Is the Boss on to me?!
Shu woke up early in the morning, he rubbed his eyes he sat up and yawned, he saw a uniform at the end of his bed. He started to undress and put the outfit on, when he realized.
"Is this a maid dress? I'm being dressed as a fucking maid? Holy shit, could things get any worse!" His phone rang, who was it? "MYSTA!"
Shu grabbed his phone quickly and answered it. "Mysta what is your problem!" "Is that how you answer the phone every time?" Mysta slight chuckled on the other end. "How could you not tell me you knew Luca Kaneshiro, the Mafia's fucking boss!" Shu whispered yelled. "Um..never came up in conversation, anyways just wanted to tell you that I got you that cat you always wanted but you weren't home." Shu's eyes widen, "Oh my gosh~ you didn't! Mysta!" "I did, I'm just going to keep him at my home tell your back, when will you be back?" Shu thought for a second..."About two months." "Ok see you then."
Mysta then hung up and Shu finished getting dressed. He made breakfast which he was told he was to bring to the Masters office. He knocked quietly twice on the door. "Lord Luca~" He called out. "Come in." Luca answered.
Shu came in setting the plate of food down, and then he hears a *Ding* sound which catch's his attention and he turns around to see what it was. He see's on Luca's pc screen that he got an email from Detective Rias. Luca looked up at Shu and waved his hand to make Shu leave, Shu which then left and listened through the door.
Shu can hear the sound of phone being picked up, and buttons being pressed. Then Luca's voice speaking, but to who?
"Rias, tell me, what is this about? Someone is trying to kill me, and who placed this bounty on my head and why? What do you mean that is all the information you have! Tell me who the hell is trying to kill me!"
Shu lead against the door a little harder to try and listen a little more, try to figure out whats going on, but, the door wasn't latched, causing Shu to slightly fall in the room, he leaded on his hands and knees, and tray on the floor as well, since Shu was bring Luca breakfast some glass stuff on the tray had broken.
Luca was startled my the sudden loud sound and stood up and pulled out his gun pointing it at the small boy on the floor, "I'm so sorry Lord Luca...I-ah...I-I.." Shu stumbled upon his own words unable to come up with a reason. "You tripped into my door. It's ok, really not your fault, I have been meaning to get a new knob for that door, do you need help picking up the glass?"
Shu looked up at Luca and noticed that he was coming down to the floor to pick up the bigger pieces of glass, there was one piece left and they both reached for it, and Luca ended up grabbing Shu's hand, Luca and Shu both looked up meeting eyes it felt like time had frozen. Luca slight blushed but didn't let go of Shu's hand, Shu felt this odd pulsing feeling go up his arm start to his heart, and he also felt like his stomach was doing summer salts, his face was a bright shade of red.
There hands quickly left the other, Luca just gave a small chuckled, and Shu just looked back to the floor and started picking up more pieces of glass and placing them on his tray.
He quickly left the room and brought the tray to the kitchen, and ran off to his room, Luca noticed his sudden change in behavior and choice to . . . slowly follow him, without him noticing Shu, he watched Shu go into his room, so he listened there the door.
Once Shu got to his room and picked up his phone, he called Mysta.
"Hello? Shu what is it?" "I you see, I am a bounty hunter and I think my cover has been blown, I think the Boss is on to me." Mysta was shocked. "Wait, who are you trying to kill?" "Luca Kaneshiro, the boss of the Mafia." Shu waited for Mysta to say something back. "Well if I knew it was you, I wouldn't have told him anything!"
Shu throw his phone across the room then quickly picked it back "Sorry I throw my phone out of anger, and I can't hit you. You told him someone I was out to kill him, Mysta, he will have me killed if he finds out I am the bounty hunter who needs him dead!" "Ok of luck, bye~" "MYSTA~~!"
Luca lend against the wall. Thinking to himself. 'Him...kill me?...but...his so young, and...cute, maybe I misheard something.' Luca shacks the feeling off, the doors are thick, so maybe he was just talking about who he thinks the hunter actually is. For all the Luca actually heard himself was a few words here and there, as in "...has been blown...Luca Kaneshiro, the...Mafia.....and I can't hit you....out to kill him." is all Luca picked up on.
'So he must have hear my conversation with Detective Rias then.' Luca thought to himself. Luca left the hallway and walked back to his office, laying his head down on his desk, tried off all the work he has to get done, just looking at the stack of papers made his eyes began to feel heavy.
Shu laid in his bed, wandering what he was going to have to do tomorrow, just dreading the fact that he was going to have to wear that maid dress again. Shu drifted off in the big soft bed, his sleep was nice tell he woke up quickly by a nightmare, he sat up breathing heavily, he had one hand on his chest and his other hand behind him holding him upwards.
He flopped back down going to get cozy again when he heard the sound of a bell ringing.
"Damn it, work." he mumbled to himself as he slowly sat up getting re-dressed into a maid dress, and pretty much dragging himself through the hallway into the kitchen and meeting up with the head maid.
"Yes?" Shu said while yawning. "The Master wants you." Shu's eye widened, "He..he..he wants to see me? why me!" The higher up maid just pointed to the direction of Luca's office door. Shu dropped his head and walked up stairs and takes a quick left and he knocks on Luca's door.
"Lord Luca?" Shu ask a bit shyly. "Come in Shu, there is something I need to ask you."
Shu's mind started to race. 'Dose he know? Is he going to kill me? Is he going to torture me? Oh my gosh I'm going to kill Mysta from beyond the dead for tell Luca someone was out to kill him! '
"Please take a set."
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