Kathy completely ruined her chances of staying free. When Elliot and Liv brought Liz and Dickie to the station house to tell the story of what happened. She forced her way into Alvin's car and forced him to drive to the warehouse where she chained Dickie and Liz up and then took Alvin somewhere where they never saw him again. They dragged the river and found his car, brake lines cut, with him tied in the drivers seat. His face was waterlogged as if he'd been in the river a full day, meaning his must have been suffocated before he was put in the car.
Elizabeth was beside herself at Alvin dead. So much so that she couldn't go on with the interview. Liv ended up taking her home while Elliot stayed and listened to Dickie's interview. Jail must have turned Kathy's mind to butter. She kept on saying how they're nearly ten years old and going into 5th grade, then changing her tune and saying how evil Elliot was for cheating on her. The fact was that Elliot never cheated on her.
In the end, Kathy ended up going to get help for her mental issues that arose after being put in jail in the first place. Elliot didn't know what happened while she was in jail, but it must have been bad for such a strong person like Kathy to break. Liz became very depressed and barely spent any time with Eric after learning what happened to Alvin.
Liv and Elliot tried to give her some time, but four little children under three years old were taxing on Liv and Elliot. Even Dickie was stretched thin with helping with the young ones. Maureen and Kathleen wanted to help but this was the last week and they had finals. Dickie had already finished the school year, so Elliot and Liv bounced back and forth going into work until Maureen and Kathleen could help.
"Elizabeth, we need to talk," Elliot said as he entered her room. Liv was at work and it was his day to watch the kids with Dickie. The boys were taking a nap and the babies were being entertained by Dickie downstairs. Liz was laying in bed staring at the wall. She barely ate anymore and never spoke.
Elliot sat in the chair she used to feed Eric and looked at his daughter. She was so depressed at the loss of Alvin. "He wouldn't want you to feel like this."
She didn't respond to her father. Tears started falling and she shuttered. "You still have Eric. He needs you."
Liz blinked once. "Alvin won't get to see him grow up," she said hoarsely.
Elliot sighed. "He'll protect you and Eric as a guardian angel."
Not able to get through to Liz at the moment, Elliot left her with some thoughts. When Maureen and Kathleen finished college for the summer, they took over helping Dickie out and trying to kick some sense into Liz. It actually took Eric crawling to get her to snap out of her funk. Everyone could tell she was still upset, but with the prospect of nearly missing an important milestone of her first son, she decided she needed to be there for him.
Elliot was leaving a certain store with a happy smile on his face. He's been thinking for a while now off and on about this and he was very excited to see how it plays out. Liv was at work, due home within the hour. He sent the kids out with plenty of money to have fun with the young ones while he and Liv had some quiet time. While they knew what he was planning, they still snarled their noses at the thought of 'quiet time'.
He lit several candles and spread rose petals around the floor. The music was slow and sweet as Liv entered and gasped. "Elliot!?" She called.
He was hiding in the kitchen with a smile and a glass of wine for her. He walked into the living room and smiled. "Liv," he greeted, handing her the glass of wine. She smiled and took it, taking a sip.
"What's all this?" she motioned around the room with the glass of wine.
Elliot shrugged. "Time to ourselves," he evaded with a continuous grin.
They went to the couch to rest and cuddle, Liv's head on his shoulder. "Liv, we've known each other for a long time. We've been together nearly two years, have two children together. I have to admit, I've loved you far longer than I want to admit." Elliot reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a black box. He gave it to Liv, who set her glass of wine down and opened it.
A beautiful diamond ring with smaller diamonds surrounding the large centered one sparkled at her. She gasped and covered her mouth with one hand. She picked the ring up and looked at the band. Rose gold. "Elliot," she whispered.
"Olivia Marie Benson," he asked in a hushed tone, as if they were in a movie theater and forbidden to talk. "Will you marry me?"
Tears started falling from her face. Even in the candlelight Elliot could see it. "Elliot," she whispered. "Yes."
Ten Years Later
Elliot and Liv were married that year in a simple ceremony at Elliot's church. They never took a honeymoon, preferring to spend time with their kids. Maureen and Kathleen graduated from Hudson just as Liz and Dickie started. While the two oldest girls had moved on to successful careers in their own rights, they still had time to help Elliot and Liv out the babies.
Eli and EJ were ten and nine years old now, in fifth and fourth grade. Eric and Eliza were seven years old, in second grade. Liv couldn't believe that their kids were gowning so much. Alvin Elijah Stabler was born two years after Elliot and Liv were married, meaning his's in kindergarten now. Another three years and William Cameron Stabler was born, meaning he was just under two years old.
Their family was growing larger, but they were happier than they've ever been. Liz and Dickie ended up graduating college with honors and started their own careers as well. Soon, Maureen and Kathleen had a couple of children running around with their uncles and Aunts. Then finally, Dickie found a wife and while they haven't had any children yet, it was only a matter of time. Elizabeth didn't want another man in her life other than Eric. Her whole life was about that boy.
Elliot's life was complete. He had a family with the most beautiful woman he's ever had the pleasure to meet. He's not heard anything from Kathy in the nuthouse in years, which he was thankful for, and his children were happy and healthy. Life was good.
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