me frend
Dir good ser
Dis is me finel leter. Me frend wil tak dis to ur door an wat to meet u. E will be polit I swar. If u be willin to elp plees talk to im bowt how u will. E will den com bak to me an tel me wot u plan to do.
If u choose not to elp I understand, I just ope ull consider ur moral judjment. Bt if u do be asurd we wont bover u agen.
I shal tel u abit bowt me frend befor I end dis leter. E is de sevenf child ov is parents. Only won to av reached beond infancee. Is muma passd wiv er ninth child six winters passd. Wiv just is dad lef tims be ard, if somting appens to is faver ell be alon in de world.
Ser I ask u not to look down lowly on im, bt his work be as a begger. I no dat sownds bad specially wen u work ard for a livin bt its is only opshon. It dos av benifits tho - es veree good at avoydin de law - so es been veree elpful in gettin to u. Mayb in de future ell get enuf to mov into an era were e can get a desent career.
Tis qit a funny storee ow we becam frends. See Id traveld for nerly a ol mun sicl, to find tings to tak bak an elp me peepol. I no its bad bt steelin is de only way to surviv. It ad been my first trip beond de dump me first jurne in me ris to savyor. Der was a lot ridin on me.
After a long tim of lon travol I ear speech lik me own - not a wild cretur. So I eded towards de sownd. Beind de nos wos a smol gray man hoow lookd so frayl. E was showtin at a smol kid wiv wiery ar, E cried.
"Pap I trid I rily did. Bt nowon notises me no mor. No won will giv nothin."
"Im too ol an frayl wot appens wen Im gon? U cant even beg!"
I felt for dis kid yet wot wos is faver woryed bowt - I didnt beg an from de look ov dem dey wer in a better stat dan me. For won dey had cloves on der bak.
Well as u will av gessd ser, I went an spok to em. Dey took me in dow it ment dey ad an extra mof to feed. I told dem ol bowt me destiny an got old of som tings for dem. I took on me frends begin as e went in look of a new way to liv. E travelled far an wid.
E met a old woman, she livd alown findin space on de streets each night. Me frend told er eveytin. She told him er storee - in er uth she married a yung chap an for menee yers dey wer appy.
Dey wernt lucky enuf to av children an er ol chap passd on wen she wos still farly yung. Bt coz of de way society works after e died she lost er om. Be only a room bt it wos der room, der om. She found work as a livin cleaner at non other dan ur own om.
Dat ser is ow we fownd u. She told im wot a wonderful employer u wer ow u fownd er a job coz she was owt on er own. Eventho u ad to let er go wen she wos incapobol of workin, u gav er som stuff to keep er goin for a few months.
Dis wos wen me frend desidid u wer gona be de won to elp. So e startid watchin u. Findin owt wen u wer om, hoow you talk to. Susin owt hoow e wood ask u. Dats wen e cam up wiv de idea ov writin. De only trubol is e didnt no ow. Dats wen e startid sneekin to sit beind de door at de scool ner u.
Won day a boy spotid im. Dey startid talkin an elped me frend get beter. We r reely gratful for im. I wish to meet im an fank im if I ever get de opertunity.
I will lev it er. Wever u elp or not fanks for redin wot i av sed. I will let u del wiv dis as u will. Fanks
My Friend
Dear good sir
This is my final letter. My friend will take this to your door and wait to meet you. He will be polite I swear. If you be willing to help please talk to him about how you will. He will then come back to me and tell me what you plan to do.
If you choose not to help I understand, I just hope you'll consider your moral judgement. But if you don't, be assured we won't bother you again.
I shall tell you a bit about my friend before I end this letter. He is the seventh child of his parents. Only one to have reached beyond infancy. His muma passed with her ninth child, six winters passed. With just his dad left times are hard, if something happens to his father he'll be alone in the world.
Sir I ask you not to look down lowly on him, but his work be as a begger. I know that sounds bad especially when you work hard for a living but it's his only option. It dose have av benefits though - he's very good at avoiding the law - so he's been very helpful in getting to you. Maybe in the future he'll get enough to move into an area were he can get a decent career.
It is quite a funny story how we became friends. See I'd traveled for nearly a whole moon cycle, to find things to take back and help my people. I know its bad but stealing is the only way to survive. It had been my first trip beyond the dump, my first journey in my rise to saviour. There was a lot riding on me.
After a long time of travel I hear speech like my own - not a wild creature. So I headed towards the sound. Behind the noise was a small gray man who looked so frail. He was shouting at a small kid with wiery hair, he cried.
"Pap I tried I really did. But no one notices me no more. No one will give nothing."
"I'm too old and frail what happens when I'm gone? You can't even beg!"
I felt for this kid yet what was his father worried about - I didn't beg and from the look of them they were in a better state than me. For one they had clothes on their back.
Well as you will have guessed sir, I went and spoke to them. They took me eventhough it meant they had an extra mouth to feed. I told them all about my destiny and got hold of some things for them. I took on me friends begging as he went in look of a new way to live. He travelled far and wide.
He met a old woman, she lived alone finding space on the streets each night. Me friend told her everything. She told him her story - in her youth she married a young chap and for many years they were happy.
They weren't lucky enough to have children and her old chap passed on when she was still fairly young. But because of the way society works after he died she lost her home. It was only a room but it was there room, there home. She found work as a livin cleaner at non other than your own home.
That sir is how we found you. She told him what a wonderful employer you were, how you found her a job, when she was out on her own. Eventhough you had to let her go when she was incapable of working, you gave her some stuff to keep her going for a few months.
This was when my frend decided you were going to be the one to help. So he started watching you. Finding out when you were home, who you talk to. Sussing out how he would ask you. That's when he came up with the idea of writing. The only trouble is he didn't know how. That's when he started sneaking to sit beind the door at the school near you.
One day a boy spotted him. They started talking and helped my frend get better. We are really grateful for him. I wish to meet him and thank him if I ever get the opportunity.
I will leave it here. Whether you help or not thanks for reading what I have said. I will let you deal with this as you will. Thanks
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