Chapter 8
Asura's Perspective:
I keep walking the dark cave yet I could see and feel where I am walking at. I keep following the noise of gashing water at the distance. I could see the light that coming in an entrance. When I slid through it, I was surprise by what awaits inside.
I could see a lot of glowing crystals in different colorations. They ahine and sparkle inside the massive chamber. I kept looking around then I found where the sounds are coming from. I was expecting a small fountain instead it's a big cavern where there's a waterfall in the center.
The falls is big with a small lake on it. On top of the falls is a big hole that the light could enter. The place glows in beauty because of the combined natural life and the shimmering crystals around the cavern. I was so mesmerized by the scenery that I didn't notice that someone is standing behind.
"(Chuckled) Arcantua Mahongo: Aqualto" before I could react something whipped my feet then it throw me to the nearest wall. "Argh!" the crystals shattered on my back then I slumped on the floor trying to get up. I could taste some blood on my lip.
'I need a weapon to fight' I thought, the things that I could find are some shattered crystals but long and sharp enough to inflict damage. I grabbed the crystal shards and start throwing them like a kunai in the enemy.
"Arcantua Mahongo: Britol " before the crystal shard could hit the person. He or she raised a medium rock wall to deflect the crystal shards. The wall suddenly moved towards me in shear speed knocking me into a wall with so much force.
"Ack!-arch...huff...huff" the impact really hurts, I need another plan. 'Wait isn't this guy chanting the same magic that the voice taught, maybe I could use this against this person, if I am lucky enough to control it. I have no choice but to try' I thought, I stand up and run to the water and this person didn't expect that either.
I drop to the shore of the lake then start enchanting. " Arcantua Mahongo: Aqualto" I raised my hands in the air to concentrate then something formed in my hands. It's a Katana! Better than nothing. Something is coming, my reflexes shut off as I turned around to block the cube of rock by my water katana yet it still sent me flying on top of the water lake.
Before I made impact I chant 'Aqualto' in my head. In my luck I landed on my two feet, water splattering around me as I glide. I didn't expect that I could stand on water. This seem surprised the enemy but not quite because the person started running towards me.
"Britol" the person said then he jump in the air and pushed his knuckles towards my direction. Two giant rock hands appeared then start levitating towards me in shear speed. 'I need to block it or else I would be crushed by those. I chant again, I put my arms on a back position then I flap them once in front of me, really hard.
That motion created a gigantic tidal wave to match to gigantic hands. The rocky hands and the tidal wave collide that sent a lot of water around destroying the hands. The rest of the tidal wave crushed to the person before it could dodge, including me that sent me tumbling in the water depths. I hit head on the rock that almost knock me out.
I swam towards the surface and gasp for air to try and regain my composure but I can't seem to stop coughing. In reflex I look on my side just in time for a foot to connect on my face. It sent me tumbling in the ground. The person then grabbed my shirt and kneed me on the gut so hard that I almost throw up. "Ack!" person threw into the caverns wall shattering some crystals in the process.
"Arch!- huff..ack!!!" The person is trying to choke me and it starting because I am loosing consciousness but before I do it release dropping me into the ground, gasping for air. "I guess that's it for our first training today because your in great danger in your world so I won't keep you for long in here. I hope you put what you learn today in good use" the person spoke.
The person grabbed me again then threw me in the center of the lake where I start to sink but before I completely sunk the person spoke a few words " You Surprise Me, Kid" then everything goes black.
Asura's Perspective:
"Ah!-huh? I'm back, oh what a nightmare" I sat on the edge of my bed sweating and I stand up to get cup of water because I am really thirsty. After I drunk some water, I go to my apartments window that looks like a just a rectangular shape all glass.
I look at the city sky to see the moon right above shinning through my window. I then look below the city to see the lights on every building and crossroad light up, cars are stopping by every streets. It's been a long time since I looked at my window.
"It's been a year since the invasion came up on that city" I whispered to my self. A lot has happened to me since the day of the invasion and fighting to get back what's ours. I was so glad that we get to be rescued but it's still a mystery where Teejay, Ellie and Kezu went.
When I gained consciousness in the hospital, I start to panic because the last thing I remember is that Rufus guy is picking me up in the air and all goes white and bright. The police and authorities asked me some question of what happen inn the city of Ferron while I was there.
I fill them up every detail of how my life in the city in one day as the day of the attack happened. I didn't mention about the fight that I took with my friends to avoid any more media. The news about the the invasion made a lot of negative reaction because of how this creatures destroy our home.
Some people are now afraid of any socialization outside outside the planet because of the issue. This news was brought around the world to inform the others, if they should trust or not the creatures outside our planet for the safety of mankind.
I asked the officers that are questioning me for the list of the survivors of the invasion and it seems that I was one out of 25% that survived the invasion. They permitted me to looked at the list to find my friends but I couldn't found their names.
I tried to asked the officials the found brought me here if they found anyone near me where they found me but no one saw anyone besides me and book. And that book is the talking book. After I was discharged from the hospital they help me to be relocate in a new city to start a one and forget what happened in the city of Ferron.
And that's what lead me to this point where tomorrow night I would spend a new year alone.
That guy I can't seem to make out his face in fact I realized that he is male by his voice, action, and......hard body because of how he man handled me in the end. That's just a dream but it looks too real and somehow I recognized that voice of his somewhere but I couldn't pin point yet.
I tried to remember what he said but some thumping of shoes distract me from thinking. I heard a lot of them footsteps coming from out side my apartment hall. "(Knock...knock!)" 'Hm?, Someone is knocking at this time of night?' I walked to the door to see whose knocking but there isn't one.
"What the- (Boom!!!) Ahhh!!!" An explosion erupted from my door when I was about to walk away. I was slumped back in to floor but I get up fast still hearing some ringing in my ears. Then two people burst inside my apartment with guns on them. 'Oh shoot' I thought.
The guns then pointed at me and shoot. I run back into the living room just in time to jump at the back of my couch. "(Phiessswww!)" A shot hit my couch and it obliterate d 1/4 of it in the side. 'What hell!, I need to think of something and fast' I thought as it goes quiet.
I quick grabbed the vase beside me and jump out of the couch then threw it to the nearest instruder that struck the person on it's masked face. "Arghh!!!, get him now!" The struck one ordered to the other and it start shoot some laser blasters?!
I ran to my room fast and closed until a hole is made after I got in. 'Freak!, I need to defend now!' I opened my closet and get the things I need. I then got something down on my and it prove to be useful even though it's only a prototype. 'Now' I think then my bedroom door was blown into pieces as I prepare for battle.
I grabbed an umbrella from under my bed then ran to the first person who entered inside. The person then point the gun at but I quickly side step to dodge the blast then I swang my unbrella on the person stomach as he/grunted on the disoriented voice. I then disarmed the persons gun and threw it on the floor. After that the person swang at hitting me on the face but I regained quickly by kicking the person on the gut.
I then held it's then smacked it to the wall but the person ain't finished yet as it punch me on the gut then grabbing and thrown me to the desk. I hit my head my hard and I started to feel something warm is dripping on my forehead. 'It's blood, my blood' I thought as the person points the gun at me. "This time your gone" it said then I put something on my side.
I then point in the person. "Nope, it's you that would be gone tonight" I said as I triggered the gun on my hand and it blasted a screeching noise then it blasted guy in to the wall by a shock wave. "(Vowwwweeeassshhh!!!) The blast destroyed half of the walling of my room. I then quickly stand up to gather my things and ran to the living where theres the first person I struck on it's masked protected face.
More of it's friends joined and start blasting the room but I hide quickly on the counter tops. " You should give and come with us Asura Ikagame, you have no chance to fight every last one of my force because tonight we will take you in observation so surrender now or you'll suffer. I was shocked because I was being hunted right now in my apartment!
I calmed down myself for a moment to find an escape route. I quickly ran to the giant window. "Throw the grenades!" The squad leader commanded then they threw five grenades on my part. They quickly ran to the halls to hide. I kept running to the window then I twirl around and blast the grenades into the hall by a shockwave of my gun and braised my self for an explosion.
The grenades explode after I blasted the windows. The imoact threw me off my apartment window. "Ack!!!" I start to fall from the seventh floor seeing the explosion erupted from my apartment destroying the closest to it too. I start to focus on my situation as I shoot my small harpoon gun into a building.
It didn't work as I kept falling. 'I guess this is it, I should have prepare for what's coming and now this is how it ends for me' I thought and in some point everything slowed down then a black hole appeared in a close distance from where I am falling. It swallowed me whole and all I could see is darkness.
To Be Continued...
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