Baby Shower
Hiya. I'm bored.
It was officially time for the baby shower. At least it was at 5 this evening. She felt she was as big as a house, even when Elliot kept telling her she wasn't. A month ago Kathy had texted saying that she had finally gone into labor after being overdue. Eli was born. However she refused to let him see the baby. So now, they were talking only through their lawyers. Elliot didn't want it to be this way, but he hadn't seen his kids in around six months himself. It was making him irritated and restless.
It took Liv a while before she warmed up to the baby after finding out it was a boy. Even longer to accept the fact. However, now, she made sure that Elliot knew every single time when he was kicking. It warmed his heart to know that she was starting to enjoy her pregnancy. At the moment, she was smiling at her stomach as it moved around. "He's lively today," Elliot commented as he wrote down some reports on his dd5s.
She chuckled. "Yeah, he is." She suddenly winced. Elliot froze. "He kicked a kidney I think," she complained, wincing more.
"You sure?" He asked, eyes still trained on her.
"Uh, no," she chuckled again.
He got up and went over to her, placing a hand over hers where the baby must be at. Sure enough, large kicks were being thrown all over the place inside. It was as if the baby was having a party in there. "Hey, buddy, keep it down in there. Your mom is hurting out here," he said to her stomach. The kicks started easing up a little at the sound of his voice.
She let out a large sigh of relief. "Thanks, El," she breathed. He nodded and smiled at her, going back to his own work.
At five on the dot, people started to show up with presents. Casey came and brought a large blue present with a smile plastered on her face. Munch and Fin came from the cribs carrying their own presents while Melinda stepped out of the elevator. She had several different bags in hand. Elliot went to the kitchens to grab the cupcakes out of the fridge he'd gotten earlier today. Cragen came out of his office with his own presents.
They cleared off Fin's desk and sat the presents on it while Munch's desk held the cupcakes. Liv looked at everyone that gathered around. They all had smiles on their faces. Elliot rolled his chair to Liv's side and grabbed the present from Casey. "Here Liv," he said, handing her the present.
She ripped it open. It was a large box of diapers, something that was definitely needed. "Thank you so much, Casey."
"Nothing, it was the largest size they had. So I got you three. The other two are in my car. Didn't want to carry them all up."
Elliot handed her one of Melinda's. Liv looked inside and gasped. She pulled out a small suit and tie, the same color that Elliot was wearing now. "Oh my God! It's so cute!" She looked at Elliot, beaming with joy.
The rest of that bag was more clothes, all of which Liv drooled over. "Thank you so much, Melinda."
Handing her another of Melinda's, Elliot took that first bag and set it by the diapers. This one of Melinda's carried bottles and pacifiers. Even a breast pump. The third bag of Melinda's was blankets and a receipt for a crib. "Melinda, this is so much."
Melinda smiled at Liv. "It's nothing."
Munch's box had more diapers, which Liv severely thanked him for. Fin's box had more clothes that Liv went gaga over. Cragen's box had a receipt for a changing table. "Melinda and I coordinated."
Liv looked at her small amount of presents. "I can't thank you all enough for what you've done for me." She glanced at Elliot, who was sitting beside her. "I love you all, so much," she said, holding back tears. "I've also decided on a name. Jesse Elliot Benson."
She stared at Elliot while she announced the name. His eyes went wide and tears formed. He went to her and hugged her. "You're going to be a great mother, Liv," he whispered in her ear.
Elliot had just finished bringing the last of the presents in the apartment. They had a crib and a changing table to fit in their room somehow. Liv was sitting on the bed rubbing her stomach as Elliot looked around. He'd stripped off his shirt and undershirt when they got home so he could work on fixing everything up. He knew that she was staring at him and didn't mind it in the least.
He stopped pacing around the room for a moment when his phone rang. His lawyer texted him about Kathy wanting full custody. He responded that he wanted to fight her for full custody of all of the kids if she wanted a fight. His lawyer stated that he would get in touch with her lawyer and relay information.
Around 40 minutes later, someone knocked at the door, bringing Elliot and Liv out of their own little word. Elliot had finally found a good spot for the crib was now putting it together. He glanced over at Liv, who was sound asleep on the bed. Quickly, before she woke, he rushed to the door, ignoring the fact that he didn't have a shirt on.
Opening the door, he stumbled backwards. Kathy was there, arms crossed, not hiding her anger or obvious shock at seeing him without a shirt. "Elliot," she greeted tensely.
"Kathy," he responded in the same tone. "What are you doing here?"
She entered the apartment with her head held high. "I came here to talk about custody."
Elliot closed the door lightly and scoffed. "I thought we weren't talking to each other except through lawyers."
"We have five children, Elliot. You're here playing house with her. I don't understand it." She turned around to face him.
"You left me. You kicked me out. You refused me to see my children. Kathy, its all been you," Elliot pointed to her.
Kathy gritted her teeth. "You pay more attention to her than me."
Elliot scoffed. "I should go. Don't want to further interrupt your evening with Liv," she hissed, glaring at the door to the bedroom. Elliot realized she must thing they were sleeping together. At this point, though, he didn't care.
He walked her to the door where he opened it for her. She stepped out into the hall and looked back. He turned away from her and closed the door on her. He had to get back to putting the crib together.
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