at Reborn's arm.
"Stop that already."
Reborn dropped his evil smile and chuckled softly; the students then went about their own business, celebrating.
The ravenet tipped his fedora up.
"...They remind me of you when you were younger."
"Oi, oi, you make me sound old."
"Because you are old."
"Heh, if I'm old, you're ancient--ow, ow, ow!"
Reborn gave a noogie to Tsuna's head, scowling playfully.
"There goes your smarta** mouth again--I'm adding more sparring matches with you."
"Demone." (Demon.)
Reborn smirked and released Tsuna.
"What are you talking about? I'm an angelo." (Angel.)
Tsuna huffed; Reborn smiled slightly and placed his fedora onto Tsuna's head.
Koro-Sensei sighed contently as he took a sip of tea from the cup he had wrapped in his tentacles.
"Well, everyone, you've all earned the right to leave Class E. But do any of you still actually want to leave this mountain?"
The students grinned back at the octopus.
"Of course not!"
"Now that we've proven we've got good backup blades, we can finally get to the real deal. And there's no easier place for killing than here."
The students started to shoot at Koro-Sensei with their Anti-Sensei guns; Koro-Sensei, of course, dodged all of the bullets with ease.
"Nurufufu~I see you've all chosen the thorny path. And as a reward, I will tell you about another one of my weakne--"
The entire classroom shook; Reborn remained nonchalant and Tsuna narrowed his gaze slightly.
The students opened the windows to see what had happened out outside; Megu gasped at what she saw.
Three excavators were destroying the building--almost half of it was already gone.
Then they saw the Board Chairman, Asano Gakuho.
"Prepare to leave."
The students jolted and murmured softly to each other.
"Why is the Director here?"
Gakuho's smile sharpened.
"At the school board meeting this morning, it was decided that the old building would be destroyed today."
The maroon-haired man smiled serenely as he turned to look at them.
"You'll be moved to the new building for the Escalator School that's opening next year. Please be sure to cooperate with regular performance tests until graduation."
The students were alarmed.
"N-New building!?"
Gakuho smirked.
"It will be equipped with surveillance and escape-prevention systems. Don't think of it as a prison--think of it as a new, refined Class E. You'll be able to study in a prison-like environment–the perfect form of my educational ideas!"
Nagisa gaped slightly.
"A...A-And you're making us leave now!?"
Sugino frowned.
"He** no! This is the building we want to graduate from!"
Tsuna was silent, studying Gakuho's posture.
Koro-Sensei sweated slightly.
"I...I'll stop at nothing to enforce your education."
Gakuho smiled as he reached into his suit.
"Indeed...and are obsolete for my educational'll 'kill' you right here and now."
Koro-Sensei freaked out at what Gakuho pulled out.
The students widened their eyes with shock.
It was a notice of dismissal.
"You're gonna fire Koro-Sensei!?"
And Koro-Sensei really started to freak out, making his own...protest signs...
The students sweatdropped.
"Holy cr**! He's finally snapped!"
"Why does a super monster have to resort to protests!?"
Gakuho continued to smile before shaking his head; he placed the note back into his suit after folding it.
"Oh, don't jump to conclusions. I'm not using this tool to manipulate you."
His eyes curved up.
"You see, Koro-Sensei, I'm here to assassinate you."
He opened his eyes to reveal piercing, cold, silver-brown eyes.
"My educational system...just doesn't need you anymore."
The students looked at Gakuho with disbelief; Yuuma voiced their thoughts first.
"...Are you serious?"
Karma leaned out of the window, smiling amusedly at Gakuho.
"I mean, yeah, you're pretty much a super human, but you're not good enough to just kill our pet octopus on a whim."
Gakuho gave a chilling chuckle, turning to the construction workers.
"Take a break from the demolition, men! I have work to do inside."
The students, Tsuna and Reborn moved out of the classroom and stood outside, watching through the windows. Karasuma and Irina were at the door of the classroom.
Gakuho was setting five desks up in a small half-circle around a chair; there was five student workbooks on each desk.
The maroon-haired man turned to look at Koro-Sensei.
"If you wish to keep your job, and keep watching over this class, then let's do a bit of gambling."
The students blinked in confusion as the teachers simply studied the situation; Gakuho continued to speak.
"I've prepared five workbooks...and five hand grenades."
He picked one of them up.
"Four of them are Anti-Sensei grenades while the a normal grenade."
He wrapped his index finger around the loop near the top of the grenade.
"They are completely identical in appearance and odor....and I've made it so that they explode the moment you pull the pin and release the lever."
Gakuho pulled the pin off, but he kept the lever shut.
"And now I'll pull the pins, set them in the proper workbook pages and pinch them so that the workbooks prevent the levers from moving. Then, you will open the workbook and solve the problem on the upper right."
The students gasped; Sumire voiced their thoughts.
"But-But the moment the workbook opens, the lever will--!"
Gakuho smiled smiled brightly.
"Yes! He'll almost certainly bear the brunt of the explosion! And....he won't be able to move until he solves the problem. First...he'll solve the first four problems, and I'll do the last one."
The maroon-haired man smirked.
"And here's the gamble: If you can kill me or make me give up, I'll allow you and Class E to stay here."
Gakuho glanced to the side to look at Ryoma.
"Terasaka-kun, I want you to calculate the probability that Koro-Sensei will win."
Ryoma was silent for a moment.
"Well....if an Anti-Sensei grenade blows up, it won't do anything to you. So to kill you, he has to make sure to not get a real grenade......⅕--only 20%."
Gakuho smiled brightly.
Ryoma narrowed his gaze, jabbing a finger at Gakuho.
"But that octopus has to survive four deadly grenades in a row--but if things get hairy for you , you just have to give up and walk away without a scratch. This game is totally rigged in your favor!"
Gakuho smirked before chuckling.
"Terasaka....when you graduate, you'll find that society is just as unfair as this--especially in the differences between the strong and the weak."
He placed a hand on Koro-Sensei's shoulder.
"And that is why I've teach you to join the side of the strong."
"Well that's bullsh**."
Gakuho blinked and moved his gaze to see a fedora-wearing ravenet by one of the windows.
"...Excuse me?"
"That. Is. Bull. Sh**."
Tsuna whacked Reborn's arm.
*Watch your mouth!*
Reborn rolled his eyes slightly.
*Sorry, mom.*
Tsuna gave a scalding glare to the hitman.
Reborn ignored it--of course--and raised an eyebrow at Gakuho.
"Honestly...I can tell that you're a coward--I don't know what you're so afraid of, but you look a bit shaken up about something."
Gakuho narrowed his gaze; Reborn remained relaxed.
The maroon-haired man's hand shook for the briefest of seconds.
Gakuho scoffed.
"You are a mere bystander--just keep your mouth shu--"
"Nope. Sorry, but I only take orders from one person."
Gakuho's eye twitched slightly; the students were amazed that the Chairman was losing his cool so quickly.
Tsuna sighed.
"Reborn, you're making things worse--stop."
The hitman shrugged, but he said nothing more.
Gakuho glanced between the two before looking back at Koro-Sensei.
"......Well...are you ready to take the challenge? Even teachers....have to face tests of their resolve."
He smiled darkly.
"If I were you, I'd do it without a second thought!"
Koro-Sensei sweated slightly.
"Of course...I'll do it."
The octopus took a seat in front of one of the workbooks.
Everyone watched with bated breath; Gakuho called at to Koro-Sensei, smiling brightly.
"Don't worry. If you can open the workbook, solve the problem and close the book in an instant, the grenade won't go off."
Koro-Sensei continued to sweat.
"I see..."
The octopus' tentacles hovered over the first workbook.
He opened it.
It was clearly visible that he was panicking over the question.
The grenade in the workbook was an Anti-Sensei one; Anti-Sensei pellets flew everywhere.
And Koro-Sensei got hit with the entire attack; a few holes filled his body.
Gakuho smirked as the students gaped.
"Just three more hits to go--survive them and you win. Now the next question before you regenerate."
Koro-Sensei's tentacle moved to the next workbook.
The octopus opened the book and closed it, leaving a piece of paper that had the answer to the apparent question.
Gakuho blinked dumbly.
Koro-Sensei--despite his injured state--chuckled, twirling a pencil in his tentacle.
"There. Problem opened, solved, and closed. In this workbook series, I've memorized just about every problem on every page. The only hard part was the math. I lent it to the students for a while, so I forgot how to do that one."
Gakuho slowly shook off his stupor.
" just happened to have memorized the specific workbooks that I've brought with me?"
Koro-Sensei grinned brightly as he slowly began to regenerate.
"Oh, no. See, I've memorized all of the workbooks in Japan. I figured I should put in that much effort if I wanted to be a teacher."
The octopus looked over at the other workbooks.
"The rule was that I couldn't step away from the grenades until the problems were solved. So a passionate teacher would be able to clear the challenge. I thought for sure that you, of all people, would understand me, but seems that seeing the defeat of your students has disturbed your mind. But you sealed your fate by taking the easy assassination route."
Koro-Sensei quickly finished the remaining two workbooks he needed to solve without setting the grenades off.
"Only one notebook left. Now it's your turn."
The octopus wiggled his arms around.
" does it feel, to have your life flash past your eyes?"
Gakuho was frozen.
He was looking at the last workbook, but his gaze was distant.
"Aw, man. You're such beast, Asano-Sensei."
...There was a young boy with unruly hair.
"This, the instant cram school is over you hit someone on accident? You're such a boy!"
...There was a young girl with two pigtails.
"Yeah, it kinda feels like you're wasting your talents and money. You could do a lot better than this place."
...There was another young boy, but he hat a bowl-cut and glasses perched on his nose.
//(One Year Later)//
"Oh, what's this?"
A younger Gakuho gazed at the contents of a small box with surprise and happiness.
The three children, Ikeda--the one with unruly hair--Nagai--the one with a bowl-cut--and Mori--the girl with the pigtails--grinned brightly at the man.
Mori smiled softly.
"It's a tie pin shaped like a sawtooth oak leaf."
Nagai shuffled nervously.
"We all pitched in."
Ikeda rubbed the back of his head, grinning sheepishly.
"But it's probably nothing special compare to what you've earned from your investments."
Gakuho gazed at the pin, smiling softly.
"'s true that I made seven million yen just yesterday, but still--I'm happy."
The three gave a disgruntled huff before smiling warmly at Gakuho.
"Thanks to you, we all got into the middle schools we wanted. When we grow up, we're going to become good people and come see you."
Gakuho chuckled, warmth flooding his chest.
"I'll be waiting then."
//(Three Years Later)//
......Ikeda....killed himself.
Bullying was too much for him.
And even through the times he was bullied, he never fought back.
He was being a good person.
And it was the day of his funeral...that something inside of Gakuho snapped.
Gakuho became ruthless.
He learned how to brainwash people.
He created an 'ultimate education program'.
He created Class E.
........He lost his heart.
::(Flashback End)::
Gakuho brought his thoughts back to reality.
Koro-Sensei watched the maroon-haired man carefully.
"So, Director Asano....will you open the last book? As excellent as you may be, even you can't open a book with a grenade and escape unscathed."
Taisei grinned.
"Hey, you're the one who made the bet! If you don't want to die, just admit defea--!"
Gakuho sent a dark look at the motorcycle-lover, shutting the teen up instantly.
Megu then spoke up.
"Furthermore, even if you fire Koro-Sensei, it wouldn't make a difference for us."
Yukiko smiled gently.
"It would be tough to leave this building...but we'd follow Koro-Sensei wherever he went. We'd even leave our homes...or huddle up in some other mountain. No matter what, we'll continue the classroom assassination until March."
Gakuho studied the teens while Koro-Sensei cried tears of joy, wiping them away with a tissue.
His silver-brown eyes lowered to the ground.
"...This year, you Class E students...have been a significant obstruction to my education." He looked back at the students, studying every single one of them. "Time and time again, throughout the school've done nothing but openly strike me...."
Gakuho stepped up to the desk that had the last workbook.
"'s the thing about my educational system."
He smiled darkly.
"Even if you destroy the world, it wouldn't matter at all."
He opened the book, causing everyone to widen their eyes with shock.
Gakuho felt the explosion throw him back; he smiled softly.
'If the earth doesn't exist the end, it would make everyone equal. And my students wouldn't have to suffer any drawbacks. one of the ideals of my educational philosophy.'
Gakuho blinked.
...He could still see the Class E room.
...He felt the wooden floor underneath his fingers.
He wasn't dead.
"Nurufufu~have you forgotten about my shedding~? Immediately after I remove it, my skin can withstand even the explosion of a grenade."
With wide eyes, Gakuho reached a hand up and grabbed a part of the skin.
"...The shedding you can only do once a month? Why didn't you...use it for yourself? If you used it for the math book, you could've escaped without your face having to melt like that."
Yes, Koro-Sensei's face had melted and it regenerated into the shape of a pear; the octopus sweated slightly before pulling the skin off of Gakuho, grinning widely.
"I was saving it for you. Once I won my side of the bet, you were planning to blow yourself up without a second thought."
Once the skin was pulled away, Gakuho slowly got up to his feet.
"How....could you predict my actions like that?"
Gakuho turned to face Koro-Sensei; the octopus chuckled.
" and I...are very much alike. We're both ridiculously stubborn about how we teach, and we're both willing to give our lives for the sake of our education."
Koro-Sensei wiggled a few tentacles around.
"During the test, I heard about the students from you cram school, your image as a teacher...and the things you've accomplished."
The octopus chuckled.
"The teaching style I've adopted perfectly identical to yours from ten or so years ago."
Yuzuki called out in surprise.
"R-Really!? Then why are you so different now?"
Koro-Sensei placed a tentacle on her head; the octopus turned back to look at Gakuho, spreading his tentacles out wide.
"Compared to you...I have been blessed....blessed with this Class E. All of these students I have here...are learning in the same environment, and they're able to support each other because they have been victims to the same harassment. We're able to have honest, one-on-one conversations without hiding anything."
Sawtooth oak leaves drifted gently into the classroom through the open windows.
Koro-Sensei grinned widely.
"Also, Director-san, you are the only one...who could have made this class for me. As it turns out, you were unconsciously continuing that idealistic education you once threw away."
The octopus used a tissue as he grabbed an Anti-Sensei knife from Kirara.
"I'm the only one that this knife can kill. But I still don't teach them to take human lives. In that respect, our ideals are the same."
Koro-Sensei extended the Anti-Sensei knife in his tentacle to Gakuho.
"Teaching not to kill, but to ensure survival. From now on, let's continue to stick with this ideal education."
Gakuho stared at the knife.
"If you can hit me, you're free to skip class that day."
Gakuho smiled softly at Ikeda, who had sparkles in his eyes.
"Really!? You promise?"
"I promise."
Ikeda grinned triumphantly and started to dash off to the cram school building.
"You better keep it up to the end, Asano-Sensei! No running away half-way through!"
::(Flashback End)::
Gakuho reached up and grasped the rubber knife by its hilt.
"My education...has always been right. Over the past ten years, I've been churning out hundreds of strong students."
He paused.
"....However, you did just confirm my system, so out of the goodness of my heart....I'll allow this Class E to keep existing."
The students brightened up.
Koro-Sensei chuckled.
"Nurufufu~as always, you can't honestly admit defeat. That's another trait of us teachers."
Gakuho smiled softly, raising the knife in his hand slightly.
" it alright for me to come every now and then to kill you?"
Koro-Sensei gave a pleased grin.
"Absolutely. Every worthy opponent deserves a knife."
Gakuho tucked the knife away into his suit coat and exited the classroom.
But before doing so, he glanced over his shoulder to look at Tsuna.
"By the way, Sawada-Sensei.....your offer of a conversation and some that still up?"
Tsuna smiled brightly.
"Hai. Just tell me when."
Gakuho smiled softly before bringing his gaze to Reborn.
"You.....what might your name be?"
The Director chuckled.
"I see....are you a sadist?"
Reborn merely smirked.
"Are you?"
Gakuho chuckled evilly.
"Why yes. Yes I am."
Reborn smiled 'brightly'.
"Oh goodie~! I think you and I will get along well~!"
Gakuho 'smiled' too.
"Fufufu~great minds think alike--likewise, Reborn-san."
Tsuna and the other sweated.
'Two devil spawns have joined forces! Run for your lives!'
Gakuho exited the building.
He headed down the dirt path, sighing softly.
Down the trail, he met his son.
The two looked at each other evenly.
Gakuho smiled.
"What might you be doing here?"
Gakushuu sneered, pointing at the bandage on his cheek.
"The wound you gave me dropped me from Class A's number one hottie to number five. I just thought you might need some consoling for your constant losing."
Gakuho smirked slightly.
(O.D.D.- What are you, Santa Claus? (<_<; ))
(Gakuho- Do you wish to die a slow and painful death? ^_^~*)
(O.D.D.- N-No.....(O_o))
Gakuho walked past his son to the car awaiting them.
"If you want to try and sue me in court, that's fine by me. But no matter how much you grow, you'll never defeat me."
Gakushuu raised an eyebrow and turned to look at the man.
"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?"
Gakusho turned to look at the teen, smiling softly.
"Because I'm continuing to grow too. As a teacher....and as a father as well."
Gakushuu quirked his lips up into a smile.
The two got in the car.
"So, about the trial. If I sued you for slander, I think I could get a good three million out of you."
"'re so naive, dad. I could sue you for the emotional trauma from when you hit me. You'll be coughing up five million."
"Interesting! This week, let's both file our complaints together!"
To put it short, the two were on 'less' competitive terms.
"Haah~why are we the ones building this and not the Director?"
"He doesn't understand us at all...."
Hinano was serving onigiri to her fellow classmates as they finished fixing the school building.
A thought came to the ginger and she turned her attention to Koro-Sensei.
"Ah! Koro-Sensei, you were going to tell us a weakness you had before the Director came."
The octopus perked up and grinned widely.
"Ah, that's right. Well you see, I put too much in my speed stats; I'm actually pretty weak--it takes one person to hold one of my tentacles down!"
The students brightened up.
"So if we sneak up on you and pin you down at the same time...."
"...You won't be able to move!"
However....while the group was trying to pin the octopus down, Koro-Sensei would move his tentacles away; he hummed thoughtfully.
"Hmm...this might not work."
Tsuna sweatdropped at the scene.
Reborn smirked widely.
"I'm liking this class more and more."
"You and your sadistic thoughts....."
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