Solána stuffs another hot pancake in her mouth immediately feeling guilty as syrup drops down the side of her lip. She stares down at the edge of her face as if she'd be able to see it. Jacks finger reaches across the table and swipes the syrup away before sucking his thumb.
"How..." She made sure she wasn't chewing with her mouth full and swallowed the last bite as Jack smiled slightly. She groaned finally taking a deep breath, "how are these pancakes so good." She wasn't exaggerating they were perfect.
Jack was beyond cocky at this point. Even if she hadn't complimented his pancakes he was still thinking about the night before. He felt on top of the world. Especially because she was still sitting across from him, wearing his long t-shirt.
Solána felt great. She would've felt better if she had the chance to cook Jack breakfast. But he insisted on him cooking for her. That was after she burnt three of the pancakes she was making.
She took a long shower and by the time she got back down there was a steaming stack of pancakes waiting for her. And by now they were gone. She could feel the weight of her stomach as she pulled the waist band of her underwear low.
Jack quirked an eyebrow and she shot him a look that said, "don't make me come across this table". He somehow caught the exact meaning of it and looked away. She laughed to herself and he looked back up.
"You look like you're gonna whoop my ass." He chuckled to himself before bringing the plates into the kitchen sink and turning on the water. It rushed out but Jack quickly turned it down so he could hear whatever witty response Solána had for him.
—"that's because you think everything is a sex signal, I'm tryna breath after all that food and you're tryna fu—" Jack ran the water loudly again as she rolled her eyes. He really just interrupted me. Such a child.
Solána got up from the chair and walked next to him by the sink. "What'd you do that for?" She pretended to shout over the water as Jack eyed her from his spot at the sink.
He was wearing black pants paired with a black short sleeved shirt that wrapped tightly around his arms. She was wearing way less than that but it didn't stop her from sitting on the counter. To be annoying.
Admittedly Jack turned the water off so he didn't have to hear her put any negative energy on him. He thought them sharing a moment was good. And although Jack was looking for a way to rekindle that moment every-time she even scratched her arm it hurt to hear out loud.
He waited until he was done with the dishes to give her any attention. She was almost able to look down at him from the counter as she smiled. He couldn't help but smile back and return the focus on their previous conversation.
"So you sitting on the counter... that's not a signal?" He asked as she laughed out loud and pretended to herself that it wasn't. She rolled her eyes and played it off before getting down.
—"No it's not Jack." She lied walking out of the kitchen and into the living room. She was planning on trying to find her clothes from the other night but she barely could.
Jack rounded into sight from the kitchen with a look of realization on his face, "if you're looking for your clothes they're in the laundry!" He offered as she fought back sucking her teeth or rolling her eyes.
Because as it was incredibly sweet she was overstaying and she should be leaving. She got a free... movie and free pancakes. It was more than enough. They weren't a couple.
She smiled warily, "when is it gonna be done?" She asked and when Jack caught on that she might be in a rush he lied and told her half an hour. He wasn't some weird kidnapper but it could've been somewhere around that time if she was planning to dry it, no harm no fowl
And she could even stay longer.
Solána sat down on the couch before realizing the shirt she was wearing was flying up. Before she could pull it back down Jack was by her side holding her leg, she impulsively laughed before sending a kick his way for touching her.
Jack defended himself by grabbing a blue throw pillow and gently hitting her on the head. She sucked her teeth and grabbed the black pillow from behind her. Hitting him across his lower back he started running into the hall. She laughed, catching up with him a few times as he ran, getting him on the chest, arm and head.
When he was finally out of breath he gave up and forfeited him pillow over to her which only led in him getting attacked with two pillows. She finally stopped when her arms were getting tired of swinging.
Absentmindedly she dropped both pillows on the floor and stared at Jack. He licked his lips before pulling her into a kiss. It was interrupted by a light beeping sound and Jack could feel his chest tighten with disappointment. He let go of her lips before kissing her again, twice. And went to check on her laundry.
He came back empty handed and met a face full of confusion. Didn't she want to stay? "You still feel the same way about me that you did last night?" Jack was never so... persistent. He never asked a girl if she liked him or not. But even after last night even after cooking her food, listening to music with her, watching five minutes of a movie with her, he couldn't tell a thing.
He could only tell that he had feelings for her. Really deep ones. She quirked and eyebrow at him and found a way to cross her arms together, "and how was that?" Of course she would pretend not to know.
Jack decided to retaliate by mimicking her, "Soooo good Jack!" He mocked in a whinny loud voice copying the words she'd said to him after he'd asked her the same question. He laughed as she sucked her teeth and walked away from him, trying to hide her laugh.
—"Shut up Jack."
"That's not what you said last night—" a firm pillow hit the side of Jacks head sending it jerking to the right, "I guess I deserved that." He mumbled to himself.
an: no bc the way I was gonna update last night, was revising it and looking over it and then I fell asleep. But it's alright 😤
anyways couple more good chapters then drama 😏
and I'm gonna pretend like I didn't write chapter 7, I been meaning to update this but I didn't know where to make it go off from
vote, comment <3!
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