We had informed the pack that we would be hunting down Lock down and whoever he worked for. This instigated a buzz, however not a negative one. Everyone had heard tales of Lockdown hunting our kind and that brought him plenty of negative attention. He needed to be stopped and we were among the only one's able to pull it off.
I summoned my council consisting of: Dark Horse, Bee, Storm Watch, Back Lash, Saw Bones, and Bandit.
"Our first step should be returning to where Jaws and Saw Back first found their operation." Dark Horse put in. I nodded before deploying Saw Back to be part of the meeting.
"I think we should scout it out tonight and use the dark to our advantage. We can preform recon and probably take 'em out easy if we play our cards right." Storm Watch said.
"We should keep in mind that they may have abandoned the location." Bandit brought up, ever helpful pessimist.
"We can track them if they did," Backlash assured him.
"Agreed, we will scout tonight. If they seem undefended we will take out their instillation." I decided as we begin to break off and return to our business while we waitted for darkness.
Bee found me later, hanging by my tail in a tree, "What's up? Aside from you." He corrected. "Not much. I'm just trying to kill time." I answered, he waited, knowing me better than that. "And worrying about the operation tonight too I guess."
"Worrying about what?" He asked
"Well, when we were there last night I encountered only two other predacons, but there are obviously more, but how many more? I'm sure everyone else wondered this too, and that's why we're scouting first, but still, what if? Ya know?" I said letting my worries out into the air ahead of me.
"I guess it's a risk sure, but like you said that's why you're scouting first, right? Hiw bad could it be?" He asked trying to put my mind at ease, he did the exact opposite.
"Primus, they could have an army," I said letting my mind run, "What do we do then? They have so many bones, they could mass produce predacon kind. What do we do then? How do we fight that kind of power?" I worried letting my self control slip. Bee was one of the few I had given myself permission to let that happen in front of.
I slowly descended to the ground, feeling a deep sense of dread settle like a hole in my chest. "Then we'll beat 'em, we always do. And we'll do it together," he said placing his hand on my shoulder, there was something that always calmed me down about his touch. I sighed, "Yeah," nodding, "Guess we will." I calmed. I noticed my senses sharpening in the fading light levels, "It's getting late, let's get moving." I said, my level headedness restored.
We arrived among the others who we had decided would be part of our initial scouting group. On it was: Dark, Turn and Burn, Hack Saw, Storm Watch, Bandit, Bee, and Iron Bolt. After a general consensus, we were all ready to fly.
After half an hour of flight to the south west the facility came into view. My gaze fell on the disk attached to my wing. I had brought Saw Back along as he seemed keen on helping us. I wasn't planning to refuse his offer. Besides, something told me even if I had left him at the cave he would had just run the rout.
We landed and began to spread out looking through the building. It seemed abandon, as we feared might happen. I walked with Dark and Bee rode on my back as he usually did. We were silent, listening. The silence was broken by a gun shot, and I felt immense pain in my right shoulder throwing me off for a second. I deployed Saw Back and Bee hopped off my back. I snapped back and my senses sharpened, my pupils thinning. My shoulder was damaged, but those were normal guns, and this was predacon armor.
I turned to Dark who was fighting 5 or so beta predacon clones. Great. It was an ambush just as we had thought. I quickly jumped in assisting Dark. Bee and Saw Back were fighting back 2 other predacons. I was pretty impressed to say the least given the sheer size difference.
The predacon clones began to move away from one wall in particular. It worried me, they seemed to know something we didn't. Then a sound made its way to my ear. In that moment the world seemed to almost stop. C4! As if we don't have enough slag to deal with. I attempted to shield them from the blast but my best efforts only move the others a bit further from it. I on the other claw was caught in it completly. I felt flame mark my plating and the sound of the explosion deafen me. I hit the ground hard it took me a moment to stand, audio receptors ringing.
Bee rushed over to me while Dark lept up to chase the preds who were running, Saw Back followed him. But from the shadows came Lockdown. Yeah, this was definitely a trap. I growled standing slowly, too slowly. He ran up and slammed something syringe looking through my weakened shoulder plating. I attempted to take a swipe at him but exhaustion over came me and darkness swept me away.
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