Chapter 12
Third Person's Perspective:
The boy in the name of Asura is now sitting in an interrogation room for quite a while now after few days that he is contained in a cell room before he is put in this place. He's face is plastered with a boring look. Reminding the events a few hours ago is still on his head. He can't stop thinking about his purpose of why his here in the first place. Now another challenger is on it's way to ruin his now chaotic life.
He hunched his back in a straight position on the chair. He stared at the white colored room that surrounds him. Before he was brought in this quiet place, he starts to rethink what happened to the others by chance. Seichi (the 10 yo pup) and the wizard (human) brown haired guy contained him until the backup arrives. Seichi and the girl that is unconscious went with a separate vehicle to bring the girl to the tower's medical to heal her.
While the red and brown haired wizard (human) guys roughly took him to the interrogation room, waiting for hours since he was brought in the room. After another series of waiting, the door of the interrogation room opened to reveal a another (human) wizard. He is wearing a black long sleeve coat that draped a long his black short with sandals and white T-shirt. The guy has blue hair that compacts his deep violet eyes. Then he smiled at him as he took the sit opposite to Asura.
Asura's Perspective:
"Hi, my name is Lian O'Riley what's yours, dude" he asked as he gazed his eyes in the ceiling. "Um...Asura, Asura Ikagame" he then looked back at me. The atmosphere seem to change around me then for some reason I can't move a muscle. I am just looking straight at this as he is to me. Those violet eyes seems to pierce in my soul.
'Be careful, this one is different from the others' he just talked. 'And your just telling now!' I exclaimed as I tried to struggle from my situation. 'Your easy to break and I guess you should know that' someone spoke in my head then looked to the Lian guy. He's smirking at me as he stand from where his sitting.
"Come on and I'll give you a tour" he walked out of the door as I stood to make my way on his side. "Hey wait up! What do you mean a tour, I surely doubt that you trust me that much to let me out there to just take an offer to see the amazing places in right!?
" Why thank you, at least you meant to be mesmerized by our world here" he replied as we walk down the hall of the building. "It's not the point of why I am here in the first pla-" I was interrupted, not finishing my sentence. "Then tell me the point of why your here in our world."
He's not even battering an eye on me as we ride the elevator down to the lobby. "It's complicated like I just woke up in my apartment and an attack happened then suddenly, I am here in this place where everything is out of my league." I explained living the part of who brought me here in the first place.
"Let me guess Anti powered council?" He asked me. "How do you even know that?" I countered his question as the elevator door opened and we trek the way outside the tower. "Because I have Three students that came from where you've been. They are traumatized by the actions of the Anti powered council in earth just a year ago and now they're here, safe from those people that would like to hurt them" O'Riley explained briefly.
It left me some kind of a puzzle. We stopped right in the center of the beautiful garden at the back of the big tower and sit in the fountain we found. "That's impossible!" I mounted that got the attention of the guy. "What do you mean impossible?" He asked as I stand up to looked at him.
"What I mean is that, I didn't even know about the Anti powered council a year ago. It's just that I've got contact with them after I moved out of my old city that had been invade by these creatures and one of them is part of the race of the living being in this place, you know" I looked intently to him, trying to find any info then he finally spoke.
"Where did you even came from? I mean, where on earth are you settled in before this so called invasion of yours happened?" He asked me in a tone that would really annoy you but I keep my self still and just answer Hus questions.
"I came from Ferron city and that place is so peaceful, I was trying to find a job after I graduated but one day an explosion erupted from the deep parts of the city. These monsters, came from some where else that I didn't even know. They destroyed the city and abducting every people that lived in their to turn in to one of them." I stopped for a moment then continued.
"For a second, I thought I was a goner when I blacked out but these people saved me. I think I could make out two names, it's Teejay and Ellie then boom everything is gone" I stopped to gave O'Riley time to think about what I can only recall from my memories.
"When you said boom, what you meant is that everything you remember from before you moved away the city?" He asked again to fill up his own confusion. "It's faint, I mean...that there's more of these memories that it used to be but it seems that everything is scattered after I moved away from my original place.
I started to build my life back and forget the tragic past behind me once and for all. After a year of building up, I was so happy for once that I have achieved my goal in life and all I need to do is to wait for some more opportunity in the future. Then this fateful night came upon me when I woke up from a dream and I remember their names again like a flashback, the events that happened to me in Ferron city came back but with little parts only attached to them" I stopped again looking straight in to the blue sky with clouds on it.
I try to wait for any reaction from O'Riley but I guess he sense that I am not yet finish with my story so I continued on again for the third time. "That night when some of my memories came back an attack erupted in my apartment as a group Anti powered council barge inside to try and contain me for some reason because I know that I was not powered in any circumstance.
I tried to escape but before I could do it smoothly, they just give me a hard time then I jump of the window before the grenades they set up explode and everything went black. I then woke up outside the walls of this place. I came here to invesgate where I am and just like that I met this dog pup-" I was then interrupted by O'Riley. "Wolf pup" he said as he stared in the waters of the fountain as it flow.
"Right, wolf pup that introduce his self as Seichi then that where it started as something attack us. Then everything around is ruined. Everyone took shelter in this tower. You know Seichi kind of a skilled young one for his age, right?" I tried to counteract to gain his attention for a moment.
"Yeah, because he is trained as well as the others are in this world. Now finish your story" he commanded for some reason like he is annoyed now. "Ooookayyy well, after Seichi and the guards evacuate the people in the area safely, he got notified that a back up came to secure the city for any anomalies and a battle erupted through the city. That is when Seichi and I arrived at the scene.
One of the back up is down and the two left are struggling to stand against the attacker. I immediately recognized one of the attacker and I know that she's involved with the Ferron city invasion back on earth because a flash of memory came back at me that I seem to be fighting with a team. We're fighting off this so called Rufus guy that the girl in a coat mentioned when we met again. She said that he is waiting for me which is odd-" I was interrupted as O'Riley dragged me in the hand back to the tower.
He keeps dragging me until we made it to the cell where they kept me then he spoke again as he unlock the force field cell. "I don't even know how you get involve with this guy but one thing for sure is that he's after you for some reason and I will not let that happen until we made a plan so for now we will keep you until we make use of you" he then pushed me inside the room as the force field close behind me. I turned around to protest but he's not there anymore living me alone again, lock up in this room.
To Be Continued...
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