protective older brother figure and making up
Collin pov
I woke up the next morning still sad about what happened with Mitch I got up and went to the guild hall and saw that David and Mario were fighting. "What do you know rocks for brains?" "More than you apparently." David turned and looked at me. "What are you doing here shouldn't you be at Grimshade." I started to tear up and David looked flustered while Mario seemed concerned. "What's wrong Collin why are you crying?" "Mitch hic said he loved hic me and he took me out hic on a date and then he told me hic that I was a freak and a monster I just hic needed to hic get away from the guild and hic him." Mario came and hugged me and David seemed surprised that he did. "That moron well I'll help you, you can stay here for as long as you want and if he tries to hurt you he'll find a mountain dropped on his head." "Haha thanks Mario." "No problem Collin just think off me as your big brother." "Haha okay I will anyway I'm going to go read a book I'll see you later." I went to my room and sat down to read a book.
Mitch pov
I woke up and was excited to go see Collin to get him back I got up and went to find a boat to take me to Divinus Magia I went to the guild to see Mario getting ready to leave for a mission but when he saw me he got realy mad. "You what are you doing here?" "I wanted to see Collin." "You have some nerve trying to talk to him after you made him cry." "Please I made a mistake and I want to fix it I love him." I had begun to cry and Mario looked at me in pity and then sighed. "Alright he's on the other side of the Island where the protectors are but if I hear you hurt him you'll find yourself having a mountain dropped on your head." "Thank you." I went to the room Mario said he would be in and went to the door to knock.
Collin pov
I heard someone knock on my door I got and answered the door only to see Mitch I started to cry and tried to close the door but he stopped me. "Collin wait." "I don't want to see you." "Please Collin I'm sorry." "You called me a monster." "I didn't mean it." He pushed open the door and pulled me into a hug I was upset but for some reason I couldn't push him away. "You said you hated me." "I didn't mean it I'm sorry it took me so long to remember." "But you said I was a freak and that I was useless and you-------!" He pulled me into a kiss and I kissed back after a couple minutes he pulled away and held my chin and looked me in the eyes. "I love you I'm sorry it took so long to realize it but I remembered everything we did together every word everything I felt so lonely without you." I looked at him with hope in my eyes. "Do you mean it." "Of course I do I missed cuddling at waking up to you in the morning in fact tomorrow I want you to move in with me." "Do you mean it?" "Does that mean yes?" "Of course I'll move in with you it's just I'm so happy that you love me back I was so scared that you would leave me alone again." He hugged me. "I'll never leave you alone again I love you and want you to be mine my boyfriend and I'll kill anyone who touches you." I giggled. "You so overprotective already. "Of course I am I love you and your mine all that aside it's late so we'll stay the night we'll get ready for you to move in tomorrow for now lets get some rest." Mitch got into the bed and I got in after him and I snuggled up into his chest he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me and I smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Mitch pov
Collin had just fallen asleep when I pet his hair I was so happy that I fixed my mistake I was so glad to have Collin back I hadn't been able to get a good nights sleep the night before because I was full of guilt when I had come in earlier it had pained my heart to see him crying and it hurt even more at the thought that it was because of me I vowed that I would never do that again that I would protect him with my life I was so happy that everything was okay now I smiled and held him close I love you my little shadow dragon I slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face listening to Collin's breathing.
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