Episode 2: Get the Message
It was just like any other day in the Loud house where we can see Leo was sitting quietly on the sofa reading a book, enjoying the quiet he got. Well, the quiet he got until Lincoln suddenly came into the scene.
Leo had to watch his little brother dance around like a fool while he was wearing VR goggles.
Lincoln was playing a VR game where you fight zombies with break dancing.
Lincoln: Take that, zombie! (twerks) Feel my twerk, you evil jerk!
Leo who was still just sitting on the sofa, in the living room, just looking at Lincoln dancing with a smirk on his face before changing his expression to disgust at Lincoln thrusting at him.
Leo: Ey yo, Linc watch it will ya'. Point that thing somewhere else before you hurt someone.
Leo said with a disgusted look.
Lincoln: Oh! Sorry Leo.
Lincoln said before he moved his way from the living room to upstairs.
Leo: I'm starting to question myself on why I even bought that thing for him for his birthday.
Leo let out a sigh at his brother acting so... Childish, no one would ever catch him twerking like that, especially recording him. He still wondered how Lincoln managed to convince him to get him those things.
Leni: Hey, Leo!
Leo looked back to the stairs to see Leni coming down.
Leni: Sooooo! Are you ready?"
Leo raised a brow.
Leo: Uhhh... Ready for what?
Leni: Oh, Loud Sibling Shopping Day! Duh!
Leni exclaimed with excitement.
Leo: Wait, hold on, that was today?
Leni: Of course silly. Remember every time you come over you always promise us a day with you. Lori gave up hers to spend time with Bobby. And you said, I could have it.
Leni said with a smile.
Leo suddenly recalled while out in the hallway waiting for the restroom. Asking Lori what she wanted to do for her Loud sibling day. Only for Lori to pass and be more focused on texting Bobby. Then he remembered Leni asking to have it, which Lori gave without much care. Which he somehow let slip his mind.
Leo: Oooh, I don't know Leni...
Leni looked at him with sad eyes that made his heart go weak, making him sigh.
Leo: ...if I can go without freshening up first.
Leni: Eeee! Okay.
Leni said as Leo made his way up stairs.
Leo: The things I do for love
Leo however, saw Lincoln outside the door.
Leo: Hey Linc. Who's in there?
Leo asked walking up to his little brother.
Lincoln: Lori, and she just kicked me out. Doesn't know how to respect a man's privacy.
Lincoln complained.
Leo: I'm gonna guess she's on the phone with Bobby. Hey, come on Lori hurry up!
Leo stated as he banged on the bathroom door, only to not get a response annoying him.
Leo: Yeesh, l swear she needs to give Bobby a break, I'm amazed to see how he puts up with a borderline yandere like her.
However as soon as he said that the door was slammed open to reveal Lori.
Lori: Uhhhh, I'm sorry but what did you say?
She gave a heated glare to her twin brother.
Leo: Why nothing my dear sweet, sweet beloved 'little' sister.
Leo said with a sweet smile as he walked into the bathroom despite her being in there and gritting her teeth for being called 'little' sister.
Lori: Hey! Get out Leo!
Leo: Yeah, yeah. Just give me a second and I'll be out of your hair for the day.
He said as he went and did his business totally ignoring her.
Lincoln turned to the audience.
Lincoln: When it comes to Leo and Lori's relationship, it can get a bit complicated, as the oldest boy and girl in the house, their dominance often clashes with each other. But because of Leo's laid back attitude and experiences, he tends to push most of the responsibility onto Lori. Especially after he considered himself 'retired' when he left for college. Though she seems to be fine with it for some reason. But when they do fight, oh boy, only mom and dad can break them up. If that fails, they've got SWAT on speed dial.
Soon Leo walked out.
Leo: There. Thanks sis.
Lori: Whatever.
She then slammed the door.
Leo: What a sassy diva. I swear.
Leo walked down and found Leni waiting for him.
Leo: Sorry I took a bit. Had to deal with traffic on Route Lori.
Leni: Really? There's a highway named after our sister? I didn't know you had to drive Glynda just to get ready? I didn't even know you left.
Leo chuckled at his ditzy sister's confusion.
Leo: Not what I meant sis. You know what, never mind. By the way, you still got your helmet I got for when I'm giving you a ride on Glynda?
Leni: Totes always.
Leni put on her helmet that Leo got her so that she'd have a helmet that didn't ruin her hair whenever Leo gave her a ride.
Royal Woods Mall was like any other typical mall in America, with food courts, dirty restrooms, and the thing Leo dreaded most of all... besides otaku shops... clothing stores. Leo had been coming to this mall ever since before he could remember.
He had a lot of good times in this mall, and he also had an equal amount of bad times.
Leni: Leo doesn't this look, like, totes fab?
Leni asked, holding a blue dress in front of his face, as he sat down on a stool.
Leo: I suppose. It looks okay.
Leni: Aww, But you're not even looking!
Leni exclaimed giving him a look
Leo: Leni, you have a way better eye for fashion then I ever will, so you really don't need my input on what looks good.
Leni: Well, then like, how about we look for something for you? Maybe a new denim vest to go with Glynda.
Leni asked.
Leo: Nah, I'm good.
Leo then looked down to his phone, before standing up to his feet.
Leo: Hang on sis. I gotta take this.
Leni looked at her brother as she saw him walk out the store, causing her to become sad.
???: Leni!
Voices shouted as Leni was swarmed in embracing arms.
Leni: Huh?
Leni widened her eyes before seeing who was hugging her.
Leni: Jackee? Mandee! O M Gosh! What are, you guys like doing here? Leni asked them.
Jackee: We're just shopping.
Jackee said while smiling and simultaneously glancing around.
Mandee: Yeah, we're just here to shop.
Jackee: Soooo, who was the biker hunk we just saw you with~? Huh~?
Leni: Oh, that was my big brother Leo.
Mandee: Lori's twin? I didn't know he was in town.
Leni: Yeah, he just came back a few days ago. I guess he's taking a suburbia from college to spend more time with us.
Jackee: You mean a sabbatical?
Leni: No of course not. He likes motorcycles, not submarines.
Jackee and Mandee looked at each other, and realized it would be a losing battle to explain just one word with more than two syllables.
However once they noticed Leni had a sad look on her face they changed the subject.
Jackee: Hey, Leni, Is something wrong?
Jackee asked her friend.
Leni: Oh, Well, you see the thing is... I don't think Leo is really enjoying Loud Sibling Shopping.
Leni stated to her friends.
Mandee and Jackee looked at each other, before looking at Leni.
Jackee: Well I mean, he is a guy Leni, as someone who has a little brother trust me shopping isn't their favorite thing to do.
Leni: But Leo always enjoyed Loud Sibling Shopping before. I remember we always left the mall with more bags to fill Vanzilla when it was just us.
Leni said, as Mandee and Jackee sighed at their ditzy friend.
Mandee: Leni, he probably was just playing along.
Jackee: Maybe you should try doing something he likes.
Leni: Something he likes? Hmmmm.
Leo meanwhile stood outside the mall, holding a bag in his hand. He looked at his phone and saw that it was nearing four. He looked around, before letting out a sigh.
Leo: Come on. Come on woman. Where the heck are you?
???: Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is that Leo Loud?
Hearing a familiar voice, Leo turned to the side to see a familiar young lady.
Leo: Hang on... Carol Pingrey?
He said with a nervous smile.
Carol was a teenage girl with a striking resemblance to Lori, only instead of wearing blue she wore a lot of purple like Luna.
Leo: Oh hey Carol.
Leo was a little anxious around her for reasons that were his.
Carol: Hey yourself. How have you been?
She asked, getting oddly close to him.
Leo: Oh, I'm doing okay. Getting by in life. How are things with school?
He asked, taking a step away.
Carol: Oh, It's going good, though your sister can be a bit... Well...
Carol tried to come up with the words.
Leo: Narcissistic, thickheaded, shortsighted, short fused, challenging, everything of a stereotypical mean queen that makes Paris Hilton look humble.
Leo said, holding up his fingers as he started counting, causing Carol to laugh.
Carol: Pfft, haha. Well I mean I wouldn't make it that harsh. So, are you busy? We can hang out and catch up on old times.
Leo: Ummm, sorry Carol, but I gotta give something to Lori, also I'm kinda spending time Leni. It's Loud Sibling Shopping day, no room for extras.
Carol: Darn. Well it was worth a shot.
She said with a defeated sigh before she went and poked him on the nose causing him to blush
Carol: But there is something I've been meaning to ask you before you left town?
Leo: Umm... Sure what is it?
Carol: Did you enjoy our dance as homecoming king and queen?
Carol asked with a raised eye, as Leo went into a sweat.
Leo: Uhhh, w-well I mean... it... it wasn't bad.
Leo hesitated to get his words out.
Carol: I bet. I mean you, Leo Loud, really knew how to sweep a girl off her feet and make a night special~!
Carol replied with a smile.
Leo: Carol not that I'm not enjoying this fun little trip down memory lane, but um, may I ask just exactly what it is you want?
Carol: And who's to say that I want something? Can't a girl catch up with a guy?
Carol asked.
Leo: Not unless she has something in mind that involves making said guy do something he might regret later. Trust me, I've seen it with a friend when he was dating this girl Cindy Tranh. Yeesh, the poor guy could barely stand in the end.
Carol: Yeah, I suppose some girls do. But I'm not.
Carol said much to the surprise of Leo.
Leo: Wait? You're not?
Carol: Of course not, listen, I don't know what Lori tells you about me but I'm not that type of person, so I won't make you say or do anything that might make you regret it later. Plus, I really did just want to talk.
Carol explained much to Leo's relief.
Leo: Thanks, Carol.
Leo said with a smile.
Carol: Not a problem, though there is one thing I do want to ask for.
Leo: Sure, what is it?
Leo asked as Carol stood next to him and held up her phone.
Carol: Just a quick selfie.
Leo smiled and went ahead with it. Smiling alongside Carol as a snap sound came. Showing a picture of him and Carol that appeared on her phone.
Carol: Thanks. Later, handsome~!
Carol gave Leo a quick peck on the cheek. After that she walked into the mall leaving him to himself.
Leo: *sigh* I swear girls can be such an enigma sometimes.
Leo said smiling and nodding, before Vanzilla finally pulled up. Then the window rolled down to show Lori.
Lori: You've got what I asked?
Leo: Yeah, I got right here. Though you owe me a week of changing Lily's diaper.
Leo said and handed her the bag.
Lori: Yeah, yeah. I'll make it up to you. Thanks. By the way, who were you just talking to right now? I could've sworn they looked like a girl.
Leo realized that he then had to quickly come up with an excuse, because if Lori found out he was talking to Carol, her sworn rival and archenemy, she was going to beat him to within an inch of his life.
Leo: Oh that? That was... umm, Leni. Yeah, it was just Leni. We're doing some Loud Sibling Shopping since you decided to give your day with me to her.
Lori: Really? Ugh, seriously, you guys always forget me. Next time you guys better bring me.
Lori threatened before she drove away.
Leo: Yeah, Yeah, whatever you say sis.
Leo said before walking back into the mall.
Leni: Leo!!!
He looked over and saw Leni making her way over to him.
Leni: Come on big bro, or like we won't get our turns.
Leo: Turns? Wait? What store are we exactly going to?
Leo: Uhhh, Leni, sis, we're not in a clothing store.
Leo said to his ditzy sister as they were currently in an indoor mini-golf course.
Leni: Yeah, I know.
Leni smiled at him.
Leo: Then why exactly are we here, you've never really been... well, the golf type. This is more Lori's department. Maybe Lynn too, if she brought a hockey stick.
Leo explained to her.
Leni: Like, I can totally play, just gotta get a strike.
Leni said, causing Leo to deadpan at her lack of sports knowledge.
Leo: You mean make this hole in one?
Leo said before he went and grabbed a club
Leo: Like this.
He placed his yellow ball down, and looking down took a swing and the ball rolled down. Hitting a few bumps before reaching the cup.
Leni: Woah!
Leni exclaimed, as Leo asked over to her handing her the club.
Leo: Alright! Now you take a turn.
Leo gestured, Leni smiled nervously, as she went up, placed her green ball down and held the club in a strange way on the left side.
Leo: Umm, Leni?
Leni: Yeah bro?
She asked looking back at him.
Leo: Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you left-handed?
Leni: Totes, wait why?
Leo: 'Cause maybe you wanna get on the other side of the ball, you know so you hit with your left hand more correctly.
Leo explained to her.
Leni: Oh, right, like, totes big bro.
Leni said switching sides and looked at where the ball would be going.
And what happened when she swung at the club, she missed it. Then she swung and missed again. Finally she swung fast and finally hit the ball. But, she hit it so hard that the ball began to bounce and ricochet like a runaway pinball. Making Leo duck as it flew by. Finally Leo was able to time it right and caught it before it could give any one a concussion.
Leo: Whew! That was close.
Leni: Sorry.
Leo: It's okay Lens. But I don't think mini golf is for you.
Leo would admit his ditzy sister didn't show the coordination needed for sports. They tried basketball in the mall arcade which ended with her hitting herself with the ball after it bounced back. She tried roller skating but that ended with her falling multiple times, and she tried indoor baseball only to fling the bat and almost hit Leo.
At the end of all that, Leni and Leo ended up sitting at the food court tired from all their activities.
Leo: So are we done for today sis?
Leni: What, but, isn't there something else you want to do?
Leo: No, not really, but I do want to ask, what's up with you Lens?
Leo asked, concerned.
Leni: Oh, nothing! Nothing's wrong, like, why do you ask that?
Leni asked, waving her hands frantically.
Leo: Cause my little sister, Leni Loud, would never be in the mall with a frown looking so down. The one of only a few places that makes her genuinely smile.
Leo said as he looked at the nervous and sad look on his sister's face, something that she seemed not to notice.
Leni: Oh, I'm not frowning! And I am smiling. See!
Leni said, forcing a smile to her face.
Leo: Leni, come on now, please. Tell me what's wrong?
Leo asked his little sister.
Leni didn't want to tell him but the look in his eye showed great concern and wasn't gonna waver, eventually Leni relented and let out a sigh.
Leni: Okay, you got me. It's just... I noticed you weren't really enjoying Loud Sibling Shopping, and you were on your phone for most of it. We always did Loud Sibling Shopping together, but now that you're so busy and have college... we barely even get to spend time with each other like we used to.
Leo looked at her puzzled.
Leo: Oh, that. Leni, the reason why I was on my phone was because Lori was texting me. I guess she broke Lincoln's VR game that I bought him for his birthday. So I was just annoyed at what she did. It had absolutely nothing to do with you or Loud Sibling Shopping.
Leni: Ohhhh... Sorry, it's just... I just thought that you weren't enjoying yourself.
Leni said, Leo seeing her dejected expression placed a hand on her hand.
Leo: Hey, Hey. Leni, listen, I know I haven't been around in a long while. And that we don't get to spend time together like we used to. But that's why I agreed to come with you today. I mean, sure, shopping isn't exactly my forte. I mean look at me, I tend to have a one track mind when it comes to my choice of attire. But I go through with it because I know how much you love it. And that's what matters to me most.
Leo said, giving his little sister a smile.
Leni: Really?
Leo: Really. So if you want to continue then I'll happily do it with a smile, because I know it means so much to you. And I always make sure my little sister stays happy no matter what. Cause that's what big brothers do.
Leni: Yeeeee!
Leni said and went and gave her big brother a hug,
Leni: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! Loud Sibling Shopping is officially back on, and with some changes!
Leo: Uhhh, Changes?
Leni: Well we can make it so that we both can do the things that we love. So let's go!
Leni said before she started dragging Leo away.
After doing some fun activities, Leni was holding shopping bags while Leo was holding a new book and biker goggles in his hand, both of them had smiles across their faces.
Leo: That was fun Leni.
Leni: Like tots, and this green vest totally clashes with your hair.
Leni said, holding a green vest next to him.
Leo just laughed, before he felt a vibration in his pocket, pulling out his phone he answered the call.
Leo: Hello. Hello.
Lincoln yelled over the phone.
Leo: Hey, hey, take it easy, chill out bro. Tell me, what's wrong?
Lincoln: No time for all the details, I just need you to do me a favor.
Leo: Uhhh, Linc? As much as I would like to help, I'm kinda with Leni right now.
Leo said looking over to his ditzy sister who looked at him confused.
Lincoln: Please! Please! Please! This is life or death. I'm begging you!
Right as Leo was about to refuse, Leni placed a hand on his shoulder.
Leo: Hey! It's fine Leo. Just go on ahead. I'll hang with my friends until you get back.
Leni said with a smile.
Leo: But Leni, today is your day.
Leni: And it was, I mean look at all we did.
Leni said with a giant smile on her face holding up a lot of bags.
Leni: I've, like, had my week, though of course I expect for you to do this again with me.
Leo sighed.
Leo: Sure thing sis.
He said before he went back to the phone
Leo: Alright, Linc, what do you need me to do?
Lincoln: I just need you to get Lori out of the house for a few moments.
Leo: Sure thing.
He hung up the phone, before dialing a number and getting some rings.
Leo: Hey Lori, listen, I've got a bit of a complication on my hands. Would you mind giving me a hand?
Leo: Thanks for helping me bring these back sis.
Leo said as both he and Lori got out off Vanzilla and Glynda, making their way into the house. Carrying some of the bags that Leni let him take back to their house while she stayed at the mall.
Leo: Like I said Glynda doesn't have enough room to hold these bags, and I didn't want to risk it with Leni riding with me.
Lori: It's not a problem Leo.
Leo: Oh, by the way. I think it was really nice of you to get Lincoln another pair of VR goggles to replace the ones that you wrecked.
Leo said as he patted Lori on the shoulder.
Lori: Yeah, yeah, don't read too much into it. I just felt a little bad about what I did to his stupid toy, and I know it meant a lot to him since it came from you. I'm not as heartless you guys make me out to be.
Leo: (to himself) That remains to be debated.
Lori: Oh, and by the way, earlier when you gave me Lincoln's little toy I could've sworn I saw you with a girl who is definitely not a part of this family. So, don't lie to me, does my big bro have himself a secret girlfriend?
Lori asked with suspicious and curious eyes.
Of course Leo tried to figure out what she was talking about until he remembered Carol.
Leo: No Lori, I told you it was just Leni.
Soon both of them made it up the stairs, where they're met with something quite interesting.
Lori: What?
Lori asked a shirtless Clyde, who happened to have a drawn mustache on his face.
Leo: Oh geez.
Leo knowing how he gets, stepped back because soon the young man got a serious nosebleed from seeing Lori.
Lori: Ugh! Gross!
In disgust Lori ran past Clyde and went to her room.
Leo just sighed.
Leo: Well, at least you lasted longer than usual, I'll go get you some tissues.
Leo went downstairs to get something to cover the nasty nosebleed.
While this is happening Lincoln was in Lori's room trying to delete a certain message off of her phone before he heard her exclaim of disgust and just as she was about to come in hid under her bed.
Of course Lori sensed something off and looked around with a displeased face, Lori then kicked her shoes off right under her bed with so happen to hit Lincoln right in the face.
Lincoln: Ow-
Lincoln groaned in pain before covering his mouth.
Lori, hearing the sound, quickly checked under her bed.
Lori: *gasp* So, this is where all my shoes are.
But instead of seeing Lincoln she sees all the shoes that have piled up over time.
Lincoln was now behind the curtain reaching for the phone, only to find it shaped strangely before getting bitten on the finger by their pet canary Walt, making him have to hold in a yelp of pain, however Lori's phone then started to ring.
Lori comes from under the bed.
Lori: Finally, ooh! New messages! I'm so loved!
Lori then leaves the room.
Causing Lincoln to panic.
Lincoln: Mission is compromised! I repeat, mission compromised! The package is on the move! Clyde?
Lincoln said from his walkie talkie.
Leo: Uhh, Sorry, Linc, but Clyde is out cold.
Leo said, taking Clyde's walkie talkie, as he looked down at the boy who now has his nostrils filled with tissues to clear up the bleeding as Leo looked over him to make sure he was okay.
Lincoln: Dang it!
Lincoln said from the walkie talkie. Leo looked to Clyde to see that he had fainted again when Lori passed by.
Leo: Dang it!
Soon Lincoln comes running out of Lori's room before he gets stopped by the twins.
Lola: Hey! We warned, you dirtbag!
Lana: It's the clink for Linc!
Lincoln: Look! Luan's making a jailbreak!
Lincoln pointed towards Luan was in a wooden jail making the twins turn around and letting Lincoln make a break for downstairs.
Lana: Hey!
Lola: Oh, forget that bum. He's out of our jurisdiction now.
Lana: Yeah, let's get doughnuts.
Soon they both went off for a doughnut break.
Leo on the hand looked at them confused as they walked off before he looked over at Luan.
Leo: Hey joker! Need a quick jailbreak?
Leo asked before he opened the wooden cage for his joker sister.
Luan: I knew someone would release this jailbird, get it?
Luan asked as Leo let out a laugh.
Leo: Well you know what they say, if you love something set it free.
Luan: My, bro.
The two soon share a high five with each other. Before something caught their attention.
Lori's angry shouts were heard through the halls.
Leo: Ah, geez.
Lincoln had a nervous look on his face as he turned his head to the wall.
Lincoln: Well, it's time to do the official dance of the Loud House, 'The Running Man'
Lincoln puts on his VR goggles and starts dancing away from Lori's unavoidable wrath.
Deafening the sound of Lori's rant of rage, Luna slides out her room and rocks out her guitar to a loud sound dwelling out Lori's use of cursing.
Of course this didn't sit well with Leo who could still hear the curses.
Leo: Oh! There is no need for bad language.
Lori gave him a heated glare that he returned, before something happened, her phone went off.
She looked down at her seeing a new message.
Lori: Leo...
Something was immediately off, her wrath suddenly went down and made the hairs on his neck stand up like Cliff when he encountered the possum.
Leo: Now what?
She was quite angry, that was the worst kind.
Lori shoved her phone in his face showing a picture of him and Carol smiling that she posted online.
Leo: Oohh, uhhh, nothing.
Leo said as he started to sweat as it seemed like Lori's wrath was now starting to be directed at him.
Leo: Oh sorry sis. But I just remembered I still got to go back and pick up Leni. Byyyyeeeee!
Leo said, shoving past his twin and making a break for it.
Leo: Crikey! She's angry. She's angry. I'm outie mates.
Leo said in his Steve Irwin impression.
Lori: OH YOU-
Luna's guitar ranged out any sounds of cursing that came from her eldest sibling's mouth.
Lola: Mom, dad, Lori and Leo are fighting!
Lynn Loud Sr: I'll get the SWAT team!!
The end.
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