They got a home pregnancy test to confirm that she was pregnant again. Liv called her doctor for an appointment minutes after. They had a cancellation tomorrow at noon, which Liv took. Elliot called Cragen moments after as well to tell him. He was both shocked and happy for them and authorized a couple days off for them.
Being workaholics, Elliot objected to the thought of two entire days off, which he knew Liv would object as well. However, Cragen didn't listen. He'd rather Liv be safe and completely checked out than loose her for several months. When Elliot told her, she groaned.
"I knew we should have waited to tell him," Liv complained from the couch. She had Eli in her lap playing with a toy while EJ was on the floor playing with his toes with a grin on his face. She kept smiling at her son on the floor. "I still can't believe a year ago I didn't want this little boy," she said, changing the subject quickly.
Elliot loosened his tie and sat in his chair, watching EJ too. "Things happen for a reason, Liv," he said softly, smiling at EJ who beamed up at him. He showed Elliot his toes and giggled. "You got your toes?" he asked happily.
They spent the entire day watching shows with the boys. It was a nice peaceful day for them. As much as they hated to admit, they both liked the quiet of the day. Dickie and Elizabeth were both surprised to see Liv and Elliot home cooking dinner together when they got home from their study session with friends.
"Why are you home so early?" Dickie asked as he dropped his backpack on the table.
Elliot was cooking burgers while Liv was making a salad. "Cragen gave us a few days off," Elliot said as he turned to his kids. "Can you two clear the table and set it?"
Elizabeth rolled her eyes but took her brothers bag to the stairs and dropped both on the bottom step. She came back to the kitchen to help Dickie set the table as Elliot and EJ laughed loudly from the living room.
"How was school?" Elliot asked as they set the food on the table.
"Got called a whore by a few people when they heard that Alvin's the father of my baby," Elizabeth said bitterly as she stabbed her small salad with a fork.
Dickie looked worriedly at his sister. "It was fine for me. Got an A on my history paper I was working on."
"What was your paper about?" Liv asked after she fed Eli and EJ a spoonful of their mashed carrots.
"The effects the Sinking of the Titanic had on the world. Did you know, it took the sinking of the Titanic for the world to change the rules of the ocean. Before the Titanic sunk, they didn't have to have enough life boats for everyone on board. Only after the she sunk did they realize they should change things up." Dickie seemed thorough interested in the ill fated ship.
Elliot grunted thoughtfully. "Interesting. I remember watching the movie when it first came out in theaters. It was really good," he said.
Dickie nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, and they didn't even practice life boat drills."
Liv narrowed her eyes as she sneaked a bite of her own burger before feeding Eli and EJ. Elliot saw the boys start to fuss and tapped her on the shoulder. He motioned for them to switch seats. He was nearly done anyway. Liv smiled gratefully at Elliot as she sat down in his old seat with her plate.
"You'd think they would," Elliot mentioned as he fed Eli.
Dickie nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but also Edward Smith was supposed to retire after that voyage, plus they dubbed the ship 'unsinkable' because of the water tight compartments. The years of experience for Captain Smith, plus the compartments worked against them all. They all thought the ship was unsinkable."
"You're really interested in that, aren't you?" Liv asked with a grin.
"Its amazing. They had so many man made errors. It was as if it happened for a reason," Dickie said as he shoved a forkful of salad in his mouth.
The next day, Elliot and Liv got dressed for the doctor. Liv was noticeably worried as they kissed Eli and EJ good bye, leaving them with Kathleen. "Liv, it's going to be okay," Elliot said as they sat in the waiting room.
She breathed out a chuckle. "I know we will be okay, but it doesn't make me any less nervous for the kids. I mean, Elizabeth is pregnant and worried about the next three years of her life in high school. Eli and EJ are only a year and a half old. Dickie is just getting over what happened to him. Now, in eight months or less there will be two more babies in the house and our work load has doubled at the precinct."
Elliot understood her worries. They were stretched very thin. "I understand your worries, Liv, but we got this."
"Olivia," the nurse called with a smile.
In the room, Olivia was pacing instead of sitting on the table as the nurse asked. Elliot let her pace to work off the nervous energy. When the doctor came in, she smiled warmly at the couple. "Hi," she said happily. "Back so soon."
She set up the ultrasound and confirmed the pregnancy. "So, Olivia, it looks as though you are around ten weeks. Healthy weight and size. The baby might be born around February of next year, give or take a week or so."
Hi, I'd keep going, but I gotta go to work. So, happy reading.
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