Episode 3: Heavy Meddle
At Royal Woods Elementary School, Lincoln opens up his locker, but someone pantses him.
Lincoln: (to someone off-screen) Really?
The other kids laugh at and take photos of his expense; after class; Lincoln gets out of his desk, but the same kid ties his shoelaces together and he trips and falls.
Lincoln: (sarcastically) Oh, wow, real original!
The other kids laugh and photograph this, too; at lunch, Lincoln sits down in his favorite lunch seat only to make a fart noise and find that he sat on a whoopee cushion.
Lincoln: (sarcastically) That's real mature!
The other kids laugh and photograph again; the bell rings and he checks his locker only for a pile of garbage to fall onto him; the kids do what they did before again.
Lincoln: (opens up a door from the trash; not taking it anymore.) All right! That's it!
After the rough day he's had, now Lincoln and Clyde were seen walking home from school.
Clyde: So, you really confronted that bully?
Lincoln: That's right. I said to meet me at 3:30 in front of my house, and we're gonna settle this.
Clyde: Whoa! Whoa! Hang on? You're gonna fight?!
Lincoln: What? No! I'm not an animal, Clyde. I'm just going to deliver a strongly worded speech... as soon as I write it.
Clyde: Huh, looks like that bully left you a note of their own.
Clyde noticed something on Lincoln.
Lincoln: Huh?
He sees a sticky note on his head, pulls it off, and reads it.
Lincoln: Lame-O.
There's also a piece of gum in Lincoln's hair that Clyde sniffs.
Clyde: Ooh! Watermelon lime!
Lincoln: Better not let any of my sisters see this, 'cause then they'll want to get involved and make things worse, the way they always do.
Clyde: I don't know. Maybe they'd be helpful. Your sister Lori gives great advice. She told me to never be myself. I love that woman.
Clyde said and looks lovesick
Lincoln: Aw, Clyde. Sweet, sweet, innocent Clyde.
Lincoln then turned to the viewers.
Lincoln: He has no idea what it's like to have ten meddling sisters.
The scene turns to what looks like Lincoln being sick. Lori puts a thermometer in his mouth and checks his temperature. Lisa comes in with an X-Ray machine and takes his X-rays, leaving him with glowing radiation. Luan dressed as a doctor with a clown nose and Luna bandaged him up real tight. Lincoln muffles and Luan removes the bandages covering his mouth so he can breathe.
Lincoln: Phew.
Leni came in carrying a bowl of piping hot soup.
Leni: Here comes the airplane!
But the ditzy Loud sister spills it all over Lincoln's crotch
Lincoln: Aahh! It burns!
Leni: Oopsie.
Leni walked off screen embarrassed. Luna and Luan bandage up his crotch.
Flashback End
Lincoln: And that was just a paper cut!
Lincoln held up a finger with a bandage wrapped around it to the viewers.
Lincoln: Thankfully Leo was able to get them to stop before they really got out of hand.
Clyde: What about Leo? Doesn't he act like them when you and the others are in trouble?
Lincoln: Well, yeah he can be. But when he meddles, it isn't as extreme as my sisters.
Lincoln was riding his skateboard outside of the house. Until he tripped and fell over, hitting hard on his kneecap while also spraining his ankle.
Lincoln: Owww! Ow! Ow!
Leo: Lincoln!?
Leo heard his scream from the garage, coming out from working on his motorcycle Glynda, to help his brother.
Leo: Here, let me have a look.
He looks down at Lincoln, clutching his bruised kneecap and sprained ankle. Leo bent down, grabbing a few bandages from his pocket and wrapped it up.
Leo: And... There we go. Nothing's broken thankfully. Just a scraped knee. And luckily your ankle isn't too swollen. You might feel sore tomorrow, but nothing a little ice and some good ol' fashioned rest can't fix. Just try not to put so much stress on that leg and foot, and you'll be good as new in no time. Also maybe wear your knee pads next time.
Leo said with a smile.
Lincoln: Phew. Thanks, Leo.
Leo: Anytime. Now then, let's make sure your board isn't too damaged either. Plus, I think Lynn's crutch is in the garage as well. That'll help you get around the house better.
Picking up his skateboard, Leo took Lincoln into the garage and began working on fixing it, while having a little bonding experience with his brother.
Flashback end
Lincoln: I know what you might be thinking, 'Lincoln, how can someone like Leo, your only brother in a family with ten sisters, possibly be just as bad a meddler?' Well, as you just saw, Leo does care about me, but he isn't a meddler. If it's something small and non-life threatening, then he'll let me handle it myself. He'll only meddle when he deems it absolutely necessary. Plus he'd probably just tell me to suck it up and punch the bully back.
Clyde: Well, then, you'd better get that gum out. You wanna look intimidating for that bully.
Lincoln: I was born intimidating.
He tries to pull it out, but it's too grody to touch for him.
Lincoln: Ew, ew! Gross!
Clyde: You know, peanut butter will get that gum out.
Lincoln: Should I use chunky or smooth?
Clyde: Well, if you use chunky, you're gonna have to use smooth to get the chunks out.
Lincoln: Good point. Thanks, pal.
Lincoln went into his house and looked around to see if any of his sisters or brother were lurking.
The coast was clear and he stepped in and put his backpack on the floor; just then, a news broadcast weather board appeared next to him with his face in the sun.
Lincoln: The National Weather Service reports clear skies with only a 20% chance of meddling sisters or problem solving brother either. But we advise keeping your umbrella handy.
Lincoln soon spots the youngest of the Loud Siblings, Lily playing with her toys on the floor before noticing him tiptoe his way past her as he was coming in.
Lincoln: Shh...
But steps on a squeaky toy and lifts his foot up with some squeaking aftershocks from said toy.
Lily: Shh..
Lily copied his action with a giggle.
Lincoln: Shh...
Lincoln tried to sneak off.
Lori: Hold it right there!
Lincoln thinks Lori has spotted him, but eased down when he realized she was really talking to a friend of hers on her phone.
Lori: He wore cargo shorts on your date? That is literally the worst thing I have ever heard... Ew, scratch that, hearing you say that my brother could probably pull them off is the worst thing I've ever heard!
Lincoln: Phew.
He sneaks into the kitchen and gets to the fridge and looks for the peanut butter.
Lincoln: Peanut butter, peanut butter... where's the peanut butter?
Luna then comes in humming a tune and Lincoln hides the gum by sticking his head in one of the crisper drawers.
Luna: Hey, bro.
Lincoln: Oh, hey, Luna. What's the haps?
Luna seeing Lincoln's position.
Luna: Rad way to chill out, bro.
Lincoln: Right. Totally rad.
Luna: Hey, hook me up with some pudding would ya'?
Lincoln felt around for a pudding cup and touched a piece of broccoli.
Lincoln: Gross!
He shakes the broccoli texture off his hand, finds a pudding cup and hands it to Luna.
Luna: Thanks. Stay cool.
After she left, Lincoln got his head out of the crisper drawer with a head of cabbage on the gum and shook it off. Then he finally finds the peanut butter jar.
Lincoln: Peanut butter!
He opened the jar and discovered that it's empty. Now he was frustrated.
Lincoln: Ah! Why do people put empty jars back in the fridge?!
He puts it back in despite what he just ranted about.
Lincoln: I need a Plan B.
Lori: Socks and sandals? Cut it out!
Lincoln: Cut it out. That's it!
He sneaks past Lori.
Lori: Okay, now that is literally the worst thing I have ever heard.
Lincoln sneaks into his parents' room and grabs a pair of scissors to cut the gum out with. But as he makes his way to the staircase, Luan is coming down and Lincoln sticks the gum to the wall to hide it.
Lincoln: Hey, Luan.
Luan: Hey, Lincoln. What do you think of this joke? If I were you, I'd go for the baboon!
Lincoln: I don't get it.
Luan: Oh. Well, that's just the punchline. I still gotta think of the setup. Maybe Leo can help me with that part.
Luan walks away, going to look for Leo.
Lincoln headed up the stairs and makes it to the door to his room, but his mother calls him.
Rita: Lincoln, honey! I need you to take out the trash!
Lincoln: Okay, Mom! Five minutes!
Rita: Not five minutes! Now!
Lincoln: I will! Just give me three minutes!
Lynn Sr.: Lincoln, listen to your mother!
Lincoln groaned in frustration, snuck around to avoid his sisters, and took the trash out. But Leni is coming and he puts the trash lid on the gum to hide it.
Leni: Hey, Lincoln. Is my desk lamp in there? I can't find it anywhere.
Lincoln: Nope. Have you tried looking on your desk?
Leni: So smart!
She then sees the lid on Lincoln's head.
Lincoln: What's up with that hat?
Lincoln: "Oh, this?
He then strikes a few poses.
Lincoln: These are all the rage right now. I'm surprised you didn't know.
Leni: Hmm...
Leni was becoming inspired as Lincoln snuck back to the door to his room.
Lincoln: Phew.
He gets ready to open the door, but Lisa caught him.
Lisa: Greetings, human. There appears to be Liquidambar Styraciflua in your follicular area.
Lincoln: There's a what in my who now?
Lisa: You've got gum in your hair.
Lincoln: Oh, yes. I'm sure it's just-
Lisa: I assume that being of average intelligence, you didn't place it there yourself. Therefore, I can only deduce that someone has been picking on you.
Lincoln: Lisa, please! You can't tell! I don't want everyone getting involved.
He was begging his genius sister.
Lisa: Don't worry. I do not have enough room in my brain for this kind of tomfoolery.
Lisa walks away
Lincoln: Phew.
Feeling home free, he finally enters his room.
Then he takes out the scissors and snips the gum out, but just as he's about to dispose of it, Lynn kicked the door open with every sister and Leo there.
Lynn: You're being picked on!
Lincoln instantly turned his sights to the genius.
Lincoln: Lisa, I thought you weren't going to say anything.
Lincoln yelled irritated.
Lisa: No. What I said was I did not have room in my brain for your secret. Hence, I removed it and transferred it to Lynn, whose brain apparently has ample room.
Lynn: Thanks.
Lynn said proudly before she realized it was not a compliment.
Lynn: Hey!
Lisa: But if it make you feel better, she didn't tell Leo
Lincoln: Then why is he here?!
Leo: Because I was down in the basement working on the boiler so we can have longer hot showers when I heard you guys with help through the vent.
Lincoln: The vent?
Leo: Yup. The vent by your door on this side of the house is connected to the basement. Same for all of the other vents that connect throughout the house. So I could hear everything if I'm near the right vent.
Lori: Wait? Everything?
Leo: Everything.
Luna: Okay, that's a little creepy... but anyway, your being picked on brah!
Lincoln: No! No! Of course not!
He said nervous. But then Luan pointed something out.
Luan: Then what's that?
Lincoln: That's just my gum.
He chews it trying to cover it up but is obviously disgusted by it.
Lincoln: Mmm... watermelon lime. And hair!
Leo: Linc! Spit out the hair gum. You're only torturing yourself for nothing.
Lincoln coughs it out and the girls start demanding him to let them help him.
Lincoln: Guys! Guys! Please stay out of this! You'll only make it worse!
He was begging.
Leo: Is that why you never want our sisters to help with your problems? Because you're worried they'd make it worse.
Lincoln: Yes!
Leo: Like kerosene to fire?
Lincoln: Yes! Yes! Exactly like that.
Leo: Well in that case I'm gonna have to take Lincoln's side here. It's nice of you girls to want to help your brother, but if he wants to handle it himself, then we'll just have to respect his choice. If he needs our help, he'll ask for our help. Plus, I can understand his reasons having seen my fair share of how you girls 'handle' some of his problems.
Leo said. Quoting the air around 'handle.'
Lori: So what? You're just gonna do nothing to help our little brother?
Leo: Oh trust me sis, I want to help. I want to wake the lion and go on the hunt. If I did, I swear on our great-grandma Harriet, I'd put the fear of God in this punk for bullying my little brother. I would make him contemplate his life choices. I would make him run all the way to Manitoba and beyond... but if Lincoln feels we'll make it worse and has his own plan to settle it, then I'll respect his choice and let him be.
Lincoln sighed knowing that Leo was on his side.
Lincoln: Thanks for understanding Leo!
Lori: Well sorry Leo, but it's our responsibility as his sisters to help him. And if by worse you mean better, then I agree.
Lincoln and Leo fell anime style at that logic.
Lola: You should go straight to the school principal!
Leo: And have him come back in stitches. Pfft, that'll never work.
The young princess however, growled at him.
Lori: Leo's right. You should literally text an embarrassing picture of him to all his friends.
Luan: I'm gonna write an insult comedy routine that will leave him in tears!
Lynn then flips at Lincoln. Then kicks him.
Lynn: Hoo-wah! Basic stealth ninja kick. That's how you're gonna take him down.
Lincoln groans and gives us an update on the weather of his life with storm clouds coming in over his face.
PRIMARY RISK: Making things worse for me
Damaging childhood
Bad advice
Lincoln: Well, folks, the National Weather Service has just released a Category 1 Sisternado Watch. We advise boarding up your windows and preparing your emergency supplies.
Lynn suddenly grabs him and has him in a hold.
Lynn: That's the camel clutch. Another good option for ya.
Leo: Lynn, let him go, you know he bruises easily.
Lynn got off of him.
Lincoln: Look, I don't need any-
Luan: We'll start with some basic dumb jokes. Like, "You're so dumb you locked yourself inside your car." That kind of thing.
Leo: *sigh* Luan, sis. You know I love you and your jokes. But that will only make the bully hate Lincoln even more and will want to hurt him twice as much before. They only laugh when it isn't them getting insulted.
Lola: Ooh I know! I'll invite him to a tea party and make him use the chipped cup!
Lola had a sinister smile with a sinister sting to accompany it.
Lola: I'm so evil, sometimes I scare even me.
Leo: Yeah. And yet, you can't seem to ever scare me.
Lola: Oh don't you worry, Leo. One of these days, I'm going to make you fear me.
Leo: Never gonna happen princess. If anyone's ever gonna have that bragging right, it's definitely gonna go to Lucy. She's made me flinch more than Cliff whenever he sees a cucumber or leapt onto foil.
Lucy: Thanks.
Leo flinches and makes a trill. Seeing as said sister was suddenly next to him.
Leo: See what I mean. Props to you Luce.
Lincoln notices Lynn standing in a strange pose.
Lincoln: What are you doing?
Lynn pulled Lincoln's shirt over his face.
Lynn: Surprise mime attack! I invented that one myself.
Lincoln pulled his shirt back down.
Lincoln: Lynn, I'm not going to fight. I-
Lynn: Ugh! Fine! I'll take care of this myself.
Lynn walked off.
Leo: Hang on? Linc, you're seriously not going to fight?
Lincoln: No. I'm going to have a talk with the bully.
Leo: Pacifistic route huh? Like Gandhi and MLK. Linc. Here's a piece of advice that I learned long ago, that I am now passing onto you. Bullies don't care about talking, especially at your age. They like to pummel you instead. With their fist. If not then their feet. To them might makes right.
Luna: You should do this instead!
She slams a pair of cymbals right in Lincoln's ears.
Luna: His ears'll be ringing for days!
Luan: Ugly jokes are always good, too. Like, "You're so ugly, you have to trick-or-treat over the phone."
Lincoln's ears were still ringing
Lincoln: What?!
Lynn returns with a boy and is carrying him by the seat of his pants.
Lynn: Hey guys, look! I found him!
The girls surround him and are not very happy with him.
Lori: How dare you bully our brother! Only we get to do that.
Leo: Wow. Really feeling the love there sis.
Lana spits the gum right into Lincoln's hand.
Lana: Go on! Smoosh your watermelon lime gum in his hair, Lincoln!
But she sees Lincoln is too hesitant to do it.
Lana: Fine. I'll do it.
Lincoln: Wait! Stop! This guy isn't even my enemy! Although, thanks to you, he probably will be now.
The boy growls at him for what he's been put through.
Leo: Hey, less fortunate have walked out of this house unscathed. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones junior.
Lynn kicks the boy out.
Lynn: Why are you still here? Get lost!
Lana: I can't believe I almost wasted perfectly good gum on him.
She takes gum back and chews it.
Lynn: I'll go get another boy.
She proceeds to do so, before Leo stops in front of her.
Leo: Hold it, Sportstar. Are you seriously gonna go all around town, and bring every single boy in Royal Woods into our house, just to see if they are Lincoln's bully?
Lynn: If that's what it takes, then yeah!
Lincoln: No! Lynn, stop! It's not even a boy!
Lynn suddenly stops, surprised at that fact and the others are perplexed. Leo looked at his brother with a confused expression.
Leo: Saaaayyy what?
Leni: Is it a dog?
Lincoln: *sigh* No... It's a girl.
The sisters gasp.
Leo: (eyes wide, pupils shrunk) Oh no!
Sisters except Lisa: АААААННННННН!!!!!
Lincoln: What?
Leo: Let me get this straight. You got bullied... by a girl?
Lincoln nods in shame.
Leo: Linc, for the sake of me and you to salvage this, please tell me that it's at least an older girl like Lynn or Luan.
Lincoln: No... same age.
Leo: Ah geez.
All the girls except Lisa give him a big group hug, giving Lincoln one of the biggest group hugs ever seen in the Loud House, while suffocating him. Leo stands with a look of pity for his brother.
Lisa: Normally, I don't care for inane human emotions, but... EEEEEE!!!!!!
She then joins in on the hug.
Luna: Lincoln! Why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend?!
Lola: She sounds so pretty!
Lincoln was suffocating.
Lincoln: What is happening right now?
Leo: Ohhh, no. I can see where this is going. And I don't like it.
Lincoln: What? What? What are you talking about? What is going on here Leo?
They all release Lincoln from their hug.
Lori: When a girl picks on you, that only ever means one thing: she likes you!
Sisters: АААААНННННН!!!!!!!!
Leo: (covering his ears) Will you all stop that please?!
Lincoln is just completely dumbfounded at this explanation and in total disbelief.
Lincoln: That's ridiculous! She shoved a sandwich down my pants! I was picking sesame seeds out of my butt for days!
The girls swoon over such a non flirty prank.
Leni: So romantic..
Lori: That's a classic.
Leo: Classic? When in the history of romances and crushes has that ever been considered a class-wait, wait, wait, hang on a second... did you do that to Bobby before you two started dating?
Lori: None of your business Leo.
Leo: I don't hear you denying it.
Lincoln however was getting mad.
Lincoln: You guys are completely nuts! She hates me! I'm gonna meet her today and give her a piece of my mind!
Lori: You need to give her a piece of your heart instead.
Lincoln was now scared.
Lincoln: What?!
Leni: I think he needs to kiss her.
Lily makes kissy faces in agreement.
Lincoln: What?!
Leo: I second that. What?
Sisters: Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!
At that moment, as the girls continue chanting Lincoln to kiss his bully, they all start forming miniature tornadoes around them and merge together to create the Sisternado; a weather warning pops up with the tornadoes taking over Lincoln's space.
Leo: Oh boy. Here we go.
Lincoln: This just in from the National Weather Service! The Sisternado watch has been upgraded to a Sisternado warning. Take cover immediately!
Sisternado: Kiss her! Kiss her!
It traps Lincoln inside. Leo pulled him out and landed on the ground as the Sisternado storms the entire hallway.
Sisternado: Kiss her! Kiss her!
Leo: Linc, here's another piece of advice I learned from a wise man in a traveling blue box... run for your life!
Lincoln heeded his older brother's words and escapes. Running into the bathroom to seek shelter and picks up his radio.
Lincoln: Mayday! Mayday! Clyde, do you copy?
Clyde: Roger. I mean, this is Clyde, not Roger. But yeah. Roger, it's Clyde.
Lincoln: My sisters have lost their minds! They think the bully likes me! They want me to kiss her!
He reported in a panic
Clyde: I don't know. Maybe they're right, Lincoln.
Lincoln: My sisters are never right! All they do is meddle.
Clyde: They're girls, Lincoln. They know more about these things than we do. It's a scientific fact.
Lincoln: Yeah, but there's no way that-
Suddenly he starts considering the possibility.
Lincoln: Wow. Me? You really think she might like me? How would I know?
Clyde: There's only one way to find out.
Lincoln goes out to confront the Sisternado.
Sisternado: Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!
Leo: You girls are completely delusional. You know that? There is absolutely no way that Lincoln would actually be dumb enough, let alone naive enough, to actually take your advice and do something like that without any consequences whatsoever.
Leo stated which caused the Sisternado to come to an abrupt stop.
Luan: Oh, really?
Luan asked with a smile along with the rest of her sisters.
Leo: Uhhh, Yeah, really. I'm pretty sure girls, even at her and Lincs age, don't like guys just waltzing on up and suddenly kissing them. Maybe it would work for you girls and your crushes, but last time I checked that does not end well for anyone else outside of this house.
Leo responded with a stoic expression.
Lola: Okay, care to put your money where your mouth is big bro?
Lola asked with an evil grin.
Leo smirked.
Leo: Sure. I'll bet each and every one of you that not only is Lincoln gonna be mad and hate you, he's gonna end up with an injury.
Luna: Okay. And we bet not only will he get the kiss, he'll get the girl, dude.
Leo: The usual wagers?
Loud Sisters: You're on big bro.
They all shook on it, sealing the bet.
Leo: Whelp, good luc-
Lincoln: Hold it!
The Sisternado comes to a stop and the sisters turn back to normal.
Lincoln: So am I going to kiss this girl or what?
The girls, except Lisa, squeal again.
Lisa: Again... EEEEEE!!!!!!
Leo: Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait! What? Hold on a sec? You're kidding me right? Oh geez. You're not joking, are you? You're seriously going to indulge yourself in this? You're gonna to get punched Linc! You know that right?
No one seemed to hear him.
Leo: I repeat. This is a stupid plan Linc. All of you are being real stupid right now. You know that right? Seriously, I'm warning you. You're gonna regret this big time.
Lola: Be ready for my foot massage, Leo!
Lola exclaimed to her eldest brother who cringed.
Lori: Make that two, and being an ottoman for me and Leni.
Leo shivered at that thought. Imagining himself being belittled as Lori and his sisters gossiped and laughed while he was being belittled.
Leo: Yeah. No. I don't think so.
He certainly wanted to avoid that. He loved his sisters, but not enough to the point that he would let himself be demeaned that it would make him feel ashamed of himself as a man. He had pride after all, what man didn't. Well maybe his dad if his ties were anything to go off of. Something he and his mom both shared an opinion of... but that was besides the point.
So... While his sisters were getting Lincoln ready for 3:30, the eldest Loud sibling had other plans. There was a reason why he was the original man with a plan.
Sneaking down stairs he headed for the phone and started to dial a number.
Leo: Hello.
He greeted the person over the phone before a response came.
Leo: Yes, hi Mr. McBride, it's Leo Loud. Listen, um, could you please put Clyde on the phone... no, no, no, Mr. McBride, Mr. McBride, listen, I assure you he is not in trouble in any way whatsoever. I just want to ask him a question. That's all.
After getting info from Clyde, Leo rode Glynda down the street and headed for a location where he could find Lincoln's wannabe bully. Clyde was certainly a little tougher of a nut to crack than Leo expected, but after bribing him into telling him who she was... let's just say he was gonna have to sneak into Lori's room later to get something and he wasn't gonna like it.
But remembering what she had planned if he lost, suddenly he didn't feel so bad. He wouldn't be going behind everyone's back like this, but since his pride was on the line, he was gonna meddle for himself. No doubt Xibalba would be so proud.
Making it to Royal Woods' park, he sought for the description that had been given to him by Clyde. Soon he spotted someone who fitted the appearance, walking over he stood over her.
Leo: Excuse me, but are you... Ronni-Anne?
He asked as the girl turned to him, she looked of Mexican descent with her tan skin, black hair in a ponytail, freckles on her cheeks and two buck teeth.
She turned to him and immediately noticed the height difference.
Ronnie-Anne: Yeah... Who's asking?
She asked, putting on a tuff demeanor.
Leo: Easy there, I come in peace. I'm Leo Loud, you go to school with my brother Lincoln.
Leo put on a kind smile as he greeted the young girl.
Ronni-Anne: Oh, so you're Lame-O and Lori's big brother.
She said somewhat relaxingly at the realization.
Leo: Yeah I-Wait, hang on, how do you know Lori?
He asked, confused.
Ronni-Anne: 'Cause she's dating my brother, Bobby.
She said pulling out her phone showing him a picture of her and Bobby. Which was corny as heck to Leo.
Leo: Huh? I thought you looked kinda familiar... and also complicates a few things.
He said, rubbing the back of his head.
Ronni-Anne: What do you mean?
Leo: Nothing. Look, listen, I've been told that you've been giving my little brother a bit of a hard time at school.
Ronni-Anne: Oh, he talked about me?
Leo raised a brow at her new demeanor. Before he would credit her with the hard and tuff persona, but now she seemed a little shy at the mention of his brother talking about her.
Leo: Yeahhh... trust me, he didn't want to and was a little mad at your... um... pranks.
Ronni-Anne: Look, I'm really sorry if I hurt him, it's just...well...
She turned her head shyly to the side.
Leo, seeing this sighed.
Leo: Hey. Don't worry about it.
He looked down at his watch and saw it was 3:25, only five more minutes until 3:30.
Leo: Hmm, guess they weren't too far off, but I'm still definitely winning this.
Ronni-Anne: What are you talking about?
Leo: Nothing important. Look, from what I can see you're not a bad kid compared to someone like Chandler. So can I ask you for a solid? I promise it'll be worth the while.
He asked with a smirk to which she looked at him confused.
Leo was soon walking side by side with Ronni-Anne heading for his house while pushing Glynda so his siblings wouldn't hear the engine.
Leo: So you got the plan?
Ronnie-Anne: Yeah, I think so. But are you really okay with this?
Leo: Relax, I'm perfectly okay with it. Normally I'd do what I can to prevent anyone from getting scathed. But, if he does something stupid, then maybe he'll learn a lesson from it, which I think is more important in this sense. Just make sure to give it everything you got minus killing him please. He's still my little brother after all.
Ronni-Anne: I'll see what happens.
Leo: Well I guess that'll have to do. Anyway, my house is the one right over there with the tree growing toys out of it. I'll be in the bushes waiting.
Leo said before he went into some nearby bushes that gave him a clear view of his house, and Ronni-Anne while covering him and Glynda.
So Leo watched as Lincoln came out of the house with a whole lot of chapstick on his lips and a suave demeanor of confidence. And proceeded to straight up kiss Ronni-Anne...
...Ronnie Anne of course was completely caught off guard, and soon gave Lincoln the shock of his life.
A good swing straight into his eye.
Leo: Geez... for an eleven year old, that girl can seriously punch.
Lincoln was on his back.
Ronni-Anne: What. The. Heck. WEIRDO!!
Ronni-Anne said with a blush on her face before stomping away.
Lincoln was just stunned, until he got up looking incredibly mad, and storming back into the house.
Leo stepped out of the bushes and over to the blushing girl when it was all clear.
Leo: Sooo? How was the kiss?
Leo teased. Much to her chagrin.
Ronni-Anne: Why, didn't you tell me that he was gonna kiss me?!
She asked the eldest Loud sibling, both still shocked and a little mad.
Leo: And ruin the surprise. I mean you two were genuinely surprised were you not? Plus I did say he was gonna do something stupid and that it might very well upset you.
Ronni-Anne: I'm about to seriously hit you too right now.
She threatened.
Leo: Like the fire, but if you really want to blame someone, blame our sisters. They're the ones who pestered him to kiss you. I tried to talk 'em out of it, but sadly I was overruled. But either way, everything worked out for everyone. (to himself) Or for me at least.
Ronni-Anne: Except for Lame-O.
Leo: Oh, don't worry, he'll be fine. I'll talk to him. Anyway it was nice meeting you Ronni-Anne, I hope we meet again. But under less awkward situations.
Ronni-Anne: Hey, Wait a second!
She stopped him
Leo: Yeah?
Ronni-Anne: Think you can do something for me as a return favor.
Leo: Yeah, sure. What do you need?
After he got back up, Lincoln stepped back inside with a black eye and is now incredibly furious at his sisters.
Luna: Sorry, buddy. Our bad.
Luan: Well, at least, you gave it a shot.
Lynn: I'll get some ice for that shiner.
Lisa: X-ray machine, stat
Leni: I'm really sorry, Lincoln.
The girls all try to apologize to Lincoln for their meddling, which he is through hearing.
Lincoln: (infuriated) Quiet! Every single time you guys butt into my life, you make things worse! I should've listened to Leo instead of all of you. Well, guess what? Never again! No! More! Meddling!
He walks to his room and slams the door in rage as his sisters stand there feeling guilty.
Then they hear the roar of Glynda's engine pulling up to the house.
Lana: *sigh* So... who's gonna tell 'em?
Leo entered his house, and noticed it was strangely quiet in the Loud House. He looked at the living room and saw all of his sisters together with depressed and shameful looks on their faces as they looked towards him.
Leo: Hey.
He greeted them trying to head up stairs.
Lori: Leo, wait.
He stopped at the staircase and looked at them.
Leo: *sigh* Okay, what is it? What's wrong?
He asked, but he already knew, so he was just playing along for none the wiser.
Lori: Well, umm... you know how we told Lincoln to kiss that girl?
Leo: Uhh, yeah I was there.
Lori: Umm... Well we may have been a little too... well... pushy.
Leo: Oh really? If by little you mean you and the rest of our sisters pestering our little brother to just waltz up and kiss some random girl that he hardly knows, and she hardly knowing him just as much, especially before the third date... then yeah, I'd say it's definitely just 'a little.'
Leo smiled, quoting the air. And the rest of the Loud sisters looked away.
Leo: So, what happened? How'd she react?
Lynn: She punched him.
Lana: And he's mad at us.
Leo: Is he okay?
Luan: He got a black eye.
Leo: Oof! Poor guy. You know I'd hate to say I told you so... but then I'd be a liar. I told you so.
Lori: Okay! We get it. We should've listened to you, and we're sorry. Alright? Look, we just wanted to ask if you could, you know...
Lori tried to sheepishly say.
Leo: Talk to Lincoln?
Leo asked to which they nodded.
Leo: *sigh* Yeah, sure, no prob. I'll talk to him.
Lori: Thanks Leo. Again, we're really sorry.
She hugged her brother and soon the rest of the Loud sisters did the same. Appreciating that their eldest brother would try to make up for their mistake. Then they let go.
Leo: Also don't think this'll get you girls out of our bet. I still expect my prize when I'm done fixing your girls' mistake.
He said walking into the kitchen as his sisters groaned in disappointment.
Leo: Hey, hey. No complaining. We shook on it. You all know the rules.
Leo then walked up the stairs with an ice pack, and to Lincoln's room. Leo got a full view of his brother on his bed with a black eye and Charles.
Lincoln: Get out. I'm not in the mood right now.
Leo: Catch.
Leo tossed him the ice pack, which Lincoln didn't catch as it hit him in the face.
Lincoln: Ow! Hey!
Leo: I just got done getting told of the end result. So... how you doin'?
Lincoln: (groans) Terrible.
Lincoln held the ice pack to his eye.
Leo: Well, I don't blame ya'. If I got knocked out by a girl I'd feel terrible as well.
Leo chuckled.
Lincoln: Seriously. This isn't funny Leo.
Leo: I know it is. You think I don't know that. I had a friend that got knocked out by his own cousin who was also a girl. Poor guy wouldn't talk to anyone for a week. Then again she was aspiring for women's kickboxing.
Leo chuckled and took a seat on Lincoln's bed scooting Charles over.
Leo: Look Linc, I know you're mad, depressed, and most of all embarrassed. And trust me, you have every right to do so. I'm sure every guy would no doubt agree with me. But you can't stay mad at them forever.
Lincoln: Yes, I can.
Lincoln groaned.
Leo: Hmm... Nah, you can't. The longest I ever stayed angry and held a grudge against 'em was two days before I finally forgave 'em. You wanna know why you'll likely do the same Linc? 'Cause even though they should've minded their own ding dang business, they were just trying to help.
Lincoln: I can't believe you're sticking up for them? Look at my eye Leo? Every single time they butt into my life, they only make things worse!
Leo: Does it always?
Leo went over his window and opened it and gave the signal, before he began to stand aside.
Leo: Trust me Linc, when it comes to our sisters, I've been there, done that, more ways than I can count. But you'd be surprised to find out that they may just know what they're talking about.
Someone whistles from outside to get Lincoln's attention.
Lincoln: Huh?
He looks out his window on one end as a rock comes flying in through the other end and sees there's a note attached to it.
Lincoln: What's this?
Leo: Open it and find out.
Lincoln took the folded note.
It read; 'Sorry, Lame-O Here's my number 555 - 0121 TEXT ME.'
Lincoln was confused at first but then smiles and looks out the window and gets a steak thrown at his eye. He notices it has another note too and reads it.
Lincoln: For your eye. Your brother gave it to me and explained everything. That you didn't mean to kiss me, but your stupid sisters gave you the wrong idea and pestered you to do it. So, no worries. XOXO, Ronni-Anne. P.S. You've got a good brother that really cares. Try not to be too hard on him and maybe listen to him more when he says bad idea.
Lincoln smiles hopefully, places steak over his shiner.
Leo: I know they can be annoying, bossy, hardheaded... loud. (snickers) But nevertheless at the end of the day it's all love Linc. They have the best of intentions for you. Trust me I know. But I'll try to keep them in control when it comes to you as best I can. So just let everything run its course.
Lincoln: Thanks Leo, but don't tell them about this. Please.
Leo: Oh, trust me. I have no plans for that, Lame-O. But I am glad you found yourself a nice little girlfriend.
Lincoln: She's not my girlfriend Leo!
Leo: If you say so. But, if whatever she wrote isn't enough to cheer you up, I think I've got something else that might lift your spirits.
Leo smirked.
Leo and Lincoln were sitting in the living room, watching something very interesting.
Though it wasn't on TV.
Loud Sisters: We're sorry, We're sorry. We're, so very, very, sorry! We should've known better. We should've been smarter. We should've been wiser. We shouldn't have worried. Boy are we the big dummies. We're sorry! We're sorry! We're sorry! Golly, are we the big dummy!
The Loud sisters all sang and cheered what they called the 'Sorry Song,' while dancing dressed in animal onesies.
The brothers were laughing and smiling watching their sisters making complete fools of themselves as the reward of Leo winning the bet.
Leo: You feelin' better now?
Lincoln: Yea, a lot.
Lincoln laughed. Then he looked at the viewers.
Lincoln: Okay, so maybe just this one time my sisters were right. And it's also good to have a big brother like Leo who can look after you without meddling too much. But don't tell them that! Well maybe except the Leo part. Especially since it's got its benefits.
Lola: Uhhh, how long do we have to do this?
Leo: Until Linc feels better and finally forgives you girls. So, do you forgive 'em bro?
Lincoln: Hmmm... no, not even close.
Lincoln smiled and laughed.
Leo: You heard our brother girls. Again. And this time, sing it like you mean it. Sing it with pride.
The Loud sisters groaned and knew it was gonna be a long night.
The End.
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