Chapter 26: A Parent and Their Child
(O.D.D.- Yo! Sorry for the late update! I had like a bunch of tests that I needed to study for. Anyways, enjoy! (*^_^*))
"Sawada hasn't got up yet?"
Reborn shrugged his shoulders a bit, looking at the three teachers that were in Tsuna's room.
"He woke up once but he fell asleep after that because he was exhausted."
"F***ing he**! Reborn, stop with your d*** grenades!"
Tsuna winced and he fell back down onto his bed.
Reborn sighed and stored his grenades away; he looked outside through Tsuna's window.
" should get your rest now--go back to bed."
Tsuna frowned.
"Eh? But I'm fine--I should get going and teach the students."
Reborn frowned.
"You misunderstand me..."
The ravenet sighed exasperatedly when Tsuna tried to get up.
Reborn jabbed Tsuna in the side.
No reaction......and then there was a soft huff.
Tsuna had his cheeks puffed out, trying to hold his breath.
Reborn jabbed at Tsuna's side again; the brunet out a little laugh.
The hitman raised an eyebrow.
"To think the Vongola Decimo is ticklish."
The ravenet poked at Tsuna's sides, causing the brunet to burst out in laughter.
The brunet blushed and swatted angrily at Reborn's arms.
"Shut up! Don't you have any other poor souls to torture!?"
Reborn smirked.
"I do, but I wanted to check up on my stupido figlio." (Stupid son.)
Tsuna huffed and then he yawned, causing Reborn to widen his smirk.
"See, you're tired. Get some rest."
The Decimo glared at Reborn, but there was no seriousness in it.
Tsuna sighed.
"Fine, Papà."
The brunet relaxed and yawned again.
"Watch over the others for me, please."
"Of course."
Tsuna's breathing evened out.
He fell asleep.
::(Flashback End)::
The teachers sweatdropped.
'Wait...did he just mention grenades?'
Koro-Sensei was grinning widely.
"Nurufufu~this is very cute--father-son bonding~!"
Click, bang!
Reborn had a smoking, black pistol aimed at where Koro-Sensei once was.
The octopus looked at the hole in the wall with shock.
"Nyaaaaah! What was that for--!?
"So you really can travel at mach 20 speed...."
They stared at the hitman; Reborn merely yawned and leaned back in his seat by Tsuna's bed--the brunet didn't wake up because of the Leon-earmuffs on his head.
"I must'll be something interesting to shoot at."
Koro-Sensei sweatdropped before sighing, looking over at Tsuna.
"Oh dear....I needed Tsuna-kun to help me with Nagisa-kun's mother in a parent-teacher conference."
Reborn inclined his head.
"You can handle her yourself, right?"
Karasuma looked at the hitman with disbelief.
"Are you serious? She's a civilian that have no idea about the target! She would call the police on us for also teaching her child how to assassinate."
Reborn chuckled.
"Then she has no imagination."
Karasuma sighed.
"I won't be able to be here because of meetings, and Irina....isn't the best with normal discussions..."
Irina, who was wearing a turtle-neck sweater, huffed.
"What are you talking about?"
Karasuma gave her a pointed look; the blonde blushed slightly and laughed sheepishly.
"Ah, well...I can tone my seductive attacks down a bit...."
"No. You're not going to the conference at all."
Koro-Sensei wiggled his tentacles around.
"What about Tsuna-kun's friends?"
Reborn yawned again.
"Mostly likely, they will all say 'no'. Kyoya doesn't like crowding--unless the group is not full of 'herbivores'--but I think the parents will be a bunch of 'herbivores' to him. Mukuro has no interests, and Chrome usually follows that pineapple around. Ryohei will be...very passionate. Lambo is a teen, so he can't really be a teacher. Takeshi will think it's a game and play around. Hayato...will mostly likely scowl at the parents and scare them off. But they can be serious if Tsuna were awake."
The teachers sweatdropped; Karasuma voiced most of their thoughts.
"You...seem to know them well..."
Reborn smirked.
"I knew them since they were the age of the students you here--although Lambo was a baby."
Karasuma then frowned.
"You....who are you?"
Reborn tugged a small table over and placed his legs on it, crossing his arms in the process; the hitman's smirk dropped and his fedora shadowed his sharp gaze.
"...You're talking about Iemitsu, huh?"
Karasuma tensed before slowly nodding; Koro-Sensei and Irina watched with silence--the adults in there have all heard about the Vongola before.
Reborn sighed softly.
"That guy? Heh....yeah, he gave life to Tsuna, but he wasn't there to nurture him."
Onyx eyes darkened--if that were possible--as they bore holes into the ground.
"Iemitsu was never there to help Tsuna whenever he was bullied or injured--verbally and physically. Even though Tsuna was a bit of a clutz back then, he was still filled with so much potential and strength, yet Iemitsu would describe him as useless right off the bat."
Reborn shook his head slightly.
"Sometimes it takes all of my willpower to not shoot the b*****d whenever I see him."
The hitman inclined his head.
".....I adopted Tsuna later on. I used force to get the adoption papers from Iemitsu--Nana actually felt relieved when I signed them.........heh."
Reborn chuckled softly.
"You should've seen Tsuna's face when I told him I was his dad; he thought I was joking."
Karasuma frowned.
"But then....why was Sawada still living with Sawada Nana."
Reborn blinked.
'Ah...that's right, this is a parallel world. Gotta make up a few things.' "Well, Tsuna still wanted to take care of his mother since she was pretty sick. And I have a job in Italy, if you know what I mean."
Karasuma furrowed his eyebrows.
"Another question: why would you, a hitman, get involved with Sawada? You weren't there to kill him before, I hope."
Reborn blinked and hummed thoughtfully.
He dropped his legs to the floor and leaned on the table in front of him, lacing his fingers to hide a part of his face; his eyes had a more lighter edge.
The hitman studied the three teachers that were there.
".....You all look like some pretty trustworthy I'll tell you a little secret."
Reborn inclined his head.
"Tsuna would already be related to the mafia since he's born with Iemitsu as a f***ing father...."
He sighed softly.
"You know...of the Vongola bloodline, yes?"
Karasuma widened his eyes; he had a gut feeling of where this was going.
Reborn smirked.
"Ah. Tsuna's the rightful heir of the Vongola famiglia."
Irina's jaw dropped and Koro-Sensei freaked out.
Karasuma gazed at Reborn with disbelief.
Reborn huffed.
"Iemitsu has some Vongola blood himself, so he passed it on the Tsuna too."
The ravenet narrowed his gaze.
"......Iemitsu has forcefully taken the title of Vongola Don--you can see why Nono wouldn't have let that b*****d rule after him if he were to die."
Reborn sighed.
'Mixing the original story and the parallel story is a bit of hassle, geez...' "Then Nono sent me to train become stronger than Iemitsu but more merciful than the d*** idiota. Nono chose Tsuna as the rightful heir of Vongola."
Karasuma ran a hand over his face.
".....This is.....a lot to take in...."
Irina huffed.
"No kidding! A leader of one of the most powerful mafia families? Tsuna-kun?"
Koro-Sensei hummed thoughtfully.
"'s not that surprising...."
Irina raised an eyebrow at the octopus.
"How so?"
Koro-Sensei chuckled.
"Nurufufu~if you think back on Tsuna-kun's actions....he would always have a slight authoritative tone, he puts others before himself, he knows how to organize a group, he has shown above average fighting skills."
His grin widened.
"Nurufu~I have a feeling I haven't seen everything that Tsuna-kun can do."
Reborn tilted his head.
"....Did he use his flames?"
Koro-Sensei blinked.
"Eh? What?"
Reborn sighed.
"I'll take that as a no." 'I suppose that was a smart move--the Vindice could've came by and arrested Tsuna for showing flames in front of 'civilians'....'
The ravenet looked at Tsuna before looking back at the three in front of him.
" guys should get going. You guys have a parent-teacher conference to plan--and you gotta get to your meeting, Karasuma."
The said ravenet sighed tiredly.
"I have a bad feeling that the target will do something that'll piss me off..."
Koro-Sensei grinned.
"We'll be going now~! Sayonara~!"
In the end.....Koro-Sensei....dressed up as....Karasuma...
A very unconvincing one...
They still had to go with it in the end--all they needed to do was work on the facial expressions of the octopus.
After a lot of contemplating the face looked like a chicken--almost--but it was the closest they could get.
....Nagisa's mother, Shiota Hiromi, was coming to have a meeting with Koro-Sensei
She was......a loving mother...but she just had different ways of expressing her love.
Hiromi wasn't very happy in the end.
She was furious.
She practically yelled at Koro-Sensei for thinking that Nagisa should make his own choices; she stormed off.
Nagisa felt unsure of the results; Koro-Sensei sighed, dropping his act once Hiromi left the school grounds.
The octopus threw the ripped wig he had in his 'hands' to the side.
Sky-blue eyes opened blearily before widening with alarm.
Nagisa glanced around the area, feeling grass beneath himself.
' the school grounds! But...But I remember...I was at home...and...Mother was nice to me....serving me dinner...'
The bluenet jerked his head up, climbing to his feet.
Hiromi was there, holding a torch while standing near the school.
"The day you fell into this began to go mad. You began to...oppose me."
She stepped up to Nagisa and shoved the torch within his reach; Hiromi sneered darkly.
"Burn it. Burn this place with your own hands."
Nagisa gaped slightly, stepping back.
"Wh-What are you saying, Mother!?"
She scowled at him.
"Once you have burned this place to the ground, you won't be able to face your classmates because of the sin you've committed. After you've cut off your path of retreat, we will go ask the main building's teachers to take you back. Because you won't have a place to go back to, you will be able to wholeheartedly beg them on your knees."
Nagisa chewed on his bottom lip before speaking, sweat starting to pool down the side of his temple.
"No, I will never--!"
Hiromi's expression darkened; her face contorted with rage.
She was shaking hard with rage as she waved the torch in her hand around.
Nagisa stood his ground.
'You're wrong....but you're do I express these feelings into words?'
The bluenet thought back to Koro-Sensei.
"But the most important thing is....that you yourself state your position clearly."
Nagisa swallowed.
The torch was sliced through; the flame-covered part fell to the ground.
Hiromi and Nagisa darted their gaze to see who it was.
A man wearing a long coat and jeans walked towards them; his hat shadowed his gaze.
".....Stop howling like a monkey, you old hag. That TV drama will start soon."
Hiromi glared at the man with confusion.
"Wh-Wha--!? Wh-Who he** are you--!?"
The remaining piece of the torch was knocked of Hiromi's hands; she flinched violently.
Nagisa widened his eyes at the man.
'A whip. And this bloodlust....a hitman!'
The man huffed, shouldering his whip.
"Hmph, you're the ones getting in my way. It took me days getting the information I needed to plan the perfect assassination to kill the target."
Hiromi started to shake with fear.
"'K-Kill'? Wh-Wha--?! I-I'm gonna call the police!"
She pulled her phone out, but it was whipped out of her hand; she yelped and fell onto her bottom.
Nagisa looked between the two worriedly; he could see what they were feeling.
' scared......the distracted.'
He sighed and stood between the two, he stepped forward.
'Mother.....this may not be the talent you wanted...but it was thanks to this talent that I helped everyone in class.'
"Nurufu~the first playthrough of your life begins in this class."
Nagisa continued to stare at the hitman before him.
"Mother....right now, this class...I'm fighting with all I have...." A wall of fire formed between Nagisa and Hiromi. "And I will achieve results before I graduate."
He started to walk towards the hitman.
"After I've achieved those results...I will cut my hair...and pay you back the money you used to raise me. If you won't forgive me at that time, then.......I will also graduate from you."
Nagisa rushed forward and used his special attack.
The hitman was stunned and he fell backwards; Hitomi widened her eyes with shock and gaped.
Nagisa looked at the ground, a thoughtful expression on his face.
'I'm really grateful that you gave me life, gave me life and raised me. Maybe this can't be a luxury I can afford, but....if you could just be happy with raising your son safely in this world, then maybe we can work things out peacefully....'
Himori shakily lifted a finger at the hitman on the ground.
"...Wh...Who was that!? What did you do, Nagisa!?"
And then......'Karasuma'--Koro-Sensei in disguise--popped into the scene, using a fire extinguisher to put the flames out.
"Every now and then all kinds of delinquents come here to mess around and play. I would advise you not to come around here at night."
Nagisa smiled softly and whispered to the poorly disguised octopus.
Facing Nagisa completely, Koro-Sensei let green stripes cover his face as he chuckled softly and whispered back to the bluenet.
"Nurufu~you basically said you'd kill me before March. You can't take your words back."
Nagisa sweatdropped.
"Yeah....I know...."
"And! You still can't call your special attack perfect just yet. You only stunned the hitman superficially."
Koro-Sensei quickly tied the hitman up before the man could reach his whip.
'Karasuma' then turned to look at Hiromi.
"Well then, Miss, It's true that Nagisa-kun is still immature, but all we have to do is watch over him."
He placed a 'hand' on Nagisa's shoulder.
"It's not like he's betraying you. He's just preparing 'to leave the nest'."
Hiromi looked at Nagisa with pained eyes.
'He's....slipping away.......he's slipping'
She fainted.
After all of the excitement, she simply fainted.
Koro-Sensei drove Nagisa and his mother back home with their own car.
It was during that ride...that Nagisa made the decision of using his powers to protect someone instead of assassination.
"....And just today, I made breakfast for her."
"Heh~how kind of you. And have you figured out what job you're going to choose without worrying your parents while also protecting people?"
Nagisa shifted on the stool he sat on, smiling sheepishly at the brunet on the bed before him.
"E-Ehehe, not yet...but I'm thinking about it..."
Tsuna chuckled softly.
"Don't think too hard. It'll come to you so don't worry."
The brunet then yawned; Nagisa panicked slightly.
"Ah! You should go and rest some more..."
Tsuna gave a soft sheepish laugh.
"Heh, sorry...anyways....I'm looking forward to what you might do in the future."
Nagisa smiled brightly.
A special fall festival came and went.
Class E didn't win in the competition, but they all met old enemies and old friends.
Yuji, from the summer vacation assassination, had also appeared, finding the truth about Nagisa, who was actually not a girl.
The rich boy became a friend in the end, and his life changed for the better.
Hiromi also stopped by the little restaurant the class set up.
She was a lot more peaceful and gentle.
The mother and son...were finally on agreeable terms.
<<(At Tsuna's House)>>
While Nagisa and his mother were at the Class E building during the night....
Hayato had his hands over his ears.
"What the f***!? Who's screaming in the middle of the night!?"
Kyoya was twitching on the side, reaching for his tonfas.
"Must. Bite. Herbivorous. Noise. To. Death."
Mukuro chuckled eerily, materializing his trident.
"Kufufu~for once, I agree with you, Skylark. Whoever's shrieking at this time of night is keeping my poor Imouto awake."
Chrome nervously tugged at Mukuro's sleeve, telling him that everything was fine.
Takeshi laughed nervously and tried to hold Kyoya back.
"Haha, I'm sure it's nothing! Ryohei, help me out, will ya'?"
Lambo dashed out of his room.
"Uwaah! I think there's an angry ghost on this mountain! This place is haunted!"
Hayato whacked the teen's head.
"There are no ghosts here--it's probably just some random, crazy lady yelling her head off."
Things got a bit out of hand, and then--
"All of you. Shut. The. F***. Up."
A slightly sleep-deprived looking Reborn glared at them from the steps; he held a smoking Leon-gun.
He sighed and let Leon morph back into a lizard.
"Just go to bed and ignore it--oh, ya' hear that? It stopped. So get your a**es to bed and sleep, or I'll make sure you'll never wake up."
The Guardians sweatdropped.
"Hai, Reborn-san."
Reborn huffed and went back up the steps.
The Guardians stood there for a few seconds.
"....I EXTREMELY forgot how much Reborn-san scared me."
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