28 |The Battle That He Won|
She tossed and turned, gripping the sheets of the bed with sweat running down her face profusely.
It was haunting her that Samar almost killed her. Everything was going so fast it reminded her about the car accident.
Both memories flashed before her eyes making her panic.
Soham felt her constant movement and slowly opened his eyes only to see her tossing and turning.
"Sanyukta?" he asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes yawning.
He sat up and held her shoulders trying to wake her up as he now realized that she was having a nightmare.
"Sanyukta wake up."
She continued to twist and turn, throwing her hands in the process.
"Sanyukta it's me Soham, wake up. Sanyukta-"
She jumped up not allowing him to finish, breathing heavily holding his hands.
"It's okay. It's me." His calm and gentle voice made her realize it was really him and she hugged him tightly.
"Calm down nothing will happen to you. I am here."
He broke the hug and made her lay back down, taking her into his embrace.
He still remembers when she did this to him when he had a nightmare and though he was against it, she still held him in her embrace making him feel at peace.
She drifted off to sleep, hugging him tightly with her head resting on his chest.
'The attacker who tried to kill Soham Verma's wife, Mrs. Sanyukta Verma is now in police custody and that person is none other than Samar Choudary, Nitin Choudary's eldest son.
Sources have it that he tried to kill to her to get revenge for being humiliated at his father's business party.
It is also taken into consideration that the accident or attempt of murder on Rajveer Ahuja is also linked with him trying to kill Mrs. Sanyukta Verma.
Nitin Choudary-'
"Why did you turn off the television?" Sanyukta asked as she got up off the couch.
"These media reporters haven't nothing else to do. How did they even find out about this?"
"Wait, they said that my dad's accident could be an attempt of murder. Did you file-"
"Yes I filed a case and I have my evidence to prove it," he told confidently.
"It was a mere accident Soham. Who would want to-" before she could finish she saw Nikhil and Akhil dragging her father's lawyer into the house.
"Mr. Singh!" she exclaimed, walking briskly over to him as he was bleeding badly. "What did you do Soham?"
"Let him tell you himself sweetheart."
"You kidnapped my dad's lawyer to prove your point?"
"I had to! I knew that something was wrong because dad had no plans of going out that day and Mr. Singh told me that same day he was leaving for Bangalore to visit his dad.
When dad said that he went to meet Mr. Singh, I grew suspicious and I had to him kidnap and torture until he told me the truth."
"I'm sorry Sanyukta beti. I made a big mistake. I let you and your father down," he spoke breaking down into tears.
"What do you mean?"
"Randhir Verma wants your father's business so that he can easily run it into losses and eventually shut down, and to achieve this he convinced your dad to let you marry Soham.
He told me that if I could make Rajveer execute his will early he would pay me 5 million dollars. I got greedy and expected the deal.
Randhir knew that he would leave everything in your name including his business so he planned to kill Rajveer after he executed the will, and after that forge your signature and sign the document the state that you officially sign over your father's business into his name and kill you right after.
The accident that happened was planned by him and the attack that happened on you yesterday was planned by him and Samar.
I am sorry beti. Please forgive me."
The ground slipped from under her feet when she heard this. It felt like someone stabbed her into her heart with knife.
Not only was her marriage fixed off of betrayal, she was being lied to by almost everyone she trusted and loved.
Yes, she loved Soham's parents just like he do. They might be horrible people but she was taught to love the people who hate you, help the people who envy you and forgive the people who betray you.
She didn't trust them now as much as she used to but the fact that they only wanted her as their daughter in law was to get her father's company and in the end kill the both of them, hurt her.
Not too long ago she found out she was adopted and lied to by her father and now she was being told that she was being betrayed and lied to by her own second parents, her in laws.
Sanyukta wondered why, why was she being lied to by the people around her. Do they think that she was just an object to be played with?
Her father lying to her was reasonable, there was a feeling behind that but her in laws wanted to kill her for a company in which she was going to give to Soham for him to come out of his parent's hell.
She was screaming but only the wind could hear how broken and shattered she was.
It couldn't be heard by the others but it was loud and painful with many emotions in it.
She was now on the floor hugging herself questioning her life. Soham knew she was heartbroken and so was he.
His own father was going to kill his wife just for a mere company. He knew his father was a beast, but he never knew he could stoop low.
When he found out he wanted to confront his father so badly but he didn't have the courage to. He was still scared of him though he was a grown man.
The mental, emotional and not to forget the physical abuse his father put him through in his childhood did a toll on him. He couldn't even build up the courage to talk to him then how could he confront him?
Instead, he informed the police and provided them with the substantial evidence they needed, but the bastards wanted to cover it up as he was talking about THE Randhir Verma.
After gathering all that confidence to inform the police about his DAD, he wasn't going to let it go to waste.
He threatened them that it was either they arrest his father or enjoy trying to provide for their families when they are jobless.
When they agreed he felt so good. It felt like someone was finally pulling that knife out heart and soul after all of those years.
He felt FREE.
"The police are on their way to the house now. To arrest him."
Sanyukta quickly turned her head to face him in shock. She couldn't believe her ears.
The man who feared his father and still do, called the police on him.
It was unbelievable. She felt so good that Soham was slowly breaking out of his shell and she only wishes for him to continue.
Wiping her tears she got up and walked away without saying anything.
"Sanyukta where are you going? Sanyukta!"
Verma Mansion
"Randhir Verma!" she yelled barging into the house furiously, her hands now clenched tightly.
"You bitch! You did this didn't you? I am guessing that Singh told you everything huh?" Randhir said bitterly as he struggled in the hold of the police officer.
"Yes he did! Don't you feel ashamed? Just for ONE company you were willing to kill two innocent lives!"
"That is how the business world works bahu(daughter in law)," he told darkly, making bahu roll off of his tongue dangerously.
"You finally got what you want huh Sanyukta? To ruin my family," Siya spoke walking up to her.
"What family? A family is where everyone loves each other equally and is willing to die for one another. What family are you talking about? Neither of you weren't even ready to accept Soham and he is your own blood!"
She was now extremely pissed and didn't care how harshly or loudly was she was speaking to them.
"Oye, keep your voice down I am your mother in law."
"I don't give a fuck! Didn't you remember that you were my mother in law when you took his side and planned to kill both me and my father?"
"Badtameez ladki!(Ill-mannered girl!)" Siya raised her hand to slap Sanyukta but she held it tightly.
"I am not ill mannered. The definition is standing right behind of you, Aisha. You guys don't give a damn when she disrespects you but if Soham wants to speak for himself its a problem.
You know let's not even go there right now. The real problem is that you need to go to jail along with your husband."
Soham stared at his wife in pride seeing her fight with his parents so confidently.
"You can't do that Sanyukta. There is no proof. You are trying to defame my parents!"
"Oh shut up you spoilt brat!" Sanyukta told irritatedly.
"Aisha is right, there is no proof."
"Are you sure?" Sanyukta raised her eye brow and folded her arms across her chest. "Mr. Singh will you please step inside."
He stepped inside with his head hung low trying not to make eye contact with Randhir.
"You son of a bitch! You ruined everything! I should've killed you when I had the chance," Randhir yelled.
"Mr. Singh knows everything MOM, that is all the evidence I need to send the both of you to jail. Take her too."
Sanyukta pushed Siya over to the lady constable and looked on Soham who was smiling at her.
"You can't take my parents! You can't! Sanyukta I HATE you!" Aisha shouted.
"Let's go." The police dragged Siya and Randhir towards the door but Soham stopped them.
"I have to ask something first."
He walked in front of them with no expressions on his face, wanting get answers on why they hated him so much.
"Why do the both of you hate me?"
Randhir scoffed and looked away but that question caught Siya.
"Please just tell me. I want to know."
"You were a mistake. You weren't supposed to happen," Siya started making him feel bad already. "We were 21, young and careless. Randhir and I were in a relationship and we took it too far.
When I found out I was pregnant I was destroyed. I didn't know what to tell my parents and I didn't know what to do.
Randhir and I were panicking because if our families found out they would kill us.
When we finally told our them, they kicked us out because they didn't want to associate with the people who now ruined their reputation.
We wanted to abort you and honestly I wish we did, but we couldn't afford it since didn't have any money.
They also made us get married to each other since we were going to be parents of a child.
We lived in a small house and had to struggle to make ends meet, and to make it even worse we had to handle college as well.
I barely saw Randhir as he worked two jobs while handling college and late night school. I dropped out since I was pregnant and couldn't get around easily.
Most nights Randhir would cry as his work load too was to much pressure and the situation we were in was stressful and frustrating
Many times I felt like to stab myself in the stomach to get rid of you but then I would stop myself because in the end I would get hurt too.
When you were born I didn't even want to see your face. You disgusted me and I wanted to leave you at an orphanage but my dad came back only to take care of you. He always said that he shouldn't punish you for our mistakes.
I was glad that he was finally talking to me but he wasn't talking to me because he forgave me, he was talking to me because of you.
We all lived under one roof but it was like a battle field. He wanted to take you and move but I wanted him to stay with me, even if that meant putting up with you. You ruined our lives Soham, ruined it."
Soham was trying extremely hard not to break down in front of them. He was trying to keep his face straight but whatever his mother just said hurt him badly.
He was finally told the truth but it was harsh, really harsh.
He couldn't believe that his parents hated him for a mistake THEY committed.
He gulped down the lump that formed in his throat and sat down on the chair near the door, placing his face in the palm of his hands.
"You aren't even worth to be called a mother," Sanyukta spoke glaring at Siya as she walked in front of her. "The both of you fucking made a mistake and you took out all of your anger on the innocent soul who had nothing to do with it.
Was it actually his fault that your families disowned you? Was it actually his fault that your lives were ruined? Was it actually his fault?
No, it wasn't. It was your fault! If the both of you knew your limits then, you wouldn't have gotten pregnant and you wouldn't have to struggle day in and day out.
Instead of trying to raise him with love and care, you broke him, day after day. You abused him mentally, emotionally and physically."
Sanyukta looked on them in disgust and turned her head to face Soham.
She went over to him and took his hand, bringing him to stand in front of them.
She rolled up his sleeves and pushed his hand in their face. "Look what the both of you caused. Not once, not twice but multiple times he had tried to take his life because you!"
Randhir and Siya looked on his wrist and looked away quickly.
In their society, sex before marriage was unacceptable, it was looked down upon, and with their reputation being one of the biggest priorities, people would kick out or disown their children with ease.
There no support of those couples who were going to be parents, no reassurance that everything would be okay. They were just left alone with a child to take of and minds full of regret.
Sanyukta blamed the parents as well for playing an indirect part in the breaking of an innocent soul.
If only they had a civilized conversation about the situation with their children, help them to work through the new responsibility that has fallen on their shoulders and shut the mouths of whoever wanted to throw taunts their way.
There shouldn't be fear, there should be support and care.
Maybe if the situation was dealt with the right way and Siya and Randhir weren't kicked out, then possibly Soham could have been saved from the years of abuse and blame of ruining lives.
"You shattered his soul and it hurts me because I can't see him like this." She wiped her tears and exhaled sharply, taking Soham's hands in hers. "I hope the both of you rot in jail and in hell! Take them out of my sight!"
"Come." The inspector continued dragged them but what Soham said caught Randhir.
"I HATE you dad! I hate you! I HATE you too mom! I always thought that one day you would love me especially you dad but I was wrong. I hope I never see you again!"
Soham finally broke down and fell to the floor, still holding Sanyukta's hand.
The police took them away but Aisha was pleading to them to let them go.
"Soham let's go home. Come."
"Ah!" he screamed on top of his voice, punching the ground bursting out into more tears.
"Okay, we will wait for a while. Come." she extended her arms wide open and he hugged her with a thud.
She placed her hand quickly on the ground so that she doesn't fall and held him with her other hand.
"Everything is fine now, you are free." she told softly, rubbing his back.
Hi guys I hope you liked this part. Remember to vote and comment.😉
How do you feel that now Siya and Randhir are finally going to jail?
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