It's gonna kinda be like Canon but with more of a twist
Third Pov
It's another day in Paris with a certain Feline superhero pacing around "Oh, what if he took a wrong turn" Adrien said worryingly, Plagg rolled his eye's at the blond-haired boy, "How can he take a wrong turn it's the school" Plagg said frustrated with the boy's worrying, he asked Mari to get helmet from home cause his bodyguard couldn't go and Natalie is too busy, Adrien kept Pacing when he heard the locker room open to reveal Mari in a fencing outfit with two helmet's "Sorry I took so long Adrien, when you said you forgot your helmet for fencing, I wanted to go practice with you, Cause I used to do fencing and I decided why not to practice" Mari said with a smiling face, Adrien felt his cheek's heat up "O-oh well um yeah you can join" He said smiling sheepishly, but on the inside he was super happy, cause his Mari wanted to spend more time with him.
A few minutes later there was a sweating Adrien on the ground with a sword pointed at his chest, "Wow Mari I didn't know you were that good" Adrien said a little embarrassed that he got beaten so easily, Mari smiles as he lends a hand at Adrien when he saw a random person come up to Mr. D'Argentcourt " Hey, you! Are you Mr. D'Argencourt, the fencing master? I wanna join your team." said the masked figure, Mari put on his helmet and walked near where the conversation was, " Only the best are admitted here, you knave." The professor said, " If you beat one of my student's you shall win", "Adrien come-", Mr. D'Argentcourt was cut off when Adrien said something very surprising "Actually, Professor I think they should fight against Mari, know that would show if she can be apart of the team".
Both Mari and the masked figure (Keep in mind Kagami doesn't know how Mari look's like) were hooked up to the Machine " Ready! and start!" Mr. D'Argentcourt yelled, and in less than a minute both of them were tied. This kept on for several Minutes until the masked person suggested to not be hooked up like a real fencing match, Luckily Mr. D'Argentcourt agreed to this compromise and thus begone the real fight, Mari and the masked figure lunged each at other a third-time sabers clashing. Mari hits a post dodging them and the fight makes it upstairs to the second level, Adrien amazed as he was seeing the action, but was having a lot of harder time of seeing so he ran to the other flight of stairs.
Mari and the masked figure kept clashing, the masked person almost pinning Mari but failing, they kept fencing until they headed to the Library, busting the doors open, hitting books and shelves, Mr. D'Argentcourt getting stuck with the hoard of students tries to push throw " Let me through! Move-" He was about to finish when a Library cart crashed into him sending him to the wall, Mari and the masked figure were still clashing with only Adrien able to watch, but when both of them hit each other a book was sent down to Adriens face him not knowing who won.
Both Mari and the masked figure turned to Adrien "So who got the first hit! who!" the masked figure yelled impatiently, Adrien tried to think about this Logically, If he chose Mari that might get him a better shot with him, so he did the most logical thing "Um... I think it was Mari" when he said that the professor and the rest of the students were there too, "Ah~ if I know correctly Mari you attend this Academy as a school am I right," the professor asked as Mari nodded his head, and Mr. D'Argentcourt nodded his head in satisfaction "Ah-ha! another Victory to honor D'Argentcourt Academy!" He said proudly, then the masked figure sighed in defeat, and took off their helmet to reveal a beautiful girl with short Jet black hair and red-ish eyes and light freckles littered on her face, She goes up to Mari to shake his hand when he took off his helmet.
Kagami's Pov
The man I fenced with took off his helmet, I could feel the heat rise up to my cheeks, He had the same colored hair as me, bright bluebell eyes and, with perfect perfect pink lips and an adorable button Nose, he smiled at me before looking at Adrien if you just look at him, you could tell he has a crush on MY Mari which does not sit well with me, than he started to speak his voice sounding like angels "Are you sure Adrien, I think she touched me first" he said vouching for me, Adrien scratched the back of his neck and tried making excuses, Mari apologieses and heads to the Bathroom, All the students wen't back to training as I looked at Adrien with a scowl, "Stay away from MY Mari, got that" I said with venom in my voice, he looked at me shocked then looked at me with Narrowed eyes " I knew him longer, and know more about him so..., I think I have a better chance at beating you thank you ever had at making the team" He said then turned away.
Saying I was mad, was an understatement, I was furious, I roughly opened my door and dropped my Fencing sword on the ground than getting in the car, I looked at my ring and started to cry, Not only I dishonored my Family, I finally like someone and their gonna slip right through my finger's, why do I have to be such a disappointment
Third Pov (Meanwhile)
"Ah~ A champion whose victory was stolen and with her prince goes with it... Crushing defeat is the Ideal steel with which form a blade of revenge" Hawk moth said in his Lair "Fly away my little Akuma and Evilize that fencer!" Hawkmoth Yelled as he grinned letting go of the purple butterfly.
As Mari Leaves the Bathroom he sees Kagami's gone, he gained a look of disappointment before running out of the school, seeing Kagami's car leave he sighs until he spots an Akuma and Gains a look of panic, "An Akuma! Quick Tikki we need to capture it before Akumatizes someone" Mari said heading toward the Metro station "Tikki, Spots on! Ha!" Mari says turning into Bugboy and uses his yo-yo heading toward Kagami's car.
Adrien was feeling proud of himself, He stood up to himself for his crush, as he was walking out he spotted his bodyguard 'Gorilla' and hoped into the vehicle feeling happy for himself.
Kagami was still feeling down he called her mother only to be left on voice mail, " Mom, you thought I was good enough... but I lost, I won't be going to D'Argencourt Academy or be with Mari" She says the last part a little more Quitely when a purple butterfly got absorbed by her ring, " Riposte! I am Hawkmoth, I'm giving you a second chance best fencer and are worth that Mari Boy but in return, you must give me BugBoy and Chat Noir's Miraculous" Hawkmoth said with an evil grin "I shall be Victories!" Kagami yelled as she transformed into Riposte.
Bugboy was swinging through the city looking for the Akuma when a suddenly a strong gust of wind goes near him destroying part of a build "Bugboy give me your Miraculous and Mari Dupaing-chang" Reposte yelled, Bugboy was confused "I understand Miraculous but why me?" He thought to himself when another swing came at him, He jumped up avoiding the hit when Reposte looked over to Adrien's car, she gained a glint in her eye's as she jumped up cutting the car in half "Adrien Agreste" she said with venom in her voice " Finally I can end this once and for all!" She said about hit her sword at him but all she hit was Cushion, "W-what the!" she yelled as her sword got stuck while bugboy was holding Adrien bridal style jumping from building to building to going to his room and dropping him off there "Stay here, It's not safe" He said waving bye as he was thinking of a plan.
Adrien's Pov
As Bugboy left, I opened my jacket letting Plagg out "C'mon Plagg Bugboy needs us" I say handing him some cheese "Plagg, Claws out!" I say as I transform into Chat Noir.
BugBoy Pov
As I swing into an Ally detransforming cause I came up with the perfect plan, I hand Tikki a cookie as I see Chat Noir, I call him over "Hi, Chat I need some help" he looks at me then gave me a Flirtatious look, oh boy "Well my Prrrince how may the great Chat Noir be of service" he says's lifting an eyebrow with a grin, I roll my eyes then whisper him the plan
Time by the one and only Chat Noir
I walk into the Egyptian Museum pretending to be Unsuspecting when I see the roof being blown off and Reposte entering "Mari! I Demand a Rematch" she yelled determined, I gave a 'Worried' Look "K-Kagami is that you" I say fake shaking, her face softened for a sec before going back to serious "Yes! It is me Now we will commence battle and when I win you will be my-" she didn't get to finish as Chat Noir was about to hit her from behind, they started to engage in combat, as they were I sneaked away and transformed "Tikki, spots on! Ha!" I yell as Transformed.
I swung into the battle helping out Chat Noir "Lucky Charm!" I say as my yo-yo goes up and then a Radiator appears, "A Radiator?" what am I supposed to do with this, Chat just look's at it "Great that really heats things up" I roll my eyes at the joke as I use my Bug sense and get an Idea "Chat I'm going to need your Belt" I yell at him, he looks at me weirdly then Nods and gives it to me I then throw the Radiator at Chat, which he holds out so Riposte runs it through, then I hook Chats belt around Riposte's sword, Chat then Activates Cataclysm destroying the sword, letting the Akuma free, "Gotcha! bye, bye little butterfly, Miracoulse bugboy! I say throwing the Lucky charm in the air, then sneaking off "Spots off" I say as Tikki goes and hides in my bag.
I see Chat comforts Kagami a bit before he leaves, I see Kagami out in the entrance I then waved at her as she smiled "Listen I-" She was about to finish when I cut her off "It's ok, Adrien just didn't see who won" I said as I gave her a small chuckle, I see her cheeks get red, I wonder does she have a fever, I then hold out her saber in front of her "You deserve this" She smiled and took it, she then frowned a little "So you and Adrien..." She started, I was little taken back before I smiled "No, no, no we're just friends" (I just cringed 😑) she then smiled and said bye.
Adrien pov
"No, no, no we're just friend's" Plagg starts giggling "Wow, I didn't know he valued friendship so much" he said still laughing " I know, great he likes me but I want him to LIIIIIKKKKKEEEEE me" I say hugging myself he just laughs as I call the Gorilla.
Yay me finished second chapter Imma die know byeee~~~
1957 words
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