Chapter 12: Practice
Tsuna sighed as he sipped from his cup of tea.
The brunet had fully recovered from his high fever and he went back to teaching Class E some cooking skills.
Right now, Tsuna was in the teacher's break room.
"Uwoooh! Nice home run, Sugino--ah! The ball's heading towards the school!"
Tsuna's Hyper Intuition prickled; the brunet immediately raised a hand to the side of his face.
A baseball came flying through the window, and Tsuna easily caught it in his hand; he took a sip from his tea once more, sighing contently.
He heard footsteps before a head popped up from the broken window; a certain dark-haired bluenet panicked slightly.
"Ack! Tsuna-Sensei! Daijoubu deska!?" (Are you alright!?)
The brunet adult merely chuckled as he set his cup down, walking over to the window, tossing the baseball up into the air before catching it as it came down.
"Looks like you're playing baseball, neh, Sugino-kun?"
The bluenet laughed sheepishly; his eyes sparkled.
"It's always a blast with baseball!"
Tsuna chuckled as he handed the baseball back to the teen.
"Please be careful now, Sugino-kun--don't break your arm."
Tsuna sighed as he looked back at the room.
"Now I gotta clean all of this up..."
The brunet walked towards his house; Takeshi was already there at the moment.
The brunet was shoulder his suit top; he glanced at the setting sun and blinked in surprise when his eyes caught something or someone.
The boy was hugging his knees to his chest, staring distantly into the sun as he sat on the hill beside the school.
Tsuna gazed at the other before sliding down the hill, stopping beside the other; the brunet grinned.
"Yo, Sugino-kun."
The said dark-haired bluenet snapped out of his daze, looking at the adult with surprise.
The brunet sat down next to the other, tipping his fedora as a greeting.
"What's up?"
Sugino sighed, looking back at the setting sun.
"It's nothing..."
"OW, OW, OW!"
Sugino swatted at Tsuna's hand.
"Ts-Tsuna-Sensei! Let go of my aaaarm--OOOOWW!"
Tsuna smiled thinly as he released the other; Sugino rubbed the red spot on his arm, trying to sooth the pain.
"If something is bothering my students, I am not satisfied with a 'It's nothing'."
Tsuna's eyes seemed to glow brighter under the shadow of his fedora; Sugino was slightly awed by the amber orbs.
The brunet sighed as he flopped down beside the boy.
"What's up?"
Sugino hugged his knees closer to himself.
"It's...about the upcoming baseball game."
Tsuna made a noise; Sugino took it as 'go on'.
"And there's this guy named Shindou Kazutaka...he's the one who replaced me as an ace on the baseball team before I became part of Class E."
Tsuna glanced up at the other from underneath his fedora; Sugino was still looking at the sunset, smiling sadly.
"Class E's going to play last against the winner--it's kinda like a gladiator type of entertainment for the better students." Tsuna narrowed his eyes slightly. "But I....still want to win."
Tsuna blinked in surprise before smiling softly; he chuckled as he sat up.
"Is that all?"
Sugino looked at the other with confusion.
"Erm...yes. You're not going to laugh at me?"
Tsuna smiled.
"You know...Takeshi-kun was just like you." Sugino blinked in surprise. "He loved baseball a lot, but his grades weren't the best." Tsuna stood up with his hands in his pockets. "...Sugino-kun...when you feel like you're not doing good enough, take a break." The brunet playfully poked the boy's head. "Baseball will still be there for you--it's not going away anytime soon."
Sugino pouted and rubbed his forehead before grinning.
"Hai, Tsuna-Sensei!"
Tsuna grinned and Ruffles the other's hair.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Sugino-kun. Stay safe."
"Sayonara, Tsuna-Sensei!"
The brunet watched the boy run down the hill before heading to his own home, whistling softly.
'Takeshi said he was making sushi tonight, yum~!'
Tsuna sweatdropped at the scene before him.
The students were playing against Koro-Sensei, who was going at his usual mach 20 speed, causing afterimages to appear before everyone.
"Nururfufu~you need to be a bit faster~!"
"Nurufu~you can get that ball."
"Nurufu~it's all yours."
Takeshi was laughing right next to Tsuna.
"Wow! That octopus is fast!" The ravenet then had a thoughtful look on his face. "....I wonder how yellow octopus would taste if I made some sushi with it..."
With his sensitive ears, Koro-Sensei lost concentration and looked at Takeshi with shock, turning blue.
"Nyugah! Why would you say that, Takeshi-kun!?"
Everyone was snickering as Tsuna sighed.
"Takeshi-kun...Koro-Sensei is not merchandise for sushi."
The ravenet laughed sheepishly.
"Haha, gomen, Koro-Sensei!"
Everyone returned to playing.
Takeshi watched with a sense of longing; Tsuna saw that and sighed softly.
Suddenly, Sugino ran up to the two, grinning brightly.
"Takeshi-san, Tsuna-Sensei! Do you want to practice with us!?"
Tsuna chuckled and kindly declined.
Takeshi was about to also, but the brunet gently shoved the other forward; the ravenet looked back at Tsuna with surprise.
Tsuna chuckled.
"Go on, Takeshi-kun. I'll let you use your monster-pitches, 'kay?"
Takeshi blinked in surprise before grinning brightly.
"Arigatou, Tsuna!"
The ravenet followed Sugino down to the field below; Tsuna lowered himself to the hill.
The brunet clutched his head and grit his teeth.
He declined the offer to play baseball because he actually had a headache.
"Kufufu~Skylark-kun is mad~!"
Tsuna snapped his head up and widened his eyes.
The brunet looked at the sky; he felt his heart beat rapidly.
'I sense them...I sense my Cloud and Mists.'
<<(At A Hospital Out of Town)>>
"H-Hibari-san! Pl-Please wait for the doctor to check u-up on you! The criminal you caught recently dealt you with a knife injury to the side!"
A certain ravenet clutched his reopened wound, but he simply continued to walk out of the room.
"I have no time for this, herbivore."
The nurse grabbed his sleeve and flinched, expecting a hit.
The ravenet slowly turned his head around and gently tugged her hand off before walking away.
"...Thank you for taking care of me...but now, I need to go."
His silver-blue eyes returned to the hall in front of him, ignoring the stares and startled noises from the other doctors and nurses.
'I must find my Sky.'
<<(At Another Hospital)>>
"I-It's a miracle! Rokudo-San and Dokuro-san woke up from their coma! I must find the doctor!"
Heterochromatic eyes blinked in surprise.
'...? This is not the battlefield.'
The indigonet on the hospital bed shifted his head and found a familiar purplenette.
Right when the nurse returned, the two occupants of the room were gone.
<<(Back with Tsuna)>>
The brunet blinked his eyes in shock; a baseball was an inch away from his face.
With his hand in a blur, he caught it with ease.
"Woah! Nice catch, Tsuna!"
The brunet sighed as he kneaded his forehead; the headache was gone.
Tsuna tossed the ball to Takeshi, who caught it with a sheepish smile while shouldering a bat.
"Gomen. It nearly hit your face." Takeshi noted the happy glow in Tsuna's eyes; he sweated slightly. "What's up?" 'Is he going to torture me for nearly hitting his face?'
Tsuna chuckled as he tugged his fedora down, smiling softly; the brunet made sure that no one was nearby.
"La mia Nuvola e Nebbie sono arrivati." (My Cloud and Mists have arrived.)
Takeshi widened his eyes, nearly dropping the baseball and bat.
Tsuna tipped his fedora up; the look in the brunet's eyes was all Takeshi needed for a confirmation.
Takeshi threw his head back and laughed, causing the students and the teachers to look at the ravenet as if he had lost his mind.
The ravenet wiped a few tears away and sighed.
"Man....I can't wait."
Takeshi shoved Tsuna's fedora down further by rubbing the other's head; he waved back.
"Be back later, Tsuna!"
The students questioned the ravenet when he returned, asking what happened; he simply smiled and said that a few friends of his were coming soon.
Tsuna smiled as he felt the breeze and sunrays on his face.
"Non posso attendere per vedere tutti voi, la mia famiglia." (I can't wait to see you all, my family.)
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