Solána snuggles the pillow beside her as Jack scoffs. She smiles and rolls her eyes already knowing what he's going to talk about, "Jack the pillow is soft." She says as he grumbles like a little kid.
"I'm right here and you're cuddling it." He says which is true. He's laying behind her under the same heavy grab cover as she hangs her legs over the pillow and presses her face against it. She didn't mean to reject jack but the pillow had to be some kind of expensive.
"I'm leaving." Jack says shifting beside her as she groans and he stops himself from getting up with a cheeky smile. "It's me or the pillow baby." He have her an ultimatum as she gasped at him.
"Jack I'm not..." she looked between the satin pillow and him and then laughed. He shrugged and walked out the room. Her laugh got deeper until she realized he was serious and rolled her eyes.
"Wow this pillow feels great!" She yells towards the outside of the door knowing that she lying. But he didn't have to know that.
Jack rolls his eyes from the other side of the door and laughs out loud. He runs down stairs and remembers that she has to take pain medicine and walks to find it. He grabs it out his coat pocket before walking back to Solána.
Jack walks in the room to see her trying to select a movie and pauses. How the hell am I gonna get her to take this pill? She looks through a couple things and settles on some cheesy romance movie. Jack let's out a soft laugh at the selection.
If he was being honest he always did like romance movies. Especially the really shitty Hallmark movies where they'd get emotional and then smirk at each other ironically. She chose "Just Friends" and sat back comfortably.
Jack rested in the bed beside her an quirked an eyebrow "really this?" He was asking because he felt like she was playing it as a joke. She let out a laugh and rolled her eyes.
"It's a good movie." She said but he could tell she was lying. He moved over to her and reach for her hair, moving his hand to her jaw, looking deeply in her eyes before saying,
"If you have some weird thing for Ryan Reynolds you need to tell me." He said deeply like it was something serious as she let out a loud laugh.
-"What the hell Jack? I don't-" she had to stop herself from talking because she was dying from laughing until Jack mumbled, "it's definitely some type of kink-" at that point she pushed him so hard he almost fell off the bed.
He looked at her with wide eyes, "I'm just saying." She rolled her eyes and focused on the movie. "Oh by the way you have to take the pain meds between every 8 hours soo.." Jack trailed off showing her the small pill as she shrugged.
He smirked at how easy it was and watched her take it. Solána swallows the pill and let's her eyes shut momentarily. Jack watches her rest and plays a movie on the tv. She accidentally lets herself drift into a sleep as Jack plays with the soft skin on her right arm.
After a while she wakes up and Jack does too. He let himself drift off and wakes to the movie playing. He almost forgets she's lying beside him until she whines.
"Jackieeee!" She slurrs as he pauses the movie and gives him her full attention. He smirks as she rolls over on her side and watches him.
"What is it?"
-"you think I'm hot?"
"Yeah I do." He admits but laughs at how random and desperate the question sounds, coming from her.
-"Like if you had to kill off Rihanna or me who would you pick?" She slurrs again and yawns gently as Jack laughs. "It's not funny." She says like she means it.
"I'd kill Rihanna." Jack promises running a finger against one of her curls as she gasps in shock or delight, he can't tell.
"You would kill Riri?!" She practically skrieks as Jack nods and stares at her lips for a moment. He nods his head in silence and mentally reminds himself to check the pills side effects.
"Go back to sleep.." he whispers into her neck and pulling the blanket over himself as she nods. He didn't want to ignore her even being drowsy he was just more tired than ever. He could tell she was too.
After a while they grow comfortable in silence before Solána pulls her eyes open again.
-"Can I tell you a secret?" Solána leans in and let's her eyes flutter close for a second before smiling. "But don't tell Jack..." she mumbles looking like she's about to drift to sleep again.
Jack let's out a laugh and nods, "I swear I won't tell Jack." He puts one hand over his heart and makes the promise as Solána keeps her eyes shut and her lips tugged into a smile.
"I love you." She mumbled into a pillow as she lets herself sleep. Jacks heart raced as he stares at the girl in his bed, her hair draped around her smooth face and her curvy eyelashes that were even more existent. He feels his heart swell with hope and there he is smiling like an idiot.
He reaches his hand forward and feels the hair on her head before mumbling, "I love you too Solána." He admitted as his face slowly burned, a feeling he ignored. He kisses her cheek and realizes he's been putting off the idea that he loved her.
He sucks his teeth and runs his hands through his hair realizing that she probably won't remember anything. He walks out the room and to the side where the bathroom is.
Solána opens her eyes before smiling wide and playing with her hands. He loves me. Just as she's about to fake sleeping Jack comes back into the room and his eyes widen. He face turns from pink to red in seconds and Solána laughs out loud.
Jack sucks his teeth and makes his way to her, "are you forreal? When did the medicine wear off?" He asked trying to fight the urge to kiss her or do way more. He's never had anyone tell him they loved him. Except for his manipulative ex or the tons of girls he slept with. Okay, he's never loved someone and had them love him back.
It felt like he was on top of everything, Solána laughs to herself, "A few minutes ago.." she admits and he wonders if she said what she said in the right mind. It's like she can see his brain working because she says, "I love you.. I love you... I love you." She says delicately and whispers it the last time.
Jack can't handle the way she owns his heart. She owns almost all of him and he should know that by now-he does. He holds her chin and rubs his thumb against her jaw, her chin and then her bottom lip. His heart is racing even when he pulls her in for a kiss.
Three times and then again three times. He devours her and moves his hands to her hair as his lips press against hers. She moans and breaks free from the kiss to laugh at something and then continues. Jack moves towards her until she pressed with her back onto the bed.
She stares up at him from almond eyes and considering lips before she sighs, "What's wrong?"
-"I never thought I could be like this you know.."
"Like what?"
"Me neither." Jacks admits honestly as his smile spreads across his face and he moves his hand to the cotton t shirt she's wearing.
an: wattpads annoying and it wants to pick and chose when I can copy and paste like....
anyways I've been writing these two in reoccurring trauma responses that I don't know how to write sweet chapters anymore LMFAOO
Y'all I know drugs don't work like this... actually I don't know that I don't do drugs but go with it
I have a massive headache pls vote!
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