More info and asked on a date
Collin pov
I woke up to see Mitch's sleeping face and I started blushing badly but then I quickly became confused on where I was cause last thing I remember was talking to Branden I quickly looked around the room and saw that I was in my room I relaxed until I realized that Mitch was in my house in my bed sleeping with me I felt myself blush I decided to go to the guild so I jumped out the bed and started to walk to the guild leaving Mitch sleeping in my bed I got to the guild and saw that Michael there talking to Pat the gunslinger so I walked up to them and Michael saw me and quickly greeted me. "Hey Collin how are you Mitch came by and told me you fainted he told me that he would take you home are you feeling better?" "Yeah I'm feeling better and yes he took me home I woke up to him in my bed." I was blushing and pat looked surprised. "Why would he be in your bed." "He's in love with me now for some reason by the way Michael have you found out how to fix him?" "I'm afraid I haven't but I've been looking into it and it would seem the someone laced his drink with a love potion that's about all I know I'm still going through some books." "Okay well thanks anyway I'm going to go on a walk see you later Michael." I walked out off the guild to walk around Atlantide.
Mitch pov
I woke up and saw that Collin was gone so I got up and went to the guild to see if he was there I saw that he wasn't but Michael was so I went to ask if he knew where Collin was. "Hey Michael have you seen Collin around?" "Yeah he was here earlier he said he was going to go for a walk." "Okay well I'm going to go find him and ask him on a date I didn't get to last time but I will this time." "Okay see you later Mitch." I walked out the guild to go find my cute little Collin to ask him out on a date.
Collin pov
I was walking around the town and I ended up near the market place there were a lot of people around no one I knew but there were people I was walking around the stands looking at the things they had on display when I suddenly felt arms around my waist and I was pulled into someone I turned around only to be pulled into a kiss the person stopped after a second and I saw that it was Mitch and he was holding me in his arms again as I looked into his eyes I saw that he had aa smile on his face and I blushed. "Hello Collin I've come to ask you on a date." I blushed when I realized everyone was starring. "If I say yes will you stop making a scene." "Of course I will well I've got to prepare it's getting late so you should get some sleep." He twirled me around and kissed my hand and then he let go and started to walk away. "See you around my cute little Shadow Dragon." I was blushing badly as I watched him walk away after that I went home and laid in bed I drifted to sleep thinking about how I had my first date tomorrow I had no idea how to deal with all this I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow.
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