Who Are They
Hello, so this story is nearing an end. I wasn't sure about it before, but there might be around two or three chapters left. I'll try to write them today and set a schedule for them to be released. I'm so happy that I've finished two Bensler books. I still have one in the works that I'm working on, but I'll plan on another one as well. Maybe one in the current timeline. I'll have to rewatch from season 13 and on....my doom since Elliot left.
Kathy ended up making an appearance at Liz and Dickie's school. However with Alvin still being a senior there for a few more months until school let out, he drove them here. According to Dickie, the school threatened to call the police unless Kathy left. Kathy then made her way to Hudson where Maureen and Kathleen called campus security and they forbid her from coming onto the school grounds again.
Elliot took a week off to keep the babies safe while Liv rested. There was only around a month and a half until school was out for the summer and Liz and Dickie would be able to help more, so Cragen allowed Liv an extra couple weeks until school was out. The plan was Liz and Dickie would watch the young ones during the day with Maureen and Kaltheen since there was four babies, so one per older sibling. Then Elliot and Liv would come home before seven each night and take over.
Maureen seemed excited to watch the young ones. Elliot worried that she would be having a kid next, but Maureen reassured her father that she wasn't ready yet for that. She just loved spending time with her three young siblings and nephew. Kathleen even suggested bringing grandma over and expanding the house. Problem was there wasn't much room for expansion. They had a basement where the laundry was, and an attic were scattered toys and old memories were kept.
Elliot and Liv spent a long time after the babies were all put down for the night thinking on that. They decided to make the attic into another room for Elliot's mother if she wanted to live here. They still hadn't asked her. If his mother didn't want to live here with so many babies, then they'd just make the attic into another room until she was ready. The basement would become the storage room.
Cragen ended up asking for a couple of temporary bodies while Elliot and Liv were dealing with Kathy. They ended up transferring up from Atlanta Amanda Rollins, who would be tossed back and forth between everyone until they could find another partner for her in the department. Elliot didn't really care for her, she seemed like she hid things. Also he just wanted Liv back. He had another two weeks however until school was out.
Elliot was trying to work out a schedule where he came home early at 6 pm each night, and he was doing good, except for tonight. A triple sexual homicide caught them late and Elliot had to stay with Fin and Rollins. Munch was to go home and come back in four hours after he got some sleep to relieve Elliot for a couple hours. It wasn't like a missing child where all hands on deck, but they all agreed to give each other a small break. Mostly Elliot just had to go home and help put the babies to bed. Liz was doing a great job in putting her son, Eric to bed at night with very little help from Liv and him. It was Liv that needed help from Elliot in putting two toddlers and an almost three month old baby to sleep.
"Hey, Liv, I'll be home a little later. We caught a triple sexual homicide and Munch is relieving me in about four hours," he explained to Liv on the phone while CSU walked Fin and Rollings through the scene. It was quite a gruesome scene. Blood everywhere, body parts scattered and even items inserted in certain areas that Elliot has never seen inserted before.
Liv sighed. "Okay, I'll get Liz to and Dickie to help me put the boys to sleep. I have no trouble getting Eliza to sleep as long as the boys are quiet. I'll see you when you get here in about four hours. I love you," she said sleepily.
Elliot smiled. "Love you too."
After hanging up, Fin walked over to him. "It's a mess in there."
"What's the verdict so far?" Elliot asked as Rollins walked up behind Fin.
Fin sighed and shook his head. "Three brothers all teenagers beaten, dismembered and raped. Not necessarily in that order. There seemed to be some foreign fluids in each one. They'll send it to the lab to find out what exactly it is. They don't think it's semen, but it's some sort of human fluid. They think the brothers were alive when raped and beaten, then died slowly. Then raped again after they died."
"Someone really hated the brothers. We got an ID on any of the brothers?" Elliot asked, catching a glimpse of a severed foot. He turned around and ran his hand through his short hair.
Rollins shook her head somberly. "No. We'll run their DNA through the system and see if anyone has reported missing kids."
"If we haven't ID'd anyone, then how do we know they're brothers?" Elliot asked confused.
Fin pointed behind him. "Three pairs of arms. On one arm each pair, there's a tattoo that says Brother's Under the Sun. Their facial structures are similar, and all withing four years apart."
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