Episode 9: No Guts, No Glori
It was Friday night. And Leo spent time in the bathroom combing his hair and getting himself ready for the night.
When he was done, he made his way to the kitchen to have a quick drink, when he saw something on the calendar. It was today's date, with a heart on it.
Leo: We'll, well, looks like I'm not the only one with plans tonight.
He looked out the kitchen and saw his dad was all dressed up as well.
Leo: Pulled out the romance tie. You and mom going out tonight?
Lynn Sr.: Yep, first date in over a month and man do I intend to spend it with the woman I fell in love with before you and Lori were born.
Leo: Try not to have too much fun. That's how we got Lily when you said you'd wait until Lisa was ten.
His dad flustered and lightly slapped his eldest son's shoulders.
Lynn Sr.: I'll remember to say that when you find a special girl in your life, son.
Leo laughed and was glad that his parents got a chance to spend some time together without his siblings around. After all, having twelve kids didn't exactly open up a whole lot of time, especially in a house where every kid was usually active and had an event.
The eldest loud then caught a whiff of a very strong fragrance, he knew such a perfume smelled belonged to his mother. And speaking of said woman, she then exited her and Lynn Sr's room, beautifully dressed for the night.
Rita: Ready hon?
Rita asked, as Lynn Sr. blushed.
Lynn Sr.: O-O-Of course!
Leo: Have a good night. And remember, don't have tooooo much fun, kids. Dad, I'm looking at you.
Rita: I'll keep him on a leash Leo. Lori's in charge! Do as she says! Bye!
She said as she and Lynn Sr. then raced out the house.
Not a second later Lincoln came running, and saw them leave,
Lincoln: NOOOOOO!
Leo: May the great one have mercy on you all tonight.
Soon Leo heard the barking vocal cords of his twin sister.
Lori: (from upstairs) NO!
Leo: And so it begins.
She unplugs Luna's amplifiers.
She then tosses Lana's mud pie in the trash.
Next she approaches Leni who's talking on the phone.
Lori: NO-
Leni: Way! That's totes cray cray!
Lori: (hangs up Leni's call) No phone calls.
Finally she took away Lincoln's game.
Stomping was created before a sharp whistle sounded, causing all the siblings except for Leo to line up in the living room.
Lori was dressed like a drill sergeant with a golfing iron in her grasp. Everyone stood tense, awaiting her next order, some even held in their breaths.
Lori: At ease.
All the siblings sighed before she yelled.
Her words made the others regain their straightened forms.
Lori: As you know, Mom and Dad left me in charge. That means you have to do as I say, whether you're tall, short, or covered in fur and can only understand the word "sit"!
The pets sat down on command, but Walt tipped over in his attempt and knocked Geo's hamster ball to the side. Lori busted out a chart of tonight's schedule.
Lori: Now, here is our schedule for this evening. 6:00 to 7:00: Sitting on bed with arms folded. 7:00 to 7:30: Chow. 7:30 to 8:00: Thorough cleaning of mess hall. 8:00: Staring at wall until falling asleep. Everyone got that?
Loud Siblings except Lana: MA'AM, YES, MA'AM!
Lana: (salutes) SIR, YES, SIR!
Lori glared at Lana for calling her "sir". Lana covers her mouth, aghast.
Everyone rushes back upstairs while Geo hops in his ball up each step.
Leo: Nice get up, sergeant tight up.
Leo was planning to go out, but once he saw how Lori was dressed he couldn't help but laugh.
Some of the siblings gasped at the diss from upstairs, unlike how most would expect Lori didn't get angry and instead sighed.
Lori: This is my job attire Leo, so how about you go off and do yours.
Leo: I have the night off sis. BTW, that's a little much don't you think? I mean seriously... you have everything on the board like a classroom at school. Isn't that normally Lisa's MO.
Lori narrowed her eyes at her twin.
Lori: No, it's not much because it's-
Leo: The weekend, right. I mean it's not how I would normally do things.
Lori: Oh Really? Is that so?
She scowled at him as their siblings glanced between them worriedly from upstairs.
Leo: Uhh, yeah. It so is. If you recall I had enough of a laissez-faire attitude to at least let my siblings have some liberty, so long as they didn't turn the house into Woodstock '99.
Lori: Well too bad. Those days are over, and you're not in charge anymore, are you?
Leo: Yeah, you're absolutely right. And you're my successor Lori.
Leo said with a teasing smirk. Then he began to walk out.
Lori: Hold it? Where are you going?
Leo: Just because Flynn gave me the night off, doesn't mean I don't got somewhere to be tonight. Good luck with babysitting. You're gonna need it.
Lori: Oh trust me, I doubt I'll need it.
Leo: I'll hold you to those words sis. Byyyeee.
He said as he exited the house.
Leo rode Glynda all the way over to the mall. Where, after securing her, he made his way inside and stood by the fountain in the front entrance.
Until a pair of hands covered his eyes.
???: Guess who~?
Leo: Umm, Gwyneth Paltrow.
???: Nope~! Try again~?
Leo: Betty Cooper?
???: Flattered~! But still no cutie~!
Leo felt up and caressed the hands with his finger tips.
Leo: Hang on, I know these hands. I held them back at homecoming...
Leo: ...Carol Pingrey?
The hands came off of his eyes, and could see again. Revealing said girl waiting behind him.
Carol: Right answer.
Leo: Sorry I took a while. Had to fill up Glynda back at Flipps. I swear the guys a scam artist through and through. With that stupid raccoon sidekick of his.
Leo grumbled. But felt his anger quickly fade when he felt Carol's lips peck his cheek and make him blush.
Carol: I didn't mind waiting. I got here a few minutes before you did, so I wasn't waiting long.
Leo: Well that's a relief.
Carol: Sooo, what's the plan for tonight cutie~?
Leo: The first date and you're already coming up with pet names babe~?
Leo teased, making Carol giggle.
Carol: Technically I consider this our second date. The first was back at homecoming. For reasons I'm sure you know why~?
Carol winked at Leo making him blush almost completely red and looked away flustered with a shy smile.
Leo: Okay, I'll give you that. I can kinda see why.
Carol: Now that we've settled that... What were you thinking?
Leo: We'll, nothing too extravagant. I was thinking maybe a pizza, and we try out the new neon mini golf course that they just finished building. How's that?
Carol: Pepperoni?
Leo: If you insist?
Leo offered his arm, and Carol accepted. Wrapping her arms around it and leaned her head against his shoulders as he escorted her to the mess hall.
They had their meal and just talked. Catching up on their lives after Leo came back from college. While reminiscing about their pasts. With Leo often having to be the mature one when his siblings fought or misbehaved, but not regretting any of it. Which Carol found admirable about him, having known of him since kindergarten when she saw him comfort Lori after losing to her when she sold more Blue Scout cookies.
When they were done, they went to the indoor neon golf course that had just been installed last week.
They had fun and things became a soft competition with trick shots. The score was tied and they were at the third to final hole. Leo had made it in five strokes and Carol was at two.
Leo: Care to make it more interesting~?
Carol: Oh it's soooo on~! Okay, if I make it... then on our next date, you have to take me to see a movie, but I get to pick the film.
Leo: (groan) Romantic comedy, I'm guessing?
Carol: Mayyyybe, maybe not. You'll just have to find out.
Leo: Fine. But if I win?
Carol: How about I... give you a kiss~!
Leo: Haven't you already given me plenty of those~?
Carol: I was talking about a 'special' kind of kiss, you know, like ones we shared on our 'first' date~?
Leo flustered again.
Leo: You're trying to get in my head aren't you?
Carol: Depends... am I~?
Leo chuckled and took on her challenge. Both of them, shaking in it. Before she could take her turn, Leo's phone began to ring. He looked at Carol who nodded for him to take it.
Getting it and holding it to his ear.
Leo: Hello?
Lincoln: Leo, hey um, listen. I really need you to come home. Right now.
Leo: (some worry) What, wait, why? Did something happen?
Lincoln: (sheepish) Umm, yeeaahh, something like that.
Leo: The way you said that does not inspire confidence in me Linc.
Leo said as Carol listened and they both heard a lot of racket in the back. With Leni calling for pest control and Blayze's engine roaring in the back.
Leo: *sigh* Fine, I'll be back as quick as I can.
Lincoln: Thanks bro. Lana I said you can't fish in the fish tank.
The line on Lincoln's end went out. And Leo pinched his nose as he groaned.
Leo: (groan) I knew Lori would find a way to make them rebel.
He looked at Carol and scratched the back of his head.
Leo: Umm, listen, as you no doubt heard there's something going on at home. And I really, really, want to finish this date with you but-
Carol: Stop. It's fine, I get it. You go check on your siblings.
Leo: You sure? You don't need a ride back home do you?
Carol: I've already got a car silly~! I'll manage.
Leo: Right, of course you do. Again sorry, Carol.
Carol: (giggle) If you insist, we can pick up next time. But~!
Carol went toward him and gave him a kiss on the lips, then his cheek before stepping away.
Carol: That'll have to do. Now, get running cutie, no telling how bad the damage is.
Leo: Thanks.
Leo smiled and quickly ran out with Carol watching him. He got to Glynda and rode back home.
Riding home, Leo stood before the door of the Loud House. Wondering and worried just how bad did it have to be for Lincoln to call him, he opened the door and was instantly blasted with a torrent of music nearly bursting his ear drums and sending him back to the front steps.
He gazed into the house to spot mud and food all over the floor and walls, the furniture was broken and was in the wrong places, it was wet and diapers were all around.
Leo: Oh yeah. This is so many levels bad.
He stepped in and Lincoln came running in a hurry.
Lincoln: Leo! Please bro, you gotta help me.
Leo: We'll, where the heck is Lori at?
Lincoln: (shyly) We uh, kinda rose up, tied her to a chair, and locked her up in her and Leni's room.
Leo: *sigh* Well if Return of the Jedi and Macbeth taught me anything, it's that a tyrant will always if not eventually be overthrown. But at the very least Lori kept the house in order. So who's in charge now?
Lincoln: (sheepishly) Umm... that would be Me.
Leo: Oi vey. Looks like I'm really coming out of retirement for once. Okay Linc, you may wanna cover your ears for this one."
Leo warned as Lincoln took up a pillow and covered his ears. Leo took in a huge puff of air, chest out, and let it all out real loud.
Lincoln shook at the roaring commanding voice that seemed to shake up the entire house like an earthquake. But it worked as soon all of the Loud sisters, minus Lori and Lola had all gathered.
Lincoln: (amazed) Woah...
Lincoln said after seeing how fast all of the Loud sisters had gone quiet and quickly gathered. They didn't listen to him, yet they quickly dropped everything and came to Leo's call. When they gathered Leo didn't say anything, and everything in the Loud house suddenly went quiet. You could hear a pin drop. It stayed like that for what felt like minutes with Leo simply staring at the Loud sisters. It was eerie, even Lucy was getting nervous.
Leo: Soooooo...
Leo: ...would anyone here care to explain to me just what the heck all of this is?
Leo asked, arms on his sides with a raised brow and scowl. The sisters began to get really nervous and were sweating to say something... until-
Lynn: Okay, I confess. It was all Stinkins fault!
Lincoln: What!? You can't put this whole wrap on me.
Lynn: He was insane! Power hungry! He wanted no rules so he could play his dumb games and blackmailed the rest of us to go with his plan to overthrow Lori.
Lincoln: We all got tired of her tyranny and worked together to topple her.
Lynn: He was planning a coup against you when he was five when you wouldn't let him watch Twilight of the Dead.
Lincoln: Lynn used your lightsaber for a baseball bat!
Lynn: It's not what it looks like!
Lynn and Leo went silent.
Leo: Before you say anything else that might upset me more, it would be best if the two of you just shut up right now. *sigh* Lola, untie Lori and the both of you get down here! Or I'm telling mom why her perfume was half empty last Christmas.
Not much longer did the two girls come down the stairs.
Lori had a very conceding look, while Lola joined the line and was nervous.
Lori: Tch, like i said, you wouldn't last five minutes.
Lincoln: It's been five minutes?
Lori: And you couldn't handle the pressure, and had to resort to calling Leo out of retirement to bail you out.
Leo: Okay, enough of that. This isn't about who's in the right or wrong sis. Look, you guys want to know why she's so strict? Do me a favor and take a long look at this house!
Leo held his arms up and showed the extent of the damage done. Making the Loud sisters "ooh" before wincing.
Leo: This isn't the first time this has happened. When I first babysat you guys, geez. I swear, I give you guys an inch and you'd go take a hundred miles. So... don't you all have something to say to Lori.
Loud Siblings: Sorry Lori/Sis.
Lori: Hmph, as you should be.
Leo; Ohhh, no ya' don't. Don't think for one second you're off the hook either sis.
Lori: What!? What did I do?
Leo: One, if they all went Les Miserables and locked you in your room when you were supposed to be in charge, then why didn't you just call me? I would've been here sooner and settled everything before the whole house ended up like the Fall of Rome.
Lori looked away and held her arm.
Leo: Two, maybe if you weren't always going Full Metal Jacket on them, maybe they wouldn't have felt the need to overthrow you. A little freedom to have some fun never killed anyone.
Lori: Hey! I'll have you know that I can do my job just-
Leo: Fine? Yeah, I know. And I'm not saying that you can't. I'm just saying that you should just let them be kids. They're not angels. They're Louds, sometimes things are just gonna get out of hand no matter how hard we try. I mean you and I were up to just as wild when we were in Elementary school. Need I remind you of the Spitball wars?
Lori blushed and looked away at the mention of the old childhood fiasco. Both fun and horrid.
Leo: So, after this, I hope we won't have any more problems in the future. Am I right?
Leo said, giving a stern look to all of his other siblings.
Loud Sibling: Yes big bro.
Lana: Sir. Yes, sir.
Lana said with a salute, making him chuckle.
Leo then turned to Lori, the two sharing a look.
Leo: Alright sis. I did what I was called here to do. You're in charge, so what's the game plan?
He asked with a smile. Which Lori returned.
Lori: ...Luna, a little clean up music.
Luna: You got it, sis!
Luna started to rock away, as Lori blew her whistle and everyone began to clean up the house.
Lana put the fish back in the tank. Lisa scrubbed up the living room with a soap cannon and the help of her tentacle friend.
Leni and Luan untangled the phone wire. Lynn used the hose to clean the kitchen and then put it outside. Cliff was about to go on the carpet, but Leo glared at him and pointed at his litter box, which he obeys and goes to. Lola tied up some trash and Lynn yanked it up on Blayze. Lincoln fished out Lily's diaper and put it on her. They did the finishing touches and carried everything else away as if the house was the same as it was to its former status when their parents left. Leo put the painting from the food fight in front of the hole in the wall to cover it. Then the sisters all returned to their rooms after a crazy Friday night.
Leo: We'll, I have to say that this has been an interesting night.
Leo chuckled as he nudged Lori on the shoulder.
Lori: Ugh, whatever.
Leo: Come on, admit it. Just like old times when we were Sophomores.
Lori however sighed before she decided to confess something.
Lori: Hey, Leo...
Leo: Yeah? What is it?
Lori: Look, the truth of why I didn't call you... it's because I was... *sigh* I was afraid.
Leo: Afraid of what?
Lori: ...afraid of being overshadowed and replaced.
Leo raised his eyebrow confused at that.
Lori: Mom and dad always trusted you with the responsibility of looking after us whenever they were out. You matured faster than I did after Luna was born, and it made you such a reliable person for the rest of our siblings. Everyone loved it when you were in charge, but me... no one ever really took me serious. I felt overshadowed and when I finally was chosen to take charge after you left, I wanted to show that I could be just as good as you, especially after Lincoln was born and things were only getting more chaotic after. I was afraid that if I called you and you came... you'd fix everything and I'd no longer be needed.
Leo: So you wanted to be out of my shadow? And you thought being R. Lee Ermey would numb your insecurities?
Lori nodded her head, and still looked away.
Leo: Lori, you're not me. Just because I had a more lax way of looking after our siblings, that doesn't mean you have to try so hard. You're also better than me at other things. You can drive Vanzilla, when I can't. I mean I'm just as bad as Leni with anything that has four wheels. When I went to homecoming, you were the one who helped me with my penguin suit when Dad's was eaten by moths. I'm good at golf, but you're a grandmaster that's superior to me. Even when I'm trying. Don't ever feel insecure around me sis, if you ever need help just ask. That's what a brother does.
Lori smiled and almost was about to cry before she felt Leo pull her into a hug. Which she returned.
Leo: Better?
Lori: ...a little yeah. Thanks Leo... but, just know that, if we get busted I'm literally blaming you.
Leo: Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't expect anything less. Just glad you're feeling better.
Lori smiled.
But then her nose twitched, and smelt something and she began to sniff more and more.
Lori: (sniff, sniff, sniff) Is that perfume coming from your shirt?
Leo: (eyes widen) Ooohh, uhhh...
Lori: (pulls away from the hug) And is that a... lipstick mark on your neck? Alright, spill it Leo. Who is she?
Leo: Ummm... Oh look mom and dad are back!
That's when their parents then entered the house.
Lynn Sr.: Wow! I can't believe the house is still standing!
Leo: Come on dad, what else did you expect? I mean after all, Lori's in charge.
Leo said, nudging his sister, as she gave him a smirk.
Lori: (whisper) We are so not done here.
Rita: So, what are you two up to?
Lori: Oh, we were just getting ready to play some video games with Lincoln.
Lori said as she glanced up to the staircase where Lincoln was standing.
Lori: Can't say no all the time.
The parents then walked past them, Leo looked at Lincoln.
Leo: Come on Linc.
Soon all three were on the couch playing Super Mega Brawlers Turbo Fighter XXIV, until...
Lori & Lincoln: Dibs not!
Leo: Dibs-Ah, dang it!
The end.
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