Chapter 20: The Final(?) Assassination
"Wah~what a nice breeze!"
Tsuna grinned as he shaded his eyes from the sun above.
"Tsuna-sama, would you like anything to drink?"
The brunet glanced over at his Storm and smiled.
"Ah, iie. I'm good."
Hayato nodded before running a hand through his silver locks.
Takeshi then came into the scene, slinging an arm around Tsuna's shoulders.
"Haha! I can't believe that were the only ones that came."
Tsuna sighed and crossed his arms.
"Kyoya-kun doesn't like to travel much. Mukuro-kun likes to irritate Kyoya-kun as much as possible. Chrome-chan always sticks with Mukuro-kun. Lambo-kun is too lazy. And Ryohei-kun helps with keeping Kyoya-kun and Mukuro-kun in line when I'm not there."
The brunet sighed once more before looking over at Hayato and Takeshi.
"I hope I'm not forcing you two...."
"Not at all, Tsuna/Tsuna-sama."
Tsuna blinked and looked to the side of the deck before sweatdropping; the brunet smiled tentatively.
"Not one for traveling, Koro-Sensei?"
The said octopus groaned again.
" feel...that my brains...are come..flying out..."
Tsuna saw the students suddenly jump around the deck.
Hinano giggled and tried to stab Koro-Sensei with her Anti-Sensei knife.
"Koro-Sensei! Get up, get up! You can see it~!"
This caused the octopus to perk up and snap out of his sick state.
Sugino grinned as he shadowed his eyes with a hand.
"Man, it took us six hours from Tokyo!"
Hiroto smiled and winked.
"That's where we're going to kill Koro-Sensei."
Tsuna blinked in surprise before smiling.
"Wao~! Nice island!"
The boat was quickly docked.
The students quickly dropped their things off at a small hut; some changed into their swimwear and immediately took a dip into the water.
Tsuna chuckled amusedly as he saw the students play around.
"Welcome to Fukumajima Resort Hotel!"
Tsuna blinked and swiveled his head around to see a raven-haired waiter. The slightly chubby man smiled as lifted his tray of drinks.
"Please, have a complementary tropical drink."
The Decimo blinked once more, smile dimming slightly.
Tsuna's Hyper Intuition was prickling slightly.
The brunet's smile then returned to full blast as he laughed sheepishly.
"Ah, gomen. I must kindly disline."
The waiter didn't falter in his smile and nodded.
"Very well. And please don't hesitate to ask for anything~! Please enjoy your stay!"
Tsuna watched the waiter go.
Sunset-orange eyes narrowed.
'....I could smell...chemicals...on that man....'
<<(With the Students)>>
"We'll do the 'deed' after dinner. So first, let's have some fun, Koro-Sensei!"
"Let's split up into groups like the last field trip."
Koro-Sensei chuckled.
"Nurufufufu~I agree. Let us play hard and kill hard."
In secret, the students checked parts of the island for their assassination while one group would distract Koro-Sensei from them.
Tsuna, Hayato and Takeshi would supervise or nap.
The Decimo chuckled when the students were able to soak Hayato with some water.
The silveret had simply sighed exasperatedly before chasing them around for fun, throwing them into the water when he caught them.
Takeshi laughed and also joined in the fun.
Tsuna simply shook his head and smiled amusedly.
The brunet then spotted Irina and Karasuma on the side.
Tsuna sweatdropped when he saw that Irina was wearing...a rather...revealing swimsuit.
The Decimo watched them talk briefly with each other--although Irina did most of the talking, irritating Karasuma slightly.
Tsuna then saw Karasuma lift Irina up in a princess carry.
'Aw...that looks kinda cute...'
And then Karasuma threw Irina into the water; Tsuna sweatdropped.
'How cold....'
//(The Afternoon)//
"My, that was a lot of fun. Thanks to it, I'm completely burnt to a crisp."
The entire Class E sweatdropped as they looked at a pitch-black Koro-Sensei--the octopus wasn't mad or anything, he was just...extremely suntanned.
Masayoshi sweatdropped.
"Even your teeth are burnt black..."
Hinata sighed.
"We can't read your expressions anymore..."
Yuuma simply grinned and waved Koro-Sensei over.
"Alright, Koro-Sensei! After some food, we're gonna do the assassination."
Koro-Sensei wiggled his black tentacles in the air.
"Okay~then let's go to the restaurant first~!"
Tsuna inclined his head as he looked at a hotel building at the top of the island, tipping his fedora up slightly.
The brunet snapped out of his thoughts and saw Takeshi looking at him with concern.
Tsuna simply smiled back at his Rain.
"Daijoubu, Takeshi. Let's just go."
<<(In the Hotel at the Top of the Island)>>
"Hehehe...he this must be the rumored Hyper Intuition..."
The shadowed man sat on a leather chair, looking at the computer screen with glee.
"Your information on the Vongola Famiglia is correct, Gastro. Hehehe..."
Behind the mysterious man stood another ravenet, Gastro, who had spiky hair.
The other wore a black blazer with a cheetah pattern on the inside; he also wore a red undershirt.
The lanky ravenet, had a pistol in his mouth, sucking on it.
'Guns are delicious~!' "Of course. The Vongola Famiglia are quite famous after all in the mafia. But I didn't know that Sawada Iemitsu had a son..."
The other man in the shadows merely chuckled.
"Oh...I'm sure that they are related somehow. But I wonder....will my 'children' come crying to me when they find out that that d*** brunet is part of the mafia? Surely they'll be afraid of him, and that brat will be broken from being betrayed so suddenly. Hehehehe."
<<(On a Boat)>>
"Dinner will be reserved on this dinner boat; let's all have our meal while enjoying the night sea."
Yuuma smiled brightly as he served Koro-Sensei a glass of juice.
Koro-Sensei sweated slightly--although it was quite hard to see his expression with his face burnt pitch-black.
"I...I first, you're trying to get me seasick to lower my fighting."
Yuuma continued to smile.
"Of course, this is basics for an assassination."
Koro-Sensei waved his glass around.
"Indeed, you are correct. However, will it really go over so well? For your teacher who's completely in high spirits right before the assassination, the fear of seasickne--"
Koro-Sensei sweatdropped; Tsuna, Hayato and Takeshi did the same on the side.
"Am I really that dark?"
Rio deadpanned Koro-Sensei.
"Forget about your expressions--we can't even tell where the front or back of your head is."
Megu sighed with exasperatedly amusement.
"It's too confusing, so do something about it."
Koro-Sensei chuckled and made a peace sign with one of his tentacles.
"Nurufufu~have you forgotten, everyone? About your teacher's molting ability?"
Tsuna watched as a crack appeared on Koro-Sensei's black skin.
"I can take off this dark skin..."
Crack, crackle....
Koro-Sensei pulled his black skin off, revealing his usual yellow skin and bright grin.
"Nurufufu~there, back to normal~!"
Yuzuki blinked in surprise.
"Ah, that shedding thing you can do once a month..."
Koro-Sensei continued to chuckle.
"I can use it in this manner as well. Originally, it's supposed to be a last resort in a dangerous situation.........."
Tsuna sweatdropped when he saw the realization slowly dawn upon Koro-Sensei's face.
'Nagisa-kun told me every weakness that Koro-Sensei currently has.....'
Koro-Sensei buried his face into his tentacles; Class E also sweatdropped.
"That was stupid; he lowered his own fighting power before the assassination..."
"How have we not been able to kill this idiot until now?"
With that, dinner started; some of the students served Koro-Sensei as the octopus feasted.
Tsuna chuckled before wincing, the brunet brushed a hand to his head and rubbed one spot.
Hayato and Takeshi quickly glanced over at the brunet with concern.
"Your headaches are back again, Tsuna?" (So more enemies are on this island?)
Tsuna waved the two down, taking a sip from the glass of wine in his hand.
(O.D.D.- Tsunayoshi-san can never be beaten in a drinking competition. You can give him a dozen barrels of wine or alcohol and he won't get drunk for single moment. (O_o))
"Ah. Maybe an aspirin or two will do the trick." (I can't know for sure...)
Hayato quickly popped two aspirin into Tsuna's hand; the brunet quickly swallowed them.
The brunet sighed in relief when the throbbing died down slightly--slowly but surely.
Tsuna looked up when he heard laughter.
The Decimo smiled softly as the students messed around with Koro-Sensei as they feasted.
Tsuna's smile then dropped slightly.
'...It doesn't feel kill Koro-Sensei....he's too kind...'
<<(At the Docks)>>
'He got sick after all...'
Tsuna glanced over at a wobbling Koro-Sensei, sweatdropping when the octopus groaned.
Hiroto grinned and looked over at Koro-Sensei.
"Alright, Koro-Sensei. The food's done, so...the time has finally come."
Sousuke also grinned.
"The venue is this way."
Koro-Sensei perked up and saw the wooden hut ahead; Sousuke continued to grin.
"The party room above the water and away from the hotel."
Everyone filtered into the room.
Yuuma smiled once everyone was in, turning to face Koro-Sensei.
" have nowhere to run."
Taiga then waved his hand to gain Koro-Sensei's attention; Tsuna tilted his head curiously at the TV set that was between the perverted teen and Kouki.
"Now...have a seat, Koro-Sensei."
Kouki grinned.
"It's a fun assassination..."
Taiga continued the ginger's sentence.
"...But first, let's start by enjoying a movie."
Yuuma smiled as he pointed over at Kouki.
"Mimura edited this movie. After the little show, the seven winners of the exams will destroy your tentacles, and that will be everyone else's signal to begin the assassination." Yuuma's smile widened. "Is that alright with you, Koro-Sensei?"
The said octopus chuckled.
"Nurufufufu~very well~"
"Ano, Sensei."
Koro-Sensei turned around and found Nagisa behind him; the bluenet started to pat the octopus down.
"The area is surrounded by water, so if you're hiding that swimming suit of yours, you could easily run away."
"Nurufufu~how cautious of you, but I won't resort to such dirty tricks."
With that, the students backed away; Tsuna, Hayato and Takeshi sat in the back of the room.
Koro-Sensei took a seat.
"Is everyone ready~? I look forward to everyone giving their all in this assassination--an exhibition of everyone's knowledge, ingenuity, and genuine efforts; I couldn't be anymore excited to witness this." Koro-Sensei chuckled. "Nurufu~don't hold back. Come at me with a bang."
Taiga chuckled in the back, switching the light off near the exit of the hut.
"No need to tell us twice. We're gonna, Koro-Sensei."
Kouki started the movie with a remote.
Tsuna watched as a few students in the back started to move out and in to keep Koro-Sensei from knowing how much people would go outside.
The brunet saw how Koro-Sensei seemed to be drawn in by the music and scenes; the Decimo smiled.
'Kouki-kun is very good at this...I bet Koro-Sensei feels the same.'
"...First, we'll have you take a look at this." Koro-Sensei had his face buried in a book of porno magazines while sitting on other ones. "Look at this shameful state of our homeroom teacher."
Tsuna watched as Koro-Sensei slowly processed what just happened.
The movie continued.
"Do you see now? Lately, his obsession is cougars in the office. These are all porno magazines that this octopus has collected all on his own."
Koro-Sensei frantically turned his head to look at the students behind him as he blushed hard.
"No...wai--Okajima-kun, guys! I thought I asked you guys not to tell--!"
"Next, we have this. This large image at a Women-only All-you-can-eat Cake Event."
An image came up, showing a picture of a at least a dozen women lined up to go into some sort of restaurant.
But...there was something off.
"Who could it be? Ah, it's this guy."
Tsuna sweatdropped, Hayato deadpanned the TV, and Takeshi laughed nervously.
'Ah/What the f***/Haha, how strange...'
The next image showed Koro-Sensei.....dressed as a woman.
"There's no way he wouldn't get caught. But miraculously, he wasn't caught for not being human."
Kirara chuckled evilly in the background.
"Man~porno magazines and cross-dressing--aren't you ashamed, you octopus?"
Koro-Sensei simply blushed harder.
The scene on the TV changed.
"Here he is before payday. He lines up with clones in front of people handing out tissues. And contrary to what you think he might use them for..." The scene changes once more; Koro-Sensei was dressed as a cook while frying the tissues. "He turns them into karaage and eats them. I wonder if he has dignity as a teacher--no, as a living being."
(O.D.D.- 'Karaage' can be chicken most of the time, but it can also be deep-fried foods. ( ^ω^ ))
Tsuna smiled nervously.
'Ah, poor Koro-Sensei. This is only the beginning.'
"And it doesn't end there. We're going to show you a full hour of this teacher's embarrassing movie."
Koro-Sensei shrieked mentally.
//(1 Hour Later)//
".....Dead......your teacher is already...dead. After everyone...finding out about...those things, I can' too on living anymore...."
Koro-Sensei feebly leaned back on the bench he was sitting on; the ending credits were going up on the TV screen.
"Now then, we had you join us in watching this prize-winning movie, but....isn't there something you haven't noticed yet, Koro-Sensei?"
The said octopus blinked in surprise.
Koro-Sensei quickly looked down and widened his eyes slightly when he saw his tentacles starting to soak up sea water.
'When did the waters reach this level!? I didn't sense anyone pouring in water....ah! Could it be...the high tide!?'
Koro-Sensei shifted nervously as he saw the seven winners from the exam stand up from their seats.
Ryoma smirked.
"We haven't done anything yet. Maybe someone shortened the support beams under the hut."
Rio also smirked.
"After getting seasick, getting embarrassed, and taking in must feel pretty sluggish, huh?"
Terasaka and the others leveled their guns.
"Now, it's time for the real deal. You promised, so you can't dodge."
Koro-Sensei sweated slightly.
'....They got me. But I know the direction of the snipers. As long as I am careful of the window--'
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!
The seven shots were released.
Suddenly, the walls of the hit collapsed; Koro-Sensei blinked and widened his eyes with shock.
'Nyah!? Wha--!?'
Koro-Sensei whipped his head around and saw some of his students pop out of the water.
'They're using flyboards with water pressure!'
The octopus widened his eyes further when he took in his surroundings.
'They formed...a hydraulic cage!?'
<<(Outside of the Water Cage)>>
Hinano was conducting a few dolphins; Nagisa and Kaede shot a few hoses into the water cage.
Other Class E students--Ristu also popped out of the water in her black box form--pulled their guns out and started to shoot the areas around Koro-Sensei, trying to cut off any escape routes for the octopus.
Two certain hitmen popped their heads out of the water: Ryuunosuke and Rinka.
The two were supposedly in the mountains, but they were simply dummies that were saturated with their scents.
The real Ryuunosuke and Rinka were in the water, waiting for a clear shot.
The water hid the sound of their shots and their scents from Koro-Sensei's sharp nose and hearing.
The bullets soared through the air and towards their target.
In slow motion, Koro-Sensei seemed to sense the bullets and turned around to see them right in front of his face.
'You've all done come this far!'
The students on the fly oars were knocked off balance as they splashed into the water.
Class E looked at the spot where Koro-Sensei was.
"Did we get him!?"
Karasuma quickly dashed over to the edge of the dock.
"Don't let your guard down! He has regenerative powers--Kataoka-san! You take point and keep watch of the water's surface!"
Megu quickly replied and started to swim.
"You got it!"
Class E then looked around themselves.
And then, Hinano made a surprised noise.
Everyone turned their gazes to see what she was looking at.
Blub...blub, blub...
Bubbles. Floating to the surface.
Everyone slowly brought their Anti-Sensei guns out and leveled them at the area of bubbles.
Class E blinked.
They all saw...
...A strange sphere...
...With Koro-Sensei's face inside of it.
Koro-Sensei chuckled.
"Nurufufu~this is...the last of my last resorts. The ultimate defense form!"
Koro-Sensei continued to speak.
"The transparent part on the outside is the crystallized form of condensed energy. I contract my flesh as much as possible, and with the excess energy resulting from that state, I tightly fortify the area around my flesh." His grin widened. "While I'm in this form, I'm truly invincible! Water, Anti-Sensei matter, any and all attacks will be returned by this crystal wall!"
Class E blinked with shock at the new revelation.
Yukiko placed a hand under her chin.
"No way...then, if you stay in that form we can never kill you..."
"Nurufu~actually, it's not that simple."
The students looked at him with confusion as he continued.
"This energy crystal naturally collapses after about 24 hours. At that moment, my flesh expands, and it absorbs the energy to return to its original state."
Koro-Sensei sighed.
"But on the down side, during the 24 hours before the crystal collapses, I'm completely incapable of any movement. This entails various risks: what I fear most is being stuffed into a high speed rocket during that time, and being thrown off into some distant part of the universe."
Koro-Sensei chuckled again.
"But I've thoroughly looked into this issue. There isn't a single ticket in this world capable of doing that within 24 hours~"
Green stripes appeared on Koro-Sensei's face.
Ryoma growled as he swam over to the sphere.
"Invincible my a**." The delinquent pulled out a wrench. "I'm sure we can figure out a way to destroy this thing."
Ryoma started to hit the sphere with the wrench as Koro-Sensei whistled a tune.
"Nurufufufu~it's useless~! Even nuclear weapon wouldn't even leave a scratch~!"
Karma blinked before reaching out for a phone, which Kaede gave to the redhead.
"I see~I guess there's nothing we can do if there aren't any weaknesses...."
Karma raised the phone in front of Koro-Sensei's face, who blinked in confusion.
There was a picture of the octopus reading porno magazines.
"NYAAAAH! Stop! I don't have any hands so I can't even cover my face!"
"Sorry, sorry. Then let me put it right in front of your face."
Karma returned with a sea slug and put it on Koro-Sensei.
"Let me leave this sea slug that I picked up over there..."
Karma grabbed the sphere while keeping the sea slug on it.
"Can someone find a dirty, old man? I wanna stick this in his underwear~!"
Kaede and Nagisa sweatdropped.
"....There's no end to his bullying, is there?"
"Yeah...Karma's a master when it comes to this stuff."
Karasuma sighed and took Koro-Sensei away from Karma, stuffing the sphere into a plastic bag.
"Let's disperse for now, Mina-san. I'll investigate a way to dispose of this guy with the higher-ups."
Koro-Sensei looked up at Karasuma and chuckled.
"Nurufu~are you perhaps planning to seal me in a pool of Anti-Sensei material? It's useless. In that case, I would set off a portion of my energy and blow away the surrounding area with a blast--just like I did earlier."
Karasuma gritted his teeth in frustration; Koro-Sensei simply continued to grin.
"However, everyone should be proud. Even the world's military forces weren't able to corner me to this point. It was thanks to the magnificence of everyone's plan."
Class E got out of the water; some hung their heads down.
Rinka and Ryuunosuke went over the recording of their shots with Ritsu.
It was recorded as a 'miss'.
When they went to the hut by the beach, they saw Tsuna standing there.
They all watched with curiosity as the brunet walked up to Ryuunosuke and Rinka.
The two sniper specialists flinched; Rinka spoke first.
"A-After all of the tips and help you've given us...we failed."
Ryuunosuke continued.
"We apologize. Both of us just froze up. We're sorry that we put your tutoring to waste--!"
Rinka and Ryuunosuke held their foreheads in surprise.
They then felt warm hands ruffle their heads.
They could see Tsuna smiling at them.
"I...could never be prouder of you two."
They blushed as Tsuna turned around to look at the other students.
"The same goes for the rest of you! Remember, this isn't your last assassination! Take pride in how close you've gotten! Take this information and use it in the next assassinations that will come your way. You can never grow without failure."
Class E looked at Tsuna with surprise.
Slowly, they felt warmth spread through their bodies from their hearts.
"Hai, Tsuna-Sensei!"
Koro-Sensei's grin brightened as he chuckled softly.
'Arigatou, Tsuna-kun, for encouraging my students....'
Hayato and Takeshi smiled fondly at Tsuna.
'That's our Sky...'
"Man, I'm beat..."
Hiroto gazed at the roof of the hut tiredly.
Kouki groaned softly.
"Should we just go back to our rooms and rest? I don't have any energy to do anything else...."
Ryoma frowned.
"What's wrong with you guys? I hope you aren't depressed after failing once. We did everything we planned; let's just kick back tomorrow."
Taiga grinned pervertedly.
"You're right~tomorrow, I'm gonna take my time to enjoy watching the girls in their swimsuits. No matter how tired I am, I'll make sure to bleed out my nose with everything I got."
Tsuna ignored the perverse comment and swiveled his head around the room, brow furrowing slightly with worry.
Rio suddenly slumped against a wall.
Others placed their heads down onto the tables.
And then--
"My nose--!"
Blood poured out of Taiga's nose.
Tsuna went over there quickly and pulled out a napkin, pressing it to Taiga's nose.
The brunet saw Karasuma walk up to the receptionist.
"Recep! Where's the hospital on this island!"
The man stuttered at the sudden straightforwardness.
"E-Eh, well...this is a rather tiny island--so we only have a small clinic. The doctor on duty returns to another island at night...and you would have to wait until ten o'clock tomorrow for the boat..."
Tsuna then saw Karsuma perk up slightly; the ravenet rummaged through his pocket, pulling a phone out.
With his sharp ears, Tsuna could hear the conversation.
"Hey there, Teach. Looks like your cute little students are suffering quite a bit."
Karasuma narrowed his eyes.
"Who is this? Are you the one behind this?"
"Hehehe, you're intuition's not bad lately, Teach. It's an artificially produced virus that's in your precious students' systems. It's not very infectious, but...if it does infect you, it's all over. The incubation period and development of symptoms can be different for each individual, but after a week, every cell in your body will be stunted and you'll soon be dead."
Tsuna tugged his fedora down.
"Sorry to tell you this, but there's only one cure, and I'm the one that carries it. It would be a pain to go give it to you, so...won't you come here and get it yourself? You see the hotel on the mountaintop, right? As for a present, you can bring me the 'bounty' in that bag you have for the cure."
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