Part 4
The morning sun rose crisp and clear on Sunday, your ears tuned to any outdoor noises. Unexpected disappointment creeped into your mind to find silence. You had become accustomed to the early sounds of James sawing, hammering, or tossing bales of hay onto the ground outside the stables this early. You weren't really surprised, given that it was Sunday, but the promised words of "See you in the morning" echoed in your mind from last night.
Shaking off this odd feeling, you climbed out of bed and pulled on a cozy sweater before descending the stairs toward the kitchen. Soon you had pancakes on the griddle and all the other breakfast fixin's on the table. The delicious smells roused the rest of the house, soon hearing your mother's shuffling feet along with the frantic scamper of your energetic boy approaching.
After breakfast, you all dressed for church and headed out the door. You weren't particularly religious, but your mother attended every week and couldn't get around on her own very well, so you and Caleb tagged along. An hour-long service was all your mother's poor back could handle, what with the sitting on those hard pews and all the getting up and down constantly. Stepping outside the church, you lingered with Caleb as your mother thanked the pastor and chatted with the ladies she played Poker with. Any other aging mother would be playing Bridge, but not yours. She needed the thrill of taking the whole Jackpot, even if no actual money was exchanged.
You waved at a few friends as you pulled your sweater tighter around you. The dress you wore was one of your favorites, but it wasn't particularly warm. Caleb had settled on the steps with the small sketchbook he brought almost everywhere. Glancing down, you noticed that he seemed to be sketching the storefronts across from the church. He then looked up and pointed, drawing your attention, "Mama, look! It's James! Can I go say hi?"
Following his gaze, you saw that it was indeed the long-haired brunet. He was exiting the hardware store with a few bags in each hand. Shielding your eyes from the Autumn sun, you could see he wore his usual baseball cap, jacket, and gloves. You saw him looking around briefly, then he did a double take and paused upon spotting you. Caleb waved enthusiastically, standing from his crouched position while you hesitantly raised a hand in greeting. "You'll see him tomorrow, honey. Let's not bother him on his day off, mmkay?"
The blond-haired boy exhaled in disappointment, "Okay."
James had transferred all his bags to his left hand and raised his right in response with a smile. He then looked away and continued on down the street. Turning back toward the open church doors, your mother was finally approaching, ready to leave.
The repetitive sounds of hammering woke you on Monday, bringing a smile to your face. Another morning began with a quick breakfast, forgotten homework, and a mad rush to meet the school bus before you returned home and visited the stables. A ladder rested against the outside wall while sounds were heard up on the roof. Glancing inside, you could see that all the horses had water and food already so you passed by each stall, saying hello to every horse and nuzzling their soft noses. Jasper snorted and stamped his hooves at your approach, a frown tugging at your mouth with worry.
The sounds above were muffled from inside and you suspected James was hitting softly so as to not spook the horses. So considerate. Walking back outside, you rounded the corner toward the ladder and climbed up. You stood on a rung only about 8 feet off the ground with the roof visible. At the top you saw James on his hands and knees replacing shingles.
Waiting for him to pause in hammering, you finally spoke, "Good morning, James."
He turned your way with a smile, "Good morning, Y/N."
"Today's project, I see?" you asked, gesturing toward the work he had already accomplished.
He shrugged, "I saw a few places where it was rotting through. Seemed like a Monday project."
You grinned in approval. "It was nice to see you in town yesterday. Did you have a restful Sunday?"
Sitting back on his heels, he adjusted the bill of his cap. "As restful as I get. Worked on the house mostly."
"Hence the hardware store, I suppose."
He just nodded, giving you a warm, but conservative smile. He was a bit more liberal with those lately and you were definitely a fan, bringing out a grin of your own.
"Well," you glanced around, "I'll leave you to it, then. I'll be back out with the training schedules in a while."
"Sounds good," he responded, lifting his hammer again to strike.
Climbing down, you headed for the house and stepped onto the porch, then looking back for a different view of James. Even from a distance, you could see that he filled out those jeans rather nicely in the back. You flushed and chastised yourself with a shake of the head before stepping inside.
Monday and Tuesday passed by as scheduled, both days busy and productive. Wednesday disrupted the flow, but in a mostly positive way. Caleb attended school in the morning, but a field trip in the afternoon involved visiting a local wheat farm, which of course your son was allergic to, so you picked him up and brought him home around noon. You were preparing some lunch while your mother rested, seeing Caleb on the grass out front from the kitchen window. He was trying desperately to practice his karate moves before lessons that night but was having trouble on his own and you were no help. You cursed Kevin once again for never being the father Caleb deserved.
Unexpected warm weather brought an Indian Summer, prompting you to open all the windows for fresh air. Across the lawn, you spotted James walking out of the barn and taking a seat on the tailgate of your pickup truck. He had just unloaded about 20 bags of oats and horse feed in no time, now taking a break for lunch. He didn't need reminding now to stop midday for a meal, which you were glad about. He deserved a break.
Pulling items from the fridge, you busied yourself preparing the meal. Returning to the sink to wash your hands, you glanced out the window and was surprised to see that James was approaching the house. He paused, talking to Caleb who had collapsed on the grass in defeat. Reaching for a towel, you observed James walk closer to the boy, who stood at the man's approach. James reached Caleb, then facing him and widening his stance with his fists raised close to his face. You watched, heart in your throat, as the muscled man gently instructed your son on his foot placement and what looked like a way to block a punch.
You couldn't believe your eyes. This hard-working, kind, handsome, near-stranger volunteered to spend time with your son on his down time, when his own father couldn't even bother. Lunch was ready, but you didn't want to break the spell so you tackled a few dirty pots and pans left over from last night's dinner that you'd left soaking. Once the sink was filled with soapy water, you dipped your hands in and started to scrub.
Another glance out the window, you saw that James had removed his jacket, sweater, and baseball cap leaving him in a long-sleeved Henley and his ever-present gloves. He knelt down to meet Caleb's eye level and raised his fists, gesturing for the boy to do the same. In slow motion, the man demonstrated the correct movement for a solid punch, putting his weight into it, and then inversely taught him how to block it.
You felt a flutter in your chest, seeing for the first time an unrestrained smile on James' handsome face, his white teeth gleaming in the sun. Utterly captivated, you grinned with your hands still moving under the soapy water.
Caleb successfully blocked one of James' very soft punches, jumping around in triumph as he aimed to high-five the man, then completely missing his hand. James barked out a loud laugh, throwing his head back, while Caleb's higher giggles drifted through the open window to you. Quite possibly the most beautiful sounds you'd ever heard, your heart swelled at their joyous interaction. A wide smile reached your lips as your own happiness bubbled up in that moment.
"Well, that pot's as clean as it'll ever be," you heard a voice speak behind you.
Startled, you dropped the pot in the water and stepped back as water sloshed onto the floor. You whirled around to see your mother leaning against the kitchen's entrance with a knowing smile on her face. Pulling the sink plug, you drained the water and rinsed the pot as you spoke.
"I was, is ready. Have a seat, I'll go call Caleb in," you stated, attempting to keep your voice casual.
"Uh huh," you mother responded with a smirk.
Drying your hands, you walked through the entryway and stepped out onto the porch, seeing the two still gently sparring.
"There you go! See? You're getting it!" James complimented the boy with enthusiasm.
He had his hands up to block when he finally noticed you on the porch, relaxing his stance with a smile. In that moment, Caleb's punch swung wild, making contact with the edge of James' jaw. The man threw his head back in surprise, not pain, but he exaggerated the momentum and let himself fall to his back on the grass.
Your hand flew to your mouth, rushing forward. Fairly certain he wasn't hurt, you still wanted to be sure.
"James! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you, please don't be mad," Caleb scampered to his side in worry.
The man let out a laugh, rubbing a hand across his stubbled jaw as he rose to his feet. "You pack a mean punch, buddy, but I promise I'm okay. And I'm not mad. That was an honest hit, I let down my guard so it's my fault. I'm more worried about your fist, though. I can be pretty hard-headed."
Caleb looked down at his hand, "I think it's okay."
Finally reaching the pair, you gathered the boy's hand in yours, seeing there was barely a mark on his knuckles. A little redness, but that could very well be a beard burn from James' stubble. You kissed it and pulled him into a quick hug.
"Alright, I think that's enough excitement for today," you declared. Caleb whined, but you insisted. "I know, I know, but it's lunch time anyway so go wash up. And brush the grass out of your hair before you get inside," you hollered the last sentence as your son rushed toward the house. "Hey! What do you say to James?"
The boy whirled back around and ran toward the man, gripping him in a hug around the waist. "Thank you for teaching me, James!"
"You're welcome, pal," James responded with a grin, less startled by the hug this time.
Watching your son enter the house, you turned back toward James. "Thank you for that. Really. It means the world to him that you would take the time," you told him sincerely.
"It was my pleasure, honestly," the brunet replied. "He's a great kid. He, uh...he actually reminds me a lot of a friend of mine growing up. Always one of the smaller kids with struggling health, he still managed to be the toughest guy I know. Constantly getting into fights, but only for noble reasons, I finally taught him a thing or two about self defense. I don't know anything about karate, but maybe some of this will help Caleb out." He smiled, eyes unfocused as his mind traveled back through memories.
Still in awe of his generosity and the fact that he just spoke more at once than he had the entire time you'd known him, you quietly observed him for a moment before speaking. "What was his name?"
"Steve," James said at a whisper almost, avoiding your gaze.
You sensed it was a sensitive subject, so you let the moment pass in silence. Out of curiosity, you then took a step toward him, lightly gripping his prickly chin and turning his face to the side.
"Are you sure you're not hurt?" you asked, looking for a mark from his unexpected strike from a small fist.
You brushed your thumb over the area and saw nothing, caught unaware when he leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering closed. Instinctively, your palm cupped his cheek with a gentle caress. The moment was gone as quickly as it came, though, as he shot his eyes open, quickly taking a step back. Burying hands in his jeans pockets, he avoided your gaze. You crossed your arms over your chest, still feeling the remnants of a spark that flowed between you.
He cleared his throat, "I, uh...I actually came up here to ask you something."
"Okay. Ask away," you encouraged him.
He steeled his nerves with a deep breath. "I've been spending a fair amount of time with the horses...even reading up on certain subjects on my down time. Training, behavioral patterns, psychology, all of that."
"Wow. That's amazing," you replied, then letting him continue.
"So, I was thinking...I've built up quite a bit of trust with Jasper and I was hoping I could maybe take him on a walk with a lead rope? Get him away from the stables? Just for a short time and within the fence. He's been cooped up so long, I bet he'd love to stretch his legs a little." You started to protest, but he stopped you. "I know, I know. It's a risk. But I promise it'll be fine. And should anything happen to myself as a result, I take full responsibility. I think I can handle him, though."
You were silent a moment, considering his proposal before responding. "You're sure about this? You're confident that he trusts you and you won't endanger yourself?"
"Yes. I'm positive," he assured you, hope shining in his greyish-blue eyes.
Another beat of silence, then you nodded. "Okay. I trust you."
A bright smile split across his handsome face, causing that flutter in your chest to reappear.
"But," you interjected, "I'd like to supervise, from a distance. And it has to be after regular training hours, so later this evening when all the other horses are in for the night. Deal?"
"Yes! Absolutely. Thank you, Y/N" he smiled.
"Okay then."
"Okay," he echoed, a look of glee upon his face. "Well, I guess my lunch time is over. Better get back to it."
You gave a nod, shooting him a smile. "I'll be back to training after lunch."
"Sounds good," James replied, gathering his jackets and hat before heading for the stables.
You watched him go for a moment and then climbed the steps into the house.
That evening, you stood outside the fence of the paddock, eyes wide in wonderment. You couldn't believe that James had been able to slip the reins over Jasper's head and was now leading the horse around the perimeter of the fence. They'd been at it for almost an hour and by now James had gotten the thoroughbred animal up to a gallop, the man running alongside. No saddle was attempted yet, riding too much of a risk at this point.
As the day's last light faded, you gave the man a wave, indicating to bring the horse back in for the night. He followed your instructions and walked Jasper back into the stables through the side entrance. You walked around the long way toward the main doors.
A few hours earlier, you had sent Caleb off with his father to yet another karate lesson. Your stomach clenched each time you thought about it, especially with his returning with a split lip a few weeks previous. Kevin still insisted Caleb needed this, but you let your son know that he didn't have to go if he didn't want to. The blond boy assured you it was fun, but you knew at least part of him was doing it solely to please his father.
Huffing a frustrated sigh as those thoughts whirled in your head, you entered the barn to see that James already had removed the reins and was brushing Jasper's chestnut coat until it gleamed. Still keeping your distance, you watched the man as the animal seemed to be completely at ease. James had removed his hat and hooked it on one of the posts, leaving the stall door open. You could hear him talk to the horse at a low tone as he brushed.
With a quiet voice, you gained his attention, "Wow. That was...incredible. You have the touch, James."
He turned toward you with a grin, "It felt good. Thank you for trusting me."
"You've earned it. I still don't know how you did it. And what were you saying to him a moment ago?" you asked in curiosity.
"Come here," James beckoned to you with a gloved hand.
You stepped forward cautiously, entering the stall. James offered his hand and you took it as he led you to Jasper's side.
"I like to talk to him about random things sometimes, but mostly I tell him what I'm doing. You know, 'I'm going to put the reins on now, it won't hurt' or 'I'll be brushing your neck first and then down to your legs'. Stuff like that. Could be just my tone of voice but I like to think that he understands me. Here," he gestured, placing your hand on Jasper's neck while placing his hand on top of yours. "I think he's just scared sometimes. Even more-so in a new place, he needs reassurance."
James offered you the brush and you took over, running your hand across the smooth yet coarse hair of the animal's neck.
"Also, I noticed something when I was brushing him yesterday. Right here by his leg..." he took your hand again, placing it just in front of the horses' right rear leg. You could feel a slight lump there, taking care not to press too hard.
"Ouch," you spoke softly in sympathy. "If he's in pain, then that explains a lot of his behavior. I'll have the vet come out tomorrow and check it out. Hopefully Jasper will cooperate with you there, too." You stepped out of the stall and James followed, closing the stall door. "Thank you. For caring and for paying attention to his pain...for doing what I couldn't." You spoke sincerely, placing a hand on James' arm and letting it rest there.
He gave a bashful smile,"No, thank you. For trusting me with these animals and showing me how to care for them. It's an incredible new experience."
You let your hand brush down his arm to let go, but James clasped your fingers lightly instead. Meeting his eyes, you tightened your grip and stepped toward him. His gaze flickered to your lips, sending a jolt of electricity up your spine as he closed the distance between you. Placing his right hand to side of your neck, he licked his lips and leaned forward. You met him halfway, pressing your mouth to his lightly at first but the spark quickly caught fire, heat consuming you both. Releasing his hand, you looped your arms around his neck, bodies fused together in passion. His tongue swiped your bottom lip, testing the waters with the floodgates then opening as you allowed him entrance. His strong arms against your back held you tightly to him, your hands grasping at the roots of his long brunet strands.
Lost in each other, you nearly missed the sound of tires on gravel as a car approached. Breaking apart reluctantly, your chest heaved against his, foreheads touching. You took a step back, slowly releasing his hand as you backed away toward the door without breaking eye contact.
"Um...I have to, uh..." you gestured behind you as a car came to a stop. He nodded, running a hand through his hair.
You whirled around and left the stables to see Kevin and Caleb exiting the patrol car. Your son's shoulders were slumped with his head down as he walked toward the house.
"Hey, kiddo. How was practice?" you asked, hoping to sound optimistic.
"Fine," he answered flatly without even turning.
Frowning, you let him go before turning to your ex-husband. "What happened, Kevin?"
"What makes you think something happened?" the burly man asked defensively. "Okay, so maybe one of the kids noticed Caleb blocking a few of his hits for once and got upset...might've given him a shove. He fell a few times."
"What? Kevin! This is what I'm talking about! I'm not against Caleb learning to defend himself, but kids can get mean and I don't want him being singled out because he's small. I really think he should stop..."
"Well, that's really not up to you. Don't forget, I could call a judge and get custody in a week. You're lucky I don't cause I'm nice," he sneered.
Fuming, you held your tongue once again. Losing Caleb was your greatest fear and you just couldn't let that happen.
"Fine," you curtly replied. "Can you just make sure he's paired up with someone closer to his size next week? Please?"
Smiling at your complacency, he shrugged, "I guess. I'll talk to the teacher, or whatever he's called."
"Thank you," you felt ill, thanking this man, but it's what he wanted to hear. "We'll see you on Saturday, then, right?"
Perplexed, he furrowed his brow, "For what?"
"Kevin!" you exclaimed, almost losing your cool again. "It's his birthday! Please, just be there, okay? He wants you there."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be there," he muttered, climbing into his car. As his tail lights disappeared, you tried to release the tension your body held.
You felt a hand against the small of your back and turned to see James beside you. Even the sight of him made you feel better.
"What does he have on you?" he asked quietly.
"What?" you questioned in shock.
"It's the only explanation. You're a strong, independent, successful business owner and an incredible mom to Caleb. The only reason that asshat would think he'd have a leg to stand on in court was if he was holding something over your head." He said it so matter-of-factly.
You were stunned, but sighed in surrender. "He is."
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