Solana stirs in the bed and whips her head up realizing where she was. She whips the blanket off her cool legs, she's wearing the exact same thing she was an hour ago. She checked her phone, three hours ago. She groaned out load.
She was there for almost two days at this point. She almost smiled but focused on something more important. She flexed her ankle. It was working, perfectly fine. Great. She was surprised that it healed that quickly, even though Jack said an hour she knew it always took way more.
But no. She felt great. She scratched her head and searched for her phone again as a quiet knock crept at the door, "Sol?" The voice whispered from the other side as she got herself together and lay back under the covers.
"Come in!" She shouted sheepishly as he did, looking at the advil and water on the table. His eyebrows furrowed and he glanced at her.
"Why didn't you take that?" He asked his voice dropping with worry. She looked at the pill and the full glass of water and her eyebrows crossed. She did take the pill and she drank the water. So why was it still there?
"My bad?" She asked like a question. She almost took the pill but remembered that she felt better. Jack came to the side of the bed and rubbed her leg in a slow motion getting a reaction from her. One that he craved more than anything lately.
She composed herself and asked, "what do you need?" She almost laughed at the question, what do you need in your own house? He bit his lip in concentration before fisting his hair and answering.
"You Solána." He answered using her full name for the first time ever. He looked at her deeply and she had no choice but to sit up in the bed. Her heart was racing at the confession. Her palms were sweaty as she played with her hands.
Jack was beside her in a couple of seconds, looking hungry, looking wild. "But I need you to say it. I need you to say I'm yours.." he whispered. She thought about it too long which she thought would deter him but instead he grabbed a hold of her lips in his and kissed her. Moving the sheet off her lap and directing her by her jaw on where he was headed they landed back on the bed.
Jack snuggled up to her, pressing another kiss on her mouth eagerly. They were chest to chest and Jack pulled away. His curls bouncing over his eyes as he held back a grin.
"You're mine.. you're mine Jack. I want you just to myself. Nobody else. Please." She begged with a groan and that was all he needed to move his hand under her back and—
SZA woke to a loud knocking noise and tried to pin together where her pain was coming from. She looked down at her swollen ankle and bit back a tear. It was worst than it was earlier. She was more afraid to tell Jack than anything.
Now that she knew he would take care of her she didn't want to take advantage. She sighed before hearing a louder knock at the door. "Sol are you alright?! I heard you call my name." She winced at the last part. Exactly how much did he hear her say?
She ignored him for a minute and closed her eyes tightly in order to remember exactly what happened in her dream. Her ankle was okay, the pills were back. She looked at the empty cup on her dresser. Jack kissed me. And he kissed her a couple times since she was there but this was different. She agreed to be his this time. And this time she wanted to.
All from the hallucinations of a dream she wanted them to be together. She groaned again, she couldn't be feeling this way about him. A month ago she hated him. And a couple hours ago she hooked up with him. Now he was playing doctor and she practically moved in with him. To top it off... she might be feeling something for him.
"Ok I'm coming in! I hope your decent!" He shouted before he opened the door and shielded his eyes from the room. She smirked as he hand dropped.
—"I'm decent Jack."
"Nothing I haven't seen already." He mumbled as she rolled her eyes and laughed. That was true. She thought back to why he was in his room in the first place.
—"I'm fine Jack." She filled the blanks in for him as he nodded unconvinced.
"Are you sure? If you're lying I will carry you again. But like a sack of potatoes." He threatened as she laughed out loud for the first time causing him to smile. He searched around the room in thought.
—"what're you doing Jack?" She asked as he acted like he was actually lost in thought inching closer and closer to her on the bed. She thought back to her dream and suddenly she was ready for him to do something, anything to her.
"How's your ankle?" He asked.
—"Fine." She lied. He nodded.
"You don't mind if I feel it do you?" He asked suspiciously. She nodded but really she was holding back her need to tell him not to. It didn't feel like anything but it was swollen. Touching it would definitely send pain through her.
She shrugged and threw the blanket off her foot. Any sign of Jacks playfulness was gone at the sight of a swollen ankle as he stared at her. He sucked his teeth, "do you lie about everything?" He grumbled trying not to let his personal problem with his feelings show but he couldn't help it.
She was too stubborn.
She had to know that he was going to touch her ankle, roughly or softly and it was going to hurt? How long until she would cave? How much would she pretend it didn't hurt even though he knew it did? He was amazed by the way she lied. Even seeing her ankle he could tell it was worst. So why did she lie? What was she covering up?
He thought he saw tears brimming her eyes so he dropped it and walked beside her. He played with her jaw and edge of her lips the way he imagined he could sometimes, "can you promise me something Sol?" She thought about it but reluctantly nodded and shoved her thoughts to the side.
"Can you promise no matter what, that you won't lie to me?" He begged softly and it was tearing him apart. The way he knew she was stubborn but still couldn't tell what was real and what was fake. Was this even happening right now?
The old her would have said no. Would've probably said hell no because it's impossible she'll always end up lying. But she knew from the way he was acting what he meant. Just tell some of the truth. "Yeah I will." She mumbled as jacks smile broke out.
"Ok good now that that's out of the way.." he switched topics making her confused. That was kind of a moment she just vowed not to lie which was impossible for her, what could be more important? "I'm taking you to the hospital. Don't argue with me. There's some clothes in that bag. Get dressed." He ordered in a nicer way than before and then left her room. His room.
an: yeah birthday update, y'all are so cute for wishing my happy birthday ily
I pre wrote a couple chapter so vote <3
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