Episode 11: House Music
In the Louds' living room, Lincoln shows his sisters a chart.
Lincoln: Guys! We gotta figure out something! The Family Fun Fair is tonight, and we've got nothing for the talent show.
Lynn: (raises her hand) Ooh! I know! How about a family trapeze act?
Lisa: Just because you fractured every bone from your maxilla to your metatarsals, it doesn't mean we want to.
Lola: I know! How about a family beauty pageant?
Leo: Uhh, Lola stop and really think about that for a minute.
Lola does as he suggested and she opens her eyes realizing what he meant.
Lola: Yeah you're right. Never mind. That would take years to prepare for.
Lincoln: Leo, you got any ideas?
Leo: Not really. I mean, maybe we can do a Rektainment style challenge. Something physical with a hint of comedy. Maybe how long to stay in the circle challenge? That was a classic.
Lynn: Ooooh, I'm game.
Lola: No way. I am not letting this face get pelted. Lola Loud doesn't do extreme.
Luna: Yeah, brah. After seeing the welts you and Bobby got from the last challenge you did. Ain't no way we're going through that.
Leo: Then I got nothing. Sorry Linc.
Lincoln: Okay... Anyone else?
Lana: I say we wrestle alligators!
She lunged at Lincoln and pinned him down. They struggled until he finally got her off.
Lincoln: Lana, that's a terrible idea!
Leo: Plus, we don't have time to get permits for a gator. And even if by some miracle we did, we'd get in big trouble with PETA. Trust me, I've seen it Lans.
Lana: *sigh* Yeah, You're both right...
Suddenly Lana confidently pulled out a lasso and hogtied Lincoln.
Lana: Calf roping is way more better!
Lincoln: No! We need something we can all do.
Lynn: Then let's do my idea!
Luan: No! My idea!
Leni: No, mine!
Lori: No way.
That's when the Loud Siblings minus Luna, Leo, and Lincoln all began to start fighting over which act they should do. Before it could dissolve any further, Luna stopped them with a power chord on her guitar.
Luna: I've got the answer! Let's start a family band!
Lori: But we literally have no musical talent. You and Leo are the musicians.
Luan: Yeah. I couldn't carry a tune if it had a handle. Hahaha!
Leo: (chuckled and high-fived her) Nice one!
Luna: As my idol Mick Swagger says, "Rock and roll isn't about being the best. It's about having fun.
Leo: Plus Lemmy also said "As for what other people think of me, I don't care. I don't care and never have." So who cares what others are gonna think of us.
Luna: Couldn't have said it better, big brah. NOW WHO WANTS TO HAVE FUN?!
Their sisters cheered in agreement and they headed on off, but Lincoln was still hogtied to the floor.
Lincoln: Uh...guys? A little help?
Leni: Oh. Sorry, Lincoln.
Leo: Bring him to the kitchen. I'll get the scissors.
She walked up and picked him up and carried him with her like a handbag while humming, much to his chagrin.
Every Loud sibling was gathered in the garage and practiced their music. And as expected, they sounded lousy and noisy. Except for Leo who played his old silver Rickenbacker electric guitar.
(like this, but the black is colored silver)
Except it was kinda hard to hear it with all the racket playing in the background.
Then their dad, Lynn Sr. came in with a rake.
Lynn Sr.: AGH! WHAT IS THAT HORRIFIC SOUND!? Is the cat fighting the possum again?
Lincoln: No, Dad, it's us. We're starting a family band!
Lynn Sr.: Oh, oh! You know, your old man used to be in a band. Although, it ended on a... on a sour note.
Quick Flashback to their father's college days where he's part of a heavy metal band and playing a cowbell... which does not fit the genre.
Band Members: (over his cowbell) Dude! Dude! DUDE!!! You're out of the band.
Lynn Sr. broke down crying and left the dorm.
End flashback and he's still upset over those days.
Loud Kids: (sympathetic) Aww...
Leo: Wow! What a bunch of jerks. Just like Hawkwind.
Luna: Well you know what pops, you can join in our band.
Leo: Yeah. Don't stop bell-lievin'
Most of the loud kids groaned at the lame pun except Luan and Lynn sr.
Lynn Sr.: Well...if you all insist.
He ripped off his shirt and revealed his old band uniform underneath with his pants ripped.
Lynn Sr.: KA-POW!" (starts playing his cowbell while getting jiggy with it as his kids stare at him awkwardly.) WOO! HA HA!
Leo: I could've gone my whole life without seeing that.
Lisa: "I sincerely hope that's not contagious."
Luna: (with a score sheet) All right, dudes, let's try busting out this jam. It's called Plastic Bag Blown Through The Gutter Of Life. Lyrics by Lucy...
Lucy took a bow.
Luna: ...music by yours truly. One, two! One, two, three, four!
They all start practicing and Charles howls.
Luna: Dudes! Charles wants to sing lead!
She brought the dog in to howl as the lead singer. The Loud family plays their instruments and Luna suddenly gets a call from her roadie Chunk while Charles continues howling.
Luna: Yo, Chunk! What's that? What? I... I can't hear you! Hold on a sec!
The howling stops as Luna puts Charles down and turns to her siblings.
Luna: You guys! Keep practicing! And remember, it's not about being the best, it's all about having fun!
She headed out to hear Chunk's news.
Luna: Say that again?
Chunk: 'Oy! I said, have you heard, mate? Mick Swagger's in town! He's gonna be scoutin' for local talent at the Family Fun Fair!
Luna: (speechless) Mick... in town? This could be my big break, man!
Luna has herself a fantasy.
Mick Swagger: And now, I'd like to introduce the greatest musical discovery of my 40 year career: LUNA LOUD!
Luna started rocking out as the crowd cheered for her.
End to her fantasy.
Chunk: Luna!
Luna: (snaps out of it) Thanks for the call, brah. I've got work to do."
She hung up and turned to her family, not exactly worthy of Mick, becoming annoyed.
Luna: A lot of work. (to her family) Okay, people, from the top! This time, let's try to step it up a notch!
Leni raises her hand.
Leni: Um... I... I don't have an instrument. So what should I play?
Luna: Hm... why don't you sing backup?
Leni eagerly nodded.
Leni: Okay.
Luna: Alright, Louds! One, two, three!
The Loud family started playing.
Leni: ♫ Backup, backup, backup~! ♫
Luna: No no no no. Leni, you don't actually sing the words "Backup". You sing what's on the page.
Leni: Oh. Got it! ♫ What's on the page! What's on the page! What's on the pa-haaaaaage~! ♫
Lalo: No, no, no. Leni, Leni, what she means is focus on singing out the words on the page. Kind of like say... Ah, like you were explaining the items to people on a shopping mall catalog.
Leni: Oh, ok! Thanks bro totes appreciate it.
Luna: *sigh* Thanks brah. I'm glad you can speak Leni Latin
Lalo: The key is to explain it in a way that only she can understand. Don't be literal. Besides I grew up helping raise her, so I know her better than most.
Lynn Sr. was still doing his thing with his cowbell.
Luna: Uh... rockin', Dad. But um, could you maybe just dial it back a bit?
Lynn Jr. tried blowing into her tuba, but to no avail.
Lynn: (frustrated) Can't get this tuba to work-a.
Luna took it and shook it. Then she blew into it to reveal that Geo had gotten stuck in there. The little hamster ball bounced around the room and landed in Lucy's pipe organ.
Luna: (startled) GEO!
She presses down on the right organ keys and got the family hamster out.
Geo's hamster ball bonked Lori on her head. She dropped her music sheet and Luan played her whoopee cushion as the oldest sister bent over to pick it up.
Luan: Nice tootin', sis!
Everyone laughed at Luan's joke except Luna and Lori who was miffed to be the literal butt of it.
Luna: Guys, guys, can we focus, please? We need to-
She noticed her Dad still jamming.
Luna: Dad! Dad!
She then turns to Lincoln on cello.
Luna: That's it, bro! You got it!" (She turned back to her father) Dad!
Lincoln put on some cool shades and accidentally twirled his cello so hard it spun out of control.
Lincoln: Oops!
The cello plowed over Lana's paint cans for drums which rolled off and carried Lisa, Lola, and Lynn around and they collided into the rest of their siblings, leaving them in a pile. Luna gets out and growls in frustration.
Luna: (irked) Dudes... this is the worst rehearsal I've ever seen!
Lincoln: But... you said it doesn't matter if we were good.
Luna: Forget about what I said, bro. Mick Swagger's gonna be at the show.
Lynn Sr.: (Excited) Mick Swagger?! Sweet!
Luna: No! It's not sweet! This is my chance to be discovered, and you guys ARE MESSING IT UP!
Lynn Sr. is scatting and still playing his cowbell.
Luna: (exasperated) Dad. Dad! DAD!!!
She fails to get his attention and that finally sets her off.
Luna: That's it. YOU... ARE OUT OF THE BAND!
The words "out of the band" echo through and the kids gasped in shock. Lynn Sr. dropped his cowbell and left, sobbing. Luna's siblings looked at her disdainfully and scornfully.
Luna: (hostilely) What?
Lori: You literally just fired your own dad!
Luna: I'm not gonna let Captain Cowbell ruin my big chance! (picking up the music sheets) Now let's get back to work. We're gonna be here all day. So, if you guys have plans, cancel them. If you gotta pee, hold it. We really have to nail this!
Lincoln: (furious) What?! No way!
The other girls chastise Luna for her behavior. Leo however, just stayed quiet and watched.
Luna: All right. You know what, that's it. You're all out of my band!
Lincoln: (spitefully) No! You're out of our band! (a music sheet falls on his face, which he quickly swats off.) 'Cause we're gonna play without you and we're gonna have fun!
Lana: (angrily) Yeah! And we'll pee whenever we want to!
Luna: Fine by me. You're all holding me back, anyway. And when I'm on tour with Mick, don't call me for tickets!
She bent over to grab her axe only to be met with Luan making another whoopee cushion gesture. She growled at her pranky roommate and then stormed off.
As Luna stormed off, Leo sighed. Having actually felt bad for his rockstar sister. The fact that her idol was gonna be at the talent show really got her fired up. Something he could sympathize with.
Leo: ...I'll go talk to her.
He went up to Luna's room to talk with her.
Luna and Luan's room
Luna: Who needs them anyway? Not me. All I need ...is a new tune.
She starts playing and singing softly.
Luna: They don't understaaaaaaaaand.../Girl's gotta have a baaaaaaaand....
She disliked it and switched to a more hardcore style.
Luna: Time for me to go solo / You know what they say: YOLO
Immediately she realizes what she just sang.
Luna: UGH! Come on, Luna! What are you thinking? This is for Mick! And you just used the word YOLO!
Instead of her guitar, Luna tried using a keyboard to play a new tune.
Luna: Nah. Too pop-y.
She plays lower keys.
Luna: Nah. Too depressing.
She played a soothing tune.
Luna: Nah. Too 90's! GAH!
She heard her siblings having a good time playing in their band. She closed the window and curtains in sadness.
Luna: I stink and I can't write a single song / Wow, there's a big crack in the ceiling.
Before she could think of something else, she heard a knock at the door.
Leo: Lu?
Luna: Go away! I'm busy!
Leo: Lu, look. I'm respecting your desire to be left alone by knocking. But asserting my authority as your big brother by coming in anyway.
He opened the door and came in.
Leo: We need to talk Lu!
Luna: What do you want?!
Leo: *sigh* Look, I'm sorry if our rehearsal was a "disaster". And I get it. I was the same way when Sly Stallion was coming to judge the young filmmaker contest my college held in my first year. And if I was still with my band and I heard Lemmy was coming to see us perform, I'd be serious about this as well. But that doesn't give you the right to start getting egotistical and going against your family.
Luna: Oh? Oh I'm the one with an ego here? You're acting like I'm not alone in that department. How about Lori and how she thinks she's above us most of the time? Or how 'bout you being the guy who always walks around acting like he knows everything! Nothings ever wrong with Leo Loud! When your the one who-
Leo roared, making Luna stop talking as he got right into his little sister's face. Giving her cold dead glare as she fell back scared. The room felt like it was getting colder as Leo seemed to grow taller and his shadow expanded to almost cover the entire room.
Leo closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Calming himself as the room was seemingly calming back down to before. Leo opened his eyes and had a calmer look.
Leo: ...I'm trying to help you. Remember, this idea was yours. And you came up with it cause you wanted to have fun with the family. Wasn't that the whole point Lu? Like how you and I used to always do karaoke when we were in elementary school? I really miss those days.
Luna began to let out tears and her lip quivered. She suddenly got up and grabbed Leo in a tight hug who returned it and held his little sister. Remembering how much fun she had with Leo when they would put on make believe concerts for their friends and family. And remembering that he was right.
Luna: *sobbing* I'm sorry. I'm sorry. *sniffling* I'm so sorry big bro. I-I didn't mean to. Y-You know I didn't mean to go that far, right?
Leo: Hey, hey. Of course I do Lu. I know you didn't mean it. You're just stressed and nervous. I get it.
He patted her head to assure her everything was fine. She continued to sniffle and cry, before she began to calm down.
Leo: Oh Lu, you've come such a long way from that little shy girl that I used to know. I remember how much it meant to you when you first saw Mick Swagger and discovered music to be your passion. And I'm proud to see how hard you've worked and continue to make your dream a reality. I just want you to know that no matter what I'll always be proud of you Lu. So don't stress and do things that you might regret later.
Luna smiled and still hugged him as he hugged her back.
Luna: T-Thanks bro. You're right. I guess the stress has just been getting to me. I'm sorry. But what should I do?
Leo shrugged his shoulders.
Leo: To be honest Lu, I don't know what to say. I know when I was stressed with coming up with ideas, I remembered something Ernest Hemingway would say.
Luna: And what was that?
Leo: He said, "I would walk along the quais when I had finished work, or when I was trying to think something out." So I'd take a walk and let my thoughts rest. Then I'd have my Aha moments. So all I can say to you, my little rockstar... is to maybe stop. Listen to your heart, and slowly build from there.
Luna looked down and thought about his words. Leo leaned and kissed the top of her head. Then ruffled her hair.
Leo: I know you'll think of something Lu. So I'll leave you at that... but you still owe dad and everyone else an apology. I won't pester you about it, so let you decide when you want to say it. Until then I'll be down stairs with the others. So I'll see you later Lu.
Leo left and went to go back practicing with the family band. Luna thought about what her brother told her.
Luna: *sigh* When he's right, he's right! As always. Maybe I just need a change of scenery.
Luna was now at the Eat Diner and Coffee Shop.
She was still struggling to come up with lyrics. She tore off her latest draft and tossed it right into a stranger's soup.
Luna: Oh. Sorry, dude.
Stranger: No worries. What are you writing?
Luna: It's supposed to be a song. But I'm wicked blocked.
Stranger: Maybe I can help. I'm dabbled in music myself. Have a seat.
Luna sat down in the booth and picks up a fry.
Luna: You gonna finish that, brah?
Stranger: It's all yours. So, what's going on?
Luna: I really gotta kill it with this song. And everything I write is garbage. I actually tried to rhyme with YOLO.
Stranger: (cringing) Ooh...
Luna: I know, right? You mind?
The stranger handed her his soup which she slurps up.
Stranger: So, what's so important about this song?
Luna slammed her bowl down, knocking the spoon away, with her mouth covered in food. Before she wiped it away with a napkin.
Luna: I'm supposed to perform at the Family Fun Fair tonight, and Mick Swagger's gonna be there! It's my only chance to impress him! So, I gotta be my very best!
Stranger: Oh... Wasn't it Mick Swagger who said "Rock and roll isn't about being the best, it's about having fun"?
Luna: Yeah... heh. That's kinda what my brother said to me.
Stranger: Did he now?
Luna: Yeah. I owe him so much. If it weren't for him, I never would've discovered my love for rock music.
Stranger: How's that?
Luna: I wouldn't want to bore ya' with it.
Stranger:Well I've got nowhere to be for a long while. I had a brother myself who always was there for me. Tell me about it! You and your brother.
Luna: *sigh* It started when I was nine years old. Back during the Summer of Seventh grade.
Shows a younger Luna with longer hair and in a purple dress and real earrings, attending her first concert. Leo was with her, with shorter hair, wearing black jeans, a gray shirt and was wearing the red hat that he would give Lana.
(imagine young Leo standing next to her left)
Luna: (offscreen) It was my very first concert. My big bro Leo took me to see it cause his favorite band, Motörhead, was touring with Mick Swagger. The Gimme Swelter Tour. Up until that muggy June night, I didn't know who I wanted to be. But my brother felt seeing it was just what I needed to discover myself. He wasn't wrong, and the moment Mick and the boys took the stage, it all started to become clear.
It was a hot June night
When she saw the light
Up until then she didn't know what was right
She showed up at the show
All confused and alone
She had no idea what was about to unfold
During the show, Luna started tapping her foot to the beat and came up to the stage and took Mick's hand.
Luna: (offscreen) It was like he was talking to me.
A citizen of the rock and roll nation
Total mutation
Mick spun Luna around and turned her into the Luna Loud that we all know and love. Looking back to the crowd she saw Leo smiling approvingly and proud. Giving his sister a thumbs up.
Flashback end
Luna: After that I discovered who I was. I know it's only rock and roll, but I love it. And when my brother knew it, he went out of his way to help me embrace it. He got me my first guitar when my tenth birthday came not long after, and he helped me learn how to play it like a pro. Practice taught me everything I know about rockin' out.
Stranger: Had yourself a real spiritual reawakening then. That's actually good to hear, nice to know someone like Mick can have that kind of inspiration on others. You said your brother took you cause Motörhead was jamming that night as well?
Luna: Ah man, like you wouldn't believe. Leo's got a few bands he loves to rock to. Sabaton, Metallica, Gloryhammer, Nighwish, Brothers of Metal. But Motörhead... ah man, that was his all time fave. We used to jam to so many songs, he knew 'em all by heart.
Luna's expression suddenly turned down, and was solemn as she remembered what happened.
Luna: But when Lemmy finally bit the big one... dude, I never saw my big brah so down. He didn't come out of his room for two days, me, my siblings, and my parents tried to make him feel better. But in the end all we could do was just... we just had to let him grieve.
Stranger: I'll say. The world of rock n' roll all mourned that day when Lemmy passed. He was the godfather of heavy metal, a pioneer and an inspiration. So many musicians today wouldn't be here if it weren't for him.
Luna: You say it like you knew 'em.
Stranger: My brother did. He was a roadie for Motörhead. I met him a few times as well. Comes off as a bit prude, but when you get the nitty gritty, you realize he's not so bad a bloke. He's just brutally honest and liked to live life his way. I remember an old quote he once said... "Rock n' roll's had a good time out of me-and I've had a very good time out of rock n' roll."
Luna: Heh, Leo said the same thing when I first struggled learning to jam. He also told me "Sis, if you're passionate about something, just make sure that there are two things to keep in mind. Make sure that you love it, and that you're having fun while doing it."
Stranger: Sounds like your brother is quite the wise one?
Luna: *sigh* Yeah. Like you wouldn't believe. He's always been there for me and the rest of our family. Always being one to offer wisdom even when we didn't ask, but knows we can use. And he always made sure we were having fun, no matter what.
Stranger: Well, when was the last time you had fun?
Luna remembered that the last time she had fun was when she was rocking out with Leo, and then when she was in the family band, which made her realize what was more important. And what Leo was trying to tell her.
Luna: Dude! I gotta go!
She ran off... but came back, grabbed another fry, and ran off again.
The stranger meanwhile chuckled and thought to himself.
Stranger: 'Heh, it's been so long since your passin' Lems... but even beyond the grave you're still passin' some of your teachins to us all. Even if you hated it.'
Later, at the family fun fair...
Rita: (excited) Ooh! Look at my little rock stars!
Lucy: My real genre is death metal.
Rita: SO CUTE!
Leo was tuning up his guitar, but was clearly feeling blue
Lincoln: Hey, Leo. Either something's bugging you, or you're actually playing the blues.
Leo: *sigh* You're not wrong Linc. It's just... *sigh* I'm just wondering about-
Lori: Luna? Forget her, she doesn't care about our music.
Leo: Guys look I get it. I know you guys are mad at her, and so was I for a moment... but you gotta understand she was just stressed out. You know if there's one thing Luna and I both love, it's rock n' roll. It's what makes her and I stay close and connected. And I know how much Mick Swagger means to her. He's her idol, her hero. A chance to meet him and make an impression would make her whole life. I can sympathize. I mean wouldn't you guys feel the same way if it was your idol/hero.
The Loud siblings thought about what he said as a familiar rocker appeared.
Luna: DUDES! You got room for one more?
Leo: Lu!
Leo ran up to hug Luna, and she hugged him back with as much love and enthusiasm.
Leo: I'm glad to see you, my little rockstar. I'm glad you made the right decision in coming here.
Luna: Thanks brah. Honestly, you were right. You gave me a deep lesson and a lot to think about. It just took me a while to really understand it. So thanks big dude.
Leo: Anytime sis.
But when they pulled away, she saw the rest of their siblings were still not happy to see her.
Lincoln: What about impressing Mick? We don't wanna 'hold you back'.
Luna: Look guys... I'm real sorry about all that stuff I said. I acted like a real bonehead today. I forgot the one rule of rock and roll. It doesn't matter if I don't play my best for Mick. All that matters is having fun. And the only time I have fun is doing it with you guys. So, what do you say? Will you take me back?
There was a moment of silence.
Lincoln: (elated) Heck yeah! It wouldn't be a family band without you!
Luan: Grab some sheet music!
As Luna does as her roommate says, Luan plays the whoopee cushion on cue once again. They all laugh at that gesture.
Luna: Wait. It's not a family band yet. Where's Dad?
Rita: The place he always goes when he's sad: the Whirl-n'-Twirl.
Luna quickly hurried over to the Whirl-n'-Twirl and found her father there, still lamenting over getting kicked out of the band
Luna: DAD, I'M SORRY! (waits for him to pass around again given the ride's motions) PLEASE COME BACK TO THE BAND! (waits for another lap) IT WON'T BE FUN... (waits again) ... WITHOUT YOU!
Lynn Sr.: (passing) YOU MEAN IT?!
Luna: (on his next lap) YES!
The operator does so and that caused Lynn Sr. to launch out and land with a thud.
Lynn Sr.: Apology accepted! (tears open his band member uniform and starts jamming once again) THE BELL IS BACK!
Luna: Mom... we're gonna need you, too!
Luna held out a tambourine.
Rita: Oh, honey. But I don't know how to play.
Lincoln: That's okay. Neither do we.
Leo: Speak for yourselves.
Luna: But we're gonna have fun!
Leo: Just like how we originally planned to. So... Let's rock and roll, Loud family!!!!!
Rita grabbed the tambourine and started dancing to the beat with her husband as they bumped their rumps together.
Lisa: (somewhat frightened) Heaven help us... it is contagious.
Leo: Just try not think about it too much Lis. Trust me. I'm learning.
The family was now performing on stage with Luna as lead singer.
Luna: Plastic bag blowing in the gutter / Lost and alone like toast without butter!
Leni: (walking backwards) Hey, guys! I'm a backup dancer!
Then she carelessly fell off the stage.
Lincoln: Luna! Take a solo!
Luna: Nah. This is a family band, dude!
Lincoln: Yeah, but you're the only one who can actually play.
Leo: No she isn't.
Leo began to play a solo, while still standing still.
Luna: Wicked bro!
She followed her brother and began to rock on.
Luna: Dad! Cowbell Solo!
Lynn Sr.: Seriously?! I knew this day would come! Okay, here we go!
He performs his solo. The song's over and the crowd loved the Loud's performance. The stranger from the diner was also there to see Luna.
Stranger: Hey, mate! You guys looked like you were having fun out there!
Luna: We were.
Stranger: And you two were brilliant. You've got real talent.
Leo: Much appreciated, stranger.
Luna: And thanks for that little talk back at the restaurant. It really helped straighten me out. I was being horrible to my family just to impress a guy that didn't even show up.
Stranger: Oh, I wouldn't say that.
The stranger then revealed himself to be none other than...
...Mick Swagger!!!
Luna: (stammering with awe) Muh-muh-muh-muh-muh-muh...
Lynn Sr.: Hey, honey. Got us funnel cakes. Who's this?
Mick revealed his face again.
Mick: The name's Mick Swagger, mate! And you were great, too! I loved that passion on the cowbell!
Luna & Lynn Sr.: (stammering) Muh-muh-muh-muh-muh-muh...
Leo: Heh, Mick Swagger. It's been a long time, last time I saw you was eight years back in the summer. You and Motörhead were touring together. It's an honor to meet you face to face this time. You're the one who inspired my little sister to become the rock star that she is today. I honestly can't thank you enough.
Mick: Ah, no worries. But honestly, I can't take all the credit. Your sister told me how you were the one that taught her everything she knows about rockin' out. You're a good brother mate, and that's a nice family you got. I'm sure you'll stay close to them.
He places his hand on his shoulder.
Leo: Always. Even if they can be a pain sometimes.
Mick: (noticing the funnel cakes) Are you gonna finish those?
Leo: Considering my dad and sis aren't able to speak, yeah sure go ahead.
Mick: Thanks!
He takes them. But stops and ponders something for a bit. Then turned back to Leo.
Mick: By the way, 'fore I go, I was wondering... you wouldn't mind giving one more performance now would you?
Leo: Say what now?
Mick: Your sister said you've played some of Motörhead's best hits and know all the lyrics. Lemmy was actually a good friend of mine, and after talking about him all day... I actually wouldn't mind a jam of his right now.
Leo: Well I-I mean, I don't know. It's been so long since I've actually sung that loud.
Mick: Hey! Lem's wasn't so hot either when Hawkwind kicked him to the curb. But that didn't stop him from trying. Besides, I believe he once said, 'If you think you're too old for rock n' roll, then you are.'
Leo thought for a bit. Then smiled.
Leo: *sigh* Okay sure. I guess one song wouldn't be so bad. Only if you don't mind playing drums.
Mick: Mate please. (Mick pulled out two drumsticks and twirled them in his hand before holding them like chopsticks) In my first band I was drummer 'fore I moved on to lead singer.
Leo: Hey Luna!
Luna was still stammering before Leo flicked her nose to snap her out of it.
Luna: Ow! Hey!
Leo: You can yell at me later. Feel like jamming out with me and Mick for one song.
Leo held out Luna's guitar. She was wide eyed and was breathing heavily. Before Leo flicked her nose again and made her calm down.
Leo whispered to Luna the song he had in mind, then asked Mick if he knew it. Which he did. After getting the crowd to calm down everyone gathered to listen, especially the Loud family.
Leo: Alright, so this a personal favorite of mine and my little sisters... and I'd like to dedicate it to a man who not only changed my life, but I'm sure he also did so many others. Even if it wasn't his intention.
Leo adjusted the microphone to go high, where he lifted his head and neck up.
Leo nodded his head, and Mick began beating the drums. As Leo and Luna began to play out their guitar strings.
(Insert 'Rock N Roll Music' by Motörhead)
Time goes by real slow, and you know how it feels
Time goes by in its own bad way, your life stuck under the wheels
Time is tight but that's alright, we give it room to breathe
Time crawls by and time's real sly, but you can keep time with me
Rock 'n' Roll music is the true religion
Never let you down, you can dance to the rhythm
Stay home and watch it on your television
Walk out across the sky
Rock 'n' Roll even gonna set you free
Make the lame walk and the blind to see
Gonna take you back to where you wanna be
Do it till the day I die
We can shake it all night long, everybody got to dance
Romantic fool trying to be cool, hoping he's in with a chance
Get out tonight, high as a kite, under the yellow moon
Make you feel good, get some real wood, put that together real soon
Rock 'n' Roll music is the true religion
Never let you down, you can dance to the rhythm
Stay home and watch it on your television
Walk out across the sky
Rock 'n' Roll even gonna set you free
Make the lame walk and the blind to see
Gonna take you back to where you wanna be
Do it till the day I die
(Guitar solo)
Rock music can wake the dead
You know it's true when it fills your head
Better remember what I said
You never get enough
When the band hits the road
That's the time to save your soul
That's the time to reach for the gold
You know it aint so tough
Rock 'n' Roll music is my religion
I don't need no miracle vision
I don't need no indecision
Look me right in the eye
Rock 'n' Roll music gonna set you free?
Know its gonna knock you outta your tree
Gonna get you right to where you wanna be
Do it till the day I die
Rock 'n' Roll
Rock 'n' Roll
Rock 'n' Roll
Rock 'n' Roll, dance to the music
Rock 'n' Roll, you know you can't refuse it
Rock 'n' Roll, don't you abuse it
Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll, Rock 'n' Roll, save your soul
Everyone cheered and clapped. Leo took a bow as did Luna and Mick.
Mick: Not bad mate. You've got some talent. No doubt Lems would actually give you a nod of approval. I know I do. And Luna, I'll be keeping an ear out for ya' in the future. Cheers, mates!
Mick left and Luna stammered again after getting a compliment from her idol. Her father was also still stuttering after seeing his son and daughter rock out with Mick Swagger. Until finally the both suddenly fainted. Leo chuckled and smiled.
But no one noticed him rubbing his thoroughly and coughing a bit. When he stopped he kept up his smile and did his best to get his sister and dad back to the rest of the Loud family.
Above all else, today was a good day.
The End
a/n: Originally I was gonna do Bros About to Rock, but could only think that the only time Leo would be featured would be in Luna's flashback. Which I thought would be a waste, so I decided to incorporate it into House Music. Plus, I thought it would be nice for Mick to know just how much of an impact he had on a fan of his. Also, I knew this was the episode I wanted to feature Leo actually having a part in showing off his singing skills and why Luna misses the days when they would jam out and rock out together.
Dedicated to
Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister
December 24, 1945-December 28, 2015
The Godfather of Heavy Metal
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