Chapter 22: Couple Set Up
(O.D.D.- Heeeeeey......Mina-san. I'm so.......sleep....deprived....enjoy anyways.(-_-).。oO)
Hayato pushed Tsuna around as the brunet sat in a wheelchair.
The Decimo wasn't one-hundred percent healed, so he couldn't stand up by himself.
Hayato scowled lightly as he looked down at Tsuna with exasperation.
"Tsuna-sama.....I knew at least one of us should've gone with you."
The brunet simply laughed sheepishly.
"Maa, I'll be fine. I'll heal in no time, so you don't have to worry."
Takeshi huffed and gave a noogie to the Decimo.
"Says the person who can't walk on their own. What if an assassin comes after you? You told us that those three hitmen you met said that Iemitsu was after your head."
The two Guardians narrowed their eyes as Tsuna sighed tiredly.
".....We'll just have to deal with whatever comes our way. Sure, we'll take precautions, but you guys don't need to be super protective."
Tsuna smiled up at the two.
"Let's just relax for now, okay?"
Hayato sighed exasperatedly as Takeshi grinned widely.
"You care very little of your well-being, Tsuna-sama/Alright, Tsuna."
"Assassination...? Test of courage?"
The students looked at Koro-Sensei with confusion as the yellow octopus chuckled; Tsuna cocked his head curiously at the ghost-like outfit the teacher was wearing.
"Nurufufu~Sensei will take on the role of the ghosts. It's been a while, so I'll be sure to move around with plenty of clones~!"
Koro-Sensei's grin widened.
"Nurufu~of course, if you want to kill me, that's okay. This would be the perfect ending to an assassination trip, no?"
Hiroto grinned, bringing his Anti-Sensei gun out.
"Sounds interesting. I need to work off a little of my frustrations from not being able to move before."
While the students conversed, Tsuna sweatdropped when he spotted something on the back of Koro-Sensei's head.
'.......'Couple set up'?'
The brunet sighed softly and looked at the students with slight pity.
'I wonder how they'll deal with Koro-Sensei on this one....'
//(2 Hours Later)//
Tsuna waited for the students at the main entrance of the caves within the island.
The brunet told Hayato and Takeshi to get ready to pack up for leaving, so Tsuna was alone for now.
He heard a few yelps and shouts--nothing too bad.
The brunet then heard a very loud scream.
Tsuna sweatdropped when he recognized the voice as.....Koro-Sensei's.
'....Isn't he the one that should be scaring the students?'
And then a yellow blur appeared, darting out of the entrance and landing on the ground a few meters away from Tsuna; the brunet quickly wheeled himself over, looking at the other with a slight, nervous smile.
"Koro-Sensei? Daijoubu deska?"
The yellow octopus--he was also wearing some sort of traditional Japanese kimono--simply continued to sob into the ground as the students started to appear; the teens all looked at Koro-Sensei with irritation.
Hiroto huffed as he crossed his arms, looking at the octopus on the ground.
"In other were trying to set up couples by scaring us and using the suspended bridge effect?
(O.D.D.- The 'suspended bridge effect' is a way of scaring people to bring them closer to each other, and then to love/like each other.
(_ _).。o○.......I am slowly falling asleep....)
The other students sighed exasperatedly.
"You tried too hard to rush things."
"Even before you scared us, it was obvious what you were after when you paired us up--girl and boy together!"
Koro-Sensei sobbed loudly into ground before lifting his head.
"B-But....I wanted to see it! Don't you all want to hold someone's hand and look embarrassed with a big grin on your face!?"
The students sweatdropped.
"He's breaking down and crying...."
"A sleazebag adult...."
Rio quirked her lips up slightly at Koro-Sensei.
"Koro-Sensei, you have to do these kind of things gently. Kids like us wouldn't like to be pushed into things like love affairs. It's not like we're all sleazy like that."
Koro-Sensei simply sniffled.
"Hai...I understand....."
"What the he**!? There was no one there the whole time! I felt like a loser walking around scared."
Everyone turned their heads to see a certain blonde and a ravenet.
Karasuma sighed as he looked down at Irina who was clutching his arm tightly.
"I told you. Sticking to me wouldn't do anything."
Irina growled slightly.
"What the he**!? Aren't you a man!? If there's a girl, you have to kindly escort her!"
And then.....she became aware of the others that were there.
She silently tiptoed away from Karasuma.
The Government agent then noticed Tsuna and sighed softly as he walked up to the brunet.
"Sawada, you should be in bed. That wound of yours hasn't healed completely."
Tsuna merely pouted childishly.
"Maa, it's not fun when you're cooped up in an infirmary room with nothing to do. Besides, I was wondering how the others were doing....."
The Decimo glanced over Karasuma's shoulder and sweatdropped.
The students--except for Nagisa--and Koro-Sensei were staring between Irina and Karasuma with some sort of 'we're-gonna-play-Cupid-and-have-lots-of-fun' evil look.
"......I'm guessing that they're having fun."
Karasuma pushed Tsuna's wheelchair along the shore line; the brunet smiled in content as he felt a little sea spray against his face and shut his eyes.
The two were currently alone; the students and Koro-Sensei dragged Irina off to the hotel.
Karasuma looked down at Tsuna's relaxed expression and grimaced mentally.
He didn't want to disturb the other from peace.
"What's wrong, Karasuma-san?"
The Government Agent jumped slightly.
Sunset-orange slowly slid open and looked straight ahead, not looking at the ravenet.
Karasuma simply gripped the handles of the wheelchair.
Tsuna continued to smile; the sunset at his right made his eyes glow even brighter.
"......It's about Sawada Iemitsu, isn't it?"
The brunet's smile faltered slightly.
'This world's me had it much more rough than I did....' "....Iemitsu...was an abusive man. My mother was too kind to kick him out.......I would at least break two bones each week, but they would heal."
(O.D.D.- Tsuna's explaining this parallel world's Tsuna's past. Sorry if I'm confusing you guys. ~(・・?))
Tsuna shut his eyes as he thought further back into the memories.
"Iemitsu eventually left us, marrying some other woman. You wouldn't believe me much, but when I was a teen, I started to....hack. It was more of a hobby, but it soon became a 'job'."
Tsuna opened his eyes and looked to the side as he watched the sun barely touch the horizon.
"....During that time, I was introduced to the mafia. I was safe, keeping others from tracking me back to my mom and I--but there were a few close calls."
Tsuna turned to look straight ahead once more.
"You know of Vongola, yes? Can you please tell me what you know about it?"
Karasuma stopped walking, halting the wheelchair.
" a ruthless organization of killers. They were once neutral when Vongola Nono ruled....but Sawada Iemitsu came and made it a slaughterhouse for the innocent. I heard that Nono-san had died from old age....I actually met him--in a peace-treaty meeting between Vongola and the Government........and I would've never thought that such a kind man would be in the mafia."
Tsuna chuckled lightly, a tinge of wistfulness.
"Indeed......but he did not die from old age."
Karasuma was a bit startled at the dark tone that the brunet took.
".....What happened?"
Tsuna sighed softly and leaned back in his wheelchair.
"March 3rd, 2002. Vongola Nono died of old age--but that is not the case."
He smiled bitterly.
"As a hacker, I would be updated almost immediately about such big news. But I heard from Nono's loyal Guardians....that Sawada Iemitsu had murdered Nono in cold blood. Nono-san's Guardians and I shared information with each other--that's why I'm--was--on good terms with them."
Karasuma looked at the brunet with confusion.
"What do you mean 'was'?"
Tsuna chuckled hollowly.
"After that one day they told me the true cause of death of Vongola Nono, they're dead the next day. All of Nono-san's Guardians were all dead, killed by Iemitsu and his followers."
Karasuma ground his teeth slightly in anger.
'Sawada was just a kid.....but he had to see all of this...this death.' "Sawada..."
He didn't know what to say.
The Government Agent gazed silently at the water that sloshed softly onto the sand.
What was there to say?
'Can I do anything for you'?
'Are you alright'?
Karasuma nearly snorted out loud at the sheer idiocy of the last question.
Tsuna wasn't alright.
He wasn't fine at all.
Seriously? Some sort of murder is going around and killing innocent people, and you're related to that person--no, monster.
Tsuna wasn't fine.
The Government Agent snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at Tsuna, who was still looking ahead.
Slowly, the brunet brought his gaze to Karasuma and smiled warmly, eyes glowing softly, with resolve.
And then....
....Tsuna grinned, widely.
"....Everything's alright. Trust me, neh?"
Karasuma gazed at the brunet with slightly wide eyes before scoffing.
"That grin is very unsettling, Sawada."
"Oi, so is yours! You look like a demon when you smile evilly when you'real beating something up!"
Tsuna pouted childishly before sighing; he glanced up at Karasuma and inclined his head slightly.
"....What do you think of Irina-san?"
Karasuma looked down at the brunet and frowned faintly.
"A colleague. Nothing more. Nothing less."
Tsuna reached up and smacked Karasuma lightly on the forehead; the Government Agent flinched slightly and blinked his eyes rapidly in shock.
The brunet sighed.
".......At least...have something a bit more than that, Karasuma-san. A cold shoulder like that won't get you anywhere, ya' know."
Karasuma looked down at Tsuna before slowly nodding.
"....I will see...what I can do."
The ravenet started to push Tsuna's wheelchair once more.
The sun sunk below the horizon completely.
Tsuna watched with some amusement as the students kept Karasuma from sitting in any of the seats inside of restaurant; Hayato and Takeshi were sitting at the table the brunet was at.
The Agent was directed outside, where Irina was waiting--in a completely less scandalous clothes.
A simple dress. With black shawl covering her shoulders. And her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, with a few strands of hair framing her face.
The brunet smiled slightly at the new look.
'Onee-chan looks a lot more cuter this way....'
The students suddenly crowded around the windows once Karasuma left to the table outside.
<<(With Irina and Karasuma)>>
Karasuma sighed exasperatedly as he pulled out his chair to sit down at the table that Irina was at.
"Why are we the only ones that were kicked out?"
Irina shifted nervously and looked at her plate, a blush dusting her cheeks.
'Geez! I'm usually the one who makes people blush!' "W-Who knows....."
Dinner was then served.
Irina glanced around at the settings with slight distaste--it wasn't like her usual high-class assassination/dates. Not to mention the...spectators by the window.
At least Tsuna had some decency along with his Guardians to not stare.
But there.....was this warm feeling within her chest.
Irina picked her fork up and started to eat, taking a small bite while smiling a real, non-seducing smile
'...What is this? This is....pretty fun.'
Inside the restaurant, Tsuna smiled knowingly while still keeping his eyes on his own plate.
Irina giggled mentally.
'I love you guys--just a little--for setting this up. You guys really did it! I'll try my best to bring this dense a** down.'
Karasuma sighed softly, picking a mug up from the table, taking a sip.
"....A lot happened during the trip, hasn't it?"
Irina perked up slightly as he continued.
"But there were good result. It wasn't in the way I imagined, but it was made clear that the students have mastered the basics."
Karasuma then looked at Irina with a serious gaze.
"We'll keep this up and definitely kill during the second semester. Irina, I'll be counting on your strength as well."
While the students and Koro-Sensei thought this was good, Tsuna grimaced slightly.
'.....Love is not like that--strength doesn't matter. Irina doesn't want those sort of comments....'
Irina gazed at Karasuma with a sadness, and the Government Agent and frowned slightly.
"What's wrong?"
Irina gazed at her plate.
".......Is it alright...if I talk about my past? It's about the first time I killed someone--I was 12."
Karasuma merely gazed back, and Irina took that as a sign to continue.
"The ethnic war in my country was intensifying. One day, the enemy militia came into our house to pillage it."
She smiled bitterly.
"My parents were killed without question. The enemy opened the door where I was hiding."
She clenched her fingers slightly beneath the table.
"If I don't kill, i'll be killed. I shot my father's pistol from point blank, without hesitating. I stuffed the enemy's corpse into the underground cellar...and I crammed myself with the corpse until the other soldiers left, and I was able to get away......the warmth of the corpse as it turned lukewarm throughout the night....I still remember it clearly..."
She relaxed and gazed directly into Karasuma's eyes.
"Hey, Karasuma."
She picked up a knife from the table and cut the tie around her hair, allowing her hair to cascade down her shoulders as she looked at Karasuma with her baby-blue eyes.
"'To kill' you know....what it really means?"
Karasuma gazed back silently with his onyx eyes.
Irina smiled as she stood up from her seat.
"Sorry, that story was a downer, wasn't it?"
She walked over to the ravenet, chuckling softly.
"...By the way...your napkin is on way too properly."
Irina reached a hand out and took the end of Karasuma's napkin, touching it to her lips...
....Before touching it to Karasuma's lips.
She smiled as she then walked away from the slightly stunned Karasuma, looking back at him.
"I like you, Karasuma. Oyasuminasai."
And she walked away.
...Not even a few feet away, and she started to freak out slightly, clutching her head.
'Baka, baka, baka! I should die--! I was supposed to confess!? Why did I kill-fess!?'
(O.D.D.- She means that instead of confessing her feelings, she told Karasuma-san her first kill. (_ _).。o○......I could've sworn that a baby Reborn was sitting right next to me. I'm starting to become delirious from the lack of sleep! ∑(゚Д゚))
When she lifted her gaze up, she saw the disappointed faces of her students.
"What was that half-a**ed indirect kiss right now!?"
"Slip in your tongue like you always do--your tongue!"
Irina flushed a bright red as she glared at them.
"Ah--shut the he** up, you d*** kids! Adults have adult reasons!"
Koro-Sensei chuckled as he nudged his face against her cheek.
"No, no~from here, she will take her time to bring about lewd developments, right~? Nurufufu~!"
Irina screeched silently.
"What do you mean 'right', you d*** ero-octopus!?"
She struggled out of Koro-Sensei's grip with success.
Irina huffed before turning around; she found Tsuna gazing at her with mirth.
The brunet winked and raised his glass slightly in a toast.
*It's a start, Onee-san. Don't give up, neh?*
Irina flushed and crossed her arms, looking off to the side; she blushed even harder when she heard Tsuna's soft laughter.
<<(Outside of the Restaurant)>>
Karasuma looked at the commotion and sweatdropped slightly; he stood up from his seat.
He sighed as he then turned his gaze to the sky.
'....I don't tend to think too deeply about it--because that is my mission. Steel yourself, and continue to relentlessly train during the second semester, and we will relentlessly kill.'
He paused in his thoughts.
He slowly lifted a hand to his lips.
'.....By the way.....what was that in the end? If she was practicing a new was well done.'
<<(With Tsuna)>>
Having a spartan tutor allowed you to 'read the minds' of others.
So when Tsuna 'heard' Karasuma's thoughts, he groaned and slammed his forehead onto the table, ignoring Hayato's panicked calls and Takeshi's laughter.
'Ka. Ra. Su. Ma. -San. You. Are. So. D***. Dense! Fuuuuuuuuuuuu--!'
(O.D.D.- School's in session, so I'm really tired cause homework is reducing my amount of sleep to four or three hours now.... (_ _).。o○)
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