Chapter 18: The Finals
Tsuna balanced his pen onto his nose as he gazed outside of the window of the Teacher Breakroom.
He finished correcting papers, so he had nothing to do.
Bang, bang, bang!
Tsuna jumped when the door was knocked on rather harshly; the pen dropped to the floor and rolled away.
The brunet swiveled his head around and the door slid open with another loud 'bang'.
"Tsuna-Sensei! Get over here!"
"Eeh!? Wha--Wait!"
Sugino popped literally out of nowhere and grabbed Tsuna's arm.
Karma also came into existence and helped Sugino drag Tsuna out of the Teacher Breakroom.
The two students then threw him into Class E's homeroom.
Tsuna pouted and crossed his arms childishly as he stood up.
"What's all this abo--?"
Karma frowned--a rare expression most of the time since the redhead usually smiles.
"You have some explaining to do to the entire class."
Tsuna blinked in surprise and swiveled his head around; he saw that the entire group of Class E members were there, looking at him with concern--the other teachers were nowhere in sight.
Megu approached him.
"'s about...those s-scars on your body."
The brunet froze and his fingers clenched his sleeve ever so slightly.
'Ah, that right...they saw...'
Tsuna sighed, bringing one hand up to tug his fedora down slightly.
".....I'm've seen me do things that an average...citizen can't do."
Ryoma subconsciously rubbed his forehead; Tsuna smiled faintly.
"I...cannot tell you everything. But let's just say...that I'm not as innocent as you think."
The class widened their eyes at the dark look that passed over Tsuna's eyes for a brief second.
''Innocent'.......d-did someone before...?'
The brunet was about to walk away, afraid of getting rejected and feared by the group, but Nagisa tugged on his sleeve before he could leave.
The Decimo slowly turned his gaze to the bluenet.
Nagisa gulped under the gaze of unnatural, glowing eyes, but he steeled his will when he saw the fear and hurt hidden almost perfectly within Tsuna's eyes.
"...Whatever Tsuna-Sensei did...." Nagisa swallowed once more. "....Is in the past."
The class blinked before also realizing what Nagisa was saying.
"You taught us about cooking and made treats for us."
Sugino laughed cheerfully as he laced his fingers behind his head.
"Yeah, yeah! Tsuna-Sensei gave me a bat as a gift, and you cheered us all on at the baseball game!"
Sousuke played with his art supplies.
"You let me paint on your arm."
Hiroto rubbed the back of his head.
"You saved me from Takaoka..."
Megu smiled softly.
"You saved us when we all nearly drowned.
Kaede grinned.
"And you like pudding~!"
Everyone sweatdropped.
"We're trying to be serious here Kayano/Kaede-chan!"
Kaede pouted before looking at Tsuna shyly.
"You protected Nagisa and I from Horibe-kun."
The brunet looked at them with shock.
"Dame-Tsuna. Your Guardians aren't afraid of you. They want to help you. They know you didn't mean to kill."
Tsuna had his face shadowed by his fedora; the students couldn't tell what he was thinking.
But Nagisa was the closest, and the bluenet blinked in surprise.
Tsuna was crying; silver streams falling from his eyes.
Nagisa floundered and the class nearly did the same when they moved closer to the brunet.
"Ack! We made him cry!"
"Did we say something wrong?"
"S-Someone get some tissues!"
Tsuna wiped his sleeve over his eyes.
'Ah...d*** it...'
The brunet hid his blush by tugging his fedora down.
'.....I'm so....happy...'
Nagisa was the brunet's eyes.
Relief. Happiness. Joy.
The blunenet teen smiled hesitantly.
"If you don't want us to know, then we won't ask. When you feel ready to talk by yourself, then we'll be ready to listen."
Sugino laughed nervously and patted Tsuna on the back.
"Come on, please don't cry!"
The class quickly made a group hug around the brunet--some of the students had to drag a slightly reluctant Ryoma into the hug.
Tsuna sniffles and chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around the students he could reach.
"Arigatou, Mina-san."
Just then, Koro-Sensei entered to classroom, looking at the huddled group with surprise.
"Nyugah? What happened?"
Karma got out of the embrace first, smiling his usual smile.
The class also got out the embrace, they all grinned and repeated what Karma said.
Tsuna tugged his fedora down as he walked past Koro-Sensei.
But before the brunet left, he whispered softly to the octopus.
"You have a wonderful class."
And the Decimo left the room.
Koro-Sensei blinked his eyes and returned his gaze to his class; they were all wearing warm smiles.
'Hm...I'll find out later~' "Okay class, now a I need to discuss something important with you~!"
"The finals are coming up for you guys?"
Tsuna tilted his head as he sipped from the cup of coffee he had in his hands; the brunet blinked his eyes curiously at the few students that were in front of him.
They nodded; Nagisa blushed slightly.
"And we were wondering if you'd like to come with us to the library at the school."
Tsuna inclined his head before smiling, nodding his head.
"Sure! I'll just have to tell my friends where I'm going before I leave with you guys."
Tsuna sat on one side of the library table, helping the Class E students with their studies.
They were surprised by how much Tsuna knew when he was simply assigned as a cooking instructor.
Tsuna would always flick their foreheads when they got something wrong; the brunet would always smile amusedly at the yelps they released.
'Just imagine Reborn teaching them...'
The brunet chuckled darkly, causing a few Class E students to scoot away from him slightly.
Tsuna knew about the bet that they made with Koro-Sensei.
Whoever got the top score in their subject would mean shooting a tentacle off of Koro-Sensei.
"Well, well...what do we have here? Why, if it isn't all of you from Class E."
Tsuna glanced to the side and saw a group of students there.
'If I recall...this arrogant-looking bunch must be the students that Kazutaka-kun told Sugino-kun about....Araki Teppei, Sakakibara Ren, Koyama Natsuhiko, and Seo Tomoya.....only four out of the top five.'
The brunet groaned mentally.
'And Kazutaka-kun said that Asano-san had a son?! Standing in the same room with that man already makes it hard to breathe....'
Tsuna looked at the group of teens lazily, tugging his fedora to the side so only one eye could be seen.
Teppei, the olive-green haired boy with glasses, smirked.
"What a waste. For you, this library is like casting pearls before swine, isn't it?"
Tomoya clicked his tongue, glaring at them.
"Move it squirts. Those are our seats."
The four turned and spotted Tsuna, who was smiling serenely.
The brunet tilted his head, pouting as he made a confused expression; he spoke childishly.
"I don't shee yo names on deez chairs. How a dey yours?" (I don't see your names on these chairs. How are they yours?)
Tick marks appeared on their heads; Teppei spoke up for his group.
"Oh shut up, Dame-Tsu--!"
The four jumped and gulped when they found pens, rulers or pencils pointed directly at their throats.
Nagisa has his usual nervous expression on as he pointed a pen at Tomoya's throat.
"I don't should be so quick to offer up your lives..."
Tsuna chuckled softly on the side.
Teppei gulped and stepped back slightly from Rio, who had her ruler pressed up against his neck.
"W-Well then! How about this: whichever of our two classes has the higher number of top spots in the five subjects...can order the losing class to do anything!"
Yuuma huffed.
"We'll accept the challenge then."
The Class E students dropped their 'weapons' as the Class A top students quickly scrambled out of the room.
Right when those four left, Class E saw something--a paper--stuck to each of their backs.
They read: 'I'm stupid', 'I sleep with my stuffed unicorn toy', 'I'm afraid of my own shadow', and 'I'm scared of girls'.
Class E gaped.
Then they all heard an evil chuckle.
The students turned to see Tsuna, who was twirling a pen in his hand while holding a roll of tape in his hand.
The brunet smiled innocently at them.
"Hm~? What's wrong?"
Sugino laughed softly, trying to keep his voice down in the library.
"You're the best, Tsuna-Sensei."
Tsuna chuckled and continued to feign obliviousness.
"I don't know what you're talking about~"
Tsuna wandered the school hallways; the brunet left the library briefly to use the bathroom.
Right when he turned a corner, he bumped into a light-haired redhead.
The brunet nearly jumped when he saw a familiar face stare at him.
(O.D.D.- I'm not absolutely sure if Gakushuu-san has super pale, red hair, or he's simply a ginger.... ?(・_・; ?))
Amethyst eyes blinked slowly, trying to process that someone bumped into him.
Sunset-orange met the cold gaze.
Gakushuu blinked in surprise before smiling serenely.
"Oh. My apologies, Sawada-Sensei. Daijoubu deska?" (Are you alright?)
The brunet laughed sheepishly, rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Ah. I'm alright. I'm sorry to bump into you...Asano...-san..."
Gakushuu seemed to brighten up at the honorific, not minding the fact that Tsuna had hesitated.
"Well....I heard that Class E is challenging my Class exciting, no?"
The Decimo stuffed one of his hands into his pocket; he used his other hand to flick his fedora up.
"...I suppose it's interesting....but," Tsuna walked past the redhead and smiled. "Do not think that Class E shall just roll over onto their backs and expose their bellies to you." This time, a smirk formed onto the brunet's lips. "Class E...shall give you a fight."
Gakushuu blinked in shock.
'He dares to talk back to me...!?'
Tsuna continued to smile.
"I am not."
'He read my mind!?'
"I'm merely stating...that Class not as weak as you think."
Tsuna grinned before winking, giving a two-fingered salute.
"I'll be going to the restroom now. Ja ne~!"
The brunet left; Gakushuu stood their shocked.
Slowly, the redhead shook off his stupor and chuckled, placing a hand over his eyes.
'There's certainly an interesting secret that Class E has.....I shall uncover it and defeat my father with it. Hahaha.....'
Tsuna sat on the hill near Class E's mini school.
"Nurufu~worried for them?"
The brunet tipped fedora up and spotted Koro-Sensei there.
"Hm....maybe. Maybe not."
Tsuna smiled.
"I'm sure that they won't lose so easily."
Koro-Sensei chuckled, chewing on a chocolate bar.
"Of course, nurufufufu~!"
//(3 Days Later)//
"Okay class~the results are back~!"
The students gulped; Tsuna stood on the side of the classroom.
Koro-Sensei pulled out the papers.
"In 1st place for English in your grade....Nakamura Rio!"
The girl grinned and fanned her herself with a piece of paper.
Koro-Sensei's face became orange and a circle appeared on his face.
"Nurufufufu~good job, Nakamura-chan~!"
More papers were passed out, and pretty much everyone moved up in their grade.
The Class A 'perfects' moved down a few levels.
Tsuna smiled before noting that a certain redhead was missing in the classroom; the brunet's eyes filled with realization.
'That's right....Karma-kun fell down a few levels...'
The said redhead glared at Tsuna.
"What do you want?"
The brunet sighed.
"I just wanted to check up on you."
"Nurufufufu~how embarrassing. He must've been thinking, 'I'm so cool, it'll be an easy victory for me'~!"
Tsuna sweatdropped when he saw Karma blush hard.
The said octopus merely chucked as he ruffled Karma's head.
"This is what happens to an assassin who doesn't hone their skills~!"
Karma clenched his fists and brushed Koro-Sensei's tentacle away, stomping off.
Just then Karasuma walked into the scene, frowning at Koro-Sensei.
"Oi, you really think you should've said that?"
Koro-Sensei merely chuckled.
"Don't worry, that feeling frustration is the quickest path to recovery."
Tsuna softened his gaze in understanding as he watched Karma walk away from them.
"Oi, hold up there octopus. There wasn't just three people who hit #1 in the five subjects."
Koro-Sensei blinked in confusion.
"Hm? What do you mean, Terasaka-kun?"
The delinquent smirked and placed four paper in front of Koro-Sensei.
The octopus blinked.
All of them read 100%.
Tsuna chuckled softly on the side, directing everyone's attention to the brunet.
The Decimo tipped his fedora up.
"Ryoma-kun, and his crew went up to me for some help in Home Economics," The said teen and his friends blushed. "And they scored perfectly on my pre-tests for them."
Koro-Sensei wailed.
"BWAAAAH, TSUNA-KUN! YOU'RE A TRAITOOOOOR! A-And Home Economics is supposed to be a secondary subject!"
Ryuunosuke waved over at Karma, who smiled.
"Isn't it rude to say that Home Economics is a secondary subject? It is said to be the greatest among the five subjects, you know."
Tsuna continued to chuckle; the class grinned.
"Now that's seven tentacles, Koro-Sensei!"
The octopus shrieked.
Yuuma chuckled and raised his hand, gaining Koro-Sensei's attention.
"Also, we talked this over with everyone. We would like to be allowed to use the 'loot' we gained from our wager in our next assassination as well~!"
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