Chapter 15
Rhyxer's Perspective:
'One mistake would cause the life of one another'
'Their lives depends on you now'
'Save her then she owe you her life'
'You care for her and I know you'll never let her die'
'Jealousy hurts but only one of you could save her and that is you'
'Save her and be the hero she wants you to be'
'Just bring him to us and will seal our part of the deal'
'Remember, never let us down or else your friend will never see the light again'
I snapped out of my trance when I heard the door of the infirmary opened. Seichi entered with Sir.Lian on his tail. Both of them greeted me and asked of how I was doing.
I informed them that I am good but Mellissa is still not waking up. Reese is out to return to the academy to give the council a report about the incident that happened a week ago. I looked at Mellissa as I ate the fruits that Sir.Lian gave us.
Seichi is right beside me as he checked her vital signs for any progress of regaining her conscious. It seems that is impossible because it's been a week now that she not woken up from her sleep.
I hate this, I hate everything that going on. It's all my fault in the first place, if I didn't insist to take the mission for us to graduate faster then we wouldn't be in this situation. We should have listen to Sir.Lian.
It's because of me that we're here right not. It's me to blame that Mellissa is hurt and still not waking up. It's because of me that I cause everyone to be worried of our situation.
I didn't notice that I was crying. Sir.Lian is hugging me as I cried like a baby. When I calmed down, I excuse myself to gain some fresh air. When I got out of the room I quickly tracked down the location of the rooftop of the infirmary.
When I got in the rooftop the wind blew as I can feel the breeze from the ocean not that far from here. I could see some tree's that dance with the wind.
I start to rethink what they said. The poison that trapped Mellissa in sleep slowly kills her. And the only way to save her is to bring him them. If I could deliver this guy to them safely then I would save Mellissa. Then she would be safe in my hands...forever.
I start to think of what would happen if I do what they ask in return of what they need. If someone find out about this then I would be expelled from the academy and I 'all never see my friends again.
I wouldn't be able to graduate as a full pledge scouter and compete in the upcoming Platernous Tournament. My mind seemed to phase as I remember Mellissa. She is not waking up any time soon and the only way to save her is that offer.
I made up my mind as I looked at the other wing of the tower. That part is where they kept the prisoners that is in need of interrogation and observation.
I decided that tonight, I will do what I need to do. I don't care what it may cause but damn the consequences. I'm doing this for the sake of my...friend.
Third Person's Perspective:
A hover jet soaring through skies as it passed every land that lies in the world of Fallen. Inside the jet is Reese sitting at the back of hanger. While he's waiting for his arriving on the Wizards Academy, he's are scattered of what happened in the central cities.
Just two days ago that he woke up from his sleep along with Rhyxer. He seemed to have phase as he looked at Mellissa that is still sleeping right until Reese was sent off back to the academy for a report.
The pilot of the jet informed that they we're about to land. Reese looked at the window on his back. He sees the lands and structures that lies within it. Trees and wild animals surrounds the hills and mountains as the fly a far.
The sun is shinning from the horizon. The hover jet passed the borderline of the lands. It entered a force field that opens up a new world behind the projective barrier. Reese squinted his eyes as a light flash through them.
Reese opened his eyes again as he is greeted by the sight of another part of this planet. He smiled as he admire the lands bellow him. Modern houses are row in column. Kids are inning around the place wearing their uniform that symbolize the junior division.
Far ahead in the center of the village is a gigantic tree. It covers at top the entire center of the village. It provides great shelter for sometime when a rain comes if people are out side their homes.
This tree symbolize the life of this village along with the source of Tai for the magic users. Far ahead of this village is a city that rivals the land of Fallen where the central city is built. It's called the Ferron city that symbolize pure and perfection.
The hover jet passed the gates that separate the village and the xity of Ferron. Reese gaze at his right side. He could see some modernise buildings. There are floating vehicles that seemed to be a prototype for a transport.
Reese could make out some vehicles bellow as people go on their separate agendas for the day. There are some students that are waiting in a bus stop. These students are from the Origins Academy for those who enjoys history.
He saw two students from the Burst Academy where they teach and train monsters in there. Reese then laughs as the thought of those kind of students that you could compare to a monster. It's rare to see a student like that in this world
The Origins students are the typical geek and genius when it comes to strategy, field planning, course of action, engineering, technical support as well as life support. In short, they are the brains in this planet. Even the information they know are out of this world.
While the Burst students are the ones that is a high ranked warrior vessel in this planet. They trained student to become as powerful as the monster that they can be. They are good in close combat, martial arts, forbidden arts, wielding powerful slaying gears and weapons.
Also they could cause a lot of destruction as they fight to protect the planet thats why the Academy would kept only thirty students to board their sacred training as it could cause they're own life.
The Burst Academy is not built in the Ferron which set a lot of mystery of how a student has a life in Ferron city while he or she studying in the most prestigious Academy in the universe.
Reese heard a lot of talked from before that the students from Origins and Burst are far beyond the planet of Fallen and Ferron. They said that the students are given permission to visit their families across the universe.
Rumour said that they use some kind of telepotion spell that originated from the old era. This brief history could only be a hoax if not proven by inspections.
This is why there are only two students that live here in this world that came from the most powerful Academy. It could be that they are chosen as well like Reese and the others to protect their world against great evil.
Reese would be called a scouter after he is to passed the pledging ceremony to be a full fledge fire scouter user. Along with his friend Mellissa that would be a shard scouter user and Rhyxer a nature scouter user but that would be set a side for their current situation.
Reese thought that if the magic user in this world are called scouter then what would it be for the other two academy when they're students graduates as a full fledge.
Reese snap out of trance when the pilot of the hover jet informed him that they would be landing. Reese could see the sight of a massive land beyond the city and behind the alps. There in it's glory is a land with twelve buildings in three to five storeys and a central admission hall in the middle.
Behind the central building is the landing bays of the hover jets that visits and arrives in their campus. When the hover jet where Reese is land safely on it's platform, the bunker opens as he walked down the incline.
Reese walked inside the admission hall to register his arriving in the Academy. After his registration he admire the sight of the campus while he's finding his way to the principals office in the main building.
Reese could see some students walking along him. They wear the same uniform as him but different colors. Yellow long sleeves and red pants or skirt for the junior division. White long sleeve and black pants or skirt for the junior youth division. And foremost, full grey long sleeve, pants, and skirt with a dark velvet line in the center of where the bottons of the long sleeve is.
Behind their back is a symbol of their academy is a feline of a tiger bearing it's teeth with an book on it's mouth. Flames surrounds like a ring around the tiger head with a book. The name of the academy is sew in the book. The Celestine Academy.
Rumour once again said that this idea came from a celestial embodiment in the stars after this planet is built by a celestial god in the form of a white tiger.
Reese don't know if he should believe it or not because one thing or another is that he never even been born in this planet not like the people that live here.
Like the Central city, the people in here are Anthropomorphic as well. Seventy percent that go in the Celestine academy are beastman while the twenty-five left are humans. They are chosen as well as Reese is to be trained and fight against the evil that roam in their lands.
Reese thought about the students in the Origins and Burst academy because the entries are more less than the Celestine's.
They're only a hundred entries on the Origins and only thirty-two passed for the last ten decades. While Burst only passed seven out of thirty for the last 16 decades. All of them are still alive and well.
When Reese found out about this info, he was bewildered at first that the students that have pass are still alive for a hundred years now. It also surpass the life years of a normal human.
Reese tried to ask Lian his mentor about this. He only change up the topic to avoid so Reese didn't press about it so much because he has no right to know such secret. A secret that only the likes of Lian knows.
Reese's Perspective:
I stopped thinking of what I learned this past a year and concentrate to find the principals office.I made it inside the main building and round up the corner of the hall.
I then bump to someone along the way. I recognize him as one of the students along me, Mellissa, and Rhyxer are with after we have been chosen to study in this academy a year ago.
"Oh sorry! Let me help you out" I offer hand to pick the fallen books on the ground. He gladly take the offer and he sure seemed to read a lot by the amount of books his carrying.
"Thanks, by the way my names Criptos Croxford" he offered his left hand as his right is holding the books.
I then returned the greeting to introduce myself to him.
"My names Reese Arko, nice to meet you as well" I shake hands with but then I felt something weird. I brush it off, then I saw the time on his wrist watch. My bulge out when it reads 3:07 pm and that means I am already late for my report.
I excuse myself to him and asked where the principals is. He returned it with a smile and gave the directions to the office. I thank him as I speed off the hall in to a flight of stairs.
When I made it outside the twin doors of the office. I knock when I heard some voices inside to indicate my presence. The voice stopped as I heard that I am able now to enter. I was then greeted by three individuals inside. The principal herself and two men from the Celestial Council.
Time had passed as I explain the report that I had gathered from the incident that happened in the Central city a week ago. I informed them as well of the new diviants that attacked us and their connection to the person that Sir.Lian had interviewed two days ago.
"So, this is all?" One of the men in the council asked. "Umm...pardon?" I questioned as well to clear the conversation.
"What he meant was that this doesn't make sense. Meaning is that this Asura guy where talking about has something to do with this incident? And he's storey says that he came from here but there is no any registration of Asura Ikagame in this lands.
It's not just that he has something to do with this incident. He's also might be hiding something about himself that could lead to a more mischievous plans and for a fact there is no Ferron city on earth, do you get me?" The council man asked as it left me in confusion but I just nodded.
A ringtone of a call rang in the room as principal Peak stood up. She excuse herself to take the call. She stopped midway when a hover jet soared above the main building in to the courtyard. Principal Peak is still talking in her phone.
After a moment she dropped the her phone. "Mr.Arko go to the courtyard and meet you mentor in the hover jet. I'll send the paramedics along with you. It seems that Ms.Hills life is endanger than we thought" she stopped to pick her phone again.
I quickly ran out of the room to where and head down to where the hover jet is. I couldn't erase the look of the council men as I ran out side. I hope that this is not what I think it is because if something happens to her. I make him pay for it.
To Be Continued...
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