Chapter 4
Kezu's Perspective: (Meeting Room)
When Asura got out of the meeting room I suddenly feel relieve and kind of guilty of how I acted in front of him. How stupid of me to even think that an ordinary human that only wants to survive would get their hands on something so valuable.
(Beep...beep...beep) I could hear a beeping sound in my head, so I close my eyes and embrace the darkness. When I opened them again I'm inside a glowing circle to see a person looking at me. This person is one among of the people I would like to see again after my search of our long lost brother.
I take a deep breath to conceal my excitement because this means that we could get a back up, my brother may have notice a strange feeling when he cannot feel my Hanbun spirit when our connection was severed by the constriction magic that these monsters cast to put all available communication out of line.
"Zuma!, it's been a long time, how had you been this past 20 years I left behind the underworld" I said beaming happily to see my brother again as if to hide the harsh problem I'm facing on earth. He walk towards me then he punch me in the face real hard that cause the ground to mould in a crushed state because of the shockwave that pass through the punch Zuma did.
"Are you freaking insane!, now do you know the consequences of your actions!? And I hope you will after this Kezu because this would be the last time that I will take my eyes off you, DO YOU UNDERSTAND" he lectured me again which would lead me to a bad situation as I am right now when I get back.
"He..he..he, I know, I should've listen to you, yet here I am struggling to save as much human that I can" I confess because there's no other way than to say the truth when your brother is willing help right? "By the way I found two that could potentially be in my team in the future" I explained to him about the two persons that I chose for this position.
"Teejay Kenth and Ellie McHailer?, how interesting, but are you sure that these two could fill up the rankings as part of your team Kezu, because this would simbolize as your arsenal when the war comes, so be ready until then and please be safe. I will send some reenforcement to pick the three of you if you succeed this mission of yours and I hope you will, Kezu" he said in regards for my upcoming mission today.
"I hope so, also please when I get back, help me find Mazu because his our only chance to fight off this next war, so please this is our brother we're talking about not some weapon, but the next King of all species that are living in this Universe, Zuma" I explained to him making sure that he will not object this information again as if because everything lies in the hands of Mazu.
"I know!, yet we need to take responsibity of what will coming our way, we cannot always depend on him! that would make us weaker and more vulnerable, but we're not like those people because we have the power to fight and protect the ones that are in need of our help, Right!" he stop for a moment then continues on.
"I'm not saying this because your weak, yet your showing it right now by hiding on his shadow! Kezu your not a child anymore like we used too, we're freaking legends and Mazu is not the only one that could protect this Universe, we can too only if your willing to give up your life until the end" he ended his speech like that and I am shock because this is not the Zuma I know, yet he change so much to the point that I can't argue with him no more.
"Arghhh! Zuma someone is interrupting my mind, wait zum- ahhhh!!!" I screamed in agony as the person rip through the wall of our mind link and everything black out, the only thing that I could remember is Zuma reaching his hand to help, yet he was too late and I know for sure that our link is cut and there's no turning back this time, but to fight these monsters for me to make sure that my brother is alright.
Third Person's Perspective: (2 Days Earlier)
Deep inside of the Darksiders Facility unit lies two persons in a chamber that led them to a negotiation and earning trust to prove their own worthy as helping the other to escape from the grasp of evil that would endanger the both of them. One is a prisoner that need to taught a lesson while the other is in great punishment for insubordination, but it doesn't stop them even if their lives are out stake.
Unknown Perspective: (DarkSides)
"He-hey!...a-ar-e...y-yo-you...ahh!..o-okay!?" the violet haired prisoner asked stuttering from beside me while his slammed at some debris around us, meanwhile I'm struggling to stand while blood is coating my face, I guess that will leave a mark. (Roarrr!!!) I heard a load scream a head of me, it rushed to where I am then a light struck on it's face sending it fly off the distant just in time before the monster reached me.
I look to the direction of where the light came from just to see the violet haired prisoner's hand glowing with white light. (Roarrr!!!) more monsters are coming in our way and that's when the prisoner jump from his position then bounce again until his in front of me regaining his composure from the jump then taking a stance as if to protect me from what will come.
"This would be fun!" he said then he charged in to where the horde of monsters are coming. He jump so high while his right arm is charging up of what seems to be a white light then he brought it down in the center of the horde that cause to make them float for a moment then forcing them in the center by gravity and it push them away by a scale of shockwave.
I duck and take hold of destroyed rail when some debris flew to my direction. I looked up to see the prisoner running from different directions, punching the ones in front of him blasting them in to the oblivion. He back flip then kick the one behind him and grab hold of the other then throwing it to the line up of monsters.
I quickly look behind me when I heard a growl just in time when the monster tried to slash it's claw through me, but I dodge it then I take a stance to back kick the monster hitting it in the face. The monster thrown itself on me, but I jump on behind him then I spin to swipe it's leg by mine and kicking it in the stomach, the impact sent the monster to it's companions making them lose their balance.
"Nice one!" I looked to the prisoner that cheered on me while fighting off some enemies. I gaze upon the monsters that are coming in my direction leaving me with no choice. 'I hope I won't regret this one' I thought then I put my hands in the ground next I chant. " Arcantua Mahongo: RosettoMariato!!! (Arcane Magic: RoseMaria)" I pulled my hands upward bringing a slider of spiked vine, the monsters stop in their tracks looking mesmerize to what I'm holding.
The prisoner stop too then looked at me, he took this opportunity to jump right behind me. "Wow!, what did you do?" he asked me in amazement then I chant again. "Faise Tou! (Phase Two)" the ground rumble around us then more vines breach the ground and entangle the monsters in each part. "Faise Towa! (Phase Three)" I chanted again then the vines wrap the monsters whole that made take them out of their trance and star growling.
"Phynalo! (Finale)" I finished the last phase of my Arcane Magic then the vines grew spikes which stopped the noises of the monsters that makes them dead. The ground rumbles again then the entangled vines were pulled from bellow then a gigantic stem of a plant breach underneath us, the prisoner and I descend upwards to the ceiling of the Facility where at.
"Whoa!, I don't know what just happen and what is this thing, but the alarms are on now from what I could envision an army of Dark Wizards waiting for us, so get ready!" he exclaimed then he position his right arm upwards then it charged up and blast a white shockwave from it through the ceiling before we made impact. He then grabbed me from behind and grew a pair of freaking wings next thing I know we're flying above the army of Dark Wizards and Mages!
The army launched a bunch of black spheres to our direction, but the prisoner dodge them gracefully almost hitting the both of us."Hey!, can you do me a favor and stopped them on their tracks, so we could land because I can't keep my wings permanently you know!" he said then I remember the RoseMaria, I looked at it see the head covered.
I raise and balled my left hand in the air then opened it while the petals of the RoseMaria uncovered revealing the beauty of it, I point the RoseMaria to the direction of the army. Some of the wizards tried to blast the Rose, but I trust my hand forward then the Rose fire a tone of green needles out of it hitting some of the Mages, yet they formed a large dome barrier around them continuing on the assault to the Flower. "Good job!, I guess that would explained how you caught me so easily!" He praise for my actions.
'The magic they use is a lot different than, but I guess I could used it to our advantage' I thought clearly. "Hey!, prisoner drop us then we blast them with everything we got, it would give us some time to run to that hover jets in the pads!" I explained to him right on time as his wings disappeared then we start falling from the sky. "Okay fine by me! Spheregan (Spheroid)" he said then a medium size air ball appeared on his right hand.
I then clasped my hands together and chant."Arcantua Mahongo: Elekto Bise! (Arcantua Mahongo: Electro Ball)" I spread my hands in opposite directions then a yellow electric ball appeared and grow bigger. When the army succeed of destroying the RoseMaria, I threw the surging ball to them hitting the barrier and destroying it electrocuting some of them. The army seem to be on daze and start shooting some magic everywhere, so the prisoner take this moment to launch faster from the air.
He threw the air ball in the center of the army making a massive explosion out of it. I lost my concentration while gliding, so ended up falling down hard on my feet making the ground bellow me to crack. I then make sure that my surroundings are secure before I make my way to one of the Hover jets. When I made it to the pads, I saw what devastated me more is that the jets are all gone!
By miracle a Hover Jet passed above then a hand grabbed me from behind making me fly following the jet. I looked behind me to see the prisoner hunched and fly faster to the jet before it flew ahead of us."This would be risking, but this is our only chance to escape and not letting it passed, you see that open hanger, I will throw you in there!" he said."Wait, what!" he start spinning while holding me then he let go of me that give a boost to make it the opened hanger of the jet!
"Arghhh!!! The hec- huh!?" when I land inside the jet, one of the guards rushed to me and kick right through my abdomen sending in a wall then the guard tried to choke me, but I step on his foot hard making him stumble and letting me go me go then a shockwave hit the guard that blast him to unconsciousness. Three more guards rushed to me, but suffered the same fate of the first one. I then look up to see the prisoner run to the crowd of guards and blasting them in to oblivion.
When I regain my composure, the hanger closed then the Hover Jet descend to who knows where. When I saw how many guards are knockdown on the ground, I quickly search for some rope to tie them together and discard some their equipment in case they wake up and use it in their advantage. When I was finished wrapping them up the guards, I headed to the cockpit of the jet to see the prisoner.
When I made it inside the cockpit, I could see the prisoner piloting the jet and the resent pilot on the ground knockout and tied up. I then take the right spot next to the prisoner."So, where are we headed because I hope that all of this would reward to some extent by helping you off there and betraying the council would lead me a better life, right?" I asked him while putting the noise canceller.
"Don't worry!, I made you a promise, didn't I? So, that only means that we're even for now until we made it to Allegriax" he said sincerely making sure I won't doubt his words."What should I expect to this Allegriax planet your talking about because this is the first time I've not known such planet in my life except this one" I asked him to inform me briefly about this world his living on.
"First before I answer your question, let me introduce myself, I'm ZumaCabbie Tetsu nice to meet you!" he offer me his hand after he autopilot the jet, I then take his hand and shake it while looking to his Purple eyes."Criptos Croxford" I introduce."Okay!, now that has been done and the answer to your question is where going to a Safe Heaven to reenforce to fight off this council that have corrupted through out the Universe, but until then we need some help" he explained to me then push the hyperdrive in the panel.
"Sit tight and get ready! Because this would be a bumpy ride!" Zuma said as he tilt the Hover Jet to the direction of the atmospheric barrier of the planet, switching it to space mode it begun it's countdown." Caution: The Hover Jet no.37400 from the planet DarkSide would proceed to launch in the coordinates of an unknown planet off the solar system in T- 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Deep Hyperspace Initiate" the A.I. said as the Hover Jet through out the planet in the void.
I should link him when I get back to make sure his okay because I will never know what would I do if I lose him as I already lost the one we both look up too.
To Be Continued...
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