Give him back now, or Regret everything more!
Shu followed Mysta to a pretty abandoned looking place. The place give them both the creeps, scared to venture much further they stopped, looking at each other seeing nothing but fear in the others eyes, but knowing they must go on, they took a few deep breaths and continued further.
Mysta kept tracking the cent of Luca, which lend to them to a rather small building for kidnapping someone. It was then the place where Mysta and Shu split ways, sure Mysta wanted to make sure his best friend would be okay, but this place scared the crap out of him, so leaving Shu here, he heads in alone.
It was dark and the smallest sounds startled him, but Shu couldn't let his mind scared him at the moment. He had to find Luca, and find out why these people took Luca in the first place. He found some stairs and went up them, he could see from the top of the stairs a lower level, but before he went down, he saw Luca, someone had a gun pointed to his head, he was tied to a chair with rope, blood dripping onto the floor, his clothing torn, his been tortured.
Shu went to gasp when he saw this, but quickly covered his mouth, he saw a few people walking around Luca, he knew this was his shot, he was unnoticed, so he could use his sniper raffle to take them out. He had to act fast they had a gun to Luca's head, who knew how much time he had, they could shot him at moment.
He loaded his gun and looked through the scope, there was 6 people, he had to kill the one pointing the gun at Luca, but the others would quickly react, he'd have to hide the second after, but kill the other 5 quick enough none of them killed Luca.
Readying his shot, he took a deep breath, he only had one chance here, if he mess's up, his screwed. One, two, three, *Bang*! He shot the one man, and quickly ducking down afterwards.
"THE HELL!!" One of the men yelled, Shu was successful, one down, 5 to go. The men were on edge, looking around, Shu stuck the end of his gun through the bars of the stair rail, readying himself again, he counted down in his mind. One, two, three, *Bang*! down goes another. Some of men left standing start firing the weapons at random. Luca was scared shitless that they were going to hit him.
One, two, three, *Bang Bang*! Down went two more, the two left standing in the room dropped there guns and tried to make a run for the door, only to hear a horrible sound. One, two, three, Shu spoke out-loud walking behind them. *Bang*! He shot one straight in the head, the last standing man, he lend against the wall, "Let me live!" He cried.
"Live? Let you Live? You should have thought about that before you hurt the man I love!" Shu dropped his sniper raffle and pulled his hand held gun out from the tuck in his pants, pointing it at the mans head, he quietly mumbled out, "One." He cocked the gun. "Two." He placed his finger in the trigger. "Three." The pulled the trigger, killing the last man instantly. Luca who was blind folded, had no clue who was here.
Shu walked over to Luca removing his blind fold, Luca was shocked to see Shu standing in front of him, covered in blood from the last person he killed. "Shu! What...What are you doing here?!" Luca's eyes followed Shu as he walked around him to undo the blood stain rope around his wrist and ankles. "Why did I come? Luca I came to save you." Luca rubbed his write with his other freed hand as he looked at Shu. "Why didn't you wait for them to kill me?" Shu looks at Luca with a smile and slight chuckle, "Let them kill you?! why would on earth would I let that happen?"
Luca stood up, glaring at Shu, the glare was a bit harsh to Shu for he just saved his life. "You could have waited tell they killed me, it would have made your job easier." Just by Luca saying that, he knew that somehow he found out, how was this about to go down.
Shu stood frozen, he didn't know what to say, his mouth wouldn't open as Luca's cold stared felt like it was killing him. He struggled to breath, scared of what Luca might do to him, by this point, he had no intentions on killing Luca, tho he had the chance, multiple times, but he didn't
"Talk Shu, say something. Tell me the truth, for once." Luca's words hit hard, he sounded so harsh, and angry. "Tell me Shu, was everything between us just a lie? Did you sleep with me just to get close to me so you could..could what? Kill me? Take me out?!"
As Luca finished his words the ground shook, Luca manged to stay standing as Shu started to fall over, Luca caught Shu, locking eyes with each other Luca saw Shu was scared, the shacking in the ground was caused by an explosion, someone was trying to blow this place up.
"Luca . . . I'm scared."
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