Moments later, The Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, Lana, Luna and myself were lined up ready to make our way into the fireplace. Since Harry was one of the supposed 'guests of honor' along with Lana, Luna, Hermione and me, he was able to go first.
"Right. Here we are, Harry." Mrs.Weasley said. "You go first."
"Mum, Harry's never traveled by Floo powder before." Ron said.
"Floo powder?" Harry asked.
"Oh well, you go first Ron, so that Harry can see how it's done." Mrs. Weasley said.
Ron stepped in, took a handful of the powder and held out his hand for Harry to watch. He shouted, "Diagon Alley!" and dropped the powder, just like how we did earlier, and was consumed in the green fire.
"You see? It's quite easy, dear. Don't be afraid." Mrs.Weasley said in a motherly tone as Harry stepped inside. " That's right. Now take your Floo powder. Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly."
She then held out her hand over the rest of her children, protecting them from the flames. Luna stood behind me just to be sure.
Harry dropped the powder and the fire consumed him. But he did not say the correct name. "What did he say?" Mrs. Weasley asked.
"I think he said, 'Diagonally' of something along the line of that." I said.
"I mean, it is similar to Diagon Alley." Lana reasoned. "He might not be away from where we are going."
Eventually, All of the Weasleys and the rest of us made our way to Diagon Alley. Turns out Harry got himself teleported to Knockturn Alley, the darker part of Diagon Alley. Hagrid was also there himself looking for Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent. Hermione and I ran into them while Lana was going around with Luna to get her supplies and her wand.
"What did you do to your glasses, Harry?" Hermione asked as we found him. She took out her wand from her pocket and pointed it to his glasses. "Oculus reparo." Harry's glasses removed any speck of dust and fixed the bridge, just like it did last year.
"You'll be right now then, Harry?" Hagrid said to him. "Right, I'll leave yeh to it, then. Nice seeing yeh again, Y/N, Hermione." He said as he went off on his way.
"Come on!" Hermione said to Harry. "Everyone's been so worried."
"Yeah, mate!" I said. "But seriously, Diagonally? You've been here before, right?"
Harry shrugged as we went towards Flourish and Blotts (Which has got to be my favorite shop here) to join up with Lana, Luna and the Weasleys to get our books. I was quite excited to see any books around until I saw the sign on the outside.
Will be signing copies of his autobiography
Today 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.
"Oh, what the f-"
Lana POV
"-ricking hell?!?" Y/N said as he entered the shop with Hermione and Harry.
"I know, right?" I said as I stared at the crowd. "People actually like his books. He's not even that good of a writer!"
"Who's Gilderoy Lockhart?" Harry asked.
"He's a writer here, Harry." Hermione said. "He's written a lot of works, but he doesn't seem like he knows much."
'He was 4 years down from our mum's year." Y/N said. "He had an enormous ego and thought he was a genius."
I'm honestly disappointed that man was sorted into Ravenclaw.
"Ladies and gentlemen." a voice said. "Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart."
A man came out of the curtain with curly hair and a ridiculous smile on his face. He proceeded to wave to everyone and posed for the cameras around.
"Let me by, madam, Thank you." A photographer said as he pushed through Mrs. Weasley. "Excuse me, girls. This is for the Daily Prophet." He then pushed by Luna and Ginny watching the author.
Lockhart then stopped posing as he started to stare in our direction. "It can't be-- Harry Potter?"
"Harry Potter?" The photographer said as he pushed back to get to Harry, where Y/N stood in the way of him, protecting Harry, but the photographer pushed him out of the way. Hermione had helped him up after that.
'Arsehole.' I heard Y/N in his thoughts.
Lockhart then made his way to us and stood near Harry, who didn't look impressed by the man.
"Nice big smile, Harry." Lockhart directed. "Together you and I will make the front page!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is. When young Harry stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me..."
'He was doing anything OTHER than that.' Y/N and I thought at the same time. Even Hermione was thinking the same thing.
(A/N: Hermione does not like Lockhart in this either!)
"...Which, incidentally is currently celebrating it's 27th week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list, he had no idea that he would, in fact, be leaving... with my entire collected works, free of charge. Now, ladies?"
Many ladies started clapping and cheering for the both of them. Now Harry had a whole stack of toture. I bet he would take a month full of detention with Snape instead of reading all of his works.
"But he and friends had no idea that they would shortly be getting much, much more than my book, Magical Me. They and their school friends will, in fact, be getting the real, magical me."
Wait, what?
"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure and pride in announcing that, this September, I will be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"
Many people cheered more at this sudden revelation, while most of us cringed at the idea of the idea of him teaching us.
I mean, what is going to have us do? Sign his fan mail?!
As Harry received his books, Mrs.Weasley took his books. "I'll get them all signed. All of you wait outside."
We made our way towards the exit, ready to forget that Lockhart would be our teacher. Until another certain demented idiot decided to make his presense known.
"I'll bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?" Draco Malfoy said as he walked down a staircase. "Famous Harry Potter! Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."
"Oh, yay!" Y/N said humorlessly. "Look, it's another idiot. Can't wait to see what this one will do." Hermione stood next to him and held his hand while Luna stood behind them.
"Leave him alone." Ginny said as she walked up and looked up at Draco's eyes.
"Oh look, Potter, Lovegood." He said as he looked at Y/N and Hermione. "You've got yourselves girlfriends!"
Hermione then started to blush madly as she heard Malfoy say that last word while Y/N still held on to her hand. Her thoughts are really overwhelming my mind.
'Oh my gosh, why did he have to say that?! I mean, I don't mind, but he had to say that here and now of all places?!' She thought to herself. I think I may have to talk to her about this.
"Now, now Draco. Play nicely." A man with long blond hair who stood above us before solely looking at Harry. "Mr.Potter... Lucius Malfoy. We finally met at last. Forgive me, your scar is legend and, of course, is the wizard who gave you it."
"Yeah, who cares, Lucius?" Y/n said, addressing him directly. "Bet you enjoyed that last part, didn't you? Love to talk all about him."
"Mr. Lovegood." Mr. Malfoy said to him as Y/N scoffed. " Very nice to see you again."
"Not nice to you either."
"Do you have a sarcastic remark for everything?" He asked.
"NO." Y/N said sarcastically. (Try to guess where this is from!)
"Voldemort killed my parents." Harry said. "He was nothing more than a murderer."
"Hmm. You must be very brave, to mention his name... or very foolish."
"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." Hermione stated.
"And you must be... Miss Granger." Mr. Malfoy said as Y/N protectively held Hermione's hand once more as he continued his glare at both Malfoys. "Yes, Draco's told me all about you, and your parents. Muggles, aren't they?"
That's when Y/N and I clenched our teeth. How dare he say that about our best friend. "Why does it matter to you, who she is!" Y/N said.
"Of course, you'd say that, since you hate Muggles!" I said.
"She has as much a right to be here with us, so you shut your damn mouth before you say another bad thing about Muggles!" Y/N shouted at him. I swear some books behind us just crashed to the ground while Paper and parchment flew around in a storm. Hermione looked back at him and pulled herself closer to him.
Lucius flinched as he watched what happened behind us while he carried Ginny's items in one hand and placed them back in the cauldron she was carrying. I think he might have put something else in there too...
'Oh my word.' I heard him say in his mind. Y/N was staring at him with another glare. He must have heard him too.
"Children, it's mad in here!" Mr. Weasley said. "Let's go outside."
"Well, well, well. Weasley senior."
"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this, I'd say not. What's the use in being a disgrace to the name of a wizard if they don't even pay you well for it."
"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizards, Malfoy."
"Clearly. Associating with Muggles... and I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work."
"See you at school." Malfoy sneered.
"Can't wait to see you either." I said sarcastically. 'Stalker.'
Hermione POV
As the Malfoys left the shop, I found myself standing closer to Y/N. I couldn't believe how Lana and him were defending me from Draco's father. It made me like Y/N even more. I can see the resemblance between the Malfoys.
"Hey, 'Mione." Y/N said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay?"
"U-umm, yeah, I think." I said to him. "Thank you for that though, it means a lot to me."
"Of course, Mione." He said sweetly. "He had no right, calling you out like that. Hate the Malfoys, honestly. All of them being fricking-"
I cut him off with a bear hug and placed my head under his.
"Thank you anyway, Y/N." I muttered.
"Always welcome, Hermione." He said in my ear. As we separated, he then looked to Harry and Ron and then back at me.
"I have to go look for a gift since our birthdays are coming up, so I'll see you in a bit?" He asked.
"Oh, yes, of course." I said as I blushed. "I'll go around with Luna and Lana. Might even be a good time to tell Luna about our first year too." I teased at him.
He smirked before leaving with Harry and Ron to look for the gifts. As the boys left, Lana, Luna and I then went around Diagon Alley, looking for nice gifts for our birthdays.
As Luna stepped ahead with her wand on top of her left ear, Lana then came closer.
"Hey, Hermione?" She asked. "May I ask you a question?"
"Of course, Lana." I said. "You're my best friend, too."
"Okay then, here goes," She said as she cleared her throat. "Do you fancy my brother?"
I stopped walking. My cheeks went hot as they went a dark shade of red. My heart stopped for a moment before I managed to say, "How did you know?" softly as she softly smiled.
"When Malfoy was in the store and said that you and Ginny were Y/N and Harry's girlfriends, your thoughts were the only thing I could hear." She explained. "Also you got really flustered after he asked if you were okay."
"Oh my," I said with a sigh. "I forgot you and Y/N are Legilimens. Wait, how come he didn't read my mind then?" I asked her.
"We did some research on that over the summer." She said. "Y/N was focusing on his hate for the Malfoys and defending you, so he didn't hear your thoughts."
"Oh, that does make sense." I said. "But please, don't tell anyone that I like him, okay? I don't want to ruin our friendship. I care about him a lot."
"Of course I won't tell anyone, 'Mione." She said as she patted my shoulder. "But you're my best friend and you like my brother, and that doesn't matter. If you like him, go for him. I'm supporting you on it. I would even help you out with it, too."
I looked at her with a hopeful look. "Thanks, Lana. I appreciate it."
"Anytime." She said with a smile. "He does care about you, too."
That last comment made me smile a bit. It was nice to know that he cared about me too. I pulled something that was hanging from around my neck. It was the sapphire necklace that he surprised me with on my birthday. I never took it off ever since he put it around my neck unless I had to take it off. Otherwise, it stayed on my neck. I thought to myself. 'Maybe he likes me too...'
'Hopefully he feels the same...'
Harry POV
Y/N, Ron and I were walking around Diagon Alley to help Y/N look for some gifts for birthdays coming up. Ron wanted to go into the broomshop to look at some new brooms. There were some new models, but I wanted to stick with my Nimbus 2000s. A new model was out now, but I found the older Nimbus is still as good.
As we entered the Broomshop, Ron ran around to look at the Nimbus 2001s while Y/N and I were admiring the others.
"Hey, Harry," Y/N said. "Second-years can try-out for Quidditch now, right?"
"Yep, that's what Wood said." I said. "Are you trying out this year?"
"Yep, I was gonna try for Seeker, but since you have that position, I think I'll go with Chaser." Y/N said. "I tried out some new skills over the summer, I think I might make the team."
"Good luck then, mate." I said as I patted his shoulder. "Also, it was nice of you to defend Hermione like that from the Malfoys."
He blushed at the mention of her name."Of course, Harry. You saw how much I dislike Draco, I dislike his father even more. They had no right to talk to her like that."
Yep, he definitely likes her.
We continued to walk around a bit more in Diagon Alley while Y/N went through some stores and eventually got some gifts. We then met up with the rest of the Weasleys and the girls and went back to the Burrow.
For the next couple of days, the twins, Ron, and I spent our time playing a couple rounds of Quidditch while Y/N and Hermione sat by a tree reading some books. Luna was getting to know Ginny and Lana was watching us next to Hermione. It was a couple of eventful days in the month of August. Even more was going on than that. Ron and I engaged each other in a game of Wizard's chess once again, and Ron won of course, just like last Christmas. Ginny and Luna became better friends and are practically inseparable almost like Y/N and Hermione. And speaking of the two, after our encounter with Malfoy, they haven't left each other's side.
They always hang out with each other, getting ready for our second year and just catching up with each other. They practically act like a married couple. And all of this happened without a single annoying visit from Dobby.But eventually August came to an end and it was time to head back to Hogwarts.
Hopefully Dobby won't do something crazy again. I've had to be locked in my room because of that little elf.
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