Assalamu alaikum where are you? And why on earth is your phone switched off we haven been calling you since yesterday we wanted to tell you to cook for us and we are going out.
Ugh.... ya rabb why are they here and the annoying not annoying part Afifah is with them I just want to be left alone in the darkness of my room cause I don't switch on the light and about my phone it is at Ashraf's house cause it is no longer my house.
But Ya Muhammad brought me a new phone Iphone XS and a new SIM I haven't used the phone Must we go out? We can have fun at home I don't want to go out.
OK we loose, you win but next time you must go out .
Deal.. So Basma care to explain what is going on between you and my brother I asked her with a smirk on my face but she was staring at me dumbfounded the squad where staring at her with a question look
Stop staring at her and start explaining Halima said
Well what I am going to strangle you fah Afifah butt in
Well we became close during your wedding and he told me he has always liked me but he heard I was dating a guy thanks to you so he stepped back but when he found out I broke up with the idiot he decided to make a move he asked me out and I accepted...
So when were you planning to tell us?
Well I wanted to tell you on the day you know had a uhmm you know......she was stammering she didn't want to say the word miscarriage well we are not dump we all understood her
Oh !that's all what Hannah was able to say.
So since I am going to be your sister in law you will be calling me ya or Aunt Hannah I told her with a serious face
You are not serious they all shouted
Try me I said smirking my brother listens to me more than you can imagine so you have no option than to obey me.
Ke what have you done to our Hannah give us back our old Hannah we don't like this Hannah she is mean ,rude and so on.
Haha guys just pulling your legs just promise me you are going to name your baby after me I said with a sad smile
Haha mstww it wasn't funny don't ever do that Afifah said
God!! the nerve of this girl
Yes please don't do that again said Hauwah kin bani tshoro
OK! Sorry guys sorry okay??
Okay we will be leaving but we are going to come back tomorrow and you must go out with us.
Yes don't forget to on your phone that was Afifah
Allah I will strangle that girl
Few hours later
Knock knock
God can't you leave me the hell alone?
I said it loudly making sure the person knocking on my door hears but I regret saying it ,what if it is my mum or dad
Knocker ; I can't, should I come in ?
Hannah ; Alhamdulillah it wasn't one of my parents. If I tell you not to come in would you leave ??
Knocker ; no Ma
Hannah ; ughh ya Yusuf come in.
Ya Yusuf; how many times have I warned you to stop staying in the dark?
Hannah guess what Ya Yusuf and I are getting along like before back then we were pretty close but when he became a solider he started ignoring me and I was like Guy baka iya komai ba en ignoring ne kazo na koya maka
A little secret back then I had a crush on him but he doesn't have to know right? Lol Feenah hates our closeness
Ya Yusuf you have start Koh you have come to disturb me abi? Hannah why are you shouting at everyone? you know by doing this you are hurting your loved ones all this attitude you are displaying won't solve anything all what you have to do is pray and have Tawakkall.
Ya Yusuf it is easy for you to say that because you haven't lost someone you love the most.
I widen my eyes immediately after I realized what I said he has lost his father.
Like he knew what she was thinking about
Nah I really didn't know my father that much and uncle treats me like his own son May Allah grant him Paradise. But believe me when I say I know the feeling of losing someone you love because I have been through that but keeping it in here he pointed at his heart isn't the best and the heartache will not subside ,what you have to do is let it out.
Ya Yusuf why me why not someone else?
Shh Hannah you are questioning Allah's doing and that's not good
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chatper 2 Surah Baqarah verses 155-157:
155 Be sure We shall test you with something of fear, and hunger, some loss in goods, or lives, or the fruits (of your toil); but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.
156 Who say when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah we belong and to Him is our return."
157 They are those on whom (descend) blessings from Allah and Mercy; and they are the ones that receive guidance.
Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reported that the Prophet (saws) said: "When a child of a servant of Allah passes away, Allah Asks (although He Knows about everything in existence) to the Angels: 'Did you take the soul of My servant's child?' They (the Angels) reply: 'Yes.' He, the Almighty, says: 'Did you take away the apple of my servant's eye?' They say: 'Yes.' He, the Almighty says: 'What did My servant say at this?' They say: 'He praised You and said: "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'a un (Verily we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return)." At this Allah Says: ' Build for My servant a mansion in Paradise and call it the House of Praise (Al-Bayt al-Hamd)'." Related by Tirmidhi.
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (saws) said: "Allah, the Exalted and Glorious Says: 'I have no better reward than Paradise for a believing servant of Mine who is patient and resigned when I take away one of his beloved, one among those he most cherishes in the world."
Related by Al-Bukhari.
If Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala Wills and Decrees an affliction upon one amongst His believing slaves, and the believer patiently perseveres in their trial and remains grateful to their Lord and keeps their faith and trust in Him and Him Alone..not only will they pass the trial laid upon them by their Lord, but their Lord will reward them for their faith and their patience.
If Allah Subhanahu wata'ala Wills and Decrees that He takes the life of one (or more) of the off-springs of one amongst His believing slaves; and that slave-servant of Allah is patient and grateful and submits wholeheartedly to the Will of their Lord..the Messenger of Allah (saws) gave the glad tidings that the Lord Most Gracious Commands that a Mansion in Paradise be built for such a patient and grateful slave of their Lord.
And lastly
The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, "By the One in Whose hands is my soul, the miscarried fetus will drag his mother to paradise by his [umbilical] cord if she was patient [with the miscarriage], hoping to be rewarded." [Ahmad]
So my Girl don't you want your baby to drag you to Jannah?
As'salamu alaikum!
Whoa longest chapter so far.
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