Eliza Olivia Stabler
Bello everyone
Liv's maternity leave was sort of short lived. She ended up going into labor at eight and a half months pregnant, while everyone was at work and school also. She was watching all three boys when the familiar pain started in her lower back. She attempted to ignore it for a while, but it was faster than when EJ was born. She had no choice but to call Elliot.
"Elliot, I'm in labor," she panted as she got all three boys in their car seats. Liv could head Elliot frantically running to Cragen's office and nearly shouting that Liv was in labor. Another several moments of shouting on the other end told Liv that the entire squad was coming.
"Munch said he's on his way to watch the boys with Fin. I'll be there in a few moments," Elliot said in a panicked voice.
Ten minutes went by before Liv could hear three separate sirens outside. Elliot burst inside, his eyes wide with worry before landing on Liv sitting on the couch doing her breathing exercises. Munch and Fin came in and gave small smiles. "Hey, were here to watch the rugrats while you and Elliot go multiply the population," Munch said in his happy voice.
"Thanks guys," Liv breathed out.
Cragen was outside in another car, siren still going. His window was down and he called out, "Get in, we'll get there quickly this way."
He was right. They were at the hospital within fifteen minutes. Another thirty and Liv was pushing out her daughter. Whether it was from the pain of not having epidural or the fact that her daughter was so beautiful, she started crying. Elliot wiped tears away from his eyes as he sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Liv and their daughter as she cried.
"You did great, Liv," he muttered sweetly, kissing Liv's head.
"She has your ears," Liv said with a grin as their daughter shifted.
"Poor girl," Elliot responded with a laugh.
When the nurse came in to get the name, Elliot nodded for Liv to go ahead. "Eliza Olivia Stabler," she said proudly.
Eliza stayed at the hospital for a few days under a light to make sure she was all good to go. Liv and Elliot wasn't totally sure why, but as long as their girl was healthy, they didn't mind. She ended up being 7 pounds exactly and 21 inches long.
They ended up arguing on who she looked like already. Liv swore that she looked exactly like Elliot, but he said she looked so much like her mother that it scared him. Eventually, they agreed to put that argument on the back burner until she grows up more. She seemed like the perfect baby. She hardly cried, even when she was hungry.
She pouted instead. Elliot thought that was somehow worse than crying. It made him feel guilty every time he was even a second late for her feeding or diaper change. Her lower lip would jut out and quiver to the point that Elliot would apologize. After she would get a belly full of milk or her fresh diaper on, she would smile and fall back to sleep with ease.
She seemed to love Elliot singing to her also. Every night before he would go to sleep, she would get her diaper changed and he would feed her. To get her to fall back asleep easier, since she would sometimes have a hard time in the middle of the night, he would sing different songs to her. She really loved Twinkle Twinkle.
This is a very short chapter, I know, but I've updated two stories already and I haven't been to bed yet. I need to go to sleep. I'll add another chapter when I wake up to make up for it.
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