Branch: *with john in the bushes hiding*
JD: *lets em go* you okay man?
Branch: John? that you?
John: the one and only.
Branch: thanks for the save.
JD: no problem. Anyways. *looks at em* woe man.....were you born like that. Damn, where's the girl at?
Branch: *sees it and for some reason fears his brothers words and backs up covering himself*
JD: ..*notices and understands* hey, it's okay to be embarrassed about this type of stuff.
Branch: *let's his hair down a bit a little scared still* i....I'm not embarrassed..........
JD: *is confused* then why the hiding? Are you okay?
Branch: *presses lips together*
JD: *gets closer not knowing he's about to scare his brother*
Branch: *feels him lifting his hair up and as soon as that happens he stands up to leave be JD grabs em back and pulls em down and fights em fearing em for some reason* no no noo!!! Stop it!!
JD: woe woe woe!! Sssshhh sssshhhh.... It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. Take it easy man. Take it easy.
Branch: *pulls* let go of me!!
JD: Branch, I'm not gonna hurt you. Why are you acting like a baby!?
Branch: *is pissed and strikes with a punch*
JD: OH! *lets em go*
Branch: *settles down*
JD: *looks at em in shock and takes his hand from his face and reveals blood*
Branch: *gasps feeling horrible* I'm...... S.....sorry..... I I i.....
JD: *signs* it's okay man.... You've been through stuff, I get it🙂.
Branch: your not mad?
JD: yeah, a bit....but not to much despite on what you went through in there.
(Uhh, okay guys. Fast forward time)
Branch:* is in his little hideout away from everyone but plans to move out to try to avoid being attacked again. he feels in his hair to see what he has and find this weird bottle...not the one he stole from Vesper....a bottle he doesn't recall seeing nor picking up but then sees the label saying. "Drink or you'll die Branch" fearing the worst cause what state he's at now......he does. He then has this massive headache but then it goes away and looks up and sees all these figures and numbers and looks at the numbers and reads "23yd's" "100blocks" "10acres" 45miles" and looks at the figures and the way they look and see that there doing something similar and it looks like a Walkie talkie their talking into and know that their up to something but the way they look, talk, and walk. He looks around more and sees some in a different color and they have a number "120feet away" freaking out he hides where he can blend in with his hair and listens in and starts to hear a voice and then later walking and hears it get closer and closer by each footsteps and listens as the voice gets more clear and louder then sees then stop at the entrance as if they could see em and have found em*
??: *looks around seeing that the place looks Deserted and signs and walks around seeing if he can find anything he then uses his troll hiding spot glasses to locate enough and sees em under his own hair and looks at his hand and smirks and releases a fainting fune and watches em through his glasses as he panics in horror*
Branch: *wakes up tied to a tree tap over his mouth and frantically looks around then notices what's going on and screams and struggles even though he's out in the woods*
??: he's awake!!
Branch: *sees a figure run up to em and fear kicks in not knowing who this person was or what they wanted and heart pounds as his breathing becomes intense*
Forrest: I'm forrest.....I own des woods. Wha chuo doin home boy?
Branch: mmmm!!!
Forrest: ford! Take the tap off dumbass!
Ford: *does so*
Forrest: don't lie to me boy!
Forrest: hurt you? Boy! We walking and we saw you here. You a sacrifice?
Branch: I dunno......don't make me think!! I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON AND WHY THE HELL I'M HERE!!!!
Forrest: *leaps up into the tree and clings out a tree above branches head and grouls* maybe *runs his finger nail through his thin black soothing soft hair* it was us....
Branch: *freaked out and now feeling uncomfortable* b but you said.....
Forrest: mmmm....maybe it was a hold up.
Branch: a what!?
Something comes and rips em from the tree and pins em on the ground*
Branch: *screams and panics as he fights it* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The shadow: hello Branch...... We meet again😈😈😈
The shadow: never😈😈😈.
Branch: *feels as if bugs are carwing all over and Squrims and squeals like a pig hating it* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Stop!!l *tugs to break his wrists free from the shadows grasp* let go of me!! Stop it!!! *grunts and fights* i😢😢i don't like it!!😨😨😨
Forrest: ooo!!! He's a troll right?😛
The shadow: *smirks knowing his plan* ....yes😈😈
Branch: *not knowing what's going on he decides to read their minds* "ooo....I can't wait to taste his young fresh blood😋😋" "this will be interesting to watch😈😈" *thinks. Oh gosh!! Oh gosh!! Oh goshh!! No no noo!!!*
Forrest: *pins em down harder then the shadow. He puts his head down and inhales the fresh scent* mmmm......sooo, goood😈😈😈.
Branch: *moves a bit in fear* please😰😰....d...dont kill me.
Forrest: oh, buddy...I ain't gonna do such thing😈😈.
Branch: I don't trust you😰😰😰*shakes in fear*
Forrest: *places teeth on his neck and licks his flesh *
Branch: *sweats in fear*
Forrest: *digs his teeth into his skin and sucks the blood from em*
Branch: *moans from the pain*
Shadow: *looks at his side waist and smirks and somehow gets em on both sides and trickles his finger up and down his waist*
Branch: *screams in discomfort* NNNNOOOOOO!!!!! STOOHOHOHOOOOOOPPP!!!! I BEGGGGG😭😭😭😭😫😫😫😫
Fester: *lands right next to Branch on the other side of Forrest and gets on all fours and leans his head down near his neck*
Branch: no no noo!!! Two is enough!!!! Two is eennnough!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Forrest: just a little.....not trying to kill him.
Fester: *smiles and sucks*
Branch: *screams in agony*
Forrest: *stops and tells fester to stop as well and it was time to go*
Branch: *looks like he's gonna faint but doesn't*
The shadow: *craws up his body freaking him out*
Branch: *is about to scream something but gets his screams muffled by the shadow covering his face with his hand* you will meet again soon my boy.....just you😈😈😈
Shadow: *disappears into the sky*
Branch: *watches and lays there trying to process the whole thing*
Branch: am I still here?...*feels himself and sits up*
Branch: I'm alive!!! I'm.... I'm alive!!!!😌😌😌*stands up slowly and looks around and signs trying to take breaths and calm himself before trying to find his way out*
Few minutes later. Starts off.
2hours later.
Branch: *sees the entrance out of the woods and looks lefts to right and behind em and tries to look behind other tree then looks around him in the front and hides behind a tree and keeps looking left to right behind and in front to see if anybody is near or around and looks to also find a place for weapons in case. Not knowing people that well around here but know the woods are far more dangerous with the vampires out on the lose then remembers to look up in the trees and searches a bit but then looks again behind side to side and in front then grabs a stick and a rock and puts the stick in his hair but holds the rock for safety. He then with the rock in hand and walks out looking from all sides and for no reason above em and looking on the ground watching his step. He carefully walks across the road and does a bit of a jog across and gets up onto the sidewalk safely and signs and looks up and down the sidewalk and thinks on where he should head into and knows to not go right cause he'd be heading back into his past and doesn't want to. So he then turns left heading into the township and watching every corner with rock in hand scared someone will attack or jump em or grab em from the dark corners and is prepared for it all. As he walks he sees some men fighting and scared of being caught he hides and watches from the corner and he hears footsteps coming down his way and hides in his hair blending it in with the surroundings covering his face to make no sound not wanting to be beaten or rapped by those men*
Then mens footsteps stomp down the sidewalk passing Branch and head straight down to were he came from.
Branch: *peeks through his hair without moving it. Just with his eyes and h tires these guys belong to the abusive place with vesper and all the others and when he hears no one he waits for 20 more minutes before looking around and as he does he looks around and having the rock in hand seeing no one around he lets himself cool and releasing some breathe he didn't realise he was holding. And has a hard decision to make. Either continue his direction and face the consequences of bar men and be almost beaten or rapped or run across the street and face some vampires that could do the same. After a bit of quick thinking cause of his location and knows he gotta make a move before anything he decides to deal with men because vampires kill and being beaten by some men....he'd rather that then having his blood sucked from em, besides... He already got some blood sucked he doesn't want that again😬😬. So he heads in that direction and kind of Diagonally heads behind the bar and gets onto another sidewalk and turns left and walks up that way and as he walks and walks he sees some guy on the street with a black hoodie and scared out of his mind he stays a distance but asks em* eh e excuse me!
Random guy: *looks up and sees this beautiful boy a few feet away shirtless calling out to em and is confused on why he's the way he is* what do you want kid!?
Branch: *studders a bit* i....i.....i....are i.....can i.....your black hoodie........😶😶😶
Random guy: *not knowing this kid he slowly moves closer from the building he was leaned up against*
Branch: *scared he backs up a bit raising his hand with the rock in it* I'm...... I'm...... C...cold......p....please....... Dont hurt me......😟😟😟
Random guy: *looks down at his body and notices he's how his curvy his waist is and thinks...... "Is this a transgender kid?" He looks at his hoodie and looks at the kid and thinks about it and takes off the black hoodie he was wearing and hands it out to em* here.
Branch: *scared still looking at the guy and the jacket he slowly goes up having his rock in hand and reaches out for the jacket and grabs it but then feels the guys hand gluide on his waist and sticks em with the rock and backs up quickly starring at em and stutters the word* th....thank you....s...sir. *he puts it on quickly and gripping the rock he looks both ways on the road and runs across the street to get to the other sidewalk and gets there safely and seeing the guy look at em he puts his black hood up over his head to let the guy know to leave em alone and continues down the sidewalk*
Random guy: *watches em as he pulls out a cigar and lights it and laughs and turns around back to the wall he was at* he better be careful with that hella of a hot ass body he got.
Well, I'm gonna end this here. I hop you all enjoyed this.
For you'd I'd be continuing it.
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