"Hannah!!! Hannah!!!", I heard my Mama calling me, "na'am, Mama, I am coming" I answered.
"Hannah what are you doing?", she asked.
"Mama nothing wallahi", I defended.
"Nothing wallahi koh? I thought you are starting your SSSCE next month" she said.
"Yes", I said with a bit of shame.
"And you haven't start reading. Let me tell you, in your jamb I want your score to be above 200 and in your waec and neco result, I want to see 3A's, if not don't come back to my house. and you are going to Kaduna State University (KASU) and I am not joking about that , since you are not responsible and I will tell your Dad not to buy that I phone for you try me and see", she furiously scolded and I stood there quietly trying to digest the threats.
"Nonsense disappear from here!", she added.
I texted my friends on our group chat;
Me: hello Babes
Halims: hey bitch
BASMA: sweet heart yane
Khadijah: shegss yane
Hauwah: Mumus Hw far Na? Are we still going to the party
HALIMA: Dole ma definitely
Khadijah: yes of course
BASMA: idan ba mu ai ba party (a party isn't a party if we're not there)
ME: wallahi no🥺, Mama won't let me go 😥 she said I'm not taking my studies seriously.
God, I know Mama is serious and I desperately want to go to London to study. Wai KASU, tab who will go to that university? I hate that federal university with passion because of strike , I just have to be serious.
With all the chatter going on in our group chat after telling them I wasn't attending the party, I texted my sister to tell her about my incidence with Mama;
ME;Ya Zaliha stop laughing it's not funny wallahi Mstww.
Ya zaliha; Whatever, if you like read hard, if you like, stay up all night FaceTiming your Ashraf.
Hannah ;Lol I can smell jealousy, you're just jealous because you don't have a guy like Ashraf in your life.
Ya zaliha; Lol you think? A day will soon come when he will dump you and I will laugh my a** out😂
Hannah;Wicked sister kawai, that won't happen in sha Allah. I will marry him one day and he will be the father of my cute children.
Ya zaliha;Haha we shall see...
With all the pressure, when I remember that Ashraf is coming back to Kaduna and we are going to meet tomorrow at Shufu Korean restaurant, it gets me excited.
Hannah;Hey Babe yakake ?
Ashraf;I am fine Swthrt
Hannah; OK won't you hug me? Habibty why will I hug you you have been ignoring me for the pass few days.
Hannah;Oh Habibi I m not ignoring you 'exams enai ne oo my Jamb results will be out tonight and I am so nervous
Ashraf ;Lol my Babe is a Guru and I am 100% sure you will pass ,so don't worry you will score 300 sef(Insha Allah)
Hannah; Lol that is impossible saidai 200 and below but 300 ni a suwa? I am not a book worm you know that. Sha forget about that how is Nile I hope there are no girls trying to snatch you away from me right?
Ashraf; Habibty chill you are the one that I love I don't care about them in sha Allah you will be my future wife and the MAMA of my kids, nifah I am eager to see the day you will graduate so that I can send my Parents to your house and ask for your hand in marriage.
Hannah ; Awwnn🥰 Habibi may we leave long to witness that day.
Ashraf ;Ameen thumma Ameen
Hannah; Habibi take me home it is getting late before MAMA starts nagging.
Ashraf ; OK let's go
(We are all quiet while ashraf drives,until ashraf breaks the silence)....
Ashraf; Habibty when are we going to meet again? Hannah;Uhmmm..maybe next week Saturday
Ashraf ; OK Allah ya kaimu. Amen bye
Hannah; OK bye I love you
Ashraf;Love you more,Take care of yourself
Hannah; Sure!!!
Hannah come hear
Oooo ni Hannah, Ya Yusuf good evening! Where are you coming from and who is that guy that just dropped you??
Why asking?
Because I want to know.
I don't want to tell you ya yusuf I am 18 yrs old I am an adult not a baby so leave me alone.
Just answer the damn question.
From the look on his face I know I m starting to annoy him and I enjoy doing that for some unknown reasons. And if I refuse to answer the damn question what will happen ? Are you daring me he asked with a smirk on his face. Oh yes I am.
OK since you don't want to tell me I think you won't mind telling Mama or Khalil he said and headed to our house.
Wayyo ALLAH na if he tells them I m dead. God I always loose and he always wins 😤.
Wait Ya Yusuf I went to Shifu . And who is the guy that dropped you? Uhmmm he.... He... I.... Is my friend my boyfriend ,I said it sharply because if he tells Mama Allah my name is sorry
Hahaha our dare Hannah wow you even have a boyfriend , don't even try getting on my nerves if not your little secret will be out. He said in a warning voice
Okay! I won't I said rolling my eyes Goodnight
Ya HABIBAH; Ke Hannah why are you frowing?
Ya zaliha; Lol maybe ASHRAF breaked up with her
Hannah; Lol Ya Habibah no one I m just tired and you Ya Zaliha Ashraf did not break up with me and Yh babe no guy will wanna be my ex.
Ya habiba ; just because you are tired that's why you are frowning your face ahh wahala
Hannah; Uhmm let me go and pray abeg andYa zaliha go look for a makeup artist cause I won't do any makeup for you during Ya HABIBAH's wedding.
Ya zaliha ; ha my sister some one cannot play with you? You and Ashraf will be together forever
Abeg let me go and pray before I check my jamb score
Don't worry you will pass Ya Habiba and Ya Zaliha said in unison.
I pray so.
So guys how is the chapter I hope you guys liked it
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