In the back next to the bed was a clean and brand new top. It was red an backless with three ties that were supposed to strap around her back. They hung on her shoulder, with two normal straps to hold it up. She knew she couldn't tie it by herself. She was going to need help. She ignored the obvious and moved onto the jeans.
They weren't tight from the bottom but they were from her waist. She pulled them up with effort and sat in satisfaction. He's got taste. There were giant holes and lose white strings falling from them. The two holes revealed her thigh and her calve. They were the most distressed jeans she ever wore.
She peered into the bag again even though she knew it was empty. She looked at the pair of shoes she came to his house with. She was grateful that he didn't buy her shoes, on the one hand she'd be in more debt and on the other she only liked a specific type of shoes. She'd be grateful either way.
The Solána Charity event couldn't go on much longer, she wanted to stop racking her brain about it, "Jack!" She called out into the hall. She lay her hands on her lap and realized calling him was the opposite of not thinking about it.
Her hair was in a higher-than-usual ponytail, she didn't want much done to it. As Jack climbed the stairs she watched herself in the mirror. She didn't recognize herself but she liked what she saw.
It was a bit of work to get everything on, and a bit painful but she worked through it anyways. As Jack reached her door he was surprised to find her dressed.
"How did you get dressed?"
"I put my arms through the holes and then my legs through the other holes." She said slowly with sarcasm. They both knew that it was painful for her and both said nothing. She wasn't gonna play some weird damsel in distress.
"Smartass." He commented before walking behind her in the mirror, making a mental note that they looked good together. She smiled because she remembered she called him that before.
"I need you," Jack snapped his head at her specific confession. Is she fucking with me? "Can you tie this stupid string?" She finished as Jack kept his mouth shut and did what she asked.
He moved before her and looked at the strings before realizing how they had to go. Her moved ponytail over her shoulder and moved his fingers over the skin of her back. She flinched but then calmed down realizing he needed to touch her back to tie the strings.
He plays with her back, rubbing his fingers against it, back and forth. Tingles shot through her body as she realized it was something he was doing because he wanted to. He picks up the strings and in a matter of seconds they're tied on her back, he brings her ponytail back around without a word.
"How did you get these clothes?" She asked. She didn't hate them she liked them. But she still hoped they weren't left over from some weird hookup. Jack knew immediately what she was assuming and just shrugged like it didn't matter.
"I got one of my style assistants to pick up something while you were sleep." He said ignoring her assumptions that he would be someone to hookup and keep someone's clothes. More than that, give her those clothes to wear. She really thought less than him, he almost laughed.
"Oh.. thanks." She said genuinely and she suddenly felt like she should apologize. But she decided against it because he would know what she was thinking. She looked in the mirror and thought for a minute. He bought me new clothes while I was sleeping? I would be fine going home in my old clothes. Unless he knew we would be going to the doctors. How?
Jack could see SZAs brain working and got scared, what was she thinking about? "How did you know we would need to go to the doctors?" She asked a question that shot him. He didn't expect her to ask that until they got there or after at least. Not now. He shouldn't have underestimated that she was smart.
Jack rubbed the back of his neck, "ok so I kinda lied, I knew it wasn't gonna be an hour. So when you went to sleep I called the doctors." He admitted painfully. Solána didn't know if being mad was a good option so she kept her mouth shut. Reminding herself that he was trying to help her. When she didn't say anything he continued.
"I know you would've kept moving if I didn't tell you that you had to be gone for an hour. You probably would've climbed out the window. And I've seen a hurt ankle before, you need the doctor." He was determined that what he was saying was right by the last line and Solána nodded in agreement.
"Thanks for telling the truth Jackie." She said but in all honestly hearing what he said about her made her think about how childish she was being about the situation, "And thank you for everything.. I wouldn't be able to.. just thank you." She said tearing up a bit but rolling her eyes in attempt to stop it.
She was so overwhelmed. The entire time she was at Jacks house she felt so alone. But he was right there doing everything she needed and more. And she was being a brat, she was being ungrateful. Jack moved to her side and wiped her tear that rolled on her cheek.
"Jackie.. you always call me that. I like it." He said like he cared. Sometimes he did, he was fine with nicknames but when SZA twisted his name it reminded him that something was stopping her from saying his full name. Like it wasn't right to her, he wondered why.
"No you don't." She rolled her eyes and he laughed out loud before finally taking in her outfit. She looked better than great. She noticed him staring and stopped moving. Jack pulled his left hand up and into the wide pants hole gripping her thigh. "Jack.." she whispered bringing him back.
"Put on your left shoe and then I'll carry you down." He said as she complied and put her shoe on and moved awkwardly. He laughed out loud, "you know how this goes wifey." She looked up at the nickname that he said so nonchalantly. It made her feel something, hearing it from him. She ignored her heart rate and sat in a better position for him to grab her.
After they got out of the house they agreed they would take his car because it was "faster". She rolled her eyes and agreed. He drove with her in the passenger seat and then turned on the radio. He laughed as Industry Baby played.
They drove a couple minutes in silence listening to Montero signing but when Jacks verse came up he held back on signing his own lyrics. He didn't want to look corny. Solána didn't care. She started rapping the lyrics with her chest. Jack was happy to stop at a red light to be able to take the full sight in.
My track record so clean
They couldn't wait to just bash me
I must be gettin' too flashy
Y'all shouldn't have let the world gas me
It's too late 'cause I'm here to stay
And these girls know that I'm nasty
I sent her back to her boyfriend
With my handprint on her ass cheek
She rapped and Jack refrained from laughing from his side of the car. He never wanted her to stop. As the light went green she continued signing the rest of the verse and the entire time Jack was smiling. By the time he was at another light she was almost done.
Where's y'all sense of humor?
Once she was at the end he finally listened to her,
I didn't peak in high school, I'm still out here gettin' cuter
All these social networks and computers
Got these pussies walkin' 'round like they ain't losers
He never got a chance to ask her how she felt about his music but clearly she had good taste. Jack was still smiling while SZA nervously watched him. Usually she'd have some quick reply but she had nothing. She had to sing his song, it was tempting her.
He finally gave a laugh out of reflex. She sucked her teeth, "we at the hospital boy shut up." She growled growing a fake attitude as Jack smiled harder.
"Do you really think I'm out here getting cuter?" Jack asked before getting at the car and opening the right side of the car. He stood face to face with her and now she was smiling. It was an honest joke but something made SZA say yes.
"Definitely." She added before looking into his eyes and realized what she wanted. She kissed him. Sending a shock through him. She really kissed me. He kissed her back to make sure that he wasn't tripping out, this time it was faster. Like she was waiting for him. Was I missing something?
He didn't care if he was.
From across the parking lot a teenage girl recognized the two idols, kissing?! She laughed to herself before snapping a picture. She wondered how much money she would get from releasing it. She didn't have to wait too long to find out.
an: she's so annoying for taking a picture of them 💀 I love saying stuff like this and then writing it and letting it happen anyways LMFOAOAOAO
vote <3
And yeah if you guys think that Solána and Jack are "annoying" when they keep repeating how they feel and keep being scared it's part of the story. I feel like it's realistic to write about being scared to take the next step with someone because you don't want to get hurt. That's what SZAs been doing the past chapters, trying to avoid her feelings for Jack. And Jacks been scared of that too because he doesn't think that she actually likes him. And the end here kind of confirms their feelings for each other.
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