Chapter 5
Third Person's Perspective:
The mission continues on as the group of Kezu ran through street by street to hide from the horde of monsters following them, yet by fate they were separated. Kezu and Asura are together, but Teejay and Ellie are alone trying to find away back to their group, yet it only lead them to circles. Ellie tried to contact the other group, but the communication is still jammed, so they agreed to go on their separate ways and meet in the Tricentral Towers if possible.
Teejay's Perspective:
I ran until my feet hurts, it's been hours since my mates and I got separate because of those monsters and even thought I've been dealing with them for the past week it's still vague to me of what they have done to our world. I run the nearest building I saw and take a little rest before I run again to the direction of the City Central where the Tricentral Towers are located.
When I reach the Flamingo street, monsters begun to pop out of every direction. I then encounter a big one with two horn and hooves for a feet, so he look like a devil incarnated from hell which is totally appropriate for that kind of creature. It jump right through me, grabbing me by the waist tightly "ahhh!!!!argh!!!ahhhh!!!" I screamed in agony as I feel the hellish pain. Then the monster threw me in a nearby post.
My back hurts as the pain surge right through me. I regained my composure to stand up and run again, yet I won't make it at this kind of situation, so I grab a grenade when I see a sewer hole. I threw the grenade at the monster just in time as it explode when I got inside the sewer lines. It riks of bad smell it here, unfortunately this is the way for me to escape that monster, yet I am here stuck and in need of help.
While I'm down at the sewers, I don't know how long I stayed their because my watch is long gone when that monster threw me that cause my watch to break, how pathetic of me to be hiding in here while the others our out there fight for their own lives just to reach the goal of this mission. I hate this life and even more that I came in this place. 'What came in my mind to even go here and spend my life to change, yet here I am battling for survival to finish off this mission to regain our old lives back which is so stupid for me anyway.
I thought I would get a better life living in here, having my own job, a family, and die peace fully, yet I'm back at square one like I always do before I came here. I would always still to survive everyday with my gang, our gang is one of the fierces group they would encounter. Drugs are no less an issue in our country, yet it's illegal to some extent, I could always use this as a get away by bribing the officers to let me go in exchange for some pocket of weed.
All those memories are so important to the point that I could never let them go, but one day all of those moments are completely wipe out as those monsters slaughtered the ones that I cherished the most and that is my family that I once part of it and now it's gone forever and all of that is my fault. I tried to go back to them and quit the gang, but this is all I witnessed when I got back. My gang forced to mix with the larger and stronger one that led them to their own doom as the invasion of these monsters begun.
Reenforcements are being sent our location that's why I survive, so when that happen I clearly want to change for the benefit of myself in the future. When I reach Ferron City, this not what I would expect for my first in here and that gave me the memories I've been through for the past year before I came here. I change a lot and this is what I get for everything I've been through!, this is totally unfair!
I tried to regain my consciousness in that matter because the most important thing that I need to remember is that, the lives of every living being that inhabited this planet such as like me, our planet is out stake right now and I am one of the few volunteers to save it, I vowed to in the name of KezuCabbie Tetsu that I will ensure the security of my colleagues for the past week and the sacrifice that is my life for the sake of this planet.
After that, I made a deviate plan for me to proceed to my destination. I got out of the sewer lines just to see the streets are empty in night time. I ran to the nearest building that I saw while carrying the weapon I have chosen for this kind of matter. I searched the area for any particular things that I could use as support because I didn't have on me when our ride had been ambush into pieces.
When everything is ready, I am standing in the center of a four by pass street for the party that I will recreate, I screamed so loud it echoed for anyone to hear to come in my way. (Grrrghhh!!!) I could hear some faint growling from the distant as I turn back there's a bunch of monsters running in my direction, so I get myself ready as the horde of these creatures came out in the four direction.
They made it to the invisible strip wires I made, (peep!..Boommm!!!..Boommm!!!..Boommm!!!..Boommm!!!) A series of explosion erupted from the ground when one of monsters triggered the strip, a circular explosion explosion had been made. I look everywhere to see if they survive that destruction. When the fog cleared out, I could only see a big circular trench that is 15 feet tall and as wide as an asphalt and standing in the center of a massive circle chunk of what's left from the explosion. I seem to have damage the buildings nears and I hope that won't fall on me.
(Roawrrrr!!!) I heard a scream a head of me, 'oh no!' I thought as the beast like monster barreled to my position. I used my staff to deflect it's berserk, yet it only threw a hundred meters away from it. "Arrh!..huff...huff...huff" I yelp as I used my staff to receive the impact when I land, as I was regaining my breath. The jump upwards then threw a punch on the ground as it land, this cause a green fire wave erupt from the ground and exploded (Boommm!!!).
I spread my staff to create a giant shield to protect from the explosion and I barely made it alive from that. After that the monster launched itself on me as a clawed my shield over and over again as I was stepping back to accommodate my situation. The monster threw it's claw down at me. My giant shield reverted back into a staff, "ahh!..arrr!!!" I exclaimed as the claw of the monster is pinning me down on one knee I held my staff with two hands to protect my, yet the monster is so strong!
'Is this how my fate would be!?, I hope that they will forgive for everything I've done through years of pain I cause them and now here I am the last moments of my life' I thought then somehow I regained my composure again and pushed the monster throwing it off balance then I swing my staff hitting it in on the left part of it's abdomen with a crunch as an air pulse sent it to fly off a distant.
I looked at my staff as it glows with white light. I heard more growling to see some monsters running again in my position, so plundge my staff into the ground as it mage a series of shockwave the sent every monsters in four of the streets into the oblivion. After that I was exhausted and it seems that I can't move properly then right at that moment a monster blast a green fire ball in my direction and I can't move, so the only thing I can do is to shut my eyes and brace myself for what will come.
I seem to have waited for two minutes to feel the pain, yet it didn't came then heard the monster cried out as it die for some reason. "Hey! I'm glad I found you in time, I don't know what will happen next when I get here later" a voice called out to me then I open my eyes when I recognized that voice. 'This person always make me surpised' I thought then I looked in front as some what a blue square barrier is blocking my vision for a moment then I looked to where the monster is standing before and now it's on the ground, dead.
The person ran to me to check for any serious injury and somehow I didn't notice that the giant monster inflict some big ass claw marks on my thighs and back, I felt kind of dizzy for a moment. "Whoa!, well that will leave a mark in the face of eternity" the person joked then I laugh with her, but the next thing this person did, really hurt!"Arghhh!!!, that really hurts than the face of eternityyy!!!" I shouted at the brown haired person at poured some alcohol on which really hurt so bad that I unleashed some tears out of my eyes.
"Well, that is done and I hope you learned your lesson by not taking any risky moves without as here like you did back in the alps, you dare devil!" the person lectured me which sucks, but I know that this person is only protecting me and that really made me happy that someone cares about how I've been. I'm really glad that this person got my back since the day we've met, how ironic.
Third Person's Perspective:
The girl ran through streets by street trying find a way to reach her group, yet it looks like this city is no longer an ordinary one because she was running in circles for decades now. She sought to contact the others on a higher area that led her on top of a building to try and communicate the other, yet it shocked her to see the view of the whole city bellow when she made it on top.
Ellie's Perspective: (Rooftop)
"What in the world is this!" I exclaimed as I looked at the view right in front of me to witnessed a maze right in my area. It's seem that the whole city had been modified to look like a maze, but something is not right. I grabbed my small harpoon gun and shoot it in the distance. It could reach up to five hundred meters range, yet it's to control that far, but in this position I could. The spear of the harpoon didn't made on the appropriate distance because something blocked it's way.
The end of the harpoon sparked so I let and it fell. 'Huh?, strange' I thought then I grabbed my scanner, well Asura's scanner because he forced it into me in case I need to locate my area and to know if l'm endanger. The scanner pick up massive quantity of electricity as I change it's frequency to detect any electrical current. It's a barrier made out of electricity and it's only four hundred meters away from my position. 'So, that explains how I've been running in circles this whole time!' I thought, pretty angry of my situation.
I heard something from above me, so I looked just to see a launching giant monster bird in my position. I tried to dodge, but it scraped my gears off me, yet it gave me time to ran in the rooftop's exit door. I ran down some flight of stairs, but when I made in the office area on the tenth floor, I stopped to take a rest, yet that only led me to regret my decision as an explosion on top off me making the building shake that cause me stumbled and fell into the floor.
The fiber glasses broke as a scream pierce through the floor I'm in. I held my hands to cover my ears from the scream. It really hurts then it made me remember the memories I've been through as people shout at me to go and screw the heck away from them. They don't want to be involve of someone like me who is only trying to make friendd and publish some videos for the people on earth to notice whats happening in our daily lives.
I'm a newsie that made a a lot of blogs on my page in a certain webesite and vlogs to show the crowd what was going on to our connection to the species that lived out side our atmosphere of planet earth. And my current update is a live interview about the chosen ones that will fight against evil to protect the Universe, they are chosen by the UnderWorld a planet where other beings live, yet it's location is still unknown for our people to discovered.
The legend said that they inhabited earth to pass on a legacy, but after that they move to a certain planet that no one ever knew before. Maybe there's a lot of planets out there that is the with the UnderWorld. So, back to my story is that I lived with my friends in Seren Island after I graduated because my parent's wanted me to discovered myself out there without on my side, they are very supportive of me!
The articles and videos in ViewTube that I made is not that popular because of the comments I recieved from them. I felt devastated of how cruel the people are in this place, but that doesn't stop me to share everything I discovered everyday and that led me to this place, so I could explore more opportunities in here after my live interview, I quickly travel in this city just to witnessed the invasion going on here. I tried to take a scoop to put on my article and videos, but it seems that this is no ordinary invasion, yet it would change my life.
I snapout of my trance when another explosion from bellow me. The flooring collapsing as I descend to down to the ninth floor. "Argh!" I groan as I hit the floor hard then a blast of black energy struck the floor on top of me and it collapsed. I closed my eyes and waited for almost ten minutes after the top floors collapsed on me, yet I didn't feel any pain as I opened my eyes again to see a blue light glowing around. 'Is this a force field?' I asked myself then I tried to push to break the large pieces slabs that blocked my vision.
When I succeed to get out of the pile of debris, I saw the sky above me and it came to me that half of the building is gone! "Who-whoa!" I exclaimed, unbelieved of what just happened and how I survived that very moment when the half of the structure collapsed on top of me. I then heard the squawk of the giant monster bird again and I could describe it by it's coloration of deep red and black eyes like a demon in hell!
It launched into the force field, pushing it hard out of the boundaries of what's left in the ninth floor. Everything around start to slow then the force field disappeared and I thought, 'could this be the end?' But in reflex I grabbed my last harpoon gun and shoot it to the bird, I strap into it before the end struck into the bird. The giant monster bird screamed as the spear of the harpoon pierce into it. The monster fly in circles, but climbed on top of it and tried to take control.
The monster is snapping it's beak on me, it prevents me to control it properly. The monster swayed so hard that it almost knocks me off of him/her. Then it somehow stopped moving and we begun to fall from the sky in to the direction of the Electrical barrier. "Ohhh..mmmyyy!!!" I quickly cut the rope in me and jump as the bird hit the barrier creating a gap on it then the thing happened again! The force field wrapped around me as I slid to the small gap of the barrier and it explode just as I got outside of the field.
The force field ball struck through buildings because of the momentum of the explosion to pushed us away far from the area. When I landed straight to the ground, I hit my head so hard that cause me to blackout and darkness envelope me.
I gained conscious after several hours, then I looked around to inspect where I am, it's pretty dark and full of rubbles. I heard some monsters growling and running in different directions and that's when explosions begun to erupt not that far from me. The ground rumbles as I stand and I ran to where the monsters went, while I was running a gust of wind struck in my position then I heard a cry of agony and I continue to run.
When I saw the person struggling to stand up, a monster come up and tried to blast the person with green fire ball, but I interfered before the blast struck him. A squared barrier appeared in front of the person and I fought the monster as it claw right in my left arm, but I grabbed a kunai when the monster launched at me, yet I finished it off by plunging the my kunai in it's head then it fell down, dead on top of me.
I then stand up to see if the person I save is okay and to my surprise he's one of the persons I've been looking for. " Hey!, I'm glad I found you, I don't know what will next if came here late" I said and this guy looked up like he's glad I saved his ass from that. I walked towards while thinking, 'I hope that those two are fine'.
To Be Continued...
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